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AJ returns Guddan's phone. It falls from Guddan’s hand. they both bend down to pick it. Guddan comes downstairs and is leaving. Dadi waves her good bye. Guddan looks back and steps out she recalls her moments in that house. Guddan steps out. Dadi look at AJ in tears.

AJ comes to his room and recalls Guddan having fun with Kathor, breaking things. He lock the door. He says to Antara’s photo this isn’t my mistake. Why are you and Antra looking at me like this? I told mom that I can’t give your space to anyone? Have you seen Guddan? She is completely opposite of me. It's etter she left. I can’t be in this relationship with someone else.

Saru and laxmi say to Durga come today is the day to celebrate. she has left the house. Durga says we have to make sure she has left the house. she can come back anytime. You know she is Guddan. Saru says see let’s count till 10. They count till 10. Guddan comes in saying dadi.. DILs are dazed. Durga says I knew we can’t get rid of you. What is the reason? She says I thought I would leave. I sat in rickshaw. Papa called and said I can’t step out of the house if I do my in laws would suffer. I can’t let you be in trouble. So I came back here. Dadi says Gudda.. Guddan hug her. Dadi says you came back? Guddan says papa called and said savisati started. So I came back. I will go back in 3 days. Durga says we don’t believe in all this. Dadi says but her family does. Dadi says come let me get you food.
Dadi takes Guddan to room. She says tell me the truth how you came back so fast? I know you don’t believe in all this. Guddan says I am saying the truth. Dadi says tell me then or I will call your father back. Guddan says the reason is something else. She says I came back because of your eyes. Guddan says I saw truth and worried eyes. His eyes ere full of truth. I saw eyes of Revati’s kidnapper. His eyes were completely different. I have to find out who that person was. Dadi says I know you can find out. I am with you. Dadi hug her.

Durga says we have to find out what is she back for. There is a reason that she is hiding. Saru says we will make her leave the house again. Laxmi says she can’t live in this house. We will find out why she came back.
AJ is in his room. He looks at Guddan’s bed. he recalls scolding her. AJ looks at her cot in the gallery. He fixes the sheet. Guddan comes and says yeah yeah you are doing right. Finally your learned. I wasn’t here. Who were you fixing it for? He says I don’t like messed room. He says you left no? Were you lying? She shakes head. AJ says do you like all this? She tells him the same reason. He says explain me this concept. He says you are lying. You chew your nails when you lie. I know you are lying. Guddan says I am here to save you from that accusation. He says what?

Guddan says I know you didn’t kidnap Revati. He says you accused me of that. I don’t care what you think because I know I didn’t do anything. Guddan says I am trying to prove you innocent and you are being so rude. He says I don’t need your favor. Saru tries to listen. She falls and hangs with balcony. Saru falls down. Laxmi says are you okay? She says I was trying to listen in. Laxmi takes her inside. Guddan says I saw truth in your eyes. My heart thinks you can’t do anything. But brain believes in proofs. AJ says my brain also says you married for money but heart says something else. But I believe brain because if works on facts. Guddan says I will prove you that heart always wins over brain.

Dadi says to AJ I am glad Guddan came back. AJ says she is here to prove that an innocent person is innocent? Dadi says she has a good mission. Let her do it. She was insulted here and she is still here for you. AJ says yea keep your Guddan. Dadi prays for Gudda and AJ.

Guddan try to cook. She says I have to do something to find the real culprit and prove him innocent. dadi says you are making pakoray. I don’t think you can do this. Let me make it for you. Guddan says wow. Dadi helps her in cooking. Guddan says I will make your video and put it on internet. Guddan shows her the video. Guddan says I have an idea to find out.. Laxmi is trying to listen. Guddan drops the box of spices. It goes in Laxmi’s eyes. She rush to wash it. Guddan says if I check wedding videos I will find some proof.

Saru and laxmi fall on each other. Durga sees them. She says you two are good for nothing. Saru says Guddan was talking about some video. Durga says what is she cooking?
Kaushaliya says to perv this is our pandit. He will tell you the date of your wedding. Perv says in heart she is trying to trap me. pandit ji says after one month. Revati gives him tea. Perv says find a date in a week. Pandit says next week is a good time. perv says great.

Guddan has AJ’s laptop. She didn’t save his presentation. He says are you crazy? Guddan says i am doing something important. I am finding proofs to prove you innocent. he says are you crazy? She says I will do what am I here for. AJ says I have no interest in being innocent in front of you. Guddan says this is about my sister too. that person is responsible for all this mess. I have to find out. She is in tears. AJ says stop crying. Take this laptop and be the detective. Durga is peeking in. she wonders what is Guddan looking for. Guddan finds a video.

Durga says what does that guddan want? Guddan comes. Durga says what now? You are a guest here. She says let me do what am I here for. She says I wanna show you something so you know why I came here. Durga says you are a liar anyway. She is leaving. Guddan holds her hand. She says you need to see this video. Guddan shows her the vdeo. Someone mixes something in Revati’s drink. She says someone did that and forced me to marry. I know AJ can never do that but then who did this? You have to help me find out. For AJ. Saru comes in and says don’t expect any help from us. Laxmi sasy our shoe wont help you either. I can’t see because of you. You harmed me. Guddan says what did I do? Lets go to doctor. Saru says stop this drama. Laxm says I don’t need any help from you. I can’t see because of you. Guddan says when did I say you need my help. I only needed help from Durga. Laxmi says we three do things together. Guddan says I was asking for this house. I thought for AJ you would help me. she walks out. Durga says I will help you. If you are right then I don’t mind. Guddan says high five. Durga says I am doing all this for AJ. Guddan says I have planned everything. I will tell you. Durga says to Saru and Laxmi I am doing all this for. Guddan’s sister was abducted. We can keep an eye on her this way. She lied to us. She wanted our money. She wont win till I am there. Saru says wow you are so clever.

AJ is sleeping. Guddan sees his eyes. She says those eyes were like of a devil.. AJ’s eyes are innocent. She tries to take his book. He pulls hand Guddan’s hand goes under him. Guddan takes her hand off slowly.

Guddan comes to kitchen. Perv comes and says why are you so scared? I came here for water. It is so hot. Guddan is leaving. He says we can be there for each other in nights like these. Your husband is useless. She says you are a fox and he is a lion. Better be scared of him. Perv pulls her hand. He says wow I got scared. Tell me why are you worried? I am a policeman. I can help you. She says I don’t need your help. He says your sister is so loving.. Guddan hits him. She says don’t take her name from your dirty tongue. she leaves. Perv says you will see when I marry her.

Durga tries to wake Guddan up. Durga gets scared and says what are you doing in my room? She says those eyes.. I drew them. These are of the man who kidnapped her. I don’t know who he is. I need your help. That person wanted me to marry AJ. Why would anyone want that? Kishor wakes up. Durga takes Guddan outside and say a lot of people came in that wedding. How many eyes will you see? Se says we can invite all those people.

AJ comes downstairs and sees the whole house decorated. Guddan is arranging things. AJ says what is all this for? She says it is our reception. He says what? She says this is my plan. People will have to come to reception that kidnapper would come to and I will catch him. If he doesn’t come I will even know that way. Laxmi says tell her this is stupidity. Saru says yes. AJ says what happened to you two? Guddan says it is because of me. Saru says please stop this party. We are not well. AJ says to Guddan you said it was a secret. This party is a stupid idea. she says I did all these decorations. I am very smart. Don’t take me lightly. Dress up, don’t be boring. He says I wont do anything. Dadi says why wont you? AJ says you are with her in all this? Dadi says of course I am and so should you. GUddan says you are right. Se says I will find that kidnapper and prove you innocent. AJ says okay do what you want. I wish you all the best.

Revati calls Guddan. She says today is my reception. Revaiti says now? Kashaliya says it is your reception and you didn’t even tell us? Guddan says you can’t come it is okay. Kaushaliya says we will come obviously. Kaushaliya asks Revati to get ready. Guddan receives her parcel.

Perv comes and sees the house decorated. He says why so decorated? Perv sees the sketch of eyes on the paper. He sees eyes on brown paper. Guddan says it will be a masquerade party. She gives masks to everyone. Perv is scared. He recalls kidnapping Revati. Perv sees saru and says what is all this? She says Guddan wants everyone to come and wants to check everyone’s eyes. She has got masks so she can identify the kidnapper. Perv is dazed.

Laxmi says how do I look? Saru laughs at her makeup. Laxmi says please fix this. Saru fixes her makeup. Durga says no kidnapper ever came to this house. All of this party is useless. Saru says we have to teach her a lesson. Guddan collides with Perv. She says can’t you see. He says I am in front of you can’t see either. She makes him wear the masks. Perv stops her hand.

Guddan Air On Zee World From Mondays To Sundays At 6pm & 7pm

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