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Laxmi you were right about that hair. Durga says what hair? Laxmi you knew all his. Dadi says you are mistaken. Guddan says Durga you never considered me your MIL. I will be out now. Durga says all this is rubbish. Guddan says he hugged her. He didn’t even go to restaurant for three days. He is with that woman. AJ come home. Guddan says tell them about their third MIL, tell them where you were. AJ says I don't need to answer all this. Guddan says let me take everyone to the place where I saw you with that woman. I will reveal the truth. Everyone come to the woman’s house. Dadi says Guddan AJ can never do this. AJ says I don’t know why we are here at this hour. Guddan says that tap will open the door. She try to open the door but it doesn’t open.  Durga says see her stupidity. AJ was right, we shouldn’t have come here. Guddan says till I prove the truth, I wont go from here, this door has to open if it doesn’t I will break it. AJ says are you crazy? Guddan says I will do this to know why you lied to me? Come and break the door if you are so truthful. Dadi says AJ break it and show her it is a misunderstanding. AJ throws the rod away. Guddan says see I was right. AJ breaks the door with his hand, they all come in. There is no one in the house. Durga says now she disappear too? Dadi says this must be a misunderstanding. Everyone leave. Guddan stop AJ and says you know if I am lying or not. He says half truth is more harmful than a lie. Guddan says I know you come here to meet a woman. Durga says to AJ you always ignore Guddan’s mistakes. She should be punished for what she did. AJ give them all sleeping pills and says better calm your mind. They all leave. Guddan stop AJ and says these tablet can calm them but not me. Guddan says you know when I was in 8th class, I would always sit in one chair so I can see the board clearly. I would never let anyone sit on my seat. I won't let anyone have my place in life as well. I will expose the truth to everyone.

AJ comes to his room. Flashback shows AJ seeing Guddan outside the house when she followed him. He says I have to hide this secret. The woman come downstairs and dances. AJ come downstairs. He says I asked you not to come here. Everyone comes. Gudddan takes off ghunghat. She says why did you come running? And who were you asking not to come here? Tell us what is your relationship with her? AJ leave. Saru says I think Guddan is right.

Perv sends video of Siddhi burning his hand to Revati. He says I didn’t want to send this but I wanted to show you my love was real. If your wife abuses you, you deserve to love someone in your life.

Durga says where did AJ go in anger? AJ says to bring the truth here. He bring in the woman. He says I have been meeting her all this time. She takes off her ghugat. AJ says this is what Guddan was trying to show you. Dadi says you already have a wife. Guddan says don’t say anything now. If he wants to live his life with her not me.. I will not come his way. AJ says don’t do this drama. Guddan says you are still lying. Guddan says when someone act in front of me I know because I am an actor. She says don’t fool us anymore we all know she isn’t that woman, that woman brought shine in your eyes. I deserve to know the truth not this, she leave.
Kaushaliya says you saw Revati how his wife abuses him, he really loves you, you should forget all this. Revati says no its between them. Kaushaliya says as a human call him please. Revati call Perv. Saru says you won't pick this phone you have to use her against Guddan. Saru says we have to make them fight each other.

Saru come to Guddan, Saru says here are a few breakup cards you might need, you will have nothing in the end. Guddan says please leave. Saru says I am on your side. I always want to help you. Guddan says but your ideas are useless. Durga says wow Guddan. AJ brought that girl home and you are not accepting it? Open your eyes and see the third person in your married life, you couldn’t be a good wife or MIL.

AJ recalls what Guddan said. Perv says you are two steps ahead of me. I thought you are home person but see. Let me take your blessings. AJ is angry. Perv says don’t be angry, there is not much difference between you and me. You have such a young and beautiful wife and still have other women.

Guddan lits candle on Antara’s photo, she says you are great that you spent so many years with AJ. Please help me understand whats’s going on. AJ comes to his room. He takes something from closet and leave.

AJ gives money to the woman he brought home. He says give this money to her. Guddan overhear him. She says I knew this was not that woman.

Guddan follows the girl. She come to a place. Guddan sees her giving injection to the woman Guddan says what is happening, she try to open the door. Guddan comes in.

Dadi is doing pooja with DILs. Dadi says God I hope everything is like it used to be. Guddan says God heard your prayers Dadi. Dadi says who is she? She says we will all know but I want AJ to be here. She says AJ come and see who’s here. She is the one I saw you with. AJ says enough of spying. Guddan says I did what I should have done, weren’t you with her? Guddan takes off her veil. Everyone is dazed. Guddan says tell us who is she? Why would you meet her in secret? You always say truth. He says this says this is my brother Angat. Dadi is in tears. AJ hug Angat. He is dressed like a woman. Everyone is confused. He says who changed my clothes? I must have done something. I am only normal until I am on meds. I try to act normal but I always do wrong. AJ hug him and says I am with you don’t worry. Come rest. He takes Angat to room. AJ says this is your new room. Rest here. Your brother is always with you.
Guddan says dadi is that your son? She says yes. Durga says why didn’t we know about him? We only knew he is dead. Dadi says he lost his mental balance. He lost his love he lost mental balance. Dadi says because of the same reason Antara was dead. AJ come and says no he has no hand in Antara’s death. I have tried hiding him from everyone. But Guddan you.. You have to act like a spy all the time. Dadi says can’t we keep him here at home? AJ says doctor said we can’t keep him with people. It can be dangerous. AJ says no one should be seen around his room specially Guddan. Dadi says I will always have to live away from him. We can’t let him stay here in this house.

Saru come near Angat. She spills water on him. She says I am sorry I spilled water on you, I brought it for you. She says I heard about your lover, was she a cheater? You might be really hurt right? Angat throttles her. Everyone comes in. He screams. Dadi and everyone try to release Saru from Angat. He faint. Guddan gives Saru water. Laxmi says why did he get angry? Did you do anything to him? Saru says he is crazy. Why would I make him angry? Saru says Durga why are you angry? If he stay here, how will we live in this house. Durga says we will do what we planned. He doesn’t deserve to live in this house. He can’t live in the house. He will live where he will be treated. Laxmi says but AJ will decide. Laxmi says we will have to make him decide what we want. Medical asylum people are taking Angat. Guddan says Angat won't go anywhere. Leave him right now. Or I will call police. They leave. Angat says thank you for saving me. Guddan says no one will take you from here forcefully.

Kaushaliya says Revati see this Perv has written letter with his blood. He is in love with you. Revati says he is fooling me. Let me go and teach him a lesson.

Durga says he needs treatment. Guddan says but he needs family more. Durga says will you take responsibility if anything happens. Guddan writes, I take full responsibility of keeping Angat here and I will be accountable if anything happens. Guddan says Dadi swipe your tears. No one can part your son from you. This is the only way to make him better. He will be perfect if he lives here. Family can do what medicines can’t. Hug your son. Dadi hug Angat. Durga says in heart Guddan did a mistake. I will make her punished for this.

Revati come to Perv and says don’t do all this drama it won't affect me. Perv falls down. His hand is bleeding. Kaushaliya screams.

AJ says who gave you right to decide he will live here? Guddan says I am MIL of this house and your wife. He has right.. AJ says I know what is right for my brother he needs treatment. Guddan says it will get worse if he stays away from his family. He was this way because someone close to him left him. Only love and affection can fill that space not medicine. AJ says okay.. But if anything happens I wont pardon you. Durga says to Guddan you broke your mangalsutra again? You are very used to wearing broken mangalsutra, because husband loves his wife, we all know AJ doesn’t even consider you as his wife, you will realize your mistakes but it will be too late by then. Guddan says you will see how Angat get better. It will unite the whole family, like my mangalsutra. I will wear this when AJ fulfill what they mean.

Guddan and family come to Durga’s brother’s resort. Guddan says to Angat don’t be scared. We will have fun. He says thank you Guddan. Durga says where is my brother Rocky? Rocky comes out of swimming pool. He says I am here. He hug Durga and says how are you? Guddan says I am her MIL. He meet everyone. Rocky come close to Laxmi. He says my favourit bhabhi. He touch her and apply color on her face. He says apply it on my hard face with your soft hands. Laxmi is scared. Guddan sees all this. Guddan says what happened Laxmi? You look scared. She says he does this every time. Every year he try to come close to me. I don’t like this at all. Guddan says what. She says you shouldn’t be scared. He is wrong. Laxmi says I don’t want to spoil everyone’s holiday. Laxmi leave.

Angad enjoys at the beach. He says to AJ after so many years I am having so much fun. Guddan give him med. AJ says you are taking medicines so easily? He says Guddan is so nice. Guddan plays riddles with AJ. They laugh. Guddan says speed boat. I am scared to sit on it. Angat says AJ will sit with you on it. He says AJ please take Guddan on it. AJ says okay. Guddan says I didn’t ask you. Angat did. AJ sit on boat. Guddan sit with him. She is falling. She hold him.

Guddan Air On Zee World From Mondays To Sundays At 6pm & 7pm 

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