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AJ asks servants where is Sidhi. He says Perv took her to Dr. Sharma. Perv’s laptop is on. He sees Raj hotel’s booking. He calls Kaushliya and says can I speak to Revati. Kasuhaliya says she went to Raj hotel to deliver a cake. AJ says okay. Guddan comes and says what were you talking about Revati. He says I have to go. Guddan says don’t hide anything related to Revati. Please tell me.

Perv gives Revati water in which he mixed something in it. He says I want to repent for my mistake. She says you better. He says you are leaving Revati? Revati faints.

AJ and Guddan come to the hotel. Receptionist says I can’t tell you anyone’s name. AJ says someone’s life is in danger. You have to tell me.

Perv takes unconscious Revati to bed. Siddhi look at him angrily. He says close your eyes if you don’t want to see. You are useless. Guddan and AJ take manager’s help to find Perv’s room. They rush towards the room.

Guddan try to wake Revati. AJ sees Sidhi too. He says call ambulance. They bring everyone home. Doctor says Sidhi will be okay. AJ says thank you for coming here. AJ takes off his coat and holds his belt. He walks towards Perv. Perv says AJ.. AJ says I won't wait for them to get up to tell me the truth. You have to tell me the truth. AJ beats him. Saru says please AJ.. AJ keeps beating Perv. Revati try to get up. Her head is heavy. AJ says Revati are you okay? Revati looks at Perv. She says I went to deliver the cake. Perv and Sidhi were there then I fainted. AJ says to Perv you did this to Revati.. Sidhi try to say something. Guddan says Sidhi.. AJ says Sidhi can you tell us what happened. She try to speak. 

Guddan says don’t be scared of anyone. Tell us. Saru says don’t be scared bhabi. Perv didn’t do anything right? Sidhi says he didn’t do anything. I can speak because of his love. He got the room booked and decorated it for me. He called Revati so he can show her. I was there. Revati came and she faint. Revati says till then it is right. I don’t remember anything after that. AJ says you are that way that no one can trust you. Saru says you can’t keep insulting my brother like that, why did this Revati go there. Why is she that way. AJ says don’t say a word to Revati. She can never do anything wrong. AJ leave. Perv comes to Sidhi and laughs. He says you did so amazing. She says I did this to save my brother. Where is he? Perv says he is alive. And will be till you keep taking my side. She says I am ashamed of you. He says I can kill you along with your Heriberto too. What if your parents find out your brother died because of you. She is crying. She says I am sorry Guddan.

Saru is angry. She dresses Perv’s wounds. Durga says there must be some reason behind all this. Saru says I won't sit silently. AJ has crossed his limit.

Guddan says to AJ are you going somewhere? I wanted to thank you. He says stop acting like my wife. I did all that as a human. You don’t need to know where I go. He walks out in anger. Guddan says Dadi.. Dadi walk to her room. Guddan says God please do something.
Guddan walks out of the house. Guddan recalls AJ saying you don’t deserve this mangalsutra. She walk on the road. She recalls what everyone said.

Someone dances in AJ’s hall on mere dholna sun. He comes in.

Rawat comes home with Guddan. Durga says what are you doing here, you have no relation with this house. He says I came to return your DIL. You all saw that she was collecting proofs. She saved AJ, couldn’t you see that? Guddan says don’t insult my family. It is between us. Thanks for saving my life. Guddan goes to her room crying. Rawat leave.

The woman dancing in front of AJ gives him a mnagsalsutra. Dadi comes to Guddan and gives her mangalsutra. She says I am sorry Guddan. I couldn’t see how truly you love us. I collected your mangalsutra. I couldn’t see that you got AJ out of jail too. Guddan says thanks for always trusting me. I will win my trust back from AJ. He wont go away from me. He will have to make me wear this.

AJ sees the woman’s hand injured and says you should rest. He takes her to bed and she sleep.

AJ comes to the room. Guddan is in the room. She is acting like AJ. He says what are you doing? She says I want to be perfect like you. Mistake free. He says look in the mirror. You can never be like me. She says I am sorry for my mistake. He breaks a vase and says my trust broke like that. It can not be fixed.
Durga says to Dadi you forgave her but I can’t. She broke AJ’s trust. He wont pardon her either. She leaves in anger.

Perv says to Sidhi do as I say. She says you are so shameless. He says yes I am. They are in cafe. Revati is in the same came. Sidhi throws coffee on him because he asked her. She pretends like she is cruel to Perv. Saru comes there. she says you are doing so right brother. This is the best way to take revenge from Guddan. She loves her sister way too much. Sidhi leave in anger.

The woman in ghungat sees AJ’s keys on the floor. 

Guddan fixed the vase. She says see I fixed it. Broken things can be fixed. Trust too. It wasn’t easy but I did it. Guddan doesn’t give up. He says I don’t have time for all this. AJ gets a call. He says stay there I am coming.

Guddan says to Durga see the plate is fixed. Durga says but the cracks are visible and it will break again.

A veiled woman comes to AJ’s house. Watchman stops her. AJ meets her in garage. She holds his hand. AJ says I asked you.. You don’t have to come here. Guddan come there and says who was here.. The woman hide. AJ stop Guddan and says I asked you not to interfere in my life. She says your file.. Guddan leave. AJ ask the woman to sit in the car. Guddan says what is happening? Who opened the other door? Is there someone else with him in the car? Guddan follow him on her scooter.

AJ reach that woman’s home. They go inside. Guddan come there late, she sees tap from which AJ lock the door. She drink water from there. AJ says someone is outside. Hide. Guddan get a call from Durga and says I am coming. She leaves. AJ says thank God she didn’t see us.

AJ comes home. Dadi says I know you are mad at Guddan but you don’t have to stay out of the house. Why are you punishing yourself? He says I don’t want to talk about Guddan. Guddan get a call from restaurant. He says AJ didn’t come to restaurant today. Can I speak to him? Guddan sees a woman’s hair on AJ’s coat. Laxmi comes there see the hair. She say doesn’t it look like your hair. Whose hair is it? Where did you find it? On his coat? Is he seeing a woman outside? You don’t know how men are. Be careful. Guddan says it must be from home. She leave.

Guddan comes to AJ. She says I thought you are perfect. There is something. You have not been going to restaurant. He says you have no right to interfere in my work and question me. she says this hair.. She says I matched it with everyone. This isn’t of anyone from the house. He says think what you want to I don’t have to answer for you. AJ picks his sheet. She says where are you going. He says you can sleep on this bed. This entire room is yours. Stay away from me. He leaves Guddan is in tears.

AJ is sneaking out of the house. He says Guddan shouldn’t know. Guddan sees him going.

AJ come to the woman’s home. Guddan is seeing him, she sees him opening door from the tap. Guddan sneaks in. She sees the woman. AJ hugs her. Guddan is dazed. Guddan is in tears. She says so Laxmi was right. AJ comes here to meet someone. Guddan walks out in tears. She recalls AJ being rude to her.

Guddan comes back home. she recalls marrying AJ. She recalls AJ saying Guddan is his wife. He said you don’t deserve this mangalsutra. Dadi says Guddan are you okay? Guddaan says AJ never wanted to marry me right? Durga says we don’t have time for all this. She says I am saying this because your third MIL is coming to this house. Laxmi you were right about that hair. Durga says what hair? Laxmi you knew all his. Dadi says you are mistaken. Guddan says Durga you never considered me your MIL. I will be out now. Durga says all this is rubbish. Guddan says he hugged her. He didn’t even go to restaurant for three days. He is with that woman. AJ come home. Guddan says tell them about their third MIL, tell them where you were. AJ says I don't need to answer all this. Guddan says let me take everyone to the place where I saw you with that woman. I will reveal the truth. Everyone comes to that woman’s house. Dadi says Guddan AJ can never do this. AJ says I don’t know why we are here at this hour. Guddan says that tap will open the door. She try to open the door but it doesn’t open. 

Guddan Air On Zee World From Mondays To Sundays At 6pm & 7pm 

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