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Rawat look at Antara’s photo and says I know AJ is behind your death. I will have to find that locker. He look around in AJ’s room. He look everywhere for the locker. Guddan comes in. She says what are you doing here? She says this is my room and what is all this mess? He says my sister recorded something before her death. She says why would anyone keep it in locket? He says because it's a secret. I want that secret. She says stop. Move away from here. Don’t touch things in AJ’s room. You know that he hates it. He says I know place of everything in this room. Guddan says no matter what you do I wont let you find it. AJ comes and says what is happening here? AJ looks at Guddan angrily. Rawat says Guddan was cleaning the room. Rawat leaves. Guddan says don’t be mad at me. This isn’t my work. He says leave it. He says why is nothing in place. She says I am leaving do it on your own. Guddan says how do I tell him what is happening. I can’t let him know yet.

At night, AJ wakes up and says where is Guddan gone. He looks around. Guddan says hello. He says why is AC off. She says it is so cold. I live in this room too. You have frozen me. He says give me the remote. He says I have another one. He opens the closet. Guddan says I have the keys. He says give me the keys back. He runs after her. She falls on him. He sleeps on her place. She says where will I sleep? He says give me my keys. She says where will I sleep? He says I don’t care.

Guddan comes downstairs. Durga says do you even know how to handle these keys? They were on the ground. Guddan says yeah I will learn. She takes the keys back. Durga says where are you going? She says kitchen. Durga says kitchen was on that side. Durga says in heart she is up to something. Guddan comes out. She feels cold. Rawat comes there. Guddan says stay away from me. And I will show you AJ is innocent. He says wont be able to prove it. Guddan says I trust him completely.

Guddan is asleep near pool side. AJ comes and says good morning. Why are you sleeping here? She says you said sleep anywhere. You are so heartless. You didn’t even check. He says I am sorry. Have this tea. She says is there 2tsp sugar? She was dreaming about it. AJ isn’t there. GUddan wake up and says he never came here?

Guddan comes to the room in anger. AJ ask what happened? She says you don’t know anything. Wait I will tell you. He says what do you want to say? She says did you know where was I all night? He says how would I know. Where were you? Guddan sneezes. She says I said I will sleep by the poolside. I slept by the poolside and now I am cold. She says you don’t care about anything but yourself. He says but.. She says enough. She leaves in anger. He says such a drama.

Guddan comes to hall. Rawat says AJ didn’t come? I told you. You lost the bet too. She says stand with this wall. Guddan says be like a wall. Don’t interfere in other people’s life. He says I know my words bother you. But smartness is to shake hands with me and leave AJ. She says I am telling you clearly that I am with AJ and will always be. He says are you in love with him? Guddan says think what you want but I trust AJ. He says okay. DSurga hear them. She wonder what truth were they talking about.

DILs serve food. Everything is uncooked. Guddan says what is all this? Rawant comes to AJ’s room and loos for the locker. Durga comes to the room and sees him looking for something. She says what are you doing in AJ’s room? He says came to meet AJ. Lost my phone looking for it. His phone ring. Durga says it is in your pocket. He says this age. He leave.

Guddan sneezes. Dadi says are you okay? Laxmi says no one told us what to make. Saru says yeah we thought we would be guided like this always. Guddan says enough. You leave no chances to annoy me. Go and make the food Durga wonders what is going on.
AJ give Guddan a kara. He says drink it. She says but I dont’ like it. AJ says don't say a word and drink it. Guddan drink it. He says I made this because you were not well. You could sleep anywhere. She says I will sleep at poolside today too. He leave.

Revati sees Perv. Perv says I was missing you so much. She says I was going to meet Guddan. She wasn’t well. He shout and says you have no time for me. Always Guddan Guddan.. Who am I? She won't ever let you live her life. She knew I was leaving Siddi. Your sister is playing a big game with you. She is evil she is step a sister at the end of the day. Revati slap him. She says enough. I won't hear a word against her. Perv says you slapped me for her? I know you love her but this won't change the truth. She says I trust my sister. She leave.

Kaushaliya says Guddan has made her crazy. Perv says I feel like Guddan slapped me. She will have to pay for it. I will make her pay for this by separating them.

Guddan come to pool side. AJ has created a beautiful bedroom for her there. He says did you like it? What happened suddenly. You chose that you will sleep in balcony. Gudadn says in heart how do I tell him about Rawat. She says balcony.. I don’t like it anymore. I am Guddan AJ. I don’t want to sleep. Guddan gives him pillows and say take them. She falls in bed with AJ. He gets up. Guddan leaves the blanket in the room.
Guddan is in the room, Rawant comes in. Guddan says when will you learn not to come to someone’s room without permission. He says I need my proof. Guddan says I trust him no matter what you say. She look at Antara’s picture. There is a code written on her picture. Rawat says tHank you for the code. Because of you I got the clue. Antra’s killer will be behind bars. He says you are a good citizen and I know you will take AJ behind bars. Guddan says yeah and open the locker and see if it has Antra’s message. AJ is coming upstairs. He says stop AJ if you want to know truth. Guddan comes out and falls. AJ holds her. She says I have sprained by ankle. AJ helps her with her sprain. Guddan try to waste his time. AJ says what is it? What are you up to? She says nothing. I am good. He says tell me what it is. I can see the tension on your face. Guddan is silent. Rawat opens the locket and finds a disk. He says it must have the recording. These are last words of my sister. They will be out soon.

AJ look around the room. Rawat is hanging from the balcony to hide. Guddan is scared. AJ pick up everything. He says madam what are you up to? She says what would I be up to? I am going to sleep. AJ try to sleep. He comes and sees Guddan sleeping without blanket. AJ cover her up with the blanket. He caresse her face. AJ’s watch get stuck in her hand. AJ try to pull it.

Rawat comes to Guddan and says you are still sleeping outside the room. He says here is the tea. Guddan wakes up scared and breaks the cup. She says stay away from me. He says your AJ will have a bad time now. Here is the proof I had been looking for. It has what my sister wanted to tell me. Guddan says it looks old. He says it was old disk. She says the store has more old stuff if you are interested in. He says we will see in jail. He leaves.

Dadi comes to Guddan and says what is all this? She says I can’t sleep in the room it was suffocating. Dadi says did you fight with AJ? She says yes. Dadi says come with me. Dadi says AJ my daughter in law is sleeping at the pool. He says I don’t even know the reason. Dadi says couldn’t you ask her? Guddan says it was so cold. Dadi says how can you let her sleep there in such cold? He say ask her. She can’t sleep in this room. She can sleep in balcony or near the pool. AJ leave. Guddan says see.

Durga sees Rawat with casette. Durga says are you on a secret mission in our house? He says we used to listen to music on it. He leaves. Durga says there is something he is hiding.

Guddan come to Rawat and says did you listen? Tell me too. Durga comes and says what do you want to make her listen? Old songs right? Play it I want to hear too. He plug in the casette and it doesn’t work. He says this is very old. So I think it isn’t working. Durgga leaves. Guddan says your proof didn’t work. He says I didn’t play it. I will make you listen first so you know AJ is a devil.

Guddan Air On Zee World From Mondays To Sundays At 6pm & 7pm 

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