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Saru pays hotel manager for protesting against AJ. Laxmi come there. She says you did all this? Saru says we dont get anything in this house. we need our rights.

AJ says listen to me. You don’t have to trouble yourself because of me nothing will happen to me because truth always win. Guddan says I worry for you too like you worry for me. He dresses her wounds. AJ says I don’t want you in trouble. Constable says your meeting time is over. Guddan leave. Guddan says I will do whatever it takes. No one can stop me. I wont let you stay here. She says I know how truthful you are. She leaves.

Guddan come home and prays for AJ. She call everyone. Guddan says I think you should go and make food for AJ. She says he need us. He need all of us. Will you help me? Saru says how? She says we all have to show he can never do anything like that. Saru says we can’t help you in all this. Durga come there. Durga says we will all help you. This is everyone’s responsibility. Tell us what to do. Dadi says where is AJ? Guddan says he will be home soon. We are not alone. They all stand together holding hands.

Durga says Guddan try to recall. Guddan says I am trying. Durga says I knew you can’t do this. Guddan says it is about saving AJ. I can do this. She says I was talking to that girl then two men came, they hit me and took her they took name of a place. Let’s go there.

Rawat come to AJ and says you will never be out of here. Rawat give his phone to him. He calls Guddan. Guddan says I will come to court. I won't let you get in any trouble alone. He says you don’t get in any trouble because of me. Don’t come to court. You dont’ deserve all this. She says you also don't deserve all this. I will come there with the right proofs and witnesses.

The hearing starts. Dadi hug AJ in court room. Rawat’s lawyer come there and says I have this recording in which Antara said she was killed by AJ. He had always been violent.

Guddan and the DILs are looking for the girl at a desserted place. Laxmi says my feet hurt already. Guddan sees some thugs. She says how will I get in? If I call police they might hurt her.

The lawyer plays Antara’s recording. AJ’s lawyer says this doesn’t prove anything. Who knows if this recording is true. AJ is a very decent man. Rawat’s lawyer says so Antara would lie? And he kidnapped his wife’s sister to marry her. Ask Guddan. Where is she? Tell me if this is true or not?

Guddan and DILs come to the thugs. They say we are the dancers. We entertain people to get some money. Please let us dance so we can have dinner today. The thugs ask them to dance. They dance. Guddan sneak in to see where the girl is. 
Everything is going against AJ in court. While other thugs are busy with DILs, Guddan look for the girl. She hears her crying. Guddan sees her and come to her. She says I will take you out of here don’t worry. They run but a thug stops them and put a gun on them.

The thugs come towards Guddan and the girl. Guddan fool him and run with the girl from there. The thug says my head hurts. What did they mix in our drinks. He takes out knife. The DILs are scared. Guddan hits his head and says lets run. Guddan holds the shelter gate and asks them four to run. The thug calls Rawat and says Durga and Guddan got the girl from here. He says the time is almost over. They wont be able to save AJ. Durga is driving. Laxmi says please drive with care. Rawat stops their car. He says come out of the car. Rawat says you thought you could take her from there.. He takes out a girl from the car but it is Saru. Rawat says where is Divya? Durga says where she should should be.

Divya and Guddan are on scooter. The judge says keeping all the proofs and witnesses in mind this court.. Guddan comes in with Divya on scooter. She says here is the proof of AJ’s innocent. I know I shouldn’t have bring the bike here. Judge says but the court time is over. Guddan says wait for few seconds will you punish an innocent man? He says no I will give you a chance. He summons Divya to witness box. Rawat come to the court room. Divya says I am a voice over artist. Rawat paid me money to record that disk. He got me kidnapped and then Guddan saved me. Judge says Rawat is she right? The court respectfully leave AJ and arrests Rawat. They take his license. Everyone hug AJ. AJ look at Rawat. Guddan says Rawat stop. Don’t be angry. Antara would have done the same. Hate doesn’t do good to anyone. You better go away from here. Rawat says I won't come back to this city. but think.. What if he finds out you have been collecting proofs for me? Guddan says go from here. Let us live. AJ come out. Rawat says she is asking me to leave the city. AJ says we are family. You are still family. Rawat says after Antara's death there is nothing between us. I hope he keeps you happy Guddan. He leaves. Dadi says he has gone crazy. Guddan says in heart I should tell him the truth.

Jindal's comes back home. Dadi says Guddan I am so proud of you. Guddan says DILs made it possible. AJ says one DIl did more than she should have. Saru says I am sorry. She says restaurant was in danger so.. AJ says it's okay. Dadi says all good now. They do pooja together.
AJ takes Guddan to her room. He says after what you have done for my family I am very grateful to you. You can do anything. She says I want to learn how to make cake. He says I will teach you.

Dadi come and says husband and wife are making cake. Dadi says where is your mangalsutra? Go bring it. Revati calls Guddan. She says AJ is teaching me how to make cake. Guddan says in heart I will tell AJ everything. Guddan comes to AJ and says please tie my mangalsutra. He breaks it in anger. Everyone comes. he says you have no right to wear it. Guddan is dazed. She says please listen.. Durga says stop this drama. You thought you could fool us. We all trusted you and you did this with us? Guddan says lie? Durga says you were with Rawat. You knew he was doing all this and you were helping him with the proofs. I heard you talking to him. AJ says is that true? Guddan says but... He says yes or no. She says yes. Guddan says please listen.. He says I don’t want to hear a word. AJ leave in anger. Durga says I always asked you to tell me what the truth is. We are defamed in the whole city but you didn’t care. Guddan says Dadi would you listen to me.. Dadi says I don’t trust you anymore. Don’t talk to. She leave.

Guddan is in tears. She picks her mangalsutra. AJ breaks things in anger. He says why did you do this Guddan. Guddan comes in. She says I know you are mad at me. He says I always trusted you when the whole world didn’t and what did you do? You broke my trust. Guddan is crying. She says I am very sorry please listen to me once. He says I don’t want to hear to anything. Go from here. Guddan is crying.

Guddan sits in the temple. She says lord Krishna why did all this happen? I thought everything was good and I would tell everything to AJ. But then.. Perv come and says I feel so bad for you. Perv syas poor AJ. His wife was spying on him. Revati come and blackens his face she says don't ever dare annoy my sister again. Perv says you will pay fo this. He leave in anger. Guddan hug Revati crying. She says I don’t know what to do. Revati says you didnt do anything wrong. I am with you. Guddan hug her crying.

Guddan says dadi it is your medicine time. She says is there anyone in this house who can give me my medicines. Guddan says you are mad at me not the medicines. Durga comes and gives dadi medicines. Dadi takes it from her. Guddan says please give me one chance to speak. Dadi says I always gave you chances and what did you do? |You hid it all. I supported you and you did this to AJ? I can never forget it. Guddan says be mad at me but please don’t make me feel like a stranger. Dadi says you broke my trust. Everyone warned me about you now I know how right they were. I was wrong. Don’t even show me your face. Dadi leaves. Durga hug Guddan. She says you proudly said you can be responsible MIL? You don’t have to do all this. Forget all this and start your life afresh. You will be happy she says there is no room for you in our hearts now.

Revati comes to deliver a cake at a hotel room. Kaushaliya call her. She says I am at hotel to deliver cake. Prev opens the door. She says you.. He says yes I ordered it. she says how dare you call me with a wrong name. Do you have any shame. She is leaving. Perv holds her hand. he says you are getting me wrong. He says I know I have done so wrong. I want to be a good man and give my wife time now. I called you here to show you that I have changed. I decorated this room for her. Waiter comes and gives him the gift he ordered. He says you must really love your wife. Perv says I think you don’t trust me. Let me get your money. Sidhi is there. Perv takes out a bottle from his pocket. He says you will leave from here only when I want.

Guddan Air On Zee World From Mondays To Sundays At 6pm & 7pm 

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