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Azad and Armaan are both rushed to hospital. Mahira prays for her true love’s safety. She remembers Peer Baba telling her that she is a chosen one & Allah will test her the most. She begs for her true love’s safety. Khan Begum try to check on her son’s heath. Says their blood group is rare. They need blood. Khan Begum’s blood is given to both Azad-Armaan. Sanam-2 wonders how all this happened.

A passerby gives Mahira Peer Baba’s dhaga for safety of the one she is praying for. Mahira is relieved. She goes inside and sits on Azad’s bed. She recollects allher moments with Azad. She thinks this dhaga will surely save her true love. She assures Azad that he will be finesoon. She places the dhaga by Azad’s side. Nurse asks Mahira to leave. After she leaves, a breeze blows and the dhaga falls by Armaan’s side.

Khan Begum  rues that she is an unfortunate mother. She couldnt even hug her first born. Rues that she thought he died. And when he came in front of her, both my son’s life is in danger. Why everytime time hurts me. Doctor tells Sanam-2 to come with him. He tells Sanam-2 that one of your son’s heart failed and others multiple organs failed. Sanam-2 begs for their lives to be saved. Doctor says can save one only. Sanam-2 is shocked. Doc says we can take out Azad’s heart and put in Armaan or Armaan’s organs in Azad’s body but either way can save only one. Please decide and tell me. Doc leaves from there.

Khan Begum breaks down. She wonders how can she take such a decision of which of her child is more dear. The one whom i din raise, i care for him and the one whom i raised also needs me. Azad asks Khan Begum to save her first born. Sanam-2 asks how she will look Mahira in the eye. Azad says Mahira wanted me to make a human and saving my brother is biggest act of humanity. Azad may die but his heart will live in Armaan. Darkness is destined to merge in darkness but Mahira wanted light, i wanna see her life filled with light. Please do this. Sanam-2 relents.
Mahira asks Khan Begum what Doc said. Azad will be safe right. Khan Begum says all will be well. Dont worry. She walks away from Mahira and breaks down. Mahira is confused. Azad is on the operating table and thinks that his time is up. His story is over but his love will never end. He thinks... I love you Mahira. I have always loved you and now my heart will love you always. Flashbacks of Azad-Mahira moments. Mahira thinks that Allah cant take her true love away from her. He has to return.

On the road

Khan Begum collapses in the middle of the road, as she gets out of the car, still stunned and aghast as to what she had to do to one of her sons in order to save the other two sons. she lets out a scream in disgust. she says that today she had to pay a price to be the mother, that no mother ever had to, and thats to choose between one of the sons. She says that she wont change, or grieve, and that she shall win at every cost, and shall attain, what destiny has denied, but now destiny shall have to lose.

At the Hospital

Azad lies on the bed, while the monitors flatline, indicating that he is nomore. the doctors say that azad’s heart shall be given to armaan and that they should start with the heart transplant. They perform the operation. mahira outside feels heavily restless, wondering why is she having this sinking feeling, that azad is being wronged. fianlly the operation is over, and the doctor comes out, while mahira frantically rushes to him, asking if azad is okay. the doctor doesnt say anything. Mahira is boggled, as azad is drawn out on a stretcher from the ward, with begum behind him, totally aghast and apalled. she eyes him and asks him to wake up, distraught at seeing him like this. She asks the doctor when shall he be conscious as she rubs his hand, while the doctor apologises to her. mahira is stunned while begum watches apalled. mahira lays back azad’s hand and it falls limp beside the bed. she is too dumbstruck to realise that he is actually dead, as her life with azad flashes before her eyes. just then, from the opposite end, she also eyes armaan being pulled out from the other ward, unconscious still, by the ward boys as finally both the stretchers lie parallel to each other, carrying both of begum’s sons. The ward boys take armaan away. begum thinks that now her first son shall give her what she needs, and he has to live on for his mother’s sake.


At Graveyard

Mahira is in tears beside Azad’s grave, as she holds a rose against the grave. She begs for apology as she is responsible for his death as she was insistent on coverting him to human, and made him wear the taveez. She says she thought the blue moon would set everything straight but she had forgotten that humans are weak and he couldnt either be a full vampire nor a true human and begs for an apology again, she continuously try to light a candle beside the grave, but the matchstick keep dousing off, instead of lighting the candle, she wonders there is no wind, she wonders if this means Azad hasnt forgiven her still. A peer baba comes and tells her that she is trying in vain. She asks why he said so? He says that candles light only when the spirit is in heaven. He says that only the body remains, as the spirit is still alive, as the life ends when the heart stops beating, and Azad’s heart is still beating, she doesnt understand, but he says she needs to know this, as the heart is alive, who is calling out to her, and asks her to listen to his heartbeat. She says she understood what he means, as she had promised that Azad’s heart would always beat for her. he says the heart isnt in this body, as before burying, the heart was taken away from the body, as the heart is the same and the heartbeat too, but the body is different, and asks her to listen to it as its beating nearby calling out to her. He leaves, but his voice resonates in her mind. she keeps eyeing the grave boggled and confused. Just then, behind her, Armaan passes by in his car. Armaan talks to his grandmother, that he is absolutely fine, as heart transplant is an easy thing these days and asks her not to overstress herself. He says he remembers that he has to go for the haveli. he then cancels the call.

At Begum’s residence

In the house, begum gets the whole haveli cleaned as she doesnt want the new owner to be disappointed at all that this is a deal in loss. She asks the servants to go up and clean too. they comply. she is about to turn, when mahira walks in and calls to her. she is surprised to find mahira coming to her frantically. begum asks her whats the matter. mahira tells begum that the doctors took azad’s heart too. begum is shocked that she knows it and asks what she means. mahira tells everything that the peer baba told her. begum asks how can she trust a stranger. mahira says even her own heart trusts him, and maybe something is wrong. Khan begum tells her that Azad has gone for a month now, and they are in shock at his tragic demise, but that doesnt mean they are unnecessarily brooding over it, and that they have moved on with much difficulty, and she says that she has to move on. Mahira says Azad is her destination, not her life partner. Khan begum says she too grieves equally that Azad is dead, but won't bring him back. Mahira says for her satisfaction, she shall atleast find out what or who exactly caused his death, she says she shall find his murderers and wherever they are, she shall get them punished and no one shall stop her. she walks out, while Khan begum keeps calling out to her, in vain. Khan begum wonders what she shall answer if Mahira find out the truth.

At Hospital

Mahira creates a commotion in the corridor of the hospital, wherein she fights with the nurse to allow her to meet the doctor, while they ask her to wait outside,. she says that its utterly important and urgent. The doctor comes and asks whats this drama. she says that drama will be when she shall file a case for misconduct. he asks her to clarify. she says that he took her husband’s life. the doctors are accused by mahira, who reprimands them for stealing her husband, Azad’s heart and causing his death. he asks her not to accuse them like this, as they have protocols and they do exactly right things and that even for a small operation, they take the consent of the family. she says that when they dont do a big operation without the consent of the family, then why they did it, without asking his own wife. the doctor says that they have to check the records. The nurse gets the files. mahira surfs through the files, and finds khan begum as the witness and is shocked. mahira is shocked as begum comes from behind and says that she gave the permission for operation. Mahira is shocked and shattered. She comes to her, while begum herself is apalled.

On the road

Mahira tells her that she has no clue how many more colours she has to see of hers. she says she did all sacrifices for her, then how could she do this to her after all of their deals. Khan begum asks her to calm down. She asks why did she kill her own son, as she had always heard, that a mother can do anything, but not take her child’s life. begum says Azad wanted this. mahira asks if he wanted to die, then why did he want to turn human so that he could live on with her for eternity? Khan begum is appalled. she narrates his last words to mahira, who is shocked. She asks why didnt she tell her, as she could have spent those dying minutes with him, as she was his wife. Khan begum asks if she would have been able to take the decision, had she seen azad like that. mahira asks if she is right, and thinks that she did right. begum tells her he wanted to do this desperately, for her and her happiness only. She says that when he became a human like this, by sacrificing his life. mahira is appalled. begum tells that she too lost her son and grieves and asks her to believe that whatever azad did is right, as wherever he is, he smiles on them. mahira asks who got azad’s heart. begum is stunned. the doctor says that they cant divulge this info, as there’s protocol. she continues to argue, Khan begum asks her to be calm, as those are fortunate who give someone life with their death and wherever azad is through his heart, that person must be happy and asks her to calm down now. mahira hugs begum and she caresses her and then asks her to come home. begum takes mahira and then they proceed to leave.

Armaan comes in just then, saying that he has an appointment with the doctor. the receptionist tells him the way to the doctor’s cabin saying that he shall meet him now. he goes out towards it, oblivious that in his way, begum is coming with mahira from the opposite end. their paths meet but their eyes dont, as they walk past each other. after that, mahira suddenly hears the heartbeat of azad and stops instinctively and turns around. begum is boggled and asks whats the matter. mahira tells her that she needs some answers, and she shall take them and then come home. she asks begum to go. begum leaves, while mahira turns and walks. Mahira finds the record room, and thinks that the details about the heart transplant must be here too. She goes in and finds many files, wondering where to start from. She starts looking for files with the name A, and finally finds Azaad’s file. hearing a sudden knock just then, she keeps the file back and hides. the nurse comes and records and files some stuff, while mahirs watches from hiding.

The doctor assures armaan that all is fine, and then asks the wardboy to get the file for armaan. he goes to the record room, and then asks the nurse to give the file. Mahira hears that the same file is being called for. She gives out armaan’s file to the wardboy, and he sees it. then he leaves with it. Mahira is tensed. The doctor see the file and reports and finds that everything is normal, and asks armaan to go home comfortably. Meanwhile, mahira rushes out ofthe room, while the nurse is surprised to see her. The nurse rushes after her, but mahira continues to run and then hides under the stretcher to avoid being caught. she hopes that the nurse doesnt see her.

Outside, the doctor comes out with armaan, and tells him that the donor’s wife came and asked about the recipient but he refused since they dont divulge such info. through the drapes, she barely manages to see the shoes. The doctor also adds that he wont tell him too who is the donor. Armaan walks past and she only manages to see the shoes. After the nurse is gone, mahira comes out and rushes after armnaa, but loses him in the corridor. she rushes for him, till the outside, where Armaan passes by her, in the car. Mahira runs after the car to stop, but in vain. she stands dejected.
On the road

Mahira tells her that she has no clue how many more colours she has to see of hers. she says that she did all sacrifices for her, then how could she do this to her after all of their deals. begum asks her to calm down. She asks why did she kill her own son, as she had always heard, that a mother can do anything, but not take her child’s life. begum says that ahil wanted this. mahira asks if he wanted to die, then why did he want to turn human so that he could live on with her for eternity. begum is apalled. she narrates his last words to mahira, who is shocked. She asks why didnt she tell her, as she could have spent those dying minutes with him, as she was his wife. begum asks if she would have been able to take the decision, had she seen azad like that. mahira asks if she is right, and thinks that she did right. begum tells her he wanted to do this desperately, for her and her happiness only. She says that when he became a human like this, by sacrificing his life. mahira is apalled. begum tells that she too lost her son and grieves and asks her to believe that whatever azad did is right, as wherever he is, he smiles on them. mahira asks who got azad’s heart. begum is stunned. the doctor says that they cant divulge this info, as there’s protocol. she continues to argue, bue begum asks her to be calm, as those are fortunate who give someone life with their death and wherever azad is through his heart, that person must be happy and asks her to calm down now. mahira hugs begum and she caresses her and then asks her to come home. begum takes mahira and then they proceed to leave.

Armaan comes in just then, saying that he has an appointment with the doctor. the receptionist tells him the way to the doctor’s cabin saying that he shall meet him now. he goes out towards it, oblivious that in his way, begum is coming with mahira from the opposite end. their paths meet but their eyes dont, as they walk past each other. afetr that, mahira suddenly hears the heartbeat of azad and stops instinctively and turns around. begum is boggled and asks whats the matter. mahira tells her that she needs some answers, and she shall take them and then come home. she asks begum to go. begum leaves, while mahira turns and walks. Mahira finds the record room, and thinks that the details about the heart transplant must be here too. She goes in and finds many files, wondering where to start from. She starts looking for files with the name A, and finally finds Azaad’s file. hearing a sudden knock just then, she keeps the file back and hides. the nurse comes and records and files some stuff, while mahirs watches from hiding.

The doctor assures armaan that all is fine, and then asks the ward boy to get the file for Armaan. he goes to the record room, and then asks the nurse to give the file. Mahira hears that the same file is being called for. She gives out armaan’s file to the ward boy, and he sees it. then he leaves with it. Mahira is tensed. The doctor see the file and reports and finds that everything is normal, and asks armaan to go home comfortably. Meanwhile, mahira rushes out of the room, while the nurse is surprised to see her. The nurse rushes after her, but mahira continues to run and then hides under the stretcher to avoid being caught. she hopes that the nurse doesnt see her.

Outside, the doctor comes out with armaan, and tells him that the donor’s wife came and asked about the recipient but he refused since they dont divulge such info. through the drapes, she barely manages to see the shoes. The doctor also adds that he wont tell him too who is the donor. Armaan walks past and she only manages to see the shoes. After the nurse is gone, mahira comes out and rushes after armnaa, but loses him in the corridor. she rushes for him, till the outside, where Armaan passes by her, in the car. Mahira runs after the car to stop, but in vain. she stands dejected.

Precap: Mahira tells him that just because he is living here that doesnt mean she shall let him live and keep his stuff anywhere. he says that he doesnt need anyone’s permission to choose where he wants to keep what of his stuff, in his own house. He says that within some time, he shall have her thrown out of the house. mahira says that time will tell who throws whom out. he slams the door shut on her face, and she turns around, but feels a pull behind. meanwhile armaan too finds that her dupatta is stuck to his handcuff, through the door. Both are boggled and tensed, on the opposite ends of the closed doors.

I Do Air On Zee World From Mondays To Sundays  At 8pm

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