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AJ’s wounds hurt. He try to apply medicine. Guddan says let me do this. He says no need to. She says there is a need. Sit here I am coming. She apply medicines. Guddan says sit down. She cleans his wound. Guddan says you would be fine. He says I will do it myself. Guddan says I will do it. He cleans the medicine she spilled on her hair. Guddan says you are moving a lot that’s why I can’t apply it. He sit. Guddan dresses all his wounds. AJ get on the bed. She says drink milk with turmeric. He says your brain need it more. He sleeps. Guddan says finally. She says thank you for saving me uncle.

Perv comes to his wife and says glad you moved from my way. Revati loves me a lot. He gives her injection. He says you know it hurts you right? I am here don’t worry. No more promises and this pathetic life. Die this time. Time to go. He is about to give her injection. Perv says do you want to say something? You want to see me Revati right? He calls Revati. Saru comes there. She says Perv.. he hides the injection. Saru says lassi for you. He drinks the lassi. Laxmi says to Saru the lassi was so good. I feel like sleeping. She says whole family will sleep now. Perv faint.

Everyone is asleep in the house. Guddan hears people shouting. She comes downstairs. Someone took all the stuff from the lounge. Guddan says who sold it? AJ says someone stole all things. Guddan says how? Durga says you should tell us how this happened. You did this. See there the locks are there. Someone came from these keys. The thief has the keys. They stepped in and took everything. Someone has duplicate of these keys. Guddan is shocked. Durga says where are the keys? Everyone blames Guddan. Durga says the keys were your responsibility. Where are they?

Durga says the keys are here. they were in the trash. Guddan says I don’t know how they ended up in the trash? I kept them in the room. I asked kathor to look after them. AJ says you left the keys to an animal? Saru says wow sasu ma you did all this. Durga says this house is looted because of her. AJ says we have to tell police. Saru says I called police already. AJ runs upstairs. Durga says an irresponsible woman is looking after this house now? What do we expect. AJ sees that Antra’s photo is taken as well. He touches the wall. Guddan comes and says I am sorry. I dont’ know how all this happened. Are you okay? He asks says I am okay. I dont’ need your sympathy. You have done enough already. His phone isn’t there either. He leaves in anger.
Guddan comes downstairs. Everyone is upset. Laxmi says they took our phones too. There is nothing to eat. Dadi says they took idol too. How would I do pooja. Guddan says I have an idea. Durga says she has a solution for all problems because she is the root to all the problems. Guddan makes Krishan on a card board. Dadi smiles. She gives arti to dadi and says do the pooja. Dadi says you are right. Dadi does arti. Dadi says you showed that you find solutions for everything. Saru says now make food and medicine on a paper for dadi. She get sick. Saru says she knows everything.

Guddan makes charcoal stove and says to Laxmi and Saru to help her. Laxmi says we can’t cook like this. Durga says I will help you. This is my responsibility but accept your mistake. You did this. You can’t do all this. try to fix your mistake. Go I will make it.

Guddan comes to room and says to kathor I did all this. AJ comes in. Guddan says could police find out anything? Who were the thieves. She says I have made a huge mistake. Your precious picture of Antra is gone too. You are so nice. you didn’t even shout. You can shout at me and tell me I can’t do anything. He is leaving. She stops him nd says shout at me. He says would that bring everything back? He says I painted that picture. She made me promise I will keep that picture around me always. That promise is broken too. Guddan says I created all this mess. I will prove you, you didn’t make a mistake by trusting me. I will bring that photo back for you. Guddan says I know your pain. See this locket, it has my mother’s picture. I always keep it near me. When I miss her I see this. Until I dont’ bring your Antra’s picture back. I wont see my mother’s picture with me. She gives the locket to him. Guddan says Kathor I have to bring everything back. How can I do this? Kathor makes noise. Gudda says thank you kathor. I have an idea.

Durga opens the door. She says who is this? A guy turns back. Durga says who are you? He says I am Majnu. She says don’t you know your own house address? He says I am here to meet you. Durga shoves him out and says I don’t know you. He starts making noise. Guddan makes the same voice with him. He says see.. She is my partner since childhood. Guddan says come in. Durga says who is it? Guddan says he is my friend Majnu. Durga says what is he here for? She says to help me. Majnu says nice house Guddan. You got a big fish. Durga says yes she did. Majnu says is she your mother in law? Guddan says no my daughter in law. He says what? She says I will explain in sometime. He says won't you serve me? She says there’s nothing. A thief came and took everytime. You have to help me in finding it back. Or uncle would.. He says uncle? She says the one I married. He laughs. Guddan says don’t laugh please help me in finding the stuff.

The truck stops at a place with all the stuff. Saru is in it. A man says you are selling your own house stuff? Majnu texts Guddan address of that shop. Guddan says I will find stuff and theif both.

Guddan comes in the market. She look for the shop. Saru takes all the money from them. Guddan falls and fire alarm rings. The man says go from here. He says to Antra’s photo take it please. It is useless. She says no you keep it. Saru comes there. She sees Guddan and says what is she doing here now? Guddan looks for the shop. The shopkeep throw Antra’s picture out. It falls on Guddan and she catches it. Guddan smiles. She says you threw it out? This was stolen from AJ’s house. How did you get it? He says I get trash. Guddan says Majnu told me you deal with theft. Is it in your shop? Let me check. He says there’s nothing inside. Bring police. give me this picture back. Guddan says give me this picture please. I will give you what you want. He says would you give me everything? She says yes. He says give me these earrings. She gives him her jewelry. He says that mangalsutra too. Guddan recalls her wedding. She says but this picture is very important for AJ. But pandit ji said it is very important for a woman. The man says why did you stop? Guddan looks at the picture and takes off her mangalsutra. She gives it to him. He gives her the picture. Guddan recall her wedding.

AJ calls police and you can’t find that painting. I want it in a few hours. Guddan comes in with the painting. AJ looks at the painting. He says don’t find anything. Guddan smiles.

Guddan says meet your Antra. He takes the photo and smiles. Guddan says I fulfilled my promise and got you your Antra ji’s photo. Give me my mom’s back. She takes her locket back from his pocket and wears it. AJ smiles.

Saru sits in her car. Perv is in the back seat. He says always knew this could only be my sister. Why else would you make lassi for everyone. I didn’t know you would play this big game alone. You showed you are my sister. You aren’t scared of anyone. He says what will I get when I get the case. She says I did everything, why should I give you share? He says I am a policeman. I am your brother. And to save it all, you need my help. I would only help you when you give me half of the money. I can get all of this stuff vanished from here. Promise me half the price. She says okay. Perv says how did she come here? She isn’t that stupid. Saru says they shouldn’t know at any cost who sold it.

Dadi smiles and says you got Antra’s picture back? He says yes Guddan got it. Dadi says where id you find it? Laxmi says could you find my jewelry too? Guddan says I looked everywhere I couldn’t find it. I only found this. AJ says don’t worry I will get new furniture. Durga says I wasn’t expecting this from you. You are being so selfish. What about other people’s stuff. Don’t we have any attachment to our stuff? How can you forgive Guddan? Why don’t you ask her questions when she fails every time. AJ says enough. I can take all responsibilities when I want. I won't back out from my word. Guddan will decide what will happen in this house. Guddan says you are right but Durga is right too. Everyone in this house think I don’t deserve this huge responsibility. I don’t think I can take it either. Papa taught me that I can’t handle this house. I accept that I can’t handle the responsibility of this house. So I leave this responsibility from today. And I want Durga to handle this. Durga takes the keys from Guddan. Guddan says I want you to take responsibility of this house. And I should apologize to everyone. She says sorry to AJ. Dadi says you did well Guddan. You didn’t have a lot of experience. you did good. You will do better with time. I have complete trust in you. AJ says so now you know how difficult it is. If you want Durga to handle this I don’t mind. Good job. Guddan says now these keys are in the right hands.
Laxmi says wow these keys are so nice. Saru says you should clean them because Guddan handled them. Laxmi says show her a lesson. Durga says I have taken this responsibility for the people of this house. Not to show someone low. Guddan accepted her mistake. These keys aren’t a joke. Saru says we will have fun. Durga says look. this is an empty house. We have to make it home again.

Dadi says God chose you for AJ for a reason. You have a big heart. Not everyone can be this great.

Guddan is tying noose on a fan and says I cant even do it. Dadi comes there and screams, Guddan falls down. Dadi says why are you doing it? I will give keys to you, dont do it. Guddan says you are wrong, I was so happy to give keys, I was making swing using this rope. Dadi asks where is her jewelry and mangalsutra? Guddan recalls how she sold it and think I cant tell her. Guddan says I saw Antara’s painting in the market, man said that he is ill and wants money for his family so I gave him jewelry to get it. Dadi says you gave you mangalsutra? Guddan says man wanted to gift mangalsutra to his wife otherwise she would leave him so I gave my mangalsutra to him, I did the right thing? She leaves. Dadi says she lie to hide her pain.

AJ smiles at Antara’s picture. Dadi comes there and says you see loneliness of the house but don't you see empty hands of Guddan? She gave her everything to bring this picture. AJ says I will bring another mangalsutra, its nothing. Dadi says I can't bear my daughter in law to remain without mangalsutra, dont know why she had to give it, you cant see anything infront of Antara’s photo, you care for it but think about living person too as she is your wife, Dadi leaves. AJ looks on.

Parv comes to room and says its great that you are here love, show your face. Kuashalia takes off blanket and says you cant meet her till you get married. Parv says I was just joking. Kaushalia says if you try to do anything with my daughter before marriage then I won't spare you, she leaves. Parv says just see how I will make her mine even before marriage.

Guddan Air On Zee World From Mondays To days At 6pm & 7pm And Saturday At 6pm Only

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