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At Khan begum’s residence

Azad rushes out hurriedly, wondering where is mahira and tensed for her. amad comes and tells him that god is busy doing other stuff, and he would have to seek help on earth only now. Amad says that he is ready to help him, and he just has to ask. azad asks him to stay away from mahira, as he shall search her from anywhere. Amad says that he is complicated, as first he sent her away, and now he is frantic to get her back. he says that she shall be confused in these mixed signals. he eyes azad teasingly. he then tells that this habit of his, he tried out on afreen too. Azad asks him not to even compare mahira with afreen, as afreen was a two timing, betrayer. Amad says that its just an opinion, as for mahira, he too is betrayer and being a cliche himself, he befits the title too. Azad gets angry and says that he didnnt betray mahira anyhow, as nothing happened with that girl. he teases him and teases that he had given him the chance, and if he missed the oppurtunity then only he is to be blamed. Azad asks him to shut up, saying that that was the only way to keep her safe. Amad asks why he sent him away as she should have been home, as to take care of her, he is right here. Azad says that he knows him, as if his company ruins mahira’s life, even amad’s mere shadow can ruin any girl. amad smiles and then asks him to find out about him, from the girls that he dates. Azad throws him with a push and he falls on the ground. he asks him not to speak about mahira, as he would regret it later on. Amad asks how could he raise his hand on him, his brother, for a mere servant. Azad says that she isnt a mere servant for him, and is much more than that. Amad asks him insistently whats his realtion with mahira. azad says that he loves her, and if he so much as casts an eye on her, he would hurt him so badly, that he would never forget. amad coems to azad and teases him if he is going after mahira, then its in vain. he promises azad that he shall make azad’s mahira, his own, right in front of his eyes. he says that mahira has no value to him, as he isnt in love with her, but just out of spite and hatred for his own brother, i.e. him, he shall marry mahira and make her his. azad angrily glares at him and raises his fist. The brothers are tight fisted at each other, as a scuffle ensues. Just then, a girl comes in who is not visible due to the shadows, and when she steps out, its mahira, in a changed royal avatar, dressed in superb clothes, with a fabulous makeover, with the braces and braids gone, and a perfect beauty in its place. Azad eyes her mesmerised. she remembers how she doesnt need this makeover, and had begged khan begum that she doesnt need this, and asks her to let her go to Shimla. but they didnt comply. Amad compliments as her gorgeous and says that she is welcome in the house. Mahira goes back in the flashback when her makeover was being done. Khan begum says that she is embarassed that she had to use force on her for this makeover, but she was left with no other option. she says that she knows that she is leaving the house, and also why. she says that mahira is very bful, and the world needs to see the beauty and she couldnt let her go defeated, and hence its her desire, that the world should see her beautiful face. Khan begum and razia walk in too. Azad is unable to take his eyes off mahira. Khan begum comes and asks if she is bful. Razia says that she was like a diamond, just needed to be carved out properly. She says that she saw people were misbehaving with mahira, and hence they decided for this makeover to mahira, as she was the butt of jokes, by latif, gazalla and even her sisters. Amad says that all people may hev disrespected her, but never him. khan begum says that he might not have done it, but she has seen how azad has behaved with her. They remember. She comes to azad and tells him to apologise with respect for what he did to mahira, and ask her to step inside gracefully. He thinks that its ironic, that they ask him to look at her beauty when he found her bful even with the braces and the braids. he thinks that he can apologise a hundred times, but he doesnt want to become good in hias eyes, and shall have to remain evil, for strengthening mahira to stay away from him. Mahira thinks that a guy thinks twice before even breaking a toy, but he didnt care at all about her heart, and wishes that she hadnt been betrayed so badly, as she too had started liking him, but only got hatred and humiliation in return. He thinks that he should ask for apology, but cant as he stands helpless. Khan begum says that everything buckles under pressure, and he didnt think twice before breaking her poor heart. she says that she wants everyone to apologise to mahira one by one. She hollers at all of them. gazalla and latif are shocked to see mahira. saira and bano fume too. she asks them to apologise for all the disrespect that they gave her. she orders them. Latif and gazalla, along with saira and bano apologise. she dismisses them off. then she looks upto azad for him to apologise, while he stands sternly. She tells him that apolgy doesnt make one belittle his status, and he has gravely wronged her, and asks him to undo it, and apologise. amad too asks him not to be silent, and apologise for hurting mahira so badly. Azad stays silent. amad then tells mahrioa that those who are arrogant cant see any humanity, innocence or simplicity and asks her to ignore him. she has her eyes fixated on azad. He says that he apologises on azad’s behalf, and begs her to stay, as since she came, he has always treated her as a friend, and even without a makeover, she would have always found him by her side, whenever she needed. she eyes azad distraught. Amad says that he knows azad has hurt her bad, and asks her to ignore him, and look at he himself instead. she keeps eyeing azad. Amad stands in the way and asks her to look at him. she then finally speaks up saying that she doesnt need anyone’s apology, and particularly not when it isnt heartfelt. she says that till now, she had heard the heart should be bful, not the face, but in this hypocritical world, noone goes for the heart, just for the face. she remembers how azad had insulted her. she says that whole life, she has been joking, but never thought she herself would become a joke. she says that she tried to salvage her respect till the last inch but in vain. She says that she can never forget the day, when even after begging, she got hatred, and in it too, she tried to seek love, but didnt get it. she says that she now understands, had she been pleasing to the eyes, she wouldnt have been insulted so bad. She says that she has seen own people becoming strangers but khan begum, being a stranger helped her in all this. She says that due to her, all respect her, but apologises that she wont be able to stay here, and shall go. Khan begum is shocked and asks why is she leaving when everyone has apologised. Mahira says that what happened wasnt needed. khan begum thinks about getting back her powers, and thinks that she cant let her go. mahira begins to go, but amad tells her that she shall have to be in the house, as he wants to be with her. He asks her if she shall marry him. All are shocked, while mahira is stunned, as he gets down on one knee to propose to her. azad stands stern. Khan begum and razia wonder what she shall say. Mahira rushes away from there. All eye her as she leaves outside. Amad comes and eyes azad evilly and then goes inside. azad is enraged.

In her room, Khan begum tells razia that she knows her sons well, and knows that azad would never step up to take mahira’s hand, and amad just had to be kegged in, and he would fall prey to their trap, as he couldnt take his eyes off mahira. Razia says that she saw something else too. Khan begum asks what. Khan begum is told by razia, that mahira was always looking at azad only and when the eyes hold someone, noone else can capture the heart. she asks what if mahira refuses to agree to marry amad. Khan begum asks razia not to be bothered, as she knows amad and once he is fixated on something, he would do anything to achieve it at any cost, and this is just a mere girl. Razia says that she is no ordinary girl. Khan begum says that she knwos too well, and hence she has played such a bet, that nothing shall stand between her and victory.
In the lawns, mahira sits sullenly and tearful, remembering azad’s insults about her face and his humiliation, and then amad’s proposal. She says that she shouldnt have returned, as the elder brother made a joke of her face, and now the younger brother proposed her out of the blue. she says that he didnt even bother to ask her what she wants. she turns around surprised, to find azad standing across her. She turns to go, but he stops her. With much composure, she stops. he comes to her, and then says that he wishes to talk to her. she says that she doesnt want to weither listen to him, nor wants to talk. He takes her by the hand and then turns her around to face him. their eyes meet, and an awkward yet romantic eyelock follows, with her hand his his. she jerks her hand away. he asks if she has decided on amad’s proposal. She asks what he thinks. he says that he doesnt know whats going on in her mind, and that she didnt need a makeover, and advoces that if she is agreeing to marrying him, then she would make the biggest mistake of her life. She taunts that he must have felt bad, that the girl who he rejected and hates so much, is loved by someone else. He remembers his insults and is apalled. she comes to him and asks if he is here to warn her against his own brother, and asks whats wrong with him, as he professed his love in front of everyone and she knows that he knows manners and how to treat a woman, which is impossible for her. He remembers what amad’sopnion is about her and this marriage and gets worried. he asks her to think whatever she wants to about him, but marrying amad would be wrong. she asks what would be right for her then, and is amad is wrong for marrying and he isnt the right choice, then who should she marry and should she marry him instead. he is taken aback. she asks him not to bother to reply, but know this much, that this is her life, and he shouldnt interefere in her matters as she would do what she wishes to. She asks him to never come to her with his advices again. she storms off. he is apalled.

In the house, mahira wonders how can azad be so fickle minded, that he can insult her whenever he feels and then come to advice her whenever he wants to. she says that those who dont feel anything for anyone, shouldnt advice others. she says that she shall do whatever she decides. She is stopped by khan begum who comes to her with dresses, and then says that she was coming to see her only. she says that she has selected some drsses for her marriage and asks her to select one. Mahira tries to speak, but khan begum shushes her up. She says that she knows that mahira hasnt even agreed yet and she is already preparing, but adds that she has the fullest faith that she would say yes to the relationship. she says that nothing matters to her more than amad;s happiness, and his happiness is in her, and he has never seen him so happy, and he shall always keep her happy, even though he is a little brash. mahra comments that sometimes the person doesnt know what their happiness lies in, and remembers her moments with azad. khan begum says that she is sure that once they get married, happiness shall always reside here, and she would get what she wants. she is shocked about the accidental blurt, and then composes that she wants amad to be happy. she promises mahira a lavish and grand wedding. Mahira is tensed. khan begum again asks her to select, and mahira says that she never thought anyone would do this for her, and no thank you suffices to what she is doing, as she got her back against everyone’s wishes, and gave her respect too, but regretfully she doesnt and cant accept amad’s proposal. Khan begum is shocked and frantically asks why, as amad is a noble soul, and likes her, and they all like her, then why is she refusing. She says that these things dont matter as marriage is from the heart, and since her heart doesnt accept it, she cant. She apologises that she cant stay in this house, and is going rightaway. she turns to leave. khan begum is shocked and outraged. She finds razia coming to her, and tells her about mahira’s decision and asks how would she get her powers if mahira left and asks what should they do now. razia says that they would have to try alternate means now. Khan begum is tensed.
Mahira goes to the outhouse, and decides that she cant stay here for anotjher minute and shall leave and thinks that she shall give her sisters a final goodbye. She wonders where they are. she finds their wardrobe completely strewn apart and the clothes in shreds and torn. she is surprised to see this. She rushes out to see where are they. She rushes to khan begum, who is amused, and berserkedly asks where are the stepsisters, as their clothes are all burnt and torn. Khan begum tensedly asks her to look outside. mahira rushes out. She finds a trail of their belongings.

Razia tries some black magic with saira and bano, and has them trapped, while they experience burning in their bodies, as razia continues with her rituals, and finally has them paralysed, while they beg to be forgiven and released. mahira comes there and is shocked, and surprised when she tries to get to her sisters but is unable to, as an invisible shield stops her. they finally turn into voodoo dolls, and razia comes to them and picks them up. mahira comes and asks razia if she did this, and asks if the dolls are the sisters and asks what and why she did this to the sisters. An angry razia asks her not to mess with her. mahira is shocked, as she throws the dolls on the floor, and closes her eyes and starts some ritual yet again.khan begum comes and mahira tells her that razia isnt right, and distraught tries to narrate what happened, saying that they are all trapped. Calmly, Khan begum says that not them, only she is trapped, and as far as her sisters are concerned, then razia wont kill her, but she shall. Mahira turns to look at her shocked, while khan begum says that she got the sisters. she says that as per her instructions, razia turned them into dolls, and shall finish them also, if she tells her to. mahira is stunned into silence. Khan begum tells that she holds the key to her sisters’ life, and if she wants to save them, then she should quietly marry amad. She says that she doesnt know whats her enemity with her and her sisters, but then says that the good is far better than the evil, and what they are doing is wrong, and she wont let her succeed, and she may try everything, but she wont say yes to amad’s proposal. she says that she would tell everything to their sons, and then they shall be exposed, and shall also go to the police. razia says that she has much spark, and she loves playing with such girls. Khan begum asks what would she tell the police, and asks that statements wuld hold credibility. she asks mahira to go and tell, while she stands tensedly. they are amused. she gets to go, but then razia shows her some video of her brother, trapped in the same area, who razia made to disappear by her magic. mahira is apalled and asks where is her brother, and why are they doing this. razia teases her saying that she got them all. Mahira asks why is she doing this. razia guffaws. Razia asks mahira that if she wants the safety of her brother, then she should do what khan begum asks her to. mahira turns to her and begs her to let go of her siblings. Khan begum says that she shall spare her brother and sisters, but in return she shall have to agree to marrying amad, and tomorrow when she is presented the engagement ring to wear by amad, she has to wear it, and say yes to his proposal. Mahira is shocked.

At Khan begum’s residence

As mahira comes scared and tensed with khan begum and kainat, amad teases azad who eyes him angrily, that she is his wife, and it isnt nice for him to stare at his brother’s wife with longing eyes. He sys that he shall make mahira his, right in front of his eyes, and they they shall consummate their relationship, as is normal for a husband and wife. azad is furious. mhira comes with kainat, khan begum and razia. Amad goes on one knee and then presents the ring to mahira, while she eyes him, as he asks if she accepts his hand in marriage. Azad eyes her angrily. mahira eyes khan begum tensedly, not knowing what to answer. she eyes azad helplessly, remembering his confession of love and then khan begum’s blackmail. With much problem, after giving a long cursory glance at azad, she finally complies to the proposal and accepts it, as amad says that he shall give his whole life to her. She is sad and azad is distraught, as she extends her hand for him to don the ring. kainat, khan begum and razia are happy, while amad is amused as he places the ring in her finger. azad stands apalled, as all clap and celebrate it. Amad kisses her hand, and she is extremely at discomfort. Kainat hugs mahira in glee, and says that earlier she was just a friend, but now is her bhabhi, and she is very happy. khan begum tells mahira that she knew she would say yes, and is about to hug her, when mahira stops her. razia and khan begum are angry and tensed. Amad goes to azxad and says that he finally deposited his love on mahira’s finger, and says that his brother is getting married and won he congratulate. Azad leaves angrily.

Later, in their room, Razia congratulates khan begum, while she fumes at mahira’s behaviour towards her. razia asks her to let be and tells khan begum that once all is sorted out, they should start playing their bet, as its an easy win for them from thereon, after the marriage. Khan begum thinks that they should start with the preparations soon, as she cant afford to wait any longer, as she starts getting impatient. they are both startled as they turn to look at the door, and find azad standing there, eyeing them sternly. he says that he wishes to speak to her. razia leaves. Azad comes and asks khan begum how can she do this and agree to the marriage, as amad isnt marrying for mahira’s love but due to his hatred. Khan begum is tensed as she is cornered. She pretends to be boggled and asks why would amad do this. azad says that he loves….and then stops. Khan begum says that amad has done the right thing, as mahira is a right girl, and she shall get amad on the right track. sghe asks him not to do anything,t hat might set back this wedding, and asks whats so wrong if amad wants to marry mahira. she says that whatever she is doing is for his benefit, and one day he shall understand. He stands tensedly. She eyes him worried and then leaves. Azad wonders how to explain mahira why is amad doing this.

Precap: When mahira goes inside the dark room, she doesnt find her brother, but the chair, and razia having awkwardly held her hand in thin air, as if gaging an invisible person. she deduces the things together and is shocked to know that razia has made him invisible to her, even though he stands right in front of her. meanwhile, razia has gagged her brother so he is unablek to make any noise. mahira tries to get ahead to be able to touch and feel him atleast, if not see, but razia asks her to stay back, if she wants him to be alive. mahira is distraught. Razia asks her to go right now and tell azad not to come in. she also asks mahira to tell him that she wont deny for the marriage.

I Do Air On Zee World From Mondays To Sundays  At 8pm

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