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Meanwhile, begum comes with the tray of food, and shyly faces the guests, who help her sit across Ehsaan, in a sehra. Imtiaz asks about granny, and his mother says that she must be somewhere around. begum gets tensed, as he begins to search around for her and then spots the food, and goes to eat, while granny struggles to make a signal. she tries to make a noise with her movements. the priest asks if she accepts the marriage, and she responds in a yes three times, while granny tries hard to capture attention.

As the marriage rituals begin, the priest asks for Armaan’s consent. which he readily gives. The priest then turns to Mahira and asks her too, while she eyes armaan tensedly, from the other side of the purdah. he repeats and asks again, as they all wait for her response. finally, she stands up and says no, much to armaan, the priest and every guest’s shock. He says maybe there is a confusion. she says that all confusions have been cleared and that she wont accept him as her husband. All are shocked and boggled, as they eye each other irritably. She leaves and he goes after her, without hearing anyone calling out to them.

In the corridor of the balcony, mahira breaks into uncontrollable tears, as she cries appalled and distraught, when he comes from behind and wrenches her around, telling her that she cant do this at the last minute. he asks what happened. She says everything is a joke, she, her marriage and her love, and that its her idiocy that she believed in a man like him, who can go to any lengths for his profit. he says she cant go accusing him like this, and what happened at the last moment, when his heart loves her so much. She asks him to stop lying in the name of the heart. She asks if he hasnt had his share of lies, and that she believed he has changed, because he has azad’s heart. She says that she knows he called the crowd yesterday, as he saw his paid actor working today, and how he had paid him too. he says that its a co-incidence as how could he have known. she says that for heaven’s sake she shall trust him again and then goes in and brings the property papers. She tells him that she found these papers and how they landed up again, when she had torn them. He says that he accepts this, but it doesnt prove that he doesnt love her. She ask how much shall he lie more. She says that she is disgusted, and that she was an idiot to trust him, but she wont do that anymore as she knows that a person like him cant love anyone at all, and emotions cant arise in his heart and that she hates him. she remembers his romantic gestures. he says that its all a misunderstanding as his love is true and everything else fake. she is shocked at his audacity and asks if he needs more proof. She goes back in and then gets the laptop. It shows a video of him, professing his love for her, and he says that it was her surprise, but then is shocked into silence to see the camera still rolling, where he expressses his frustration at having to do this idiotic acting of being in love. he stands tensedly, while she eyes him with betrayal, and asks if she still wishes to remain on his stand, as what she had thought about him was right, that he is a ruthless emotionless man. She says that she can never love a man like this.

At Ehsaan’s residence

The priest asks ehsaan then about his compliance to the marriage, while granny desperately and in vain tries to get them to notice her presence under the food tray. begum is amused and smiles. ehsaan complies, and then the priest declares them man and wife. Ehsaan’s mother blesses and congratulates them on their marriage. Imi comes and then refers to begum as his mother. He then asks about granny, and they are tensed, but then decide that she must be around. meanwhile, a waiter catches notice of the noisy table and is shocked and flinches away seeing him. He gets down again and pulls off the gag, and then unties her completely. She rushes out gasping for breath. begum is shocked to see her, as granny approaches towards them. Imi rushes to her, and tells them of the marriage. They all smile, while begtum is tensed. begum rushes to granny and then emboldened by her powers, she hypnotises the granny. She says that she starts a new life, which she cant without her blessings and asks for them. Granny smiles and blesses them. As they are about to leave, the spell breaks and she mutters that she didnt want to say this, but begum casts the spell again and she hugs begum, who is relieved even though angry at her still.
Later, begum goes to freshen up, when someone congratulates her and its another on of her, who congratulates her on getting these powers back, but asks if she knows these are temporary. she says that she knows. She is then told that then she would know, that whenever she uses her powers, then for an hour, she wont be able to see anything and be blind for an hour. Begum is shocked as it starts working and she finds everything dark around her. begum comes outside, slightly tensed and worried, as she tries to make her way through darkness, and almost collides into the corners of the table. He rushes to catch her, and asks if she is hurt. She denies. He guides her slowly to the bed and then makes her sit, while he tries to get physically intimate with her, as she gets tensed. Imi comes and demands that he shall sleep with them. Ehsaan tells that they are tired. imi gets sad. Begum instead calls him, and then asks him if he wouldnt want to sleep with his new mother. ehsaan doesnt say anything. Begum lies down with Imi, and then ehsaan lies down resignedly too.

At Begum’s residence

Mahira says that she is disgusted with her belief in him and says that she shall never forgive him, and rushes down. He eyes her tensedly and then gets frustrated at his failure, remembering how he had planned it all meticulously right from the start, to put the disguise of a decent, good mannered man. he says that he got caught today, but the game isnt over yet, and that now he shall enjoy the game, and then win it, to get it over.
Mahira meanwhile eyes the moon, in tears, and wonders why this happened to her, as she had with great difficulty moved over the past and agreed to go ahead into the future with armaan, and now she shall never be able to trust or love anyone ever again. She feels a comforting hand on her shoulder which is actually Armaan. she turns around and faces him angrily, and shoves his hand away. He says that he understands her hatred for him, as its true, that he hated her from the beginning, but then things changed and he actually fell in true love, and he didnt even realise that. she eyes him tensedly. She remembers his confession of love to mahira, begum and azad too on numerous occassions. He says that if he was wrong, why would he risk his life for saving hers. she stands boggled and confused, as he tries to convince her. She tells him that greedy people like him can even bet their life to get victory, but love isnt a game, but a pious feeling, based on trust not selfish motives. she begins to go, but he holds her back. he says that he knows he isnt wrong, and his love is true, and now he shall convert his hatred with the fullest faith and belief. She leaves. he says that she shall have to love him, as he wouldn force her to do so.

Downstairs, as latif and gazalla continue to try and engage the priest, mahira comes down and tells them to let him go, as there wont be any marriage. Armaan comes and says that he wont go anywhere as this marriage shall happen. they both face other tensedly. she comes and takes the sehra and throws it on the floor, and tells him that love cant be forced, but genuinely felt, and she knows his true self, and she wont accept him as her husband. he eyes her angrily. kainat is tensed. The guests are confused. Armaan comes to mahira and picks up the sehra. Armaan tells mahira that within 24 hours, she shall herself make him wear the sehra, and in front of everyone, accept his hand in marriage, with her total free will and if it doesnt happen, then he would do whatever is needed to prove, even change his name. An angry mahira says that the world may go topsy turvy but she wont marry him. Mahira says that he should search for a name then. She leaves the altar, while he stands watching her tensedly. All the guests and family members are shocked.

In her room, Mahira sits in front of the dressing table, remembering armaan’s betrayal and then takes off her bangles and breaks into incoherent crying.

As armaan paces, mahira comes across, and then he says that there’s still some time for their marriage. She tells him that time wont change if he keeps nudging it to. Mahira confronts armaan yet again and says that she wont marry him at any cost and asks him to stop day dreaming. He asks her to believe him, as his record has been perfect, and he is sure that in the next 22 hours, she shall agree for marriage with him. She asks him not to dream so big, as when they break, it causes great pain. 

At Begum’s residence

Latif rushes and comes to mahira and armaan, and warns them about what kainat did. She takes them to kainat’s room, and they find her unconscious, with white foam coming out of her mouth, and a poison bottle lying empty nearby. She is distraught and shocked, as she finds sameer’a wedding card with some other girl. she goes berserk. he checks her breath and pulse. He says that he would just come. latif and gazalla are apalled. he goes and gets sal water and they forcibly make her drink it, and then vimits it out, with the entire poison too. Mahira makes her lide back down, while she coughs. mahira asks how could she do it, and why. kainat shows them the card and then her ultrasound report showing thet kainat is pregnant. mahira and others are shocked to see this. Kainat says that her life is ruined now. Mahira says whatever happens, it doesnt deem death, and if sameer she says that she promises that sameer shall make her and her child, his own, and asks her to take care. she says that she would call sameer rightaway. kainat is apalled.

At Sameer’s residence

mahira tells sameer that what he did with kainat, is the gravest crime, and that he cant just get away as kainat tried to kill herself. He says that it isnt his responsibility, if kainat is alive or not. Mahira reprimands him thoroughly, and then says that she dopesnt expect morals from him, and asks him the price for which he shall marry her, but kainat shouldnt know this, and he shall marry today only, at whatever amount he speaks. she leaves. He thinks that this is merely the start of his sister’s revenge.

At Mahira’s residence

Sameer comes to mahira and asks for an advance payment, after which he shall marry Kainat. she says she would get so at the end of the wedding. He says that he dosnt trust her. Mahira says that to a betrayer the entire world looks betrayed. She shows him the bank transactions, that are pending just till the marriage, on her mobile. He asks about kainat. She says that he neednt meet her, and shall meet kainat only after marriage.

I Do Air On Zee World From Mondays To Sundays  At 8pm

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