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Guddan come to lawyer and says his eyes tell the truth. He says court believes proofs not eyes. Durga gives him money and says get AJ out. He says we will try our best. Guddan says you came on right time. Durga says I know how to get things done. Tell me what truth is. Dadi comes and says AJ isn’t home. That doesn’t mean anyone will do anything they want. You have to respect your MIL. Dadi isn’t well. Durga and Guddan make her sit. Guddan says don’t worry we will bring AJ back. Dadi says I hope AJ comes back. Guddan says he will don’t worry.

Durga says no one can keep AJ in jail for long for a sin he never did. Don’t worry. Guddan says dadi come to room. Durga says we have to find the truth.

Vikram listens to the recording. A girl comes and says do you want to hear it right now? You like my voice so much. He gives her money and says get your plane and leave the city ASAP. The girl leaves. Rawat says I can do anything to keep you in jail.

AJ wakes up in jail to drink water, it is very dirty. Guddan says you are drinking water yourself. He says why are you here? Go home. Constable says who are you talking to. There is no one. Constable says is he missing wife so much?
Guddan says Mr. AJ who leaves his house like this? This is your room. She sees him saying don’t touch my things. He says don’t mess all thing. Guddan says I was just arranging the room. Guddan realizes she is imagining it. Guddan says I will do anything to prove you innocent. Guddan recall fighting AJ. Guddan is in tears. A drop drips from roof on AJ’s hand. Guddan recall AJ being arrested. She says AJ will come back.

Rawat comes to a girl. He put gun on her. He says we can’t trust you.

This is our guard. He would always be with you. He says I can do anything to get AJ punished.

Perv come to AJ and says how are you? AJ says I need clean water. Perv says sure. Come sign the paper first. AJ signs the paper. Perv says arrange coffee and breakfast for sir. AJ sees Revati calling Perv. He pick it. Revati says I asked you to stay away from me. I told you I don’t want any relationship with you. Why are you calling and torturing me. AJ get angry.

Guddan is cooking. Saru says are you cooking for Rawat? Are you crazy? Durga shoves him out and says get out of this house. This house isn’t for people like you. Rawat says ask Guddan first. Guddan says Rawat isn’t going anywhere. She put his breakfast on the table. Guddan says AJ said Rawat is still Antara’ brother. We can’t insult him. I can’t say no to AJ. Durga says no.. Guddan says this is my order as a MIL. Durga leave in anger. Rawat says wow very wise of you. Guddan says don’t be happy. I want to keep the culprit in front of me. My eyes are on you always. I will be waiting for your mistake. Thank AJ for the breakfast later. She leave. Rawat says no one can save AJ now, no one can stop me. 

Guddan come to Perv. He says you. Guddan says you want to hurt AJ? I heard everything you said on the call. I know you can harm him in jail. What are you going to do with him? You can’t harm him untill I am here. Perv says he isn’t very nice either. I heard he killed his wife. Look at these scars. He hit me in my office. Perv says your husband did this in my office. Flash back shows AJ saying to Perv I asked you to stay away from Guddan and her sister. He hit him. Guddan says so you want to take revenge now? He says I can’t do anything. How can I even imagine giving him pain. Guddan leaves. AJ hit Perv and said don’t ever go close to Revati. Perv call his men and says send things to jail. Hit AJ so much that he can't get up.

The thugs enter the jail. Guddan is on the way. She says I have to stop it. The thug have knives, rods and hockeys stick. 

Dadi wakes up and says something bad is going to happen. Durga says please don’t worry. Dadi prays for AJ.

Guddan collide with a car and falls down. The man is angry. The girl comes out of the car. She says what did you., The girl realize it was Guddan. Guddan says thank you. She sits in the car. But police constable asks them to come out. He give both of them ticket. Guddan comes to jail.

The thugs run. Guddan says who are these people? AJ says could be other prisoners. Guddan says I was caught by police, they lock Guddan and the girl in another cell. AJ says what did you mess up now. How are you here?
Perv stop Revati and says how could you not respond to me. She says leave me. Rawat says leave her. If she says no, its a no. Perv leave in anger.

Guddan and the girl are in jail. Guddan shows a mirror to see AJ. He says what did you do? Guddan sees knife with the thugs. Guddan asks the girl do you know AJ? He is a great man. But Rawat think he isn’t a good man. He was caught in killing his wife. He is very dangerous. She try to scare the thugs. The thugs attack AJ. Guddan says are you okay? He hits them and says yes I am okay. He says clean your tears. Rawat sees the girl in jail. He says what is she doing here? Guddan wonders why is he so scared to see her in jail?

Rawat says to constable take their names and let them go. Guddan wonders why is he doing that.

Revati is with Dadi. People are protesting outside. Durga says what is all this? They say AJ is a killer. Dadi says he can never do anything of such. Dadi is fainting. Saru says you want AJ not to run the restaurant right? I will run it from now on. Durga says what are you doing? She says I am only helping my family. Protesters leave. Saru says I just saved the family. Dadi says what is happening. Where is Guddan?

Guddan and the girl are getting bailed. Guddan says I wish you could leave with me too. AJ says you shouldn’t be here. She says you shouldn’t be here too, she says innocent people belong to their homes I will get you out of here. He says don’t get yourself in trouble. How did you know I am innocnet? She says I know your past. I never asked you but you eyes says everything. She says you care for me even when you don’t love me. Then I have seen your love for Antara. How can you do anything to her? She says I wonder how you are living here. AJ teases her and says it's pretty peaceful. She laugh. Perv comes and says Guddan you should be at home. He says why are these thugs with AJ? They are dangerous people.

Guddan sees Rawat and the girl. she hears their conversation.

Guddan come to the girl’s house as foreign lady. She says I am here to invest in Indian movies. You are a mimicry artist right? You are a beautiful girl. I think you should be in front of the camera. I will sign a contract of four films with you. I will make you heroine. Think about this offer. She says in heart Rawat will kill me if I stay in India. She says thank you but I have to go to London. Guddan says think about it. I can give you 50 lacs. Your wish. I won't force you. Movie shooting is mostly in London. So it won't be bad for you. The girl says okay I am in. I want to do these movies.

Rawat says to AJ these papers show you killed your wife. You will be convicted. Guddan says that will never happen. AJ says go from here. Guddan put gun on Rawat. She says that was a fake recording. He found a girl who sound like Antara. He paid her for the recording. Rawat says yes I did that. To get this killer behind bars. Because I know he killed my sister. And yes do what do you want. No one can save him now. AJ is dazed.

Some thugs kidnap the girl. She says please let me out Rawat. Rawat laugh.

Saru pays hotel manager for protesting against AJ. Laxmi come. She says you did all this? Saru says we don't get anything in this house. we need our rights.

Guddan Air On Zee World From Mondays To Sundays At 6pm & 7pm 

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