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After armaan’s dressings, he immediately is helped by Gazalla, and just then, mahira walks in and is shocked to see him with his leg in the cast, and is shocked. Mahira gets to know from gazalla, what happened, and the doctor suggested two weeks rest. he pretends to be innocent, while she udnerstands what he is upto. She gets rid of gazalla, and then helps him get up the stairs. he thanks her. She says its her duty. he comments that he got such a beautiful wife like her, who takes care of him so nicely. She says she is indeed fortunate to land such a genuine guy like him. She asks him his favourite colour and he responds blue. He says she shall get him a blue wheelchair immediately, and asks him to imagine, her wheeling him, in the beautiful valleys of kashmir. he asks if she has lost her mind, as he cant travel in this condition. She says his game is up, as she knows he is acting. He says a wife should trust her husband blindly, and that he wont be able to go in this pain. She think he played wonderful, but not necessarily that he shall succeed, as she wont let him. He says victory is an obsession for him now, and its impossible to defeat him, despite all of her tricks. She comply and takes him to the room. Then she leaves. Armaan takes off his fake bandage and cast, frustratedly. He think the water has rosen above and he needs to teach her a lesson. Gazalla scream at him to come soon, as mahira is behaving weirdly. he rushes to the room, and finds them both eating awat chocolate, amused and gets angry as to what nonsense is this. They are amused. gazalla leaves, on mahira’s signal. he asks what nonsense is this. She comes to him, and with an amusing smile, gives him chocolate, as its a happy occassion, since today he proved how much he loves her, and he came rushing at one scream, particularly when he was advised bed rest for 14 days. she calls his bluff, and he stands irritably. he eyes her frustratedly. She asks him to come along, as they are already late.

Downstairs, armaan and mahira walk out with their bags packed, while gazalla wishes them away.

At Ehsaan’s residence

Begum, in short hair, comes with the vessel and thinks that she needs to get rid of her, before they start searching for her. granny begs her not to irritate her. she then gets a call and receives it, seeing that its Farida. She keeps the jug aside, and starts talking, in granny’s tone, that she is okay, but forgot to receive the call. farida is relieved to know that she is okay. While talking, farida enters begum’s room, and begum abruptly hides the call, to avoid her truth being out. farida is tensed as to how the call got disconnected suddenly. Granny starts screaming, while farida is boggled. Begum gets tensed and asks about imi. farida says that she just had a talk and granny is okay and with imi. Begum thinks of an idea, and then tells farida that they should renovate the entire house, and get rid of old stuff. granny is horrified. farida expresses that these are all her wedding gifts, and they arent things, but her memories, and the more older they get, the more invaluable they become. but begum casts her magic on farida, and she silently complies, that she shall sell everything. Granny is apalled to hear this. Begum says that she shall tell the servants to get rid of the stuff then. farida then leaves from there. granny is apalled. begum eyes her evilly.

Later, farida gets the stuff packed by the servants, thinking that she doesnt want to let go of her memeories, but couldnt say no to her bahu. Begum tells granny in the jug, that she is going on a long journey, as she shall leave the house in this jug. granny screams for help. As she eyes the jug, Farida says that they cant sell this jug as it was given her grandmother. begum is frustrated, and then says that its very old. farida is adamant. Begum gets angry at her, but doesnt express it, and instead does the dark magic, which influences her and she keeps the jug in the carton, as begum wanted. granny is shocked, and begs for the lord’s help, to be able to save herself, and free her family from the Dayaan’s trap. the chants shake the jug, and it falls on the ground. It falls from her hand, and farida picks it up, and then tells her that this is the lord’s sign, that this needs to stay here, and she cant ever sell it. granny is happy. begum gets frustrated while farida goes. she wonders what she shall do.

At Kashmir Hotel

Mahira and armaan arrive in the hotel, as people greet them. the manager comes and congratulates them on their honeymoon. She expresses that she is very cold. He rubs his hand, with hers, and says that love happens on wintery nights only, and he is very excited. She thinks that he is definitely upto something, given his overexcitement. the butler comes to show them the rooms. she takes his hand away with a jerk. The butler gets them to a room, and explains all the facilities available, and they hear intently. He places his hand around mahira, and asks if its nice. She says that it is, as this is highly romantic. They engage in pretense romancing and cannodling each other, while the butler is amused. He then tells her that the butler shall show her, her own room too. She is boggled. he tells her that he might have agreed to go on honeymoon with her, but never agreed to being in the same rooms. She says that some things dont need to be explained as they are self-explanatory, but he shouldnt be bothered. he asks the butler to show mahira her room, as he needs to freshen up. Mahira says that its okay, as people come to make memories on their honeymoon and it doesnt make a difference if they share rooms or not, but when they leave, they shall have a lifetime of memories. The butler asks mahira to come along, while armaan is amused, eyeing his room, while mahira leaves. he eyes the scene from the window, thinking that he became the loving husband in Bhopal, and here he got the chance to insult her publicly, and it cant get better than that. Mahria finds that the room, that she has, is full of spiderwbes, and is in fact more of a storeroom, and is shocked. the butler is flustered too. She says that this is very beautiful, and says that everything is wonderful and sends him away. She calls up the manager asking about the condition of the room. He apologises and says that they had no other room available and hence he booked this room for his maid. he talks about how generous armaan is or else who gets their maid on the trip, and that he is all gaga over how armaan thinks about everyone. She is shocked but nevertheless says that she is indeed lucky to have landed him. she wishes to surprise her husband. the manager says that they shall do anything for armaan’s happiness. She starts narrating him, that she loves chocolate cake, and then tells the entire plan. He complies. She cancels the call. Mahira says that they have come on the honeymoon, and nothing exciting happens, thats impossible. She is amused thinking that this is just the beginning, and he shall see further what she is capable of.
At Kashmir Hotel

As armaan gets ready, the manager comes in with champagne, and chocolate cake, along with mahira, saying that they value their business reltions with such a wonderful man. He is boggled. She says that her husband is a wonderful business partner, and a better life partner, and she is lucky to have him, as he even takes care of the servants of the family. She asks them, to think that if he loves other people so much, then how much must he be loving his wife, and thanks them profusely for their generous hospitality. The manager tells them that they wish to take their pic, so that they can put it up on their walls for others to know that mahira and armaan were here. mahira thanks for their behalf, as they are indeed making it memorable. She then finds her fav cocolate cake. As they are about to cut it, their pic is clicked, while armaan complies non-resignedly. She teases him further engaging in canoodling gestures, while he is irritated. she then thanks the manager and his team for this. The manager tells mahira and armaan, that they have planned a tour for them, through the city, especially lover’s point. She is highly excited at the prospect, and turns to find armaan gleaming, and understands that he is upto something. before he can comply, she cuts him short, saying that they cant go, as he isnt well, since he gets allergy on eating cake. Armaan fumes. after they are gone, he asks why did she send them away. She says that she needs to take care of him, and it was clear that he didnt want to go, and was about to publicly humiliate her, hence she stopped him the effort. he says that she knows he isnt hurt at all. She comments that she knows him too well now. She then amusingly adds that such surprises shall make their honeymoon memorable, and now its his turn. reciprocating her taunt, he says that he shall do something, that shall blow her mind away.

As its a celebratory evening, with bonfires, Mahira comes and is welcomed by the manager, and he asks about armaan. She says that he would join them shortly. She thinks that armaan would never understand the importance of this relationship and wouldnever come. but to her surprise, she finds him walking towards her. the manager makes him sit with her, while she amusingly tries to get close and romantic with him. A belly dancer starts off the romantic evening, and as she gyrates, armaan, merely to irk mahira, joins in with her, with her suggestive moves. mahira eyes them tensedly. The lights go off, and mahira comes, back in light, dressed as a belly dancer, with the veil across her mouth. oblivious to her plan, he plays along as if the belly dancer is with him. They perform a sensual number together. all clap and applaud as the dancer number ends, and he is boggled to find that the dancer he was dancing with was mahira. They all congratulate the couple of their fresh romance and being the cutest couple. She teases him about her performance, while he clutches her tightly to himself, and then tells that its really nice.

At Ehsaan’s residence

Ehsaan arrives back home, to find begum sleeping on the bed. He is unable to take his eyes off, as he eyes her lovingly, and then caresses the cheek. she wakes up startled and alarmed, while he is taken aback. She asks when he returned. He turns away, saying that he just came. She stops him and asks whats the matter as he seems tensed and worried. he says that he wants to know whats the matter, as relations cant be forcibly enforced, and maybe thats what she feels like, and hence if she wishes to go, then she can. She says that its nothing like that, as she doesnt wish to go anywhere. he says that love cant be expressed, and sometimes words arent needed too, and points out that they havent even consummated their relationship so far, and even though he gave her the time she needed, she never made a move. He says that he called her innumerous times, when he was gone, but she never responded back even once, and asks if she didnt miss him at all. begum gets irritated, and says that she missed him so much, but didnt speak, intentionally, as she knew if she had talked, she would have been more restless, and that it was equally traumatic for her too, and even if she cant say anything, she feels missing out on physical intimacy, and she is too alarmed at the sudden happiness that they have been bestowed with. She says that she wont wait anymore. he is boggled and asks what he means. She says that tonight they shall start their new life. He confesses his love and she reciprocates too. Thy hug each other, while she thinks that she cant make this idiot understand that if she gets physical with him, she shall lose her powers.
Later, when ehsaan gets in his room, he finds the room romantically set for their consummation of the marriage, as he comes and finds the blanket drawn on the bed. As he opens it, he finds begum lying underneath, and caresses her, while she looks at him lovingly. he then leans into kiss her, and she shys off.

Later, begum talks to farida, saying that ehsaan has just returned and is already back to his work, and leaves tp get him juice. Farida comments that she is so caring. Begum leaves. Meanwhile, from the bed, begum comes out, and opens the door, to find begum standing on the door, amd then the begum in the bedroom comes in her true form, and its a different witch. As she is amused, begum asks if the work is done, aand she complies. then she shuts the door. begum again opens the door and then drops the juice pretending to be shocked while the lady gets away from ehsaan’s side from the bed, horrified as well. Begum asks ehsaan how could he, as he wakes up from his sleep, while farida walks in and is shocked to see this too. He is shocked to see the other woman, claiming that he doesnt know her. he says that he didnt do anything. she is aghast and asks how could he do this, and if all the love and faith was all wrong. he vehemently denies, but she tells him to ask farida if she was in the kitchen with her the whole time, and farida testifies. He is shocked and begs them to understand. the other girl says that she was here and on the bed too. he says that he doesnt know who is she and where she came from. she says thats immaterial, and asks why did he betray her like that. farida is apalled. She tells him that what he did with her was wrong, and that he shall see her hatred from this day onwards. She walks out.

At Kashmir Hotel

Armaan gets mahira in his arms, back to the bed, while she tells him that this isnt needed. he asks her if she doesnt know how much he loves her. she says that she knows him well, and that right now, he wont leave any instance to insult her. he eyes her tensedly. She says that she knows his plan, about getting an extra woman, to irritate her. But he says that today isnt about squabbling but to feel the love. He takes off her shoes, caressingly, and asks her if she thought, he would desert her on their first honeymoon night. He tells her that tonight they shall not fight, but shall do that, which is normal for eevery honeymoon couple. She is tensed. he caresses her face, while she doesnt understand what he wants. She says that she is his wife, and he has a right, and asks if he remembers his Meher amount for her. He stands up eyeing her lovingly. He lays her on the bed, and then lies atop her, while she is tensed, but desperately tries to hide it.

At Kashmir Hotel

Armaan tells mahira that he wont do anything without her wish, and then leans in to kiss her, while she is terribly at discomcfort, and closes her eyes. He kisses her forehead and then retreats. she opens her eyes, shocked and boggled, at his decency and finds him gone, and standing next to the table. They eye each other while he signals her to open a gift that he got for her. she opens it with a smile, to reveal a nightgown in it, and she smiles at him, while he is happy. He dims the lights off.

Later, mahira settles herself on the bed, with the same nightgown. As mahira sits on the bed, with the lights off and with her nightgown on, he comes in baretorsoed, and gets atop her, trying to be romantic and physically intimate while she awkwardly plays along. Armaan records this on video, and then hollers to her, while she is shocked, to find a stranger in bed with her, while armnaan shoots this all on video from a distance. She w3akes up with a jerk, and asks him to get lost. the stranger casually leaves. armaan is amused, as he sees him off. She is shocked at his disgusting behaviour. he asks her how would the caption be, “WIFE CHEATS ON LOVING HUSBAND….!!!!” she is aghast and apalled, at his shamelessness, while he continues to taunt her that she would be a celebrity if this video goes viral. She comes to him and breaks off his phone, and asks if he needs revenge for the slap, and gets him to hit her forcibly, and asks him to settle scores for once. Shetells him that he is worse than a human being and is actually an animal. She says that their relation is of hatred, but he didnt realise that she is his respect, his wife too, and asks how could he do this, as this is the most pious relationship of their lives and says that she thought that she could teach him love, and that she and her faith failed terribly, and his will won. he is tensed. she gives him back his wedding ring, and walks off.

Later, mahira comes and doesnt find armaan in the room, and is thankful. She gets a call, and starts looking for where the mobile is ringing. She finds a packet with a mobile in it, and wonders whose is it. she responds. Mahira gets a call from the kidnapper, who asks her to get 5 crores, to the hanging gardens if she wishes to see her husband to safety. She thinks that its his drama, and mocks them that she wont fall prey to his trap now. Armaan is tensed. The kidnapper tries to explain the genuinety, but she doesnt believe, and keeps muttering that she wont listen. Armaan screams and asks mahira not to give the money. She gets tensed. the kidnapper warns that he is okay, but asks her to do as he says, and not even dare to try and inform the police. He cancels the call. She understands that its genuine and wonders what to do.

Precap: the kidnapper turns out to be a terrorist, and mahira goes there in a disguise of one of many muslim women, burqa clad to hide her real face. He tells them all that they need to avenge and they shall do it from the indians. She is alarmed. He eyes the girls and then sees them one by one, fixating finally on mahira, as she is under a burqa. She is tensed. Meanwhile, armaan is strapped with a suicide jacket, laden with bombs.

I Do Air On Zee World From Mondays To Sundays  At 8pm

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