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At Begum’s residence

Afreen is boggled as she comes back to the kitchen, when begum taunts her, that she is more surprised at her being alive, or the fact that the milkshake didnt work on armaan. she explains how she tampered with the drink when the light went off. afreen is shocked and disgusted. before she can come, begum drops the glass and it falls on the ground, much to her shock. begum smiles at her. she comes to her and asks if she felt, she could kill her and get everything, and asks her to stop this futile attempt of stupid tricks on her. afreen starts guffawing evilly, and then turns to her, saying that she is innocent, to still have such pride intact, as she saved hsrelf, but could she save mahira, as she is semi-dead in her room, and asks if she thought, armaan would fall in love with an unconscious girl, as he shall only love afreen. she also adds that since she knows the truth about her first son, and tells how he only has hatred for his real mother, justifiably, as she left him on the streets to die, and was wondering if she should tell this to armaan, that begum is the cruel mother, and then he shall have her thrown out of the house, and asks begum if she should do this. begum asks her to stop underestimating her enemies, as she shall have afreen thrown out, before she can.

Later, begum again begins with her witchcraft, to stop and teach afreen a lesson, who is unnecessarily interfering in her life. she continues with the rituals. As afreen dresses herself, she thinks that a woman’s greatest weapon is her beauty and now she shall captivate his heart, using this very weapon. just then, begum comes in with a smoking pot of laced black magic, and opens the lid, in the same room, while afreen doesnt see. the smoke starts emanating, while begum steps out, of the room, with her mouth covered to stop being exposed to the smoke. A boggled afreen starts coughing in the smoke, as it engulfs the room, wondering whats going on. outside, begum smiles, and leaves. Afreen tries to open the door, but finds it locked, and screams for someone to open the door. armaan passes by just then and hears the screams. Seeing this, begum gets tensed, as he comes to the room and opens the door, while begum is frustrated that her plan got ruined. afreen comes dizzy in his arms. he asks if she is okay. She points to the smoke, while severely coughing. begum comes and asks what happened to her, and then gives her water, but afreen denies, saying she is fine. Afreen tries to talk to him, but begum says that she isnt listening to her, and he should insist that she drinks the water. afreen is unable to resist, as he insists, and then gulps it down. he then leaves from there, saying he has important work. afreen tries to call out to him, but is unable to as no voice comes out. Afreen is unable to say anything, while begum taunts at her speechlessness, asking her to go and tell him the truth, and reminds that the more she interferes, the more she would be troubled. begum then leaves from there, while afreen is unable to speak. She decides that she shall give her a defeat, as she shouldnt be bothered about him, but mahira, as most probably she wont see the light of another day.

At Undisclosed Location

Granny is meanwhile playing with a young kid, who is acting as a terrorist, and she gives a box of choclates to him. he is excited first but then gets tensed. She asks if he didnt like the gift. he says that his friend’s mother too got the same gift, and it would have been wonderful if he too had his mother. granny gets tensed. meanwhile, his father comes and tells him that he has brought pizza for him, and he lights up. the father is the same guy, whose wife resembles begum. he is the actual grandson of granny, and who talks about the recent surprising happiness in his life. she is tensed if he is upset or anything. but he assures that he is taking proper medication, and also adds that this surprise shall make her happy too, but she shall have to wait for it, when the right time comes along. she thinks that the problem he is going through, makes him see a rosy picture always, but when it dissipates, then everything turns gory.

Later, when he puts his kid to sleep, he holds his hand, and then asks why is he so happy today, and says that he is happy to see him cheerful and asks him to remain so always. He kisses his son’s forehead and then puts him to sleep. He caresses his head, while thinking, that he wants to stay happy always too, and if today what he saw was a reality, then it means happiness is back in his life, but is tensed wondering what if it was all a hallucination. he eyes his wife’s pic.

At Begum’s residence

Helpless by his heart, armaan is unable to resist himself from checking up on mahira. he finds the windows open, and then shuts them. he pulls the drapes on her, while he eyes her sleeping. As he begins to go, his handcuff gets intertwined by the dupatta of mahira. he is boggled, and takes it off. he caresses her face and then rubs her hands to keep them warm. he wonders whats happening to him, and why is he caring for the person, who troubled him so much, and he shouldnt give a damn, but why cant he see her in pain. Afreen sees this from outside the room, and thinks that this cant be, as he cant be close to mahira, and before they become inseparable, she shall have to do something. she leaves from there. As he steps out of the room, he accidentally sets foot, obliviously, in a plate with red colour powder in it, and then something happens, and he is drawn to a room lighted with incense candles, and set to a romanctic ambience. he finds afreen gyrating to a sizzling, alluring number. Armaan is out of his senses, as she tries to successfully seduce him and tries to consummate the relationship with him, dancing provocatively. but unknowingly, her hands fall on the taveez, attached to his arm, that happened when he was with mahira, and she gets up with a start. he is boggled and confused too, and apologises that he doesnt know how he came here, but knows it isnt appropriate. then he leaves. she thinks that she had done magic on him, which should have made him forget everything and be with her, then how could he compose himself. She is bogggled.
As the doctor checks mahira, while granny, begum and armaan watch tensedly, he tells them that the condition is worsening now, and given the condition, she barely has 3 days to live on. he says that the nerves are falling, and anything can happen. Armaan pleads her to save him, and try some other medication. granny tells him that she doesnt need meds but blessings now. he is tensed as he eyes mahira. he leaves from there. granny and begum stand tensed.

At Begum’s residence

Armaan walks tensedly in the garden, concerned for mahira, and wondering whats happening to her, and why is he so concerned whenever something happens to mahira. then he eyes a peer baba and he goes to him. The peer baba blesses armaan, saying that when things seem insufficient and helplessness kicks in, all should be left on the destiny decided by the almighty. he says that the lord shall make everything right for that girl, and make him realise the right path from the wrong. he says that her heart contains true love and now only that heart can save her, the one that was made for her, and was always hers, and shall remain hers too. begum and afreen hear this intently, from hiding.

Later, armaan wonders what was he trying to say, and explains his dilemma to granny, who asks him not to worry, as all would be right. he says that he doesnt understand, and even though he wants her to leave, but not like this. she askshim to think calmly, as to what it meant, and as it is, she is a widow without anyone to think for her. he relaxes himself, thinks something and walks out. she is tensed for him, when suddenly afreen comes there, with tea, and serves it to her. granny is tensed. Afreen thinks that she knows everything about armaan but how to get it out of her, and then finds a pic of granny with him, and comments as to how beautiful it is, and when was it clicked. Granny smiles, and starts telling the story of the pic. She then comments on the locket that armaan is wearing. Granny gets tensed, and says that this was given by his own mother, who wasnt even ready to give birth to him. She says that its locked, and very specially, and she tried to crack it open, but it couldnt open. Afreen thinks that she knows where is the key, and definitely begum shall have kept it safely and that this key now shall open her destiny too, and she shall get it. afreen assures her that they shall open the lock. granny says that its good that it stays closed, as with much difficulty, he has been able to foreget his troubled past and moved on. She asks afreen if she didnt notice the bandage on his hand, as he removed the two extra fingers by an operation yesterday itself, and that no memory from the past remains, and its better that some stories remain incomplete, but afreen decides against it.

Downstairs, begum is tensed in front of latif and gazalla, that her crimes should be punished by her too, and why are her children being punished, first her son and now mahria. as they eye armaan coming towards them, begum intentionally eyes him, and then starts lamenting all the more, that had azad been here, he would have hugged mahira tightly and revived her back to life, such was the power of their love, that resided in their hearts. Armaan remembers that he has azad’s heart. gazalla says that saving a life is very important, and that a miracle might happen, if he with azad’s heart hugs mahira. begum pretends not to see him, and continues to say that he shall never do it at all, even though she is willing to beg on her knees and he shall not agree especially after what mahira did to him. He walks off withut saying anything. They wonder what shall happen now. Begum wipes her tears saying that they implanted the idea in him, and the motive shall develop soon. begum says that she has to go to city club for a meeting and shall come back soon. She asks them to keep ghuard around mahira’s room and warns them that afreen shouldnt get close to mahira.

Later, Afreen is about to enter into mahira’s room, when latif stands guard and says that she cant enter. afreen leaves angrily. latif thanks the potli that begum gave her to saveherself from afreen. just then, a voice calls her from outside, and latif comes out, to find a gorgeous lady, who is a fashion designer who has come her to meet khan begum. Latif says that she isnt home, and she can show them to him too instead as she finalises all the dresses. the lady asks her to then go through the designs and whichever she likes, she can have them absolutely free. latif gorges on the idea, and starts surfing through. The lady who is actually afreen thinks that she has latif hooked, and now she should get armaan to her, by finding the keys, before its too late. She stealthily goes in. after her human efforts dont work, she tries on her black magic, to help her search the key faster. as the magic works, things start going turbulent, and finally a painting falls down. she eyes it, and then picks it up. She smiles and then rips it off and reveals the key behind it. She is overjoyed. she clutches key victoriously and moves out.

Downstairs, while he is discussing business with his employee, he comments about mahira and her condition, and says that even though he doesnt believe, but there’s a story that if the water from a famous mazaar is given to the patient, then he/ she even revives from the dead, and asks her to try it once atleast. The employee leaves. he is concerned and set to thinking. he passes by Mahira’s room, and remembers granny’s words, as he eyes her, and thinks that even if right or wrong, but for humanitarian sake, he shall try everything possible to save mahira. He goes out. Afreen eyes him going. She stops him and asks if he is going somewhere. he tells that he is going to the mazaar for the holy water, for mahira. She says that before completing mahira’s life, he should complete his. He stands surprised and then turns around, with a questioning glance. She says that reflection of the past hasnt left him yet and believe it or not, he still searches for the mother who gave him birth and then left him to die. he says that its none of her business. As armaan gets to go, she holds him back, and places the key in his hand. He is boggled and asks whats it. she tells him showing him the locket, that this key is the gateway to his past, and asks him to open it. he is shocked and moved too.

At an Undisclosed Location

meanwhile begum’s saviour guy, gets her number from the salon that he saved her from, and the address too, and thinks that definitely there’s some connection between them, and if what he thinks is true, then his happiness isnt far behind. he calls up begum and then tells her that he is from the courier service, and has a parcel for her, that only can be delivered to her. she gives him the address and asks him to come. Then she cancels the call. He says that he would love to meet her, if she is his Tara.

At Begum’s residence

Afreen tells him that he has to open the lock, as he has the full right to know about his mother. he is highly tensed and worried however as to what he might find inside. he finally takes the key and gets to opening it, as afreen eyes him evilly. he finally opens the locket and is shocked to see what he finds. he is shocked to know that khan begum is his mother. 
At Begum’s residence

Armaan throws the locket away in shock, saying that this cant be and begum cant be his mother. Afreen picks it up and says that this is true, and she knew this before hand, and knew that he wouldnt believe her without evidence, and when granny told her his story, she had thought that she would help him, after what he did, and decided to go and talk to begum, as she is old in the town, but when she approached her, begum got fiery and angry, and went back to the room, and started seeing the key, and then she connected the dots, and knew it was a key to his locket. She says that its understandable that he didnt hear or recognise his mother, but a mother can, then how and why khan begumd ditn, and that there are people, who make their own people strangers. he leaves with the locket hastily and in a rage, while she evilly smiles.

At Meeting Venue

While begum addresses the meeting, thanking them for their support and admiration, and that she would just want to say, that if a nation has to progress, then the centre point is to educate the kids of the nation and then give them a good upbringing. just then, a car arrives and the same guy who saved begum came , while she talks about how beautiful children are, and how she has spent her life taking care of needy and lesser fortunate children. meanwhile, armaan is driving on the road, shaken by the begum’s betrayal, and afreen’s stinging words. they all clap, as she finishes her speech. meanwhile, the her admirer watches her from afar, trying to get a glimpse of her, as she mingles with the crowd, unable to take his eyes off. he tries to get to her, but misses her by some seconds. He tries to search around and then asks women about begum, but doesnt get a fixed answer. begum comes out, and finds armaan on the porch. she asks him what happened, and is immediately concerned for mahira. she asks him why isnt he responding. Armaan holds out the opened locket to her, and asks begum that she knew everything but still didnt tell him, this time too. she is shocked while he remembers that she had addressed him as mother, and how he was traumatised since childhood. begum hesitatingly asks for a chance to explain. she says that she was about to explain, and tell him everything but couldnt. he shoves her hand away, and asks what. he asks what was this helplessness, that made her reject him yet again, twice this time around. he says that a mother cant stop her feelings in front of her children, then how could she, and that she didnt even tell that the heart beating inside his, is his brother, and asks what stopped her from calling him son. she says that she knew if she told him, then he would detest and hate her. He says that he always has seen hatred in front of evereyone, and that she had left for him to die, and she would never understand what its like to be in an orhpahange. he says that he used to convince himself, that his parents must have had some helplessness, but when they finally meet, they would hug him dearly, and says that he never knew how he would react when he met them, but today, after having met her, he knows very well. he gest inside his car, while she asks for a chance, but he says curtly that once she left him and kept him out of her life, and today he does the same to her, in a reciprocative manner, and he throws her out of his life, and his house too. he drive soff, while she rushes after him, but he doesnt stop. she collapses on the floor, while he drives off, tearfully overwhelmed with emotions, without realising that she has fallen unconscious. that same fellow who had saved her earlier comes and sweeps her in his arms, unable to resists looking at her lovingly.

I Do Air On Zee World From Mondays To Sundays  At 8pm

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