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Guddan sleeps in balcony. Perv comes there. He caresses her face and says you shop of mistakes. How could he keep you away from him? I will do what he should have done. Guddan wakes up. she says AJ? How dare you come close to me? She sees his face. Its Perv. Guddan says how did you come to this house? Stay away from me. He laugh. He says I can’t stay away from you. He says are you ready to know my truth? Come with me. He hide. Guddan says where did you go. Where are you. He whistles. Guddan come down. She says there is something that AJ hid from you. A relationship that forced me to stay away from you. Guddan says where are you come in front of me. He laugh and says why are you in such a hurry? She says come out or.. He says or what? She says I will tell AJ you came here. He says go and tell AJ. Tell everyone. They wont say a word. You know why? Because I am member of their family. Guddan says shut up. He says I am Saru’s brother. Guddan is dazed. Lights turn on. She sees Perv in family photo. He says your AJ asked me to go away from here. On his expense. He knew if I am seen here you wont agree to marry him. What a brain he got. Amazing. Guddan is dazed. He says good night. We will be under the same roof. A wife, a gf and his sister. How lucky am I. He laughs. Guddan is about to burn Antra’ painting. AJ comes running and says how dare you. He stops it. She says painting wasn’t real. Relax. She takes out the real painting. She says I just wanted to tell you are not the only one who plays with other people’s hearts and emotions. AJ takes the painting. She says I couldn’t see your real face. You are a player. You lied so much to marry me. I never imagined this. You did all this drama with that Perv? You didn’t tell me he is your relative. You thought I would never know? You pretended to save my sister and on the other hand you played this game to marry me? I hate people like you. I will take my revenge staying in the same marriage. AJ is dazed. AJ says to Guddan I broke all relationships with him. I have nothing to do with him. You are the one who married me with all this drama not me.

Guddan comes downstairs. Laxmi says sasu ma you look sad. See all these sarees. You didn’t bring us anything. Durga says choose these sarees. Saru says she will like all of them. She has seen this for the first time. Saru says sad because nothing happened or a lot happened? Laxmi laughs. She says tell us sasu ma. AJ didn’t even touch you right? Guddan hand. she says he came close to me like this. Laxmi gets afraid. she says why are you coming near me. She says I like all of these sarees. Take them all to my room. Laxmi says all of these? Guddan says I am wife to the person whose money you spend. I can spend as much as I want. Durga says she has lost it. Nothing happened between them. AJ doesn’t consider her his wife. Guddan says I got all these chocolates for everyone. AJ comes and says what are you doing? She says have some chocolates It will add some sweetness to your personality. Eat please. He eats it. Guddan gives him whole box. She says happy diwali. He says happy diwali and leaves. Dadi says you did right. Prev says yes dadi. He comes with his wife. His wife says she is such a young sasu ma. Perv says yes she is. He touches Guddan’s feet. Guddan grasp his hair and says stay blessed. Don’t worry about your sister Guddan. I wont let anything happen to your sister. Have some sweet. Our new relationship will be filled with sweetness. You can’t say no to prasad. Guddan takes prasad from him. AJ puts his hand on hers and takes it.

Guddan comes to Revati. She says who are you didi. Guddan says Perv will come to meet you. Don’t meet him. You have to tell me. He came to my house. Revati says where? Guddan says in my house. He is Saru’s brother.
Perv says to Kaushaliya I love your daughter. I will meet her. Kaushaliya says shame on you. You are married. Perv says you can’t separate us. Go and ask your daughter. She loves me equally. And yes I am married. That marriage is just of name. I can leave her anytime. Gudda says you have to be very careful Revati. Whatever he says please don’t trust him. Promise me you wont. Revati holds her hand. Guddan hug her and says don't worry. As long as I am alive nothing will happen to you. Don’t ever let him come near you. Keep your promise. Perv shows kaushaliya gold jewelry. He says if I didn’t love her why would I bring all this? I will do anything for her happiness. Just think who will you find like me? The one who is rich and loves your daughter. Revati will be in far more luxury than Guddan.

AJ comes to Guddan, he tries to wake her but she is fast asleep mistaking him to be Revati. He touched her again to wake her up but she his shirt AJ falls on her. She wakes up shocked they share eyelock. She ask him what are you doing? AJ says I have no interest in all this. Ma is outside here to meet you. She shouldn’t know you are sleeping here. Guddan wonders why. Guddan says dadi.. Dadi says this sargi is for you. Its karwa chauth tomorrow. This is your first karwa chauth. We will celebrate a lot. Get ready and come downstairs. She leaves. AJ says you don’t need to fast for me. She says why would I fast for you? I will say no to dadi. Dadi says eat this sargi Guddan. You will do pooja with AJ. Saru says but Durga does this pooja every year. Dadi says this time Guddan will do it. Guddan looks at AJ. Guddan says I will fast if you want Dadi. Laxmi says do something Durga. Durga says wait for the right time. Don’t be impatient. She can’t do anything. We don’t have to do anything. She will ruin everything herself. Laxmi says I won't let her fast.

Guddan googles how to eat sargi. She does the steps. Guddan says how will I do it. Perv comes and turns on the fan. Spices go in Guddan’s eyes. He says I am glad to have a sasu ma like you. She says why did you turn on the fan? He says for cold air. Let me clean your eyes so you can see me. She says behave with manners. Perv says but no one considers you saas here. But I do. If you want I can accept you as anything. Perv’s wife comes. She says you are still here? Guddan says taking blessings from the mother in law. Guddan says touch my feet. He has to touch Guddan’s feet. She steps on his hand. perv’s wife says she is such a nice and young sasu ma. Perv says yeah I like her too.
Guddan sees water. Dadi says you can’t drink before evening. Guddan sees paratha everywhere. She sees paratha in AJ. She says I will eat you. He puts hand on her mouth and says what are you doing? Guddan says I thought paratha.. He says why do you fast when you can’t. Dadi says she will prove everyone wrong. She can do anything. At 8 Guddan can eat. Come home on time. He says there is work in restaurant. I will be late. Dadi says don’t worry. He will come on time. Guddan says I don’t think so.

Kaushaliya comes for pooja. Dadi says welcome. I thought you wont come. You didn’t send her the thaal. Kaushaliya says we were busy in shifting. Was busy in work. Dadi says Durga come here. Dadi says Durga there should be no shortcoming in their serving. Durga says for sure. They serve refreshments to Guddan’s family. Durga says please eat. today is karwa chauth but doesn’t look like you are fasting. Also you might not have tried anything like this. Dadi says she means please don’t be hesitant. Kaushaliya says I am diabetic. Bhushan says I want to meet Guddan. she will be surprised to see me. Dadi says sure come with me. AJ ask Bhushan how are you? He says good. AJ says I know you are worried for your daughter and you should be. But don’t worry she will never be in trouble here. Guddan is fixing everything. Bhushan comes and surprises her. she says papa you.. He says yes. I am always worried for you. Guddan says I am very happy here don’t worry. Guddan says everyone cares for me here. My DILs serve me all day. AJ is nice too. I am very happy. Yesterday was my first cooking. Everyone said I will have to cook. I made 10 items. Laxmi was like wow Guddan how were you so fast. Saru said it reminded me of my mother’s food. She gave me shagun. Durga said 3 things will never be said again. Guddan you can’t do it, Guddan you can’t do it.. he says third? guddan says it was the same too. Bhushan says why are your eyes wet then?

Durga says just like this silver plate doesn’t look good in your hand Guddan looks at this house. Saru says it is not easy to be relatives with rich people. Stop eating this street things. Kaushaliya says Guddan ate these street almonds and became your mother in law. When she takes over you wont be able to even have these. Durga says its better to see the truth. Have imported almonds. 

Guddan says to Bhushan these are happy tears. Everyone loves me here. Kaushaliya comes and says she is having fun here. And you are worried for her all day. There is a lot of work. Lets go. Guddan says please go papa. Laxmi says Guddan wont be able to complete this fast. Saru says should we tell Durga. Laxmi says no we dont’ have to tell her everything. They are in Guddan’s room. Guddan comes. Laxmi and Saru hide. Guddan sneezes. she is about to look under the bed Laxmi says meow. Guddan says it is a cat. She hits under the bed with a rod. Guddan looks down. Laxmi and Saru run. Guddan apply a lipstick. Laxmi says now see what happens. Everyone comes for pooja. Women appreciate Guddan. Laxmi says our Durga does the best pooja. dadi says this is Guddan’s first pooja. she will do the katha and arti. Saru says sasu ma please start the lecture. Guddan try to speak but she can’t. The lipstick had glue. Saru and Laxmi laugh. Dadi says start Guddan She can’t speak. Guddan runs to her room. Durga says so wrong. She ran away. This is an insult to the big day. Guddan comes to her room and cry. She says how will I solve this? Guddan cry and breaks stuff in anger. AJ comes and says why are you crying. She try to tell him. He says can’t understand. Guddan writes on the mirror. He says stop here. We have to solve it. Guddan is scared. AJ holds her hand and cleans it from her lips. Dadi says she must be coming back. Laxmi says we don’t think she will come back. Dadi says she will keep her promise. Durga says after ppooja? Women start taunting Dadi and ask her to let Durga do the pooja. Dadi says okay you do it. AJ try to open Guddan’s lips. Durga starts the pooja. Guddan says thank God I can speak now. He says you are welcome. She says I could have done it too. She runs downstairs. Durga picks the arti. She says we will do ganpati pooja first. Dadi says we should wait for Guddan. Guddan says not anymore. I am here. Guddan takes the thaal from Durga. She says I will do the pooja. Guddan says saas does the pooja. Durga says you can’t do anything. Guddan says we will see. Durga says okay go ahead. Durga says to Saru she will do something wrong. Guddan tells the story to everyone with actions. Guddan says there is a twist in this story. This Veervati is from today. She would be dedicated and would fight anything. Laxmi says you are doing it wrong. Ask Durga. Guddan says I am telling them new story. This is about the new women of today. She can fight anything. She would go to hospital. A woman says she is right. We have to tell this story with things from new world. So people actually practice it. She is very wise. Dadi hug Guddan. She says do pooja. Saru and laxmi recall they changed her thaal.

Perv comes to Revati and makes her wear chunri. He says why are you so shocked? I got this gift for you. She says go from here. He says today is karwa chauth and I fasted for you. I really love you. She says don’t you understand. Guddan will be really mad. I don’t want this chunri. she is about to throw it. Kaushaliya comes and stops her. She recalls Durga insulting her. Kaushaliya says accept this chunri and his gift. Revati says what? Guddan.. Kaushaliya says I am your mom. I decide for you not her. I have decided. Revati goes in. Prev says thank you sasu ma. Kaushaliya says all these tricks wont play on me. I want to see Revati happy. If that doesn’t happen.. He says I will keep her like a queen.

Saru says to Guddan how did you do this. Laxmi shows her face. Guddan laughs. She says you look scary. Why don’t you do some makeup. Durga says now wait for the right time of fast. You love him right? Guddan says no I don’t love him. Laxmi says I am sorry sasu ma. Durga says then break your fast. Pooja is done. You don’t need to eat from his hand. Guddan says okay I will eat. She says okay let me eat. She is about to eat. Guddan says let me take out and eat with everyone. Laxmi says no you eat please. You are weak. Guddan eats. Dadi comes and says Guddan why did you. Guddan is dazed.

Guddan Air On Zee World From Mondays To days At 6pm & 7pm And Saturday At 6pm Only

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