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Perv says this is such an old idea. She says old is gold. This mask will show the face of the real culprit. Dadi comes and says Guddan I want to do some rituals I know we arranged this party for the culprit.. Perv says everyone knows your plan already. Guddan says everyone knows it already. Dadi says there should be dance performances. She says I have to focus on the kidnappers. Dadi says this way kidnapper would be distracted too.

Perv says how do I save myself from this mask party. He wears shades.. He says I can’t do that. Perv comes to Siddhi and says GUddan is looking for my eyes. Do you want to laugh? Laugh but you can’t even. I kidnapped Revati and got her married. He throttles her. Guddan comes and says what are you doing? He says I was giving her medicine. Guddan says stay away from Siddhi. He says every husband isn’t like yours. She says don’t do this drama in front of me. Go now. I have to get her ready. Perv says get her ready well.

Guddan is getting ready. AJ comes in. She says why didn’t you knock? He says this is my room. She says a girl lives here too. Her blouse is open she is having her back behind the mirror. He says move.. She says my blouse is open. He says I can tie it. She says no.. How will I go downstairs with this blouse. He says why did you arrange the party. She says I arrnaged so much and you keep saying why I did that. I want to prove you innocent. He says if you have problem I can keep my eyes close and tie it. He ties Guddan’s blouse. She says you had to get ready too? He says yes.

Guddan comes downstairs. People ask dadi why such late reception. Guddan says you don’t need duration to celebrate and be happy. Dadi says Guddan is right. Kaushliya meets dadi. She says Guddan is so lucky. Durga says yes she is very lucky. Perv says hello mother in law. I mean mother of mother in law. You got gift for her? She says yes it is my daughter’s reception. Perv ask Revati dance with him. Guddan comes with Siddhi and places the wheelchair between them. She says I knew you would miss Siddhi. Spend time with your wife. Guddan says I was scared he would come close to you. Revati says please listen.. Guddan says I hate that Perv. Revati says this is important. Please listen.

Revati talks to Guddan. Guddan asks what are these masks for? Why you look scared? Revati recalls Kaushalia arranging her wedding with Perv. She is about to tell her but AJ comes there, he sees them and turns to leave but Guddan says you can stay here, you are a relative too, dont worry. Revati whispers to Guddan that when did you start trusting him? You always say that he married you by cheating. Guddan says I dont think like that anymore, he cant do it ever. Revati says I want to attend professional workshop for baking but you know Maa. AJ says I know a good school, I will talk to them for your admission. Guddan says see he easily solved your problem. Revati leaves. AJ recalls Guddan’s words that he can never cheat her. He says Thank you. She is shocked and ask says you said thank you to me? Guddan says sorry for putting your life in danger? AJ thank for taking care of Maa, Guddan says sorry for messing with your wife’s photo. AJ says thank you for bringing it back. They both smile at each other. Aj smiles and leaves. Guddan laugh and says I feel good by saying sorry to him, I will find kidnapper today.
In the party, Perv is there and think to stop Guddan. Guddan comes there. Dadi makes her meet guests. Guddan focuse on everyone to find the kidnapper. She glares at their eyes. Durga pulls her aside and says stop glaring at them, they are high profile guests. Guddan says yes. Durga says dont do any mistake, its about our respect. Guddan says I will find that person after wearing mask, she leaves. Guddan says I want to find the kidnapper to save this house’s name, I will find him.

Perv think Guddan must have hidden mask box in her room. He leaves Sidhi’s wheelchair and goes to her room. AJ is already there so Perv hides and find mask box under bed, he thinks that she cant do anything without this box.

Sidhi’s wheelchair moves towards stairs. Guddan runs and holds her before she could fall. She asks where is Perv? I will find him. She makes her moves away from there and goes to find him.

Guddan comes to her room and find Perv there. He is stunned to see her. She asks what are you doing here? AJ turns and ends call. Perv says Mr. Agarwal wants to meet AJ so I came to call him. Guddan says you know about your wife? Take care of her, leave. Perv eye the box. AJ asks him to go to Sidhi. Perv reluctantly leaves. AJ says to Guddan you did nice by bringing Sidhi to the party, Perv will also stay away from your sister. He leave. Guddan says I will take box with me. She takes box with her. Perv sees it and think if she starts this then I am gone.

Dadi comes to Guddan and says I have been searching for you, I have planned boys VS girls dance, Guddan says what about masks? Dadi says we can make them wear later but this is yours and AJ’s reception first. She takes box and says I will hide it in my room till then, she leaves. Guddan says Dadi doesnt realize how important it is to find kidnapper. Perv sees Dadi holding box, he throws Sidhi’s wheelchair towards her, box is about to fall down but Perv holds it and asks if he can help her? I will take it. He takes box and smirks. He thinks I know what to do about these masks. He closes door and hide box.

In the party, Dadi says now girls and boys will dance. AJ says I cant do all this. Dadi says when your mother can do it then why cant you? We will see if you can make Guddan lose or not. Guddan whisper I cant dance with him, he gives me feelings of a teacher. Dadi says okay, I am old and nobody listens to me. Guddan says dont be angry, I will dance for your happiness, girls will win and make AJ lose too. AJ looks on. Guddan says the girls will win for sure. She dances around AJ. Dadi smiles.

Kausaliya says to Perv this is the wedding dress the courier guy delivered it today. Give it to Reavti today. Perv says today is AJ’s reception he would get very angry. I will give it at the right time. He says in heart this is the same box as of masks. I will replace them.
Saru shoves Guddan dancing and her glass falls on AJ. He get angry. Saru says can’t you see? First you thrashed cake on his face and now this. People make fun of him. Guddan says I am so sorry. I didn’t do it intentionally. She try to clean it with tissue. AJ holds her hand says I will do the rest. He leaves. Durga says because of this Guddan AJ left. A woman says never saw AJ this angry. Dadi says he is this angry everyday. Come to our house I will show you. And I will call AJ back. Guddan says no it is my mistake I should.

Saru steals bangles. Durga comes too. Saru hides it. Laxmi says if I was there I would throw that Gudan on AJ. Saru why are you silent? Like Durga is here. Durga says I am here. You two have stooped so low. You insulted AJ because of Guddan? You embarrassed him in this party? I dont’ want anymore drama.

AJ takes off his coat. Guddan comes. She says are you okay? He says can’t you knock? She says you didn’t knock either, he takes out his kurta. She says you will wear kurta for the reception? He says this reception is over for me. She says no no I have to show you something. I brought this pink shirt for you. I thought you would wear it but you came before I could give it to you. He says I don’t wear such colors. Look at this closet. I wont wear this stupid color. She says you are scared to try something new? You have good muscles. It would look amazing on you. He says leave me alone. She says look in the mirror It looks good on you. He throws it away and says I don’t want to wear it. Guddan is silent. She picks it. Guddan says okay don’t wear. But this party.. I am doing all this for dadi’s happiness. It makes me happy to see her happy. I don’t like your boring colors. But I would have used it if you had gifted me. Please give it to someone else. I can’t give it to someone else. I am sorry for making your suit dirty. I am sorry. She leaves. Guddan sees an invitation.

Guddan comes downstairs and says he didn’t come. Dadi says so angry for us one juice spill? The guests say I don’t think AJ would come. Guddan says you can give me the blessings for him and I will give it to him. Durga says what are you doing? Dadi says Guddan is right. She says I will give Guddan the blessings first. Dadi says AJ you left your wife alone. Laxmi gives Dadi the thaali. Dadi is about to start the ritual. AJ comes and sits with Guddan. Everyone is dazed. AJ says someone said I should do things for others too. He says to Guddan I wore the shirt you gave as sorry. Durga wonders AJ in this color? Is he falling for her? What is happening. Dadi says this color suits you a lot. I am glad you came. Dadi does their arti. Dadi says AJ I am so happy. I want you two to be together like this always. AJ is leaving. Guddan says where are you going? She says if you leave the guests would be angry. He says if you are done with all this drama then go and catch your kidnapper.

Perv picks the box and says I will burn it in my room. He takes the box with Siddhi to his room. He says I will burn it here. Dadi goes upstairs to bring medicine. Perv is about to burn the box. Dadi comes upstairs. Perv runs from there. Dadi says what are you doing here? I feel smoke. Perv says yes there is burning smell. I think it is from that side. Guddan says where is that mask box? Saru comes with the box and says here it is. Guddan says I will catch the kidnapper. Perv smirk. She opens the box and takes out the masks. Perv is dazed. Laxmi fell with the box and Siddi changed the box with movement of her foot.

Guddan Air On Zee World From Mondays To Sundays At 6pm & 7pm

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