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Guddan says but pooja is more important.The dia is about to blow. AJ comes and saves it with Guddan. They do pooja together. Guddan says Durga did you take prasad? she shoves it. Guddan says don’t insult prasad. Durga says you couldn’t do anything before marriage. Your parents have taught you this drama. I know girls like you. Guddan says I am listening to everything, but don’t say a word about my family. They are my life. Durga says don’t you get tired of this drama? You won't win hearts by burning your hand? You can’t fool me. You broke my dia. You will pay for this. I will show you your right place. This is fight of my existence now. Get ready now. she leaves.

Guddan sneaks in the room. AJ is asleep. Guddan try to open the locker. She says why doesn’t it open. AJ wakes up and says why are you trying to open my locker. She pretends like she is sleeping. AJ says are you sleep walking? She sleeps on his bed. AJ says Guddan get up from my bed. He picks her and leaves her in the balcony. He gives her blanket. Guddan smirks. Rawat calls her. She says he almost saw me. Why do you do this. He says why are you so stupid. And when did I ask you to open the locker? She hangs up. Rawat says she can’t do anything. Guddan says good morning to dadi. Dadi says why are you up so early? AJ says check if she is up or not. She sleep walks. She even steals stuff in the sleep. Dadi says don’t say anything to my doll Guddan. Dadi says take blessings from God. She gives them arti. Guddan and AJ do arti together. Guddan sees huge cards. She says such huge cards what are they for? Durga says we have cards party on diwali. AJ says ma keep your guests away from trouble. Guddan says you called me trouble? He says glad you understand. Dadi says Durga tell her everything. Guddan says yes. Durga says she already knows how to play. Guddan says yeah you are right. I used to bet before wedding. Saru and Laxmi come with money. Guddan says so much money. Durga says we spend more in this game than you can even imagine. She gives her a note and says get something for yourself. Guddan places it in the temple and says keep this prasad. Durga gives parsad to servant. She says I don’t take prasad from strangers. Dadi says I will speak to her. She is very rude. You don’t even say anything. Guddan says because I don’t even listen to her. I don’t even care. Dadi says she is so nice. I know she get hurt.

The party starts. Dadi has invited a beautician to get Guddan dressed up. A guy comes. He says amma ji.. Dadi says why did you come? He says AJ didn’t invite us for more than two years. So we came to fix everything. AJ says he is right. AJ says they know we dont’ even send beggars empty handed. They used to be our friends. AJ says but you are so shameless. After all that insult you came too. sit please. He says as you say my old friend. He says in heart you are so proud of your money? See how I take everything from you today. His wife says you have to teach him a lesson. Datta says we will be owners of his restaurant. The casino starts. Dadi says to AJ sit with guddan. she is lucky for you. Guddan comes downstairs. She is about to fall in saree. Datta says second wife is even prettier than first one. I deserve one photo with her. AJ goes and holds Guddan. She says what are you doing? AJ says your blouse is open. He silently closes it. Laxmi says AJ is getting closer to her. Datta says nice to meet you. We have heard a lot aout you. He extends his hand. AJ shakes the hand and makes it into namaste. He says guddan he is saying namastay. Guddan says namasty. Datta says sit here. AJ says husband and wife sit together. Guddan come here. Guddan sits with AJ. Durga says to dadi she is very stupid. She will make us lose. Laxmi says she can’t do anything. Dadi says Guddan can do everything. Durga says we will see. The game starts. AJ says to Guddan you don’t know the rules. Guddan says we have such good cards. Datta says is she playing in our team. He laughs. AJ says focus on the game. Datta wins the first round. Guddan says he is cheating. Datta says you are so focused on your wife but she is so pretty how can you look away. AJ leaves the game. Guddan is worried. She says Datta did something. Uncle is mad at me too. Datta’s wife says she understood you were cheating. Datta says even if she finds out no one will believe her. We will win in second time too.

Guddan says to AJ that datta and his wife are doing something. AJ says I can catch if someone cheats. I will play and you will just sit there. She says but.. He puts finger on her face.

Guddan’s family comes. She hugs them. AJ touches Bhushan’s feet. He says one will ever bother you in this house. I promise. Durga says lets show the our special card party. They haven’t seen something like this. Guddan says we were about to win but.. AJ stares her. Dadi says come in. Bhushan says she is very innocent. Please forgive her. I spoiled her. AJ says you have raised your kids very well. Laxmi says they don’t have money to play this game. Saru says but she knows how to play games. See her daughter is here now. Kaushliya takes out money and says lets start the game. They are dazed. Perv comes. He says mother in law.. I meant mother of mother in law. Guddan says to Revati I can’t leave you alone in the room. That perv is here too. Revati says that’s why I don’t wanna roam around. He is a very bad person. Don’t ever trust him. She leaves. Perv hugs Revati, she says how you came here? He says anyone can come anywhere. She says go from here. Di will come anytime. He says I will show the while world I love you. He comes close to kiss her. Guddan knocks on the door. She hears Perv’s voice. uddan says are you okay? revati opens the door. Guddan says did he come herre? Revati says no one came here. I was watching movie. Guddan says he is dangerous. Come down with me. She takes revati downstairs. Perv says no one can save her from me.

The game starts. Guddan says to AJ I want to see the cards. His cards fall. Everyone sees them. Guddan says sorry I made a mistake AJ stands in anger. He says Guddan will play this game alone now. Everyone is dazed. She says I can’t do this. He says you will. Guddan says okayy I will convert this loss into a win. AJ stands in anger. Guddan starts playing. Durga says our family name is on you. Gudan says I can do it. Start datta. He says lets listen to the condition first. He says we will increase the bet. Durga says are you scared? GUddan says I am not scared of anyone. He says write on paper what you want. Laxmi Durga and Guddan write. The game starts.

Guddan wins the game. Saru says that diamond set is ours. Guddan says this game is for entertainment only. You can keep it. Datta’s wife says no rules wont change. Laxmi takes the set. She says lets play again.
Kaushaliya collides with Perv’s wife. She says sorry. she picks her papers. These are divorce papers. Kaushaliya says Perv asked me to get it made. My friend is a lawyer. Perv says I got this made for Gerv my friend. She says you have no friend gerv. Perv says don’t you trust me? She goes in. Perv shouts what are you doing? Kaushaliya says you said you will divorce her. You can’t fool my daughter. He says I love your daughter but you don’t have to do all this. She says never back off your words.

Perv stops Revati in a room. He comes close to her. She says stay away from me. He says I can never. She says there are a lot of people. He says they are all busy and they will admire our love. Guddan says where is revati? Laxmi says you can’t go. You have to play. Revati comes she says I am here. I went to restroom.

Guddan starts playing. They celebrate when guddan shows her cards but Datta has all the aces. He says I wont it. He says so I have won your daughter in laws. Everyone is dazed. Bhushan says to AJ are you mad at Guddan? I know she makes mistakes but she has a good heart. She will learn. You can be mad at her. You are lucky for her. Guddan says what do you mean? Datta says I wrote that you will give me your daughter in laws. Guddan says are you out of your mind. I will return your set. He says I give you one chance. Win them back. Durga says are you out of your mind. You are betting on us? Guddan says they wont go anywhere. I will fix everything. Bhushan says she cn’t understand who is wrong and who is right but she comes out of her troubles. Guddan has never changed.
Guddan starts the game. she shows all the queens. Datta shows his aces. Guddan says how could it be? He says my wife is lucky for me. You couldn’t save your daughter in laws and now your eldest one Durga is mine too. Their husbands stand in anger. Datta shouts and says sit down. Your sister has lost you. Welcome to my world. Guddan says enough of this dirty joke. Stop all this and get out. Datta says you started it. Datta says go call your lord krishna. Can he save you now? I give you one more chance. If you wanna stop all this you will have to give me AJ’s restaurant. You can have your daughter in laws. Guddan says I wont give you a penny. I will play your game your way. Don’t dare looking at my family. Guddan starts the game.

AJ says sometimes, she messes up everything. Durga says come see what she did. She lost her daughter in laws in the game. Now she is betting on you. AJ is shocked. Datta writes AJ on paper. Guddan starts the game. AJ comes and says Guddan stop. He sees his name on the paper. Guddan says there is something. They are cheating and I have to find out. Uncle Datta I am coming. Guddan comes downstairs. AJ is playing. Guddan sees Datta and his wife doing something with hands under the table. She says I have to do something. I should fall. Guddan comes with a glass fo juice and slips It falls on datta. Guddan says let em clean. she sits down to clean and sees fake cards under the table. AJ says show your cards. He shows his cards. Datta says your restaurants are mine now. AJ shows his cards and wins the game. Datta says this can’t happen. Guddan says it can totally happen. Just like you can cheat. She says they had been cheating all this while There are cards under the table. You didn’t win this time because I took these cards from there already. Dadi says this is why we don’t invite you. You did the same thing again. You tried to take his heart work. Guddan says I know how to treat people like them. Guddan brings arti. she says when someone does good thing we give them sindur tika but when someone does something bad they are insulted with this black tika. She applies it on his face. Guddan says we are nice people so we are not blackening your face. she falls at it falls on his face. He says you will be paying for this. Guddan says yeah right. AJ says stay away from my family and get out. Datta says your enemies are within this house. Datta leaves angry. Dadi says to bahus you didn’t even help Guddan. Bhushan says glad Guddan is learning how to fix things. They leave. Guddan hugs them. she says dadi I told you they can’t beat me. He was cheating. Some people don’t even say thank you after all this. AJ leaves. Dadi says why did datta say there are enemies in the house? Datta says to Saruw e couldn’t do anything even after we tried. Saru says you ruined the plan. Why did you say the enemy is in the ouse. He leaves. Someone records them. Saru says that Guddan can’t save you everytime AJ. I will take the restaurant from you one day or other.

Guddan Air On Zee World From Mondays To days At 6pm & 7pm And Saturday At 6pm Only

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