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Then, the kidnapper gets mahira to armaan, who is hooded, taunting him, that when his wife has left, he can marry again. he pairs mahira with armaan, as she is burqa clad, with mahira, saying that they need to be together, as they have to perform the operation, Nikaah, and they have half an hour to get ready. Armaan eyes her tensedly. Mahira and armaan both are tensed. he asks mahira to make armaan understand what he is going to do, and if he acts oversmart, then he would be killed rightaway. mahira is shocked to see him in this state. After all are gone, mahira takes off her niqab to reveal herself, while armaan is stunned to see her there, as tears stream down her cheeks. He remembers what he had done to mahira on their wedding night, and is unable to believe that she came to save him, despite what he did. she says that he is her husband and then unties him, instantly, and sets him free, but isnt able to get off the bomb jacket. He asks her to go and save herself. She says that she didnt come for this, as she is egoist, while he is tensed. she says that they shall see whats to be done with the jacket, but for now, they need to escape. they stealthily start making their way out, evading terrorists. Armaan hits his head against a carton, and she gets concerned, seeing blood, and he is boggled as to how could she be so concerned and caring for him.

At Ehsaan’s residence

Begum thinks frustratedly that she should have killed granny and ehsaan too, but didnt and now she has to bear the brunt of it. Imi rushes to her her, while she is irritated, that he wants to go to granny and his father. But she jerks him away and asks him to go and sit in one corner. he is very scared and complies. then he throws cushions on the floor, agitatedly. Unable to bear it anymore, she gives him a treatment of her black magic, and he winces in pain and lies on the sofa. She says that he has turned her life hell. he gets emotional and says that he had thought that she loves him. Suddenly she bears a shapr pain in her heart as the dagger in the chest, starts moving, and she wonders whats happening as she has a heart, but it doesnt have motherly emotions, then why is she feeling pain like that.

Later, while dealing with her pain, begum notices ehsaan and granny back, who are traumatised to see imi tied in ropes. she blackmails them into signing the property papers, as they dont have any other option. on granny’s compliance, ehsaan signs them, and throws them at her, while she smiles evilly. he then unties Imi, and they hug each other. begum is overjoyed to have gotten everything, and now she is Armaan’s 50% business partner, and that now its time to set mahira and armaan on the right track.

At Hanging gardens, Kashmir

As terrorists decide to go and check on the couple, armaan and mahira are shocked to hear this, as they shall know that they have escaped. She eyes her locket and remembers other’s talking about it, and then takes it off, and opens it to reveal, a powder while he stands shocked and tensed. She mixes the powder in one of the drinks, that the terrorists are having. They wait for it to start reacting, and then suddenly one of the carton moves under armaan, and the terrorists are alarmed, as they confront them with missiles. Armaan covers mahira, and they call the couple’s bluff. But the medicine starts working, and they collapse clutching their throat and mahira and armaan run off. The leader notices when he comes that way and is shocked to find them gone. he bears anger on everyone and gets to vigorously searching for them. As armaan and mahira run, they finally come to a dead end. mahira is distraught that they shall now be killed. he assures her that he shall not let anything happen to her. she complies. They continue to search for a way out, when the terrorists start catching up on them. they hide behind a carton. the leader asks them not to try and run, as its vain, or else he shall pull the trigger on his remote, for armaan’s bomb. They are shocked. He says that he shall press the remote and all stand tensedly. He starts doing the countdown, while armaan begs mahira to run and save herself, as he is paying for his sins right now, but she says that she shall be by his side. Mahira is distraught that they shall die, but he says that he wont let anything happen to her. he comes out and says that they too shall die if they try to kill them. He then asks mahira to leave, but she is adamant saying that she wont go. The leader continues their countdown, to make their decision. As armaan and mahira are together, the kidnapper with his team, tells them that its their choice, whether they want to die so meek, or be a part of the greater cause. they clasp each other’s hands, and then mahira says that if god’s willing, then so be it. They are all shocked. 
At Hotel, Kashmir

The clock starts ticking away, as mahira proclaims that they shall die together only, if god so wishes. armaan curses them for instigating the youth and using them for their wrong motives. Mahira stealthily snatches an iron plate, sharp, from the nearby drum, and then cuts off the back of the suicide jacket, and manages to strap it free, barle withholding against his chest. the terrorists are scared to see that they areent budging against danger. Finally the coundtdown ends, and he takes the jacket off at them, and pushes them on the ground, fleeing away.

At Ehsaan’s residence

Begum listens to the news of the bomb exploding and switches off the tv. she hollers for tea, and then ehsaan comes in, and then begum asks where is granny, and he tells that she is making food. She is amused and taunts him, as she asks him to press her feet, while she enjoys her tea sadistically. In his room, imi sits tensed and scared, as granny comes to him, and then packs his clothes, while he asks whats she doing. She asks him to be silent, as begum the daayan shall hear them. he says that he is scared of begum. she consoles him, saying that she isnt his mother, but she wont be able to trouble them, since they believe in the lord, but still he has to go right now. he makes her wear his backpack, and then they stealthily leave, while begum ignorantly sips her tea. as she turns, they immediately duck under the bed. she asks ehsaan to go and send granny in now. he complies. But then she stops him, saying that she shall see for herself. granny meanwhile asks him to rush away. Imi says that she wont go anywhere. she promises that when things get better, they would get him back. he asks what if things dont happen correct. she says that it would and requests him to agree. Begum gets up and hollers for her, and she scared, rushes imi out. begum comes and asks where did imi go. granny says that he went far away from her, as imi shall be safe then. Begum’s anger breaks the vase behind, swearing that granny would beg for her death and then goes in.

The next morning, while farida is mopping the floor, begum intentionally spills more dust and dirt, and then begum takes a pic, and taunts her as to what shall happen when this goes public and viral. Granny says that when the power goes off, then she shall have to face the lord’s ire. begum throws granny away, as she tries to overpower her. She winces in pain, and begum asks her to stay in her limits.

At Armaan’s residence

Latif and gazalla comment on how boring lifestyle becomes, alone. they suddenly hear a doorbell, and open the door, to find mahira and armaan, hand in hand, smiling at them, and are stunned. they welcome the couple in, as mahira shyly smiles. They enter their room. armaan begins to go, but mahira holds him back. he sits tensedly and says that he knows what he has done wrong, and cant apologise enough, but she should know that situations make a man, and hence he wants her, from the bottom of his heart, to forgive him. she cries, while he tries to cheer her up. she smiles and then says that she knows people change with time, but had given up hope on him and her belief in the power of love, and thought that they shall always only hate each other. he says that their hatred was superb too. she asks if he ever fell in love with her. He says that he did, when he saw her on the Blue Moon night, he loved her instantly, with the innocence of her face, and knew that this would be his wife, but things changed so fast, that it immediately changed into hatred again, but today again, he can see that innocence and love in her eyes, and asks if she ever loved him. She is set to thinking, and then says that she doesnt know about love, but when he saved her from the bulldozer, she was amazed. he eyes her, when she says that she realised that day, that he had a heart even though it didnt seem evident. She finds him glancing romantically, and asks whats the matter. he kisses her hand. Armaan promises mahira, saying that he shall love her with the same passion that he has hated her, and that he has given her pain and trouble, but now he shall give her only happiness and joy. mahira gets emotional. they both hug each other.
Mahira is asleep, as armaan wakes up the next morning, to find her lying on his chest. he remembers how he had behaved rudely with her all this time and wronged her, and kisses her. she wakes up with a smile, and then looks up, and slides away. Armaan and mahira get romantically intimate in bed, as he draws her close to himself, and they then eye each other romantically, both nervous and awkwardly hesitant too, while lovingly eyeing each other at the same time. Just then the alarm starts ringing, and she ios amused, while he gets to the side table to switch it off. He gets back to her, while she gets up amused asking him to get ready for office. he says that he doesnt feel like it, and then hugs her saying that he spoiled her honeymoon and hence shall have to make up for it, and tries to get teasy with her, while she runs off. Outside, gazalla and latif eavesdrop on their romance. Mahira throws him the towel, and asks him to get ready. He teases that he needs to start planning his family, with her, and she is shoving him away. she leaves asking him to be patient. The screen freezes on her smiling face.

At Armaan’s residence

While animatedly bantering with armaan on the phone, she finds some people watching some people watching a person’s performance, which turns to be amad, long considered dead. mahira is shocked to see her, as she remembers amad’s past life. She finds him collecting money after his performance. mahira comes to him and asks where was he all this time. but he pretends not to know the name of amad. mahira is boggled, and identifies herself, while he says that he is Munna Rangila. she is boggled and continues to persist. He gets into his rant of poetry, in his casual, flirtatious lifestyle. she tries to make him remember, while he brands her as a mad person. But she doesnt let go of him, while she says that maybe she only got mistaken, and then tries to lure him, saying that she works in a big music company, and they launch amateur performers. He readily agrees at that prospect. when she walks in with him, latif and gazalla too mitake him for amad, and before they can address him as Amad, mahira takes them aside and tells them of his memory loss. They are shocked. Mahira is assured that they shall revive him back. They comply. he gets them inside.

Later, mahira walks in her room, to find it laden with rose petals, and smiles. Armaan hugs her from behind, while she says that she should be in office right now, and that this is wrong. He says that everything is fair in love, and that he went there, but missed her hence came here. he turns her around, saying that he himself cant believe he is in love, but its the fact. Armaan and mahira confess their love to each other, and hug when amaad comes out of the bathroom, with a towel draped around his waist, as if back from the dead, with mahira boggled to see him, while armaan wonders as to who is it. He tells mahira to come inside him. armaan gets angry while mahira controls him. He then asks her to come to elborate where the hot water stops from. she explains everything, as Rangeela again goes into his rant of flirtatious poetry. Armaan gets angry, while mahira then says that he is her husband, and then says that she shall show him his real room. Amad walks out with her. he comes back yet again, while asking armaan to cool down. mahira is frustrated, as he walks out. she tries to compose armaan and goes after him.

At Ehsaan’s residence

Begum continues to torment ehsaan and granny, while she begs the lord for a miracle. the doorbell rings and in walks iqbal, as ehsaan opens the door. begum welcomes him heartile, and then hugs him, to chide ehsaan and granny, who are outraged. She goes to ehsaan and asks him to do something. begum brands him as her special friend, and she wants them to prepare special food for the special friend, and get the food in the room. Ehsaan goes into a trance. She then asks granny to go and get whiskey as such nights need that, luringly lsuggestive of their carnal relations. they go in, while granny begs for mercy and help from the lord.

At At the dargah

Granny begs the Lord, to be able to help them, as begum killed farida, and now ehsaan is bearing the brunt of her toture, and that now she cant bear it anymore, and begs for a way to be shown. she ardently prays. She opens her eyes, to find a bed of burning coal, while people praying beside it. the peer baba says that the lord’s people arent scared of anything, even this burning coal. he says that those who walk on this, shall get everything that they so desire. One of the people tries to do so, but after taking the first step, he fleees off. the peer baba asks if there is anyone else, who believes in their worship to the lord. Granny says that she wodul. she is advised against it, owing to her health, but she is adamant. she says that its a test of her worship, and the lord shall have to listen to her. she eyes the smouldering coal, and then starts walking on it, remembering begum’s atrocities, and then begs the lord to help them. She successfully compltes, while the people are amazed. The peer baba says that the lord shall save her and her family from the dark spirit and tells her of the plan, when she seeks help.

Precap: Armaan and mahira confess their love to each other, and hug when amaad comes out of the bathroom, with a towel drapes around his waist, as if back from the dead, with mahira boggled to see him, while armaan wonders as to who is. Amad eyes mahira’s pic viciously saying that she is his dear mahira, and that times may have changed, but his adamancy to have her hasnt, and that he has come to get her, and so he shall, at any cost. He says that she is only his. Meanwhile, armaan sleeps by mahira’s bedside, as she sleeps, and promises that that they wont separate ever. he says that he shall protect her from all troubles, and be the ideal husband that she wants. 

I Do Air On Zee World From Mondays To Sundays  At 8pm

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