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Rawat starts the recording. Antara says I can’t take it anymore. I have to tell this truth. I have to spill it out. Rawat says Antara please say it. The recording stup from there. Rawat says did you hear? My sister knew about AJ. She wanted to say something. He killed Antara for the same reason. Rawat break table in anger. Guddan is dazed. Rawat says one thing is decided AJ is behind her death and he will have to pay for it. I will avenge her death. Guddan says she didn’t say a word against AJ. Maybe she wanted to say something good. He says no one says something like that while dying. Guddan says it could be good. I know how much AJ love Antara. He would kept it safe. He would have destroyed it if it was some kind of proof. AJ only love Antara. stop this negativity. She leave. Rawat says I know she wanted to tell me something. I will find out.

AJ come home and sees Rawat. He says lets play chess. He already mixed something in drink. AJ says but you never drank. Rawat says I will make the drink for you. Let's drink to the memories. AJ says I will beat you like old times. Rawat says things change with time. You might lose today. He says I could only lose for Antara. AJ says yes for Antara.

Saru sees Rawat drinking. She says I never saw him drinking before. Guddan look at them. She wonder what's going on. Guddan collide with Perv. She says what are you doing here? Stay away from my sister. This is my last warning to you. She leave. Perv says to Revati on phone did you hear her? She said she would never let us be one. Revati is in tears. He says I swear I will part these sisters.

AJ and Rawat are about to drink. AJ get a call. He doesn’t drink. He fill his own glass. Guddan comes up. AJ is unable to stand. He falls down. Guddan says what did you give him? Are you okay? AJ gets up. He says what happened? Rawat says I wont give him poison relax. Guddan pretend to fall and break AJ’s glass. She smirk. AJ says what was this? She says I slipped by mistake. Guddan says you were drinking? It is bad for health. Uncle Bacchan once said in a movie. AJ says don’t need your lecture. Guddan drink AJ’s glass. Dadi comes and says what is happening here?
Daddi says Guddan you said you will make laddu. AJ says she can’t make it. He says in heart she is drunk. Guddan says I can make laddus. Dadi says both of you can come. AJ says to Guddan you won't move here and there. You are drunk. Stay in front of my eyes? She says so worried about me. Dadi wait for Guddan in the kitchen. AJ says listen. Guddan says dadi I am here. Tell me where is the material. Guddan look at all the things. Durga says big day, Guddan will make laddus today.

Revati think about Guddan. Her cake falls down. Kaushaliya comes and says what happened? Where are you lost? Are you thinking about Guddan? Revati says she loves me, then why she want Perv to be distanced from me? I never thought she could do this. Kaushaliya says Perv did the magic.

AJ is looking at Guddan. Guddan sees laddus floating. She catch them. Dadi says what are you doing? AJ says Guddan I will make laddus you will learn. Saru says she is making them for the first time. Guddan pull her ear and says you can’t say that. It isn’t impossible to make laddu. You are all lucky to have a MIL like me. AJ says Guddan quiet. Dadi says why do you keep asking her to stay quiet? Guddan says he is really spoiled. She pull his cheeks and says he is so cute. AJ’s phone ring. Guddan takes his phone and says yes.. AJ takes the phone. It is from work. He says I am coming. Guddan sit with Durga and says why are you not saying anything? dadi says Guddan why are you talking like this? Durga says people talk like this after being drunk. She is drunk. Guddan says me? I drank that cold drink. Durga says why do you lie? Accept that you drank. Make us drink like you too. AJ hold the bottle. He says Guddan isn’t lying. She thought it was cold drink and it all happened in front of me. If you have more questions I can answer them and learn to respect your MIL. AJ hold Guddan’s hand and takes her upstairs.

Guddan caresses AJ’s face. He says why are you looking at me like that? Guddan dances around him. She hang on his back. Guddan says make me visit the house like this. AJ takes her to the room. Guddan says you thought I would smoke? I wont. Guddan sees poison in the basket. She says I knew Rawat was doing something. He is trying kill AJ? Guddan says I am coming. Guddan take the bottle to Rawat. Guddan says I told you not to harm AJ. Gudan grasps his collar. AJ says Guddan what are you doing. Guddan says he mixed this poison in your drink.

Guddan says this poison. Rawat says don’t be mad at her. I can understand. AJ says Guddan let's go from here. Guddan says I know everything stop fooling me, stop this drama. Rawat pick the sticker. Durga says to Rawat why did she accuse you of intoxicating his drink? He says she is drunk. Durga says I can find out the truth if it is related to our family or AJ. Rawat says okay then find out. Durga says I have to know what it is.

AJ bring Guddan to the room. He says why did you talk to him like that? She says you don’t trust me? She start crying. Guddan says I dreamed so much about my marriage and husband and this is what I have. AJ says sit down. Guddan says I will tell you what I thought of my wedding night. But what happened? Nothing. It was so boring. Was it even a wedding? Guddan says I thought I would hold the arm of my man like this but what happened? I sleep in this balcony. You don’t care about me right? He says it’s not like that. Guddan put finger on his lips and says you only have to listen. There is one thing you trust me like papa did. He always encouraged me. I always wanted to win and you made me win. You are the who got me the respect I deserve in this house. You are always with me. AJ says where are you going? She says to my balcony. You won't let me sleep here. He hold her hand and says you will sleep here on the bed. Guddan says you are doing all this because.. She fall. AJ hold her. AJ takes her to bed and cover her with blanket. AJ sleep on the sofa.
Rawat comes to AJ’s room at night and says I won't pardon him. I will kill him. Rawat throttles him. Guddan wakes up. she was dreaming about it. Guddan says AJ how did I come here? You are so cute. AJ is asleep. Guddan comes downstairs to take water. She fall. Durga says are you not done yet? Guddan says why are you here? You are so cute. Never drink. Learn from your MIL’s mistake. That Rawat is behind all this. Durga says if she is drunk I should ask her. Durga says sit here. Have water. Guddan says how did you know I want water? Durga says what were you saying about Rawat? If there’s anything tell me. AJ comes. He ask Durga to go to her room AJ says why did you come here? She falls asleep on the sofa. AJ picks her and takes her to the room.

AJ says to Guddan are you done with your drinking? She says I only drank cold drink. AJ leave. Guddan comes to dadi and says I am sorry. I didn’t know what it was. Dadi says I knew it was not your mistake. Guddan says although slept on AJ’s bed. Druga says you are getting smart every day. Guddan says to Rawat AJ want me to apologize to you. But I know what it was. So I won't. Guddan wonder if he did this or not.

Perv says I tried to kill AJ. Guddan think Rawat did this. I mixed it in the drink when Rawat left. But what is Rawat up to? Something is happening in this house. I will take revenge from this Guddan. Guddan comes and says I heard everything. How dare you try to harm my AJ. He gave you this house and your job back. Guddan slap him. Revati come. Revati says you always insult him. I love you. You wanted us to part ways. You can’t accuse him without proofs. I love him. Guddan is dazed. Revati says where is your proof? Guddan says listen.. Revati says you won't come between me and Perv. She leave. Perv says so sorry. Your sister got so mad..

Guddan comes to her room. She is in tears. Guddan says Revati is emotional. Guddan calls Kasuhaliya. Kaushaliya says what did you do to Revati? She is so upset.

Revati is crying. Perv give her juice. He says I want to bring smile on her face. He says things like these happen. You trusted your sister more than you should have.

Rawat shoot sculpture and says once I have the proof AJ will be punished.

Guddan by mistake burned AJ’s shirt. AJ come. Guddan says I am sorry. I know this was your favorite. AJ says to Guddan this is my favorite. What is it? Why do you seem so worried? Tell me. Where are you lost? Guddan says nothing. I thought you would find out and would be mad so I shall tell you. AJ holds her hand and says why are you lying to me? Tell me when there is time.

Guddan get ready. Aj come to the room. Guddan says how do I look? She says valentine’s party? He says everyone is coming to the party. Guddan and AJ come to the party. they dance on aik larki to dekha tou aisa laga. Guddan and AJ cut the cake together. AJ says love is a feeling. It doesn’t know any rules or boundaries. Guddan says I didn’t know you could say all that too. Perv come to the party with Revati. Guddan says I asked you to stay away from him. Revati says I don't want to hear that anymore. We aren’t here for your taunts. Let me live my life. Revati says lets go Perv. Perv says only you can love me this much. He hug Revati. Guddan is angry. She says I won't let you harm my sister.

Guddan come to the room. She says I have to do something. Where is Revati?

The DILs come to the party too. They dance too.

AJ says let's see which couple has the best chemistry.

AJ give Guddan necklace. She says but people who love each other give gifts. He says you would then get upset. Guddan says I thought you would never give a gift. This is very pretty. take it. He says this is for you. Even if there is no love, gifts don’t need a reason. You keep everything in my house bright.

A guy put gun on AJ and Guddan. He says what are you doing here? AJ only loved one woman Antara. I have to say good bye to Guddan. AJ stand in front of Guddan. He grasps Guddan and says go blindfold and dance. AJ swipe Guddan’s tears. He take out gun and put it on everyone. He says let's play death game. AJ says don’t harm any one. He put gun on AJ. Guddan stand in front of AJ. He says you are only his fake wife. AJ grasps his gun. He call police. The guy gives a chit to Guddan and says read it once. It says you can only save husbands or wives. Guddan is worried. The guys lock all the men outside. The wives are inside. He fires the whole ground. All women are scared. He says see your AJ won't be able to save you. AJ come in with extinguisher and save Guddan. AJ beat the villain. Guddan apologize to everyone. AJ says to Guddan why do you have to risk your life every time. 

Revati falls in the fire. She says Perv please save me. Perv leave her there and run. Guddan look for Revati. Guddan hear Revati screaming. Guddan run inside. She says don’t worry I will save you. Revati says please get me out of here. Guddan pull her out of the fire and takes her out.

Guddan take out Revati. Perv says thank God you are fine. Revati slap him and says I saw your fake love. And I saw my sister too. She jumped in fire for me. She says my sister was right about you. She leave. Perv says I will marry you.

AJ come in to save Guddan. Vijay says you two will die here together. This room will be full of poisonous gas. Only ne of you can stay alive with this glass. Vijay leave. Guddan and AJ are coughing. AJ says wear the mask. She says I am fine. You wear it. He says no you wear it. The mask fall off. AJ ask Guddan to wear it. Guddan says only you trust and protect me from everything. I like it when you stand for me. I know you will listen to me and wear this. Guddan and AJ are about to faint. Guddan faints on the floor. AJ try to break the door. They both fall. Vijay says you two were dying for each other. I am sorry I risked your life. Police arrest him. Vijay says I did wrong. I never understood love. Durga says to Guddan why did you do all this? Guddan says because this is my responsibility.

Revati come home. She says Guddan saved me. Thank God she was there.

Guddan comes home dadi hug her. AJ says Guddan faced everything so bravely. Laxmi says yes she saved us. Guddan come to her room. She drink the glass of milk for AJ too.. AJ says one was for me. You didn’t even ask before drinking it she says you can get another one. Both were for me. She says you have to be smart like me. He says yeah right. AJ goes to couch to sleep.

Rawat is angry. He says even in that party AJ wasn’t harmed. I will avenge your death I promise you my sister. AJ comes to Rawat and says you have been too much into the cassettes these days? He says the culprits are very clever. You never know what lead to them. AJ says why is Antara’s candle not lit? He says not today, tomorrow. AJ says I try to forget this day but it comes in front of me. Like she would come and say everything is okay. He says nothing is like before. You have a wife. Guddan comes in. AJ leaves. Guddan says AJ doesn’t even know why you didn’t light the candle. You will burn everything in this hatred. AJ trust and respect you so much. His eyes get wet while talking about Antara. He says AJ can fool you but not me. He killed my sister. He is fooling everyone. I will expose him for killing my sister. Guddan says AJ didn’t kill her. You have no proof. His tears are as true as yours. AJ will do his pooja and I wont let you stop him.

Guddan prepare for the pooja. Guddan says all this is done. Let me bring Antara’s photo AJ bring the photo.

Guddan Air On Zee World From Mondays To Sundays At 6pm & 7pm 

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