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At Witch’s hideout

A witch performs her witchcraft, when begum comes, and then interferes asking for her help, regarding her blindness at the use of her power, and how she is frustrated with this. the spirit guffaws and says that she was warned of this before hand, as she has to lose something to gain powers. begum says that she has no idea what she has lost, as she hasnt consummated her marriage with him yet, and thats the biggest sacrifice for a woman like her. The spirit tells her that physical intimacy is prohibited but only with the husband. Begum is shocked. the spirit says that she can take the help of young blood, and she knows it very well. Begum asks if this means, that she can kill some young blood, and get it to her. she asks begum to stop thinking about murder, and asks her to stop talking about murder, and instead focus of the specially gifted girl, mahira to consummate her marriage with armaan, and achieve physical intimacy. begum says that she too is waiting for this, and once its done, she would be okay, but till then, she needs help. But the witch gets back to her practice, and tells her that she shall reply to this very soon, but she needs to be patient from thereon, and listen to what she has to say. begum listens intently.

At Mahira’s residence

The next morning, as Armaan sleeps on the bed, and Mahira is on the chair he wakes up, and finds her beside him, on the chair concerned for him. he gets up resignedly. She wakes up, and immediately gets to his care, asking him to take the meds immediately that the doctor prescribed. he asks her not to do any drama, and asks her to leave him alone. but she persists and insists, as she cant let him die, not this soon atleast. he eyes her tensedly, while she says he should thank her for saving his life, as he can irritate her more now. he asks her what kind of a woman is she, and if she has any self respect, as he is bearing atrocities on her, and she is behaving all nice and loving, without being affected. he tells her that she isnt a weak woman by any angle, then why is she staying here and putting up with him and his attitude towards her. he asks her why is she behaving like a doormat for him. she says she isnt one, but is definitely a woman, who is a wife too, who believes in the institution of marriage and knows how to run a happy house, and asks him to take meds. he resignedly comply, while she watch intently. She then leaves, asking him to take care, while she gets him food. he says since she likes to become a wife, then he would surely treat her like one, eyeing her vengefully. 
At Ehsaan’s residence

A lusty begum search around stealthily, and thinks that there is no one in the house, and she wont find a better time than this. She gets his latest victim, inside the bedroom, to establich physical intimacy, while he too leeringly allow her. She caresses his face and then throws him on the bed, and gets beside him, as they engage in romantic caressing. but just then, the door opens and granny walk in with the iron rod and the house keys, eyeing her shocked and fuming with rage.

At Ehsaan’s residence

Granny comes and shows begum the keys, whoe immediately retreats away from the bait. Granny takes a stick and shoves him out. then begum gets angry and swears that she wont spare her for this wrong. granny says that she shall expose her and thats her promise. Begum gets angry and decides to gag her and kill her. But she remembers the witch’s warning against it. She finally retreats away, scared. granny asks if she is scaring her, as she has been given life by the lord, and she cant do anything about it. she says that she shall throw her out of the house very soon. She drags her with her hand, but before she can take her out, begum eyes a jug, and opening it, she starts muttering some chants, that captivate her, and she becomes captive inside the jug, while she screams and is extremely uncomfortable, and screams at her to come out. Granny screams for imi and farida, while begum is amused. Begum evilly gives the jug a whisk enjoying her prank. Granny asks to be taken out. begum says that she wont, and then she takes the jug and places it in the deep ends of the closet, but suddenly, she remembers something, and if frustrated, that she isnt able to see anything, and wishes ardently for armaan and mahira to consummate the relationship.

At Mahira’s residence
Like a dutiful and caring wife, Mahira attends to armaan by prassing his legs, while he rests on the bed. after she is done with one, and gets to go, he presses the other leg forward, and she complies to that too lovingly. Later, she gives him soup, and attends to him in a highly dutiful wife’s manner. He tells her that he isnt able to taste anything, that she makes, maybe because he isnt fresh. He is enjoying the way she takes care, and then she gets to giving him a shave. While doing so, he takes the shave off her hand, and tries to get her close, but she retreats away. he holds her and says, that its a wife’s dut to keep her husband happy too. She says that there’s a difference between wifely duty and slavery. She says that a wife shall do anything but only when her happiness is linked with her husband’s happiness, and she gives in everything only when he promises that he shall keep her safe and protected from everyone including him. She says that its his problem that he doesnt need this relation, but for her its a big deal, and she shall duly follow it, as her lord is watching. she walks out, while he eyes her tensedly.

Mahira comes out hollering for latif and gazalla, when the llights go off. She is shocked. When they come back on, she finds violinist couple, playing a quartet for her, as she is bathed with rose shower from above. he sneaks in behind her, and holds her. she begins to go, but he grabs her hand. she looks back tensedly, and he lets go. She rushes away from there, and then thinks that she got rid of him, but he springs up in front of her, eyeing her cutely romantically. He keeps whirling her around, while she resignedly damces, as he enjoys doing so with her.

Later, mahira comes back in to find the room romantically set. he comes in amusedly, and asks whats his problem, as when he isnt close, she keeps looking for a reason, and when he does, she shys away. While mahira stands in front of the dressing table, he springs from behind, and cups her from the waist, while she gets uncomfortable. he asks her to stop shying as they are married, and now only a honeymoon is awaited. mahira gets tensed at the weird physical intimacy with him. She looks at him shocked, while he says that its important, and asks her to stop shying away.he gets poetic, and then suggests consummation of their marriage and then leans in. she abruptly breaks the moment saying that he is right, and then gets seducing and says that she herself was waiting for her honeymoon. As she eyes him amusedly, he is boggled. she asks whats the matter, and why did he stop. He is taken aback, and then refrains saying that he feels she isnt ready, and he isnt those men, who force themselves on her, and she neednt be scared. she leads him on, asking what happened suddenly. she calls his bluff, and then puts her arms around him, saying that she isnt scared at all, and maybe he is. he vehemently denies. She asks him to come on then. She places him to sit on the bed, and then throws him backk, while he is confused. she eyes him lovingly, and then gets atop him, beside him on the bed, while she is still unsure of whats happening. She cups his face, and then leans in close, both awkward but hesitant to admit it to the other. He asks what are they doing. she continues to lean in amusedly, while he eyes her tensedly. Then he caresses her face, and the hairlock covering the side of it. She tells him, whispering in his ear, that she has waited for this night for a long time as tonight shall be very expensive to him, as if he consummates the relation with her, and they establish themselves as a married couple, and then if he plans to divorce her, then he would have to give double the amount as Meher, i.e. 500 crores, which is his entire property. he is tensed. She gets up amused and asks whats the matter and if he is scared, and asks whats he thinking, and if he so scared of bankruptcy. he shoves her down and then gets atop her, with a swirl, and eyes her, and then starts shooting wondering, whether this video shall sell in huge amount of money. he asks her not to challenge her. she is disgusted by what he thinks, and gets up, pushing him away. She asks how is he such a lowlife that he is even suggesting it. wishing him to go to hell, she walks off. he guffaws, thinking that he has started enjoying it, as he doesnt love, but merely hates her. he walks out, but then instinctively stands still. Outside, mahira is tensed as to how she is stuck with a husband, who doesnt even know how to respect her, but she is determined that she shall anyhow get him to respect her and treat her as a wife. 
At the Restaurant

Armaan has a business meeting with some clients, in which they decide on a deal that would benefit both of them favourably. His client says that for the deal to come through, he would have to pay 2crores to them by evening. he readily agrees, and asks them to move ahead. He then gets the waietr to draw the cheque. He complies and armaan hands him the business card, who checks it and comes back to tell him that this card isnt working. Armaan is boggled, but hands him another one, which to his surprise and shock is declined too. The clients are boggled. armaaan is shocked and embarassed, as all his cards get declined one by one. the clients offer to pay and then armaan sits flustered. They then ask him if he is serious about the deal and he complies. they leave. he immediately calls a girl, and asks her to make him talk to ehsaan, and gets to know that he is on the flight to singapore, and his phone is unreachable. He is frustrated. He then calls the bank manager, and he gest the answer that as per the order of Service tax people, his accounts have been frozen. he is boggled, and demands for some money, but the manager denies that too. Armaan insists, and asks for a loan on account of his property, and he threatens that he is behaving like this with their most valued customer. But the manager is adamant on his rules.

At Ehsaan’s residence

While begum is in the room, imi comes and finds the vessel in which granny is captive and is fascinated. He is about to touch it, when at the last minute, begum notices and in a bid to stop him, asks him to go statue and he complies immediately. Meanwhile, this noise wakes up granny inside, who screams at imi to help her out, as she is captive inside the jug. he is shocked but doesnt respond at all. She screams at begum as to what she has done with imi and if he is safe. she comes to the jug, and asks granny to stay shut, or else there shall be severe consequences. She hears farida’s voice, and hides it under the table. faridea comes expressing her concern at granny’s disappearance since morning, and hearing her voice, farida screams but its for no effect. she then asks imi, unfreeing him, and he isnt able to give a direct answer. granny is overwhelmed and shocked, and continues to rant, but in vain. farida exclaims that even her phone isnt going through. Begum says that she isnt irresponsible, as sif she has gone, she would call and tell. Then she turns around and does some black magic, that makes granny’s call appear on farida’s number, and in her morphed voice, begum gives the excuse as granny that she would be at a friend’s place, for some days, since they are insisting, and she couldnt say no. Granny is shocked to hear her own voice. Farida is relieved and then leaves. Due to turning blind by the use of magic, she gets imi to lead her to the room, playing the blind game. Once she is in the room, imi cajoles her to play, while she gets frustrated. she finds the same back witch waiting for her, in her room, and hastily sends him off to play. he leaves resignedly. she asks the witch if she is actually there or her eyes are also playing with her. The witch says that she shouldnt complain about her destiny, as sanam knows how to control her destiny, but begum retorts that she isnt sanam, but khan begum now, who pays a price of her eyesight everytime she uses magic. She says that she is here for this only, as she has found the solution to her problem, as after this shall become powerful and so powerful that she wont be defeated at all, but that comes at a huge sacrifice only. Begum is overwhelmed to know that she wouldnt have to be visually impaired now, every time she uses magic, and then asks what sacrifice she has to make, as she is willing to do anything. The witch comes and whispers something in her ears, and begum is shocked to hear, but complies nevertheless, but ensures that she wont be blind anymore. the witch complies. Then she vanishes off. begum smiles.

At the Witch’s hideout

Begum does some black magic ritual, swearing that for long she has tried everything to get back her powers, gave many sacrifices, even her own son, Azad, but destiny played crule with her, and she suffered many wounds, but this time around, she shall not let destiny play games with her, and cuts off her hair, and throws it into the fire. she says that after MURAAD-E-KAINAT, she shall be the master of her destiny.

At Mahira’s residence

As mahira is working, in the room, armaan comes in hesitantly, and she welcomes him heartily, saying that he doesnt need invitation into his wife’s room. he comes and asks if she has the wifely trust that a wife should have on her husband. she says that she does, and this doesnt need any questions. he tries to confirm that she shall stand with him, through thick and thin. she vehemently agrees, and comments how sensible he is talking today and asks if he is okay. He hesitantly says that he needs her help. She is amusedly shocked, and jokes about it, saying that she was dying to hear this, and then asks what help he needs. She badgers him to speak up. he hesitantly says that he needs some money, and she immediately agrees and goes to get it. he says that its a large amount, and she wouldnt be having it at home, and would need to withdraw bank. She says that she wont embarass him by asking why he needs money from her. She says that she shall have to call the bank for this. he thanks her feeling so relieved, and she says that its her duty, that she help him, but she would also need something in return. he is boggled. She says that he believes only, that nothing is free. he resignedly asks what she wants. She says that she wants him and a honeymoon with him, hugging him, saying that she wants him in a filmy passion. he understands that she was behind this problem of the bank, so that he comes to her, and agree to her bet. he asks how can she do this. She thoroughly enjoys and says that she shall clarify his confusion. she gets back some papers and asks him to sign it. he is shocked as he reads it as it says that he is ready to go to honeymoon to kashmir with mahira. Angrily, he asks her to be amused at the right time, as he is sevrely tensed. She says that the time demands that he sign it, and leaves for the honeymoon, or else how would the money transfer. he asks if she doesnt think its fraud. She says that sheis doing this with her own husband, and she can do anything with him, and hugs him jokingly, and asks him not to think much. She presents him the paper and pen to sign. he eyes her angrily, and then resignedly puts down his signatures on the paper. She remembers how she had earlier talked to ehsaan, who had agreed to help her, to put his love life back on track, and make armaan a responsible person. She asks him not to worry, as they shall stay at a beautiful hotel, and extends her overexcitement. he swears and thinks that he shall defeat her terribly, and then hugs her, thanking her for planning this for them, and expresses his excitement too. she is boggled and tensed. She thinks that he shouldnt try and act smart, with the oversmart i.e. her, as she shall make him bite dust, since she wont fall prey to his motive. He meanwhile amusedly thinks that he is already lamenting at her condition due to this, as the paper that she got his signature on, she would herself tear it apart. She also understands that there is some planning involved with him.

At Mahira’s residence

Mahira hands him the tickets excitedly, while he too plays along with her bluff. She smiles, tensed though. mahira leaves. Armaan goes out after her. Downstairs, gazalla is gorging on food, when armaan watches her from the stairs, and smiles having gotten an idea. he screams and intentionally falls down the stairs. this alarms her and she rushes to his help. But he pretends that he has sprained his ankle. She says that she shall call for the doctor. He smiles.

Precap: Armaan sprains his ankle. he imediately is helped by her, who helps him get up the stairs. he comments that he got such a beautiful wife like her, who takes care of him so nicely. She says that she is indeed fortunate to land such a genuine guy like him. She asks him his favourite colour and he responds blue. He says that she shall get him a blue wheelchair immediately, and asks him to imagine, her wheeling him, in the beautiful valleys of kashmir. The manager comes and tells mahira and armaan, that theyhave planned a tour for them, through the city. but she cuts him short, saying that they cant go, as he isnt well. Armaan fumes. after they are gone, he asks why did she send them away. She says that she needs to take care of him. he says that she knows he isnt hurt at all. She comments that she knows him too well now. She then amusingly adds that such surprises shall make their honeymoon memorable, and now its his turn. reciprocating her taunt, he says that he shall do something, that shall blow her mind away.

I Do Air On Zee World From Mondays To Sundays  At 8pm

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