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Guddan prepare for the pooja. Guddan says all this is done. Let me bring Antara’s photo AJ bring the photo. They both place it together. Dadi says all is done so well. Gudadn says thank you. Guddan come to the kitchen and sees DILs cooking. Guddan says so you all learned how to cook without me telling you. She says why did you make peas? I don’t like them at all. Durga says we have to cook for the first woman of this house. She isn’t second like you. Guddan says but this is first for me. This is my family. I don’t think beyond that. You show me my mistakes and help me in fixing them. You will make the food because no one understands this house better than you. On Antara’s day, I won't let anything go wrong. Dadi hug her. 

Rawat says to the cassette repairer I want it today. How could you not fix it. He says I am trying. AJ says is everything good? Never seen you this angry. Rawat says a case. Everything is dependent on this case. AJ says calm down it's Antra’s anniversary go get ready. Guddan says AJ dadi is calling you. Rawat says AJ should be scared of me like you are. Gudan says I am not scared of you. Did you plan or change or are you still in dillusion? He says 20 mins are left. Who knows after tasting AJ would be able to do the pooja or not Guddan says you can’t do any such thing.

AJ is about to taste the food. He is washing the hands. Guddan come running. She collides with Durga and the vegetables fall down. Guddan says to AJ don’t wash your hand. He says why? She says there is acid in the water. Rawat comes and put his hand under the water. He says there is no acid. AJ get angry and says leave right now. Guddan leave. Dadi says AJ you did so wrong. Guddan prepared everything with all her heart. He says but.. Dadi says she does all this for you and you can’t see anything? Who prepare pooja for her husband’s first wife? He says I was only loud to her because Durga was about to be rude to her. So I asked her to leave.

Rawat come to Guddan and says AJ doesn’t respect his wives. He can only make people cry. Guddan says why can’t you mind your own business? He was never even verbally abusive to me why would he kill his wife? He says you will know all your answers today.

The pooja start. Rawat lit the candle. Guddan say to Rawat anything can happen in 10 minutes. I will ruin all your plans and AJ will do this pooja. Pandit ji ask AJ to start Arti. AJ lit the candle. Guddan is shocked. She sees the dia falling. Guddan save it. Guddan says Antara is something to me too. You should do pooja with me. Dadi says she is right. AJ says okay. AJ and Guddan do the pooja together. Guddan hand is burned. AJ says why didn’t you tell me it was burning. She says it would have burned yours otherwise. AJ apply cream on her hand. AJ says you could say that it was burning.

Guddan come to Rawat’s room with tea, she says tea. He says enough. You must be here to mock me and celebrate. She says I am not here for anything. Have this sweet. He says I would eat it but not with sweets He add spices in it and eats the sweet. Guddan says what are you doing. He eats it and says go now. He says I love my sister, that AJ will be exposed.

Guddan says in heart I know your anger but you are doing it in a wrong way. Guddan sees her mother’s picture is not on board. It is next to Antara’s picture. Guddan says ma how did your picture come in? AJ says I got it in. Your mom’s picture deserves to be here. Guddan gives a teary smile.

Druga says Guddan spilled Antara’s favourite vegetable. Dadi says Antara is only bringing them closer. She is part of AJ’s life.

AJ says to Guddan we both know what it is like to lose someone. I know you must miss your mom a lot. AJ bring arti and says do arti of ma. She says I did pooja with you for Antara. Do the arti with me. Ma will like it. They do the arti together.

Rawat get a call. His cassette is recovered. He says I am coming. this is my moment. Get ready to pay for your sins AJ.

Guddan wakes up and sees AJ sleeping on the couch. Guddan says why do you keep coming here? AJ is sleeping. He says yea he will be sleeping in jail now. I will have the proof in a few minutes.

Rawat says to Guddan I will have the proof to his fakeness today. He goes to his office and turn on the recording. Rawat hears it in tears. He break things in anger.
Guddan is worried. She says should I speak to AJ, before things go wrong? Guddan come to AJ. She says I want to tell you soemthing. He says is it important? She says yes very important. Guddan says I don’t know if you will trust me or not Rawat is here to trap you. He think you are behind Antara’s death. I trust you and know you can’t do such thing. AJ has fallen asleep. He didn’t hear anything.

Rawat says to his boss here is the proof. We can’t let go of this finding.

Rawat come to AJ and says lets play. He gives him punching gloves. AJ says if you have decided to lose.. They starts fighting. Rawat get very aggressive. AJ says what happened to you? He says stop. Rawat says he killed my sister. Everyone is dazed. He is about to punch AJ Guddan comes in front. AJ stop his hand. Rawat says he killed my sister. Rawat punch AJ and says get up you killer. AJ punch him. He says I killed Antara? Police come in. They arrest AJ. Rawat says your game is over. You are arrested for killing your wife Antara. Guddan says you can’t arrest him like this. Durga says AJ can never do any thing of such. Guddan says remove this handcuff. AJ stop Guddan. Rawat says I have the proof. He shows the cassette. He plays the cassette.. Antara says in the recording I wanted to tell you all this for a very long time. But.. I wasn’t able to. I couldn’t gather the courage, but I think it is important for you to know.. AJ is the reason behind my death. AJ is shocked. Everyone is shocked. Guddan says in heart Antara didn’t say anything like this before. AJ is in tears. AJ ask Guddan to move aside. Police arrest AJ. Guddan is crying. Her dupatta gets stuck in AJ’s cuff. Police take him. Dadi faint.

The Jindal families are devastated after AJ’s arrest. Durga recalls that she had given Guddan an opportunity to speak the truth and the latter had revealed that Rawat was set to send AJ to jail for Antara’s murder. This conversation is shown as a flashback scene and Durga is shocked learning the truth. She suggests that they should tell AJ about Rawat’s intentions. While remembering this incident, Durga decides that she needs to have a word with Guddan.

Meanwhile, Parv visits Revati to make it up to her. But she refuses to come out of her room and has locked the door from within. Revati’s mother tries to get her out of the room, but in vain. Parv puts up an act of committing suicide which makes Revati come out. She takes the revolver from him but doesn’t fall for his act. Revati points the gun at him and says that if he was going to kill himself, then she might as well do the needful for him. She shoots and proves that the revolver isn’t loaded. Revati mocks Parv and says that she has broken all relations with him. 
Guddan says everything was so good then why did you ruin it Rawat. Guddan recalls fighting with AJ over the bed. She made wall with pillows. Guddan says I wont sleep in that balcony. He says your division isn’t equal. Guddan held his hand in sleep.

Parv is furious and decides to seek revenge from Guddan. He reports to the police station and is stunned to see AJ there with his hands cuffed. Rawat says he is arrested for killing his first wife Antara. Perv says this can’t be true. He asks Parv to lock him in jail. Rawat says AJ isn't your relative here and ask him to treat AJ as a normal prisoner, even though they share familial relations. Perv says AJ don’t worry if you need anything.. AJ says go.

Dadi is crying. She says they were coming close. Dadi gave AJ bangles to give them to Guddan. Dadi say I have been waiting so long for this day. Dadi says to Guddan you knew. You were involved in all this. Lashxmi says to Saru AJ did this drama of loving Antara all her life. Saru says there is something. Dadi hear it. Durga says you knew it right? You knew Rawat was plotting all this. Laxmi says AJ will be sentenced to death. Dadi faint. Everyone run to her. Guddan takes her to room. Doctor checks her and says she should be allow to rest. Keep her stress free. Dadi says Guddan.. My son could never do this, he really loved her. Guddan says I will get him out of that jail. I know he didn’t do anything. Dadi says please bring my son back. Guddan says don’t worry I will.

AJ is in jail. He recall his moment with Guddan. Guddan come there. He says you shouldn’t have come to this place, you don’t deserve it. She says so don’t you. If you can be here I can come to meet you. She says Rawat plotted all this. You see what I do. AJ says he is still part of the family. Don’t say anything to him. Guddan gives him food. He says I am not hungry. Guddan says this is a help. I made this khichdi. I thought you can taste it. He says so you are here to ask that? She says yeah who can tell better. He says I don’t want to eat. Guddan says please eat. She makes AJ eat. AJ eats from her hand. AJ says it is made with love so it is good.

Guddan comes to Rawat and says these bangles are mine because I am AJ’s wife. These are the respect that I got from this family. What have you done. This cassette had no such thing. He says I got it fixed because my sister left a proof. AJ is the reason for her death. Go find a new guy and get married. Guddan says I will bring AJ back home no matter what I have to do. AJ meets Rawat. He says Antra really loved you. She might be very proud of you now. He says stop this drama. Guddan comes to Rawat. She plays the disk and says these are your words and just her voice. You always say the same words. How can she say the same words as you. He says I don’t need to answer you. She says you have to. He says I and Antra studied and lived together. Antra said the same words. Leave this AJ and live your life. Your AJ isn’t coming back ever.

Guddan Air On Zee World From Mondays To Sundays At 6pm & 7pm 

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