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Dadi says do pooja. Saru and Laxmi recall they changed her thaal.

Perv comes to Revati and makes her wear chunri. He says why are you so shocked? I got this gift for you. She says go from here. He says today is karwa chauth and I fasted for you. I really love you. She says don’t you understand. Guddan will be really mad. I don’t want this chunri, she is about to throw it. Kaushaliya comes and stops her. She recalls Durga insulting her. Kaushaliya says accept this chunri and his gift. Revati says what? Guddan.. Kaushaliya says I am your mom. I decide for you not her. I have decided. Revati goes in. Prev says thank you sasu ma. Kaushaliya says all these tricks wont play on me. I want to see Revati happy. If that doesn’t happen.. He says I will keep her like a queen.

Saru says to Guddan how did you do this? Laxmi shows her face. Guddan laughs. She says you look scary. Why don’t you do some makeup. Durga says now wait for the right time of fast. You love him right? Guddan says no I don’t love him. Laxmi says I am sorry sasu ma. Durga says then break your fast. Pooja is done. You don’t need to eat from his hand. Guddan says okay I will eat. She says okay let me eat. She is about to eat. Guddan says let me take out and eat with everyone. Laxmi says no you eat please. You are weak. Guddan eats. Dadi comes and says Guddan why did you. Guddan is dazed.

Dadi comes and shouts. She says why did you eat. There was time in completing the fast. Guddan is dazed. A woman says what will happen to her husband now. Dadi says I never expected this from you. Guddan comes to dadi she says dadi there is some confusion. Why would I break my fast half hour earlier there was time.. SHe looks at the watch it is fine. Saru says sasu ma you did so wrong. They changed the watch. Dadi says she made a mistake. I got angry at her too. She just broke it 30 minutes earlier. Guddan go to your room. A girl says girls like her only think about herself.

Guddan comes to her room and says how could I do all this. Dadi does so much for me. But why do I care? I didn’t fast for AJ anyone. Guddan goes to washroom. She coughs and is about to throw up. Dadi says Guddan are you okay? She calls AJ but he says he is busy. Doctor checks Guddan. She says what did you eat last? She says mushroom. Doctor says you vomited everything. That means your fast is still okay. There is nothing in your stomach. Dadi says no let her eat. She is very weak. We will do that pooja together. Have some juice. Durga says to dadi she won't come to pooja. She had juice. Guddan comes and says I didn’t have anything. And I will do pooja with everyone. Dadi is happy. She calls AJ but he doesn’t pick. Dadi says I am sorry Guddan. All other women start pooja. They do arti of their husbands. Perv’s wife calls him. He says I am out for some case. I can video call. Break your fast on video call. She does his arti and breaks her fast. Guddan waits for AJ. Dadi says don’t wait for him. Break your fast. Guddan says how long will I stay hungry. She comes to kitchen. Laxmi says all the food are finish. Guddan looks around there is nothing. Guddan comes to pool side. She is hungry. Guddan faints. AJ holds her hand. She says so you came before next year’s fast. He says did I ask you to fast for me? She says do you even know how it feels to stay hungry all night? You torture me all the time. She faints again. AJ holds her. AJ picks her and takes her inside. He makes her drink water. He makes her eat the sweets. Dadi looks at them and smiles. She says she broke her fast from his hands.

Kaushaliya says come Revati. Make Perv eat and break his fast. Perv says I really love you. Revati makes Perv eat. He holds her hand. Perv makes her wear a ring and leaves. Revati says if Guddan was here she won't let me marry a married man? Kaushaliya says he loves you. He will divorce his wife, Guddan did the same. I don’t need excuses. You will be married in the same house. You will rule there with Guddan. You had a good choice. Revati says okay.
Durga says there are no sweets in Indore like our house. Dadi says this diwali should be special because Guddan is here too. Guddan comes and says dadi my prasad. Dadi says but you were not well. You should rest. Guddan says I was bored on the bed. She says this diwali everything is your responsibility Guddan. Guddan says but I can’t do anything. Dadi says you can do everything. I know you will do everything. Guddan laughs. She says dadi.. She takes dadi to a side. Guddan says dadi see I can’t throw these papers in that bin. I can’t do all this. Dadi says you can do this. Gudan say Durga does it every year. She loves doing it. I don’t want herr to get hurt. We will go shopping. Dadi says this is the kind f life partner I wanted for my AJ. You will win everyone’s hearts. Dadi says to Durga where are you going? Durga says we don’t have anything to do here so we were going for shopping. Dadi says Durga you should do it all. You have been doing it for years. dadi says say thanks to your mother inlaw. Durga says at least she knows we are better than her. Guddan says to Dadi lets go and make a list of shopping. Laxmi says to saru she will make us work like servants.

The officer calls Guddan. He says you have to open a locker with a code. It can have a proof that might have a proof against AJ. Perv comes and throws water on Guddan with a pipe. Guddan says what is this. He says who were you talking to? If you get married to an old man what do you. I won't tell anyone. Guddan says stay away from me. I will break your legs. Don’t you dare say about my husband. Prev says wow money can do wonders. Guddan picks a bucket and throws water on him. She says it was dirty gutter water. Now you feel better? She leave.

Guddan makes dias. Laxmi says she is so clever. Saru says she will enjoy in the market. Durga says your efforts leave their prints. Guddan knows she can’t do anything. Guddan comes and says you make great dias. Go to market yourself too. I will clean the temple. I can’t do such huge shopping. Durga stops. She says I like you accepting you can’t do anything. We will go with Dadi and shop. Go clean the temple. Guddan says in heart I know AJ can’t kill his wife. I have to prove Rawat wrong.

Guddan try to make pots. Saru and Laxmi plan on breaking all the dias. Rawat calls Guddan and says look for proofs against AJ. She says there is no trunk anywhere. Guddan goes to store. She sees a rat and screams. She is about to fall. AJ holds her. Guddan hug him. Guddan says rat.. He says quiet. She says go look for it. He says why are you here? Who were you talking to on call here? She says I wasn’t on call I was making selfie audition. We actors record audition on camera. She pretends to do selfie audition. AJ goes to his room.

Laxmi and Saru go to break the dias.

Kaushliya says don’t do this with your hands. Your dad will make pots. Revati says I do this every year. Kaushliya says you don’t have to do anyting. Like that Guddan. Bhushan says what do you mean? Revati says papa leave it. You had to go to market. He leaves. Kaushaliya says go clean your hands.

AJ takes Guddan to room. He says you vomited on my shoes? She says they were in front of me. He says stay away from my things. This is disgusting. He throws them. Guddan sees a locker. She says it is the same locker. She says AJ can never do this. Let’s prove Rawat wrong. Guddan calls Rawat and says I found that locker. She sees all the dias broken. Guddan says how is this possible. Durga will he is so mad.
Perv gives silver coins to Kaushliya he says happy diwali. Kaushaluya says thank you. But Guddan.. She is AJ's wife. Perv says how dare you. You think I have no worth in front of that AJ? Her life is ruined. She isn’t happy there. AJ hate her.

AJ sees pot clay in his room. He says you can’t do anything. The whole house is dirty because of you. She says don’t say all this. I am in tension. This is your house. but you married me. She cry. AJ says what did you do? He looks at the broken pots. He says you broke them? She says no you are wrong. He says stay away from me. Your hands are dirty. She says I didn’t break them. Durga did. He says you won't make dias. You have spread clay everywhere. Guddan says I would have done this if you didn’t come. She try to make dias.

Guddan falls on the pot maker. AJ holds her. He says don’t touch anything now. She says I can do everything. He sits down to make pots. She says I will make them. He says give it to me. He makes pots with her. Guddan says let me make it. He says there are hardly few hours left. He removes hair from her face. They make pots together. The clay spreads on his face. He cleans it. He says people are right. You can’t do anything. Stay away from me.

Laxmi says I am so happy. When dadi reaches home with her friends everything would be a mess. Durga comes. Laxmi says she can’t do anything.

AJ asks servants where you are.. She says they are all out to get stuff. I will clean this. He says you will mess everything. She says I can do everything. I thought you would trust me. I would clean this house. He says look around. She says why should I thank you? You didn’t help me because I asked. He says I wont ever help you. She says I don’t need it anyway. He leaves. Guddan try to clean the house. The soap water falls on Guddan. Dadi and everyone come. They laugh at her. Dadi cleans her face. Dadi says look around. The house is decorated so well. Guddan has cleaned everything. Look at the temple. Guddan did what I asked her to. All women appreciate Guddan. Dadi says Guddan rest. You must be tired. A storm rages on. All the decorations start falling. Guddan tries to shut the windows. Durga looks at her broken pots. She says you did all this. Lights turn off. Women say why is it so dark. Diwali brings happiness. There is something wrong. Guddan comes downstairs holding a dia. She says storm ruins everything but I will fix everything with my will power. Dadi says your hand will burn. Guddan says but pooja is more important.The dia is about to blow. AJ comes and saves it with Guddan. They do pooja together.

Guddan Air On Zee World From Mondays To days At 6pm & 7pm And Saturday At 6pm Only

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