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Meanwhile, Mahira stands atop a cliff, tensed and serious. Armaan comes and tells her that being happy isnt a crime. She turns around to face him. he says that there are several ways to be happy. She asks if he knows why the flower that she holds is called the flower of love, as it dries in an hour, but its fragrance stays alive for long hours, and draws an analogy to Azad’s love like that, which shall be with her. She gets to go, but he holds her and says that this is madness, as she can see the love of a dead man, but not the one, who is alive but dying due to her rejection. she says that this isnt love but adamancy, that makes him want her. She says that there are lots of ways to be happy, but when pain becomes fun, its love, and she knows living like this is difficult, but their true love is enough to sustain her remaining painful life. begum sees them from a distance. he asks her to do whatever she wishes to, and even give her life if she so wishes, then so be it. he walks off. she remembers her moments with azad, and turns to find armaan gone. mahira watches him tensedly. Her foot slips and she falls over the cliff. Begum rushes to her, and screams at mahira. begum screams for others to come and help. They all are shocked to see him like this, while ehsaan asks her to hold on. Armaan comes last and finds her stuck like this. He asks her not to worry. he is shocked and rushes to her help. He finds mahira barely hanging on a by a thread catching hold of a boulder. he tries to go down, but the people stop him, especially, begum that he needs to save mahira but not at the cost of his own life. Mahira meanwhile struggles badly to hold on, and lets out a scream when she isnt able to. He is shocked to see this. Ehsaan rushes to get rope, while armaan asks her to hold on, as the rope is coming. Ehsaan comes back with the jeep, and they hurriedly pull out the rope, and armaan throws it down to mahira, asking her to clutch at it, whiel connecting the other end to the jeep. as they all watch anxiously, she is too scared to let go, and hold the rope. They scream at her to hold the rope, while she is frightened. Finally after mustering up much courage, she pulls on the rope, terribly scared. They watch as she clutches at the rope. he asks her to hold on tightly, while asking them all to back off. they are tensed but comply. On armaan’s signal, ehsaan starts to pull off the jeep, and armaan asks mahira to come up ahead slowly. But the tie clasping the rope to the jeep, loosens and the rope falls off, and due to the opposite jerk, armaan falls right behind too, inside the cloff. while begum clutches onto one end, armaan comes to mahira, and asks her to hold onto him. After an initial reluctance, she holds on. They start to pull the rope and begum tries to pull them up. His body gets bruised in the process and it starts bleeding profusely, but he keeps mahira safe from bruises. Ehsaan rushes and helps them pull up. after much struggle, they finally manage to get up. he starts to reprimand her as to what was she thinking and if she has gone mad. he says that there’s a difference between love and madness, and why was she attempting something like that. He says that he knows that this is her life, but there are other lives attached to it too, and if anything happened to her today, how would he have been alive. They are all shocked, while mahira is stunned. armaan gets dizzy, and mahria finds a tear in the place where he had gotten heart surgery done. he collapses and falls right on mahira’s shoudler. all are shocked and apalled, as mahira composes him.

At the Hospital

All the family waits outside, anxiously while armaan is being treated inside. The doctor comes and Mahira asks if he shall be okay. the doctor says that due to the heart transplantation and him having sustained injuries close to the heart, makes it complicated but they shall try their best. he goes in. Mahira is apalled. she says that to save him, he risked his own life. begum is apalled, and comes to her, saying that her hatred is more than someone’s life, but in his heart, his love for her, means more to him, than his own life. mahira says how is this possible, as whenever he has met her, she has always shown hatred, then how can he be so loving. Begum says that he saved her earlier too, and maybe she doesnt know, but they do, and she wishes mahira can realise how much he loves her. mahira remembers her moments with him, where he had been loving, and she was anything but loving. Ehsaan and others wait on, as the surgery continues for long hours. Finally, the doctor comes out and says that they have stopped the bleeeding, but the stiches around the transplantation area, are becoming a complication, but they need to operate a little more. he asks them not to worry. mahira asks how long. Ehsaan asks her to relax, while she says that she cant, since she is responsible for his condition. The doctor says that they shall try their best. mahira says that he has to try everything, as he has to save armaan. begum composes her. Mahira says that he has to get well, as armaan has to be alive. Begum is happy to see her concern. The nurse tells them that only one family member can stay with him in the ICU. ehsaan and mahira volunteer together. begum presses ehsaan’s hands to ask him to back off. He complies. mahira decides to stay back. The nurs eleaves. ehsaan asks mahira to call, if she needs anything. Begum asks mahira to take care. She thinks that destiny plays strange. She thinks that if armaan’s life cant generate love in mahira’s heart, maybe his threatened death attaack does. she hugs mahira.

At Ehsaan’s residence

Ehsaan and Khan Begum come back tensely, and his mother asks how is he now. He says that he is stable. begum says that she has full faith that he would be okay. She says that there is great blessing in a mother’s prayers. She asks about Imtiaz. begum is frustrated thinking that she left that child in the park only. Ehsaan is shocked saying that he thought he was with her. Ehsaan turns to begum and asks if she knows where imtiaz is. She says that she left him at kainat. they are relieved. ehsaan decides to call kainat. She says that he neednt do that as she shall go and get him. he tags to come along. She says that she is to be his mother, and she asks him to let her take responsibility for imtiaz. he smiles and agrees. She hopes that she finds him now, or else there would be a huge problem. she leaves.

At the Hospital

Mahira waits in the waiting chairs, outside armaan’s ward. She finds the nurse running around, and senses something is wrong. from inside, mahira hears the doctors’ concerned voices about his condition debiliating and she gets tesned, all the more when she finds a dead body being taken away on a stretcher. She is distraught as she remembers how he risked his life. She prays to the lord that she had anger towards him, in her prayers but she never wanted his death and if anything happens to him, she shall never be able to forgive herself. 

At the Hospital

Mahira is tensed for armaan’s health. She raises her hands to pray, while he is being treated inside. the doctors finally come out and tell her that they have saved him and the operation is successful, and now he just needs to rest and after sometime they might discharge him too, and she can meet him. she is relieved. She goes inside. She turns and finds his hand dangling down the bed and lifts his hand and caresses him lovingly. she then eyes the monitor. She is in deep tears and begins to go. mahira tries to walk away from armaan’s bed, but finds her dupatta stuck in his bed. She turns and untangles it. she turns but then hesitates again as she sees the wound on the heart and then pulls the sheet away to see it, crying at her dilemma. she is unable to do it. She wonders whats she doing, and then assures herself that this is wrong, and then questions herself, that if its wrong, then why doesnt it feel like it. then she wonders if its due to azad’s heart, as she remembers her moments with azad. She is distraught as she is in a dilemma. she comes close and places her ears right on his chest, just like she did with azad, and that very moment, he opens his eyes, and she retreats back reflexively. He eyes her, while she turns and goes.
At the Picnic Spot

Khan Begum comes searching for Imtiaz and finds some drunkards sitting there, who leeringly talk to her, but she shoves them away. She is tensed at not finding imtiaz. begum finally finds him asleep under the bench. She rushes to him and wakes him up, and oulls him out of the bench. She asks whats he doing here. he reminds her of the game. She asks him to come home. he is too excited to win, and demands for an icecream, and she complies. she asks him to come home.

At Ehsaan’s residence

Imtiaz rants and tantrums that he needs an omelette. Begum frustratedly mixes red chilli in his omelette, irritated at his desires, and serves it to him, amusingly, while he is happy. But just then, he sees armaan’s mother on the door, and rushes to him, while begum is tensed. imtiaz hugs her and she blesses him. ehsaan’s mother comes and seeks blessings too. She eyes begum tensedly. Ehsaan comes and welcomes her inside. granny asks whats mahira’s mother in law doing here. he says that she is tired, and should come in, after which he shall tell everything. Imtiaz says that she is his new mother, and granny is shocked to hear this. ehsaan says that she is his fiancee, and that everything happened so fast that they couldnt inform her. granny says that it isnt a relation just because he put a ring on her, as she is much in age than him, and someone’s mother in law. granny says that she had gone for Haj, and not died, and asks how couldnt they wait. he says that thats why they postponed marriage. granny says that it shall not happen, as she shall never comply to this relation. all are tensed. he asks her to come inside atleast. She says that for the first time, she hesitates, thinking that she doesnt feel needed here anymore. He begs her to come in please. she says that she shall set foot, only when this woman is out of the house. begum is shocked and others too. Granny says that either she stays here or begum. All are tensed.

In his room, ehsaan tells begum not to do so, as she is busy packing her stuff, saying that she cant stay here, since granny clearly doesnt want her to. she says that she is okay, being lonely and in solitude once again. he says that he shall try and talk to granny, but she says that it wont do any good, as she is adamant on her decision, and she cant enforce herself on this house. She emotionally blackmails him that she is destined to be stranded by her edar ones, first her husband, then armaan and now him. She says that now she is habituated to all this.

Outside, his mother tells granny to have water atleast or some food, as she stays outside. Granny says that she wont even drink water till begum is out of the house. she says that she has no clue, how can they all agree to begum, just because she looks like tarana, but dont understand as to how she is his mother’s age, and a mother in law. His mother tries to explain that she has no clue how happy he is, and he doesnt need his medications, and imtiaz is all gaga for her. She asks her to give it a thought atleast and hopes her arrogance, doesnt pull her back into darkness.

Inside, Begum is about to step, out, when granny comes with his mother and asks her to stop. Ehsaan is tensed. granny says that they all wish and want this woman to stay here then she shall have to stay in another room. He starts to speak, when granny says that no woman can stay in the same room with her husband, before marriage. She says that now she shall have to get them married too fast or else what would the people say. all are overjoyed, while begum is shocked. Begum thinks that before she interferes in any other work, she shall have to get rid of this lady. Granny thinks that many a times, when things are strtched, then relations strengthen, and if she had thrown her out today, the relationship would have grown stronger. She says that now if she stays here, it would be easy for her to expose begum, and that she shall see to it that she shall get out of this house.

At the Graveyard

Mahira comes beisde azad’s grave and says that when things becoms ununderstandable, it should be left to the heart to decide. she says that she has hated armaan from the go, but whatever he is doing for her, after seeing all that, her hatred stands weak in front of his love and the corner thats secure for him, is no opening upto armaan too. She says that she felt this is happening due to azad’s heart beating inside him, as he had place only for her, and asks if its the heart thats beckoning to her. she says that she doesnt understand anything, and says that she feels she cant distinguish the right from wrong, and isnt able to understand that if she cant forget him, then how can she be linked to him, and if he stands at the place that azad was, then she needs a signal from him, or else she wont be able to make a decision. Just then, the winds start blowing, and she rushes away from there, and takes shelter in the bushes. She is surprised as she sees armaan by the grave, placing a rose beside hers. she wonders what this means. Armaan comes beside azad’s grave. He tells azad, that he has never met him, but feels he knows him, maybe due to the heart, that beats in his heart. He says that he should address him as brother, but that are related as their mother is the same, who he has forgiven and hopes happiness for her, even though forgiving her after what she did, wasnt easy. He adds that she brought his younger brother after that, whose heart gave his life. he tells that mahira is his love and he wont be able to live without her. he says that he knows how much he loved mahira in his heart and thats still there and shall always be. Mahira is surprised to hear this. .
At the Graveyard

Mahira hears intently as armaan speaks to azad in his grave. The wind suddenly starts blowing on him too, and the rose flies off from the grave and tumbling falls by her feet. she picks it up considering it a sign, boggled she looks up at armaan. He finally opens his eyes to find her in front of him, beside the grave. they eye each other tensedly. He begins to get up, but he almost loses balance and gets support in her shoulders, who supports him.

Precap: Armaan and mahira find people protesting in their houses and are concerned. they poitn out that a widow and a stranger cant live under the same roof, as its a carnal sin. he holds her hand in front of everyone, and says that he loves mahira, and very soon shall marry her too. He then turns to her and asks if she accepts the marriage. she is stunned and speechless.

I Do Air On Zee World From Mondays To Sundays  At 8pm

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