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Dadi says they danced so well. AJ says don’t say thanks. Enjoy your first win. Guddan says dadi I won. First time I won something. Dadi says I had confidence in you. Guddan says I won because of your AJ. I told him I want to know how winning feels. Laxmi says to Durga she is controlling AJ. The game starts again. The pillow stops at Durga. She reads the chit. It says fist fight person on your left. It is Guddan. Guddan is dazed. Dadi says get another chit. Laxmi says they can do fist fight. We can do this. Guddan says yeah it would be wrong. Durga and Guddan start fight. Durga says now see how it feels to lose. Guddan is about to lose. She recalls dadi saying she trusts her and AJ saying you can do anything. Guddan says I am winning these days. Durga is about to win, Guddan says look behind. Guddan beat her. Durga is dazed. Revati says my di won again. Durga says this is cheating. Is this your learning. Dadi says this is all for fun. Durga says I don’t want to play anything. She leaves. Bhushan says you shouldn’t have cheated. Losing is better than cheating. Guddan says tell everyone that she won and I lost. Let’s not play anymore. She throws the pillow on Saru. She says here is your pillow. The bangles fall from it. AJ picks them. Everyone is dazed. AJ comes to Guddan and says what is this? You can’t handle these? She says but.. How were they in the pillow? This was Saru’s pillow. How are they there? Perv says I found those bangles in the kitchen and put them in the pillow. I thought if I give directly they would think I stole it. Saru says thank God you spoke. They could have accuse me. Dadi says it was in the house anyway. Let’s go. AJ says to Bhushan we have arranged guest house for you. Guddan wonders she took off the bangles in the lounge. She says there is something wrong.
Durga is very angry. She says that Gudan is taking over everything. Laxmi says please kick her out. I can’t take her anymore. Durga breaks a bowl in anger. Guddan try to wake AJ up. She says please talk to me. He says what is wrong. She says I remember I took off bangles in the hall. He found them in kitchen? Why would he place it in the pillow? AJ falls asleep. AJ says if you think Perv did this I can believe but if you think Saru did this then you are wrong. She would never do anything that would shame the family.

Durga says I can’t live with her under one roof. But enough now. we have to do something that would kick her out forever. We have to do something big.

Guddan says I know they can never do something like that.

AJ wakes up. Guddan is with trimmer. He says are you crazy? She says I was giving back your favor. He says are you mad? Let me go. She says papa.. She says I will trim your beard. Guddan says once I said I can’t do anything. Papa asked me to shave his beard. I thought I wont be able to do it. But them he let me and I could do it. AJ allows her. Guddan shaves his beard.

Guddan comes to Durga’s room and says where are you? I am keeping your clothes here. She sees some papers and is dazed.
Bhushan says to AJ thanks for all this time. You are the best one for my Guddan. We are glad that you are our son in law. Guddan comes and hugs Bhushan. She is in tears. Bhushan says don’t cry. You have to take care of everyone in this house specially your DILs. AJ says to Guddan why are you crying? She says when your parents go away, they send prayers for you. These tears make us stronger to do the right thing.

Guddan comes to Durga. Durga says what are you doing here? Guddan says how much can you hate? Durga says what do you mean? Guddan says you always taught me my mistake. I accepted them. Then my papa was insulted here. I am not blaming you. I know you don’t like me but if my family is affected, I wont sit silently. Guddan shows her the papers. She says you ordered the dress. Why did you get my papa insulted? I always thought you are like a sister to me. You wanted me to go away I would have. You didn’t have to insult my dad. Dadi and AJ would never believe it. I can’t even tell anyone. At least I am better than you. She leave.

Gudan says to Dadi let me make tea for you. AJ says do you even know how to make it? She says yes I know. Dadi says do you miss home? Durga comes and says tell everyone why are you worried. Durga says according to Guddan I made a huge mistake. AJ says what? Durga says she thinks I gave her papa that costume. Dadi says it could be a misunderstanding. Durga says no she is right I did all this.

Durga says I gave her papa joker costume. AJ says how dare you do all this? Druga says be mad at me. I have stooped low in my own eyes. I dont know how I stooped so low. But one thing is for sure. You and Guddan are behind all this. dadi says if you did all this how can you blame them? She says I can because that’s the truth. They made me do this. I am sick of seeing her as my MIL. You and AJ can’t see her reality. This house has become a circus. I am sorry for the mistake I did. But what about her mistakes? You always unseen her mistakes. In this circus, this joker can live. See what you made me.

Bell rings. Durga says let me open. I called in someone. A guy gives her a bag. She says this bag has the solution to our biggest problem. this bag has what she always wanted. This bag has what she married AJ for. We all know why she is your wife. We didn’t give her the money she asked for. So let’s do this now. she opens the bag. It is full of money. Everyone is dazed. Durga says enough now. Take this money and get out of our lives. Dadi says Durga are you in senses? She is your MIL. Durga says what MIL? Ask your Guddan, why she married AJ? She married him for money. Her husband says enough Durga what are you doing? Durga says to AJ is she actually your wife? You two have nothing in common. This marriage is a problem only that you were tolerating her because she asked for a lot of money. Dadi says enough Durga. Durga says how can she be my MIL when AJ doesn’t consider her his wife? Dadi says Laxmi pick this bag and end all this. Laxmi pick the bag but Durga stop her. She says no this has to end today. We have to talk about Guddan too. Do you accept AJ as your husband? Repeat and tell everyone why you married AJ? Because you thought AJ was your sister’s kidnapper and you had to save her. When you don’t consider each other as spouse then why are you our MIL? Why are you all silent. Here is the money you asked for take it and leave all of us. Guddan is in tears. Guddan walk out in tears.

Bhushan call in a family to see Revati. Perv is there too. Perv ask Kaushaliya who are these people? Kaushaliya says this is Prashant. He is here to meet Revati for her proposal. Perv is angry. He says in heart I will kill them if Revati isn’t mine.

Guddan come to her room crying. She pack her bag. AJ come. Guddan says it’s okay. I won't do more drama. AJ says I know you are hurt. Durga shouldn’t have said it that way. She says I forgot, I am glad she reminded me. She said the truth. It was bitter but it's the truth. There’s nothing between us. She was right. Kathor come. Guddan says kathor let me give you food before I go. She run after Kathor. AJ says it won't eat until we make him eat together. AJ pick Kathro and Guddan makes him eat she says truth changes habits too. I won't be here, so Kathor has to learn to eat with you only. Guddan says Kathor in this world we have to care for ourselves. People kick us out. AJ says it is hungry and you are flying him out? Guddan says he has to do it on his own. Guddan fly it.

Perv come to Kaushliya and says what is all this? I will kill that guy. Kaushaliya says I know you love your Revati but you can’t become one with her since you are Siddhi’s wife. Perv says prepare for wedding. I will marry your Revati in a week. Go and tell your husband. I will take Revati to the house in a week. He leaves. Kaushliya says my dream is done.

Laxmi and Saru are celebrating. Laxmi says drink this juice Durga and celebrate. She is leaving this house forever. Durga says I stood with the truth. She is a wrong wife, she can’t be anything else. Dadi says Guddan deserves to be in this house. Durga says I showed her a mirror and she is leaving on her own. She has to be a good wife before being our MIL. Dadi says Durga you are breaking this house. Durga says can’t you see the mess she brought to this house? Dadi says I trust my Guddan. She is the right one for this house. Durga says no one can save your Guddan now. She has no other way out.

Guddan pack her bag. She is leaving. Guddan recalls her moments in the house. She comes downstairs. Dadi sees her leaving. Guddan recalls what Durga said. She is walking out in tears. Dadi says Guddan.. Guddan swipes her tears and hug her. Guddan says I am leaving the house not you. I have always been with you. Guddan says namasty to Durga. She says pick that bag too. Guddan leaves without it. Durga says you asked for it. Take it and leave don’t do this drama of being nice. Guddan says I know I don’t need this money. Durga says why? Guddan says whatever I say you will consider it wrong. So I won't say anything. Guddan says dadi you have to take your medicine on time and don’t eat samosas too much. She look at AJ and recalls her time with him. Guddan is leaving.. She comes upstairs to AJ. She slips and falls on him.

Guddan Air On Zee World From Mondays To Sundays At 6pm & 7pm

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