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Some ladies come and ask her to come to the game, thats being organised in her house and insistently take her away. he eyes her amused, as she is taken off.

The girls and boys gather around on opposite side of the table, with Mahria facing Armaan, the lady tells about the rules, that there are chits, pink for girls and blue for guys, which shall determine who becomes whose dancing partner, and the best couple shall win. They begin. Mahira inadvertently gets 7 number chit, and ehsaan gets the number 7, Armaan gets a 9. When Mahira declares her number, Ehsaan amusingly stealthily mixes his chit with armaan’s. he declares his number and mahira is frustrated. As Armaan extends his hand for a dance, Mahira doesnt agree. Amused, he sings a situational beautiful song, trying to seduce Mahira, who is tensed. he then bends down in front of her, and presents her a rose. she is shocked to see this and throws the rose away and walks off, but he continues singing with a smile. All clap when he is done. She try to rush out, but her shoe gets stuck. frustrated, she walks off in a hush, without the shoe. Some ladies comment on her arrogance, and comment as to how she being a woman has to stay in her limits, more so, since she is a widow and should dress or have such delicacies and whims, as her husband hasnt been dead for much long. she is appalled to hear this. she says that she knows that she is a widow and she loves her husband as much as she used to, and what she needs to wear and how to live, she doesnt need to learn from her, and that she doesnt have to prove her love to azad by wearing plain clothes, as these are clothes, not her character. he is tensed and concerned for her too. he stands up for her saying that she is absolutely right. Mahira is shocked. he comes to the lady, and says that stopping to live life for the person who is gone, is disrespect to his memeories, and their creatir wouldnt definitely want that. he then turns to mahira, and says that she has the fullest wish and permission to live her life, and had her husband wanted it today, he would have wanted the same too. in typical cinderella style, he picks up the fairy tale shoe that she had left back, and then takes it to her, while tears flow in her eyes. he bends down and helps her wear it, while she is unable to control her tears. Finally looking at the crowd, she resignedly gives in, and is about to take the shoe from his hand, but he doesnt give it, and then she extends her feet to fit in the shoe as he holds it out for her. ehsaan, his mother and others watch shocked. he gets up back, and then confronts her. He says that he knows that whatever he does for her, he wont be able to replace azad in her life, and that every heart beat of hers is named for azad, but his every heartbeat is for her. she looks at him surprised and boggled. he says that the more he tries to go away from her, the more he finds himself close to her, and he isnt able to hate her, even after wanting it despertately. he speaks up that he loves her in front of everyone, while she is shocked. he says that in this party, in front of everyone, he wants her hand from her in marriage. She is stunned into silence. He tells her that life is beautiful, and in this beautiful life, he wants her company, and asks if she shall accompany him. Tears streak down her cheeks, as she is taken aback at the proposal, while remembering her moments with azad, and their love. she barely manages to speak up saying that some things happen only once, and love is one of them, and she has already lost her share of it. She rushes away from there, while he stands tensed. but just then, a palenquin comes in, while all are boggled as to who is it. mahira too turns around to see who is it. A lady under the veil steps out of it, in typical new bride fashion, while armaan and mahira watch her boggled. She meanwhile gets to revealing her face, and its Khan begum. Armaan and Mahira are shocked and down right boggled. Ehsaan and his mother smile.

At Begum’s residence

All are shocked to see begum stepping out of the palenquin, as a bride. While all watch tensedly, Khan begum sets to dancing with Ehsaan, while Armaan and Mahira watch on boggled and shocked. he is disgusted by her sight. After her performance, he begins to go, when Ehsaan stops him, and introduces her as the reason of his happiness, and asks him how he liked the surprise. he is too shocked and stunned to respond, while begum eyes him with a smile. Mahira and Armaan are stranded, while all congratulate the couple. She takes begum aside, and asks what is all this? Begum says its a second chance at life, that life throws at everyone, but few like her embrace it. Mahira tells her that she was right, as life has taught her that she shouldnt judge a person on their decisions, as only they know the bitter truth of life, as Azad was trapped in a life in which he was sad, and she has chosen a life that makes her happpy, which she should deservingly be, and she sides with her decision. She hug Mahira. Armaan comes and tells begum to come aside, while mahira asks him to speak whatever he wants to in front of her. He still takes her aside. he says he doesnt want any dramma. Mahira says he is already creating one, and asks him to speak what he has to. He sternly asks her not to interfere, as she doesnt know the truth of this lady. begum is scared and tells him that what happened was wrong, but cant they forget everything and start afresh. he leaves from there disgusted, begum is shocked, while Mahira is boggled, as to what's this truth.
while Armaan stands in a corner, Ehsaan comes to him, and he vents out his frustration, that he doesnt know anything about the woman. he says he knows everything, as she herself told him everything. He tells armaan as to how she told him everything, about his undying love for him and Imtiaz, and that she knows how its so bad to betray trust and she wont be able to repay her back for his favour, and hence its better that she leaves. He says he thought his Tarana had returned, but it was all a lie, but now he wants to convert the lie to a truth, and truth needs daring, which she has. She ask if he forgave her. he says he had come for something else, but now he doesnt hesitate anymore, and presents her the ring. She pretends to be boggled and overwhelmed. Armaan is shocked as he hears this, and says the whole world might accept the marriage, but he wont, and then storms out. Ehsaan is tensed. he comes out abruptly tells them that the party is over, and leaves. the people start leaving. Mahira hears this and wonders why is he so angry at khan Begum.

Armaan is in his room tensed as he remembers his tormented childhood, just due to Khan Begum, and how Afreen brought him the truth, about his reason for being an orphan and seeing her like this now. he ask the Lord why was he given a mother at all, as he remembers begum’s entrance tonight. He starts breaking things in anger. Mahira comes in and finds the room like that. she angrily asking what is his problem, and how can he get on with this anger, and if he hates people for a hobby. she says she doesnt wish to give advice to people like him, but she wants to, and thats the fact that not every person is as bad as he thinks of them, and they have good aspects too. She says he shouldnt bother about the deal as it didnt get stuck due to begum but due to she herself. while armaan paces nervously, and frustrated. Mahira comes in and starts venting what his problem is with her, and not begum, then why is he bothering her unnecessarily, and punishing her for her issues. Unable to take it any longer, he breaks down and screams that she is his mother. Mahira is stunned to hear this. he collapses on the floor, as he recounts his horrible childhood, and how he got rejected not once but twice, and for that, he shall always hate her. she comes to him, too overwhelmed, and apologsies, tears streaming down her cheeks. he hugs her and she is taken aback, but then hugs him back, while both cry. She is startled as she realises what she is doing and then with a jerk, she distances herself away. they both awkwardly compose themselves. He says for his entire life, he has been devoid of trust and hunted for it, and doesnt want to lose it now. she is shocked as she looks upto him. She then leaves. he eyes her emotionally.

Kainat is in her room continuously trying Sameer’s number but it keeps coming switched off. she is distraught, that all her life she thought she was incomplete, but her happiness wont be, and there must be someone to love her unconditionally, and that she loved Sameer tremendouly, but she doesnt know what problem he had with her, that he did this. She gets suicidal and eyes the knife kept on fruits and takes it, thinking its better to die than to live with the embarassment. she tries but isnt able to and again burst into tears.

While begum is bitterly in tears, Ehsaan asks begum to give him sometime. begum tells him that Armaan is her blood, and she knows him very well, and that she doesnt get sad that he hates her, but the fact that he dies in suffocation due to her, despite her loving him unconditionally, more than her life. she says what she did was wrong, and she tried to rectify it again and again, but he doesnt let her, and maybe she deserves his hatred. he comes and asks her to not think like that, as love triumph over hatred, and he knows Armaan very much, and how to get him to agree, he knows and would do it too. She smiles and then hugs him, while thinking that love actually makes a person blind, as its good that ehsaan loves her immensely, as if he didnt then, she wouldnt have been so successful in her motives.

At the breakfast table the next morning, while armaan and mahira are eating, begum comes casually and asks how they srarted without her. Mahira tries to speak, but begum says that she knows he wants her out of the house, but unfortunately the house belongs to ehsaan too, and that she is his would be wife, and he has to accept her. She tells him that he shouldnt turn his eyes away, and she doesnt want to force him, but just wants to say that……but armaan gets up. armaan is yet again at loggerheads with begum, as he refuses to sit at the same dining table, as hers for breakfast. begum eyes him tensedly. Finally, intervening in, Mahira tells him that his anger is right and justifiably angry at begum, but he should also know, that a person has the right to take decisions that make them happy. She says that he shouldnt take away this right from his own mother. Begum is shocked to know that mahira knows about it. he eyes her tensedly. 

At Begum’s residence

Latif and gazalla are shocked to know of begum and armaan. By mahira’s coaxing, armaan hugs khan begum who is overwhelmed with emotions. He says that he has forgotten and forgiven everything that she did to him years back, and that he wont hold it against her anymore, as this is what mahira wants. He says that the only reason he is doing that, is out of tremendous love for mahira thats much more than his hatred for her. he says that he knows she doesnt like him and is frustrated, despite that he loves her, and even though she might not want to seen him, but he is always on his mind. Armaan says that the moment he understood his own heart, he started loving mahira, and noone can separate them now. He says that this heart was, is and shall always be only mahira. Begum is tensed, while mahira is angry. She leaves from there, while begum smiles.

At Ehsaan’s residence

Begum is decorating the house, when imtiaz comes saying that he is very happy since he found his mothers on MOTHER’S DAY, and begum is frustrated at his sight, and wonders how to get rid of him. She jerks him away and as he gets tensed, she comes close to him, and says that if he does mischief, he might hurt himself. Ehsaan comes and asks the need of decoration. she says that she found his son, and his son, armaan too accepted him, so she is doubly happy. His mother comes and says that she is very happy to have her, and presents her a gift. as she opens it, she finds taveez from the holy dargah, and instantly her hands are shaking. She is too stunned to react and immediately it falls from her hands, but before it can touch the ground, he holds it, while they both are tensed. begum is tensed as to what to answer. her hands are burnt and she immediately hides it in her cloth. His mother asks whats the matter and if she is okay. She makes an excuse that due to this sudden respect, love and care, that she hasnt experienced since anand kumar went away, she couldnt handle herself. he says that he shall help her wear it. she retreats and takes a step back instinctively, and then says that it would be best if she wears it after marriage. He complies. she thinks that she cant continue this charade for long, and she needs her powers back soon. which can happen only when armaan and mahira unite, but wonders how.
At Begum’s residence

Later, latif and gazalla tell mahira that kainat is in the dargah. she thanks them and begins to leave, but armaan comes and amusingly stops her way, whichever way she wants to go. She is boggled and asks whats he doing, by stopping her way, as she has lots of work to get done. He says that he isnt stopping her and asks her to finish them all by 4, since she shall go with him to the picnic at 4 o clock. She gets enraged, and says that she shall decide for her life and not him, and whats her problem. he says that she has to come, as its plan made due to her only, as she made him forgive his mother, and he is giving this picnic as a gift to her. She is tensed. he asks her to be ready at 4. She asks how is he so sure that she shall go. he tells her its because of her good nature, that wants to see everyone happy, whatever maybe the cost and that she definitely wouldnt want to spoil her mother’s mother’s day, because of her absence. she gets tensed. He says that the decision is hers but if she doesnt come, then the picnic wont happen too. She eyes him frustratedly, cursing her good nature and upbringing. meanwhile, latif and gazalla talk about how they are reminded of sanam when they see mahira. gazalla says that she shall fall in love with him in a week, but latif says that mahria is adamant too like sanam, and wont buckle so easily.

At Abortion Clinic

Kainat goes to a hospital, where she is surrounded by pics of babies, and then remembers sameer’s mistake and insults. she is apalled and unable to do this, when the nurse comes and asks her to come as the room is prepped for her. she is about to go, when she finds sameer having held her hand. She asks whats he here for, to see the drama of their child’s death. he cries and apologises that he is very sorry. she says that she made a mistake and she cant rectify it, but can save her family from embarassment and humiliation. He asks her not to punish their child for his mistake,a nd that he shall accept her wish to give the name of his family to their child. She hugs him while he evilly smiles. she says that she knew that this child shall unite them while he thinks that he shall betray her, but at such a place, where she has nowhere to hide or run away. He says that mahira may have stopped a drama at the party, but she wont be able to stop him from ruining her and the child’s life.

At the Picnic Spot

Begum and ehsaan take a stroll, where he says he came because of her, and not with her, she thanks him for coming. She says she knows, and she also knows that she unintentionally came between two friends. he says he has no complaints, and that what she did for him and his family, is too big, and she need not blame herself. Just then, they find Mahira too who has come with the rest of the people. Mahira eyes begum tensedly and then comes to her. Armaan meets Imtiaz, and they come to begum and ehsaan too. Armaan wish her a happy mother’s day referring to her as a mother, and then giving her a gift, through imtiaz. she gets overwhelmed and then hugs him and he too responds back. Imtiaz takes begum’s hand and says she is his mother and takes her away, to play. Armaan comments to Ehsaan that he never told imtiaz of their changed equations now and he should refer to him as his brother. Ehsaan listens to him tensedly. He also comments that now he will have to call him something else. He walks away. Ehsaan is tensed.

Begum talks to Mahira about their changed dynamics of relations and maybe Armaan too has changed. Mahira deny and adds that he may have changed but there’s some ulterior motive behind it, as she knows that whatever he is doing, he has some selfish motive, and his good behaviour is undigestible. begum is shocked to see Mahira’s behaviour towards Armaan. She reminds her ofAzad’s heartbeat inside armaan. Mahira gets tensed, and continues that some people are shrewd, that they can be fool their heart too and its no miracle possible that changed him overnight. Begum says he isnt, but she is to be blamed for all that. She saysshe left him for dead in this cruel world, and when people face such things, people do get mean. Mahira says she understands their pain, but she cant replace Azad’s place with Armaan at all. she walks away. begum is tensed, and think mahira has to get close to Armaan, still she doesnt give a second chance to her life, begum herself wont get a second chance to get back her powers, and she wont let that happen.

Ehsaan finds Armaan’s eyes fixed on Mahira, as she mingles with Ehsaan’s mother. he sends Imtiaz away to play and comes to Armaan, and says he knows how much Armaan loves her, but its very clear that Azad is still in her heart, and he also knows, when Armaan doesnt get something he wants, then he accepts it any how. Armaan asks if he should take advice from a person who married a lookalike just because he didnt get the real one? Ehsaan try to speak, but Armaan interrupts him, and asks him to let it be, and its not necessary that they agree on everything, and this being a good day, he doesnt want to spoil it. They hug each other. begum comes and excuses armaan for sometime, and takes him away. he comply. they walk up to the bridge, where he tells her that she successfully managed to trap his best friend, and ask if she plan to leave him midway too. She asks why is he talking to her like this, as she thought he had forgiven her. He says he did but hasnt forgotten anything, and what kind of a woman she is and what lengths can she go too. She asks whats he doing. He says she is one of those people, for whom emotions are fun always, but not him. He tells begum that he loves Mahira deeply and truly, and can go to any lengths to prove his love for her. Begum retorts back that she too isnt playing some game, and then he asks if the favour she did on Ehsaan, is actually genuine. she is tensed and taken aback. but she retorts back asking if his love for Mahira is genuine. he is shocked too. 

Begum and armaan are having their tussle, when imtiaz comes to take a family pic. Wehile all smile, armaan walks off. Begum wonders whats going on, and whether her comment shall worsen matters. imtiaz doesnt let go of begum. he suggests to play hide and seek. she complies, and asks him to go and hide, while she shall start counting, and he shouldnt be out till she comes and finds him. he rushes off to hide. She is again frustrated at the boy.

Precap: As Mahira and armaan stand on a cliff, he walks off, mahira watches him tensedly. Her foot slips and she falls over the cliff. he is shocked and rushes to her help. He finds Mahira barely hanging on a by a thread catching hold of a boulder. he tries to go down, but the people stop him, especially, Khan begum that he needs to save mahira but not at the cost of his own life. Mahira meanwhile struggles badly to hold on, and lets out a scream when she isnt able to. He is shocked to see this. mahira tries to walk away from armaan’s bed, but finds her dupatta stuck in his bed. She turns and lifts his hand and caresses him lovingly. She wonders whats she doing, and then assures herself that this is wronhg, and then questions herself, that if its wrong, then why doesnt it feel like it. then she wonders if its due to azad’s heart. She is distraught as she is in a dilemma...

I Do Air On Zee World From Mondays To Sundays  At 8pm

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