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At Khan begum’s residence

As mahira descends down the stairs, she wonders what had happened to her, as she didnt remember anything clearly, after how she had turned into stone, and wonders how she landed up here from there. she comes and confronts azad, who is tensed in anticipation of her reaction. they awkwardly face each other. she says that she has a hazy remembrance of what happened that he was fighting for her, but nothing in particular. she thinks that she wishes this half dream was a reality. he thinks that he had become restless even at the slight thought of losng her, and didnt know that he was fortunate enough to be able to love someone so badly. He laments that he cant even be close to the person he loves. She wonders why isnt he talking about what happened. he says that she shall never be able to remember, and he shall never be able to forget. He thinks that the moment shall never come in her memory, and never leave from his. He eyes her and then leaves. She is about to call him, when amad distracts her by asking how is she. she hastily says that she is okay. he continues to engage her in banter, while she gets restless. he finds that she has left abruptly, and goes after her, to find her going after azad to his room, but azad locks it from inside, and she stands out, saying that she wishes to talk to him. but he doesnt respond. Amad wonders whats the bful love story, as generally he is after girls, but now, a girl is after him. he says that he shall make sure that this door always remains closed.

Downstairs, anand kumar thanks samir, the guy profusely who got kainat back safely in the house. he asks samir about his acting prospect. The family listens intently. Anand kumar offers samir a role in one of his remakes. he smiles. Khan begum too thanks and compliments him immensely for his act pf bravery. Samir says that he doesnt feel stranger to kainat, and thinks that he knows her from ages. kainat shys away. samir leaves. Anand Kumar etlls them a stranger may have saved kainat, but it was someone of their own, who brought her till home, and they still need to thank that person. Amad interestedly asks who is it. Anand Kumar asks her to come in. As the door is opened, and a lady comes in, all are surprised as they turn their eyes to see who is it. It turns out to be razia, surprising Khan begum too. he says that this is razia, his old sister, as she had gone long back to dubai, leaving india, but just returned today.

At Khan begum’s residence

Khan begum pretends to be courteous to razia, as she comments that she is more bful that she had imagined. Khan begum comments that she is more ckever than she presumed. kainat asks her if she kjnew her from before. she denies. But adds that she feels that she knows her from long back, and has a deep rooted relation. she asks about her stuff, and razia says that its in her hotel, and just came by to meet her. khan begum says that she wont allow her to stay in the hotel at all. she comments that the hotel rooms are so small that it feels like living in a grave. razia understands what she means. Anand Kumar tells them that she was staying in a hotel and he couldnt have allowed that at all. Amad too insists. razia pretends to get emotional and complies in a yes. gazalla comments that her face seems very amiliar. Khan begum watches on excitedly. razia eyes mahira walking in the corridor of the house, and thinks that what she needs is right here and leaving this hugely precious thing, she wouldnt deram of going away anywhere. khan begum understands whats she means. She says that her love for them draws her here.

After that, Amad comes by his latest fling by the poolside, and gives her a drink. She jokes if he has mixed something in it, as he doesnt need to. he says that maybe what he is about to do, she could have denied, hence didnt want to take the chance. After taking the drink, she starts complaining of getting dizzy, and finally doses off into unconscious state. amad takes her from there, with an idea and then eyes azad’s room. he opens it to find azad sleeping on the bed. He then smiles evilly as he eyes him.
In the outhouse, she has a hazy remembrance of what happened to her, but isnt able to remember properly. she is boggled. she says that she doesnt know whats wrong since she came in the haveli, but is determined to find the truth, and prays to the lord to help her in unravelling the truth. She closes her eyes, and remembers azad trying to save her, and that he had tears. She tries to get everything clear and closes her eyes back again, and then remembers till the time, she froze and after which he had confessed his love, and how she was dying, but he saved her. his confession startles her, as she understands that he loves her. mahira then enters the house and in azad’s room to find him sleeping with the covers drawn. she eyes him, and remembers their past moments. she nudges him awake and is startled. he gets up and asks whats she doing here when he had clearly instructed her not to enter this room. She asks if he wanted that, then why did he revive her from going very far from him permanently. he says that he doesnt know what she means. she says that she doesnt know why he always talks so rudely, and pretends that he doesnt care for her, when she knows that actually she does. She goes on and says that he isnt the beast as he seems, and then apologises for the use of the word beast, as thats what he tries to project about himself. She says that she is about to say something, but he shouldnt presume that she is being overreaching. he tensedly asks whats she trying to say. she fumbles and says that she knows he isnt what he shos, and that he actually has started…..he asks what. she says that she knows that he loves her. he turns away and asks if she has gone mad. She tells him what she remembered and how he cant pretend anymore about his indifferent and not-caring attitude. he asks whats she saying. She says that she remembers everything and asks him to tell why is he doing this now, and holds his hand and asks him to confess now that she is in her true senses. he pins her agains the wall, and composes himself, saying that there was, there is and there shall never be anything between them, and what she saw was just a fantasy or a hallucination, and all in her mind. he says that he doesnt love her, and then turns away lest his eyes give away. she says that she doesnt know why he is lying, but she knows very well that he is lying, as she knows that he loves her, and asks why doesnt he want to accept it. she gets distraught, while he too gets emotional. She asks him to speak up, holding his hand, but he jerks it away, and she falls on the ground.He thinks that he doesnt know whats happening to her, and why, but knows that if she stays with him, then this is bound to happen, as he is a beast, and beasts dont have love in their lcuk, and its best that she stays away from him. He then catches her up, and then pulls her in front of the mirror. he demeans her that people cant fall in love with simpleton and ordinary girls like her, and insults that nearby there is a blind school where people might fall in love with her. she is in tears. he wrenches her by the hand, and then draws her to the gate. He then asks her not to enter the room and get near him again. She is tensed and apalled, and turns to go. Just then, amad’s friend turns in her sleep, who amad had planted beside azad, under covers when he was asleep, sleeptalking and babling in her inebriated state. Mahira is shocked to see this. Azad stands thoroughly boggled and outraged too. She asks him if this is the reason he wanted her out of the room, so hastily and hurriedly. He thinks that he doesnt know this girl landed, but right now she would act as the perfect example to draw mahira away and unfortunately he wont get a better chance at drawing mahira away from him forever. he is btensed and speechless, boggled himself too. She says that she wants to know who is this girl. he turns away as tears well up in his eyes. With steely eyes, he turns around, and says that he doesnt know the name nor does he want to know. She asks if its so casual for him to get any girl in his room. he rectifies her callously that not in his room, she lies in his bed. he asks her to have a nice glance at herself and then the girl, and asks if she still thinks that he can love her of all people. He asks her to get the hell out, as he has to spend more time with the girl, and she stands as a disturbance. she is hurt and leavesapalled. He thinks that he is extremely apologetic for what he did, but hopes she never forgives him as that anger shall keep her away from him, and safe. meanwhile he understands that amad is behind this disgusting act.

In her room, razia tells kahn begum that even the worst of people come in handy, just like out of her wildest imaginations, her brother came handy for her too. Khan begum says that she has just come, and the work still remains to start. razia says that everything shall happen. Khan begum gets berserk and says that her condition is debiliating, and that she cant afford to spend a single minute, and that they shall have to act fast. razia asks whats bothering her the most. She says that there are numerous issues, as mahira has seen how she couldnt break the black magic encircling her. razia asks her to relax and says that mahira doesnt remember anything before that, and just remembers from when she got revived back. Khan begum is relieved. They both find mahira walking in the corridor distraught, and think that she is coming out of azad’s room disturbed, and maybe he said something that upset her so badly. Khan begum is worried whether she is leaving the house, due to their fight and what shall they do then. razia asks her to stop being scared of small losees, if she wants to win the bigger game. Razia says that there’s one way to keep mahira in the house forever. Khan begum asks what. She asks khan begum whats the biggest foolishness of youth. Khan begum isnt able to, and then razia says that its love, and if they cant hold mahira back in iron shackles then they can hold her back in the chains of love. khan begum is outraged at what she is insinuating. razia says that she wants her to get azad married to mahira. Khan begum is shocked.

At Khan begum’s residence

Khan begum is shocked at razia’s proposal to marry azad to mahira. Razia says that she shall always be close to her this way. khan begum says that mahira is the maid and works here with her sisters and she would be then become a queen if she married azad. razia says that this is the only way out, for her to revive her old powers, glory and shape. she asks khan begum to think and then act. Outside, mahiurea is disgusted as she remembers what she saw in azad’s room, and says that she never wants to see him ever again. she decides to leave. azad eyes her from the opposte end of the corridor, when amad comes in amused, asking what did he do that upset her so bad, and asks him to go and comfort her. He eyes amad angrily. Amad asks if he wont go, as he shall go to wipe off her tears. he grabs amad by the collar, and says that wound shouldnt be inflicted so easily, but so severely that they are always fresh. azad says that he knows it was his plan to send the girl in his room. Amad rectifies him that not his room, but his bed, and asks if anything happened. Azad gets angry and he raises his hand to slap him, but Amad says that he did exactly what he wanted then why is he angry. Azad asks why would he want it. Amad says that he wanted to berak mahira’s heart and helped him to do it, so successfully. he says that his work is done as whenever mahira sees him now, she would see him with disgust. razia eyes them both and says that these two sons of his, shall be her pawns, and she shall have to ignite love in them. Khan begum says that azaad shall never agree to this relation, as some storms are always away from ther light, as they know if they come close, the light shall flicker out, and azad is like that, and being a noble soul, he shall never do this to mahira. she says that she knows him too well. razia says that if azad doesnt agree then what, amad would. Khan begum is shocked, and thinks that if this is the way to get her powers, then so be it, as she would never allow mahira to go away from her.

In the outhouse, saira and bano are excited and boggled, to find mahira packing away her bags and belongings. They come in pretending to be upset and tensed, and ask why is she going. she says that she has a better job offer, and hence is taking it up. They say that they shall miss her. She says that she shall miss them too, but this house doesnt suit her, as something or the other always goes wrong, and hence she is leaving and shall never come back. they ask her if she needs their help in packing, but she says that she is almost done. They hurry her out, saying that this is the best time for travel.

In his room, Azad calls someone and asks him to confirm if mahira is taking up that job in shimla. The person confirms and tells him that she is leaving for Shimla today only. Azad asks about his living arrangements. He says that the bungalow that he had ordered for along with two maids, has been prebooked for mahira. Azad asks him not to bother for the expenses, but should just keep mahira comfortable. He assures that mahira shall not have any problems staying here. Azad cancels the call, and then eyes mahira’s pic longingly.
As she walks out with her bags, mahira remembers her first step inside, and then the peer’s warning and then azad’s confession of love and then the callous betrayal. she gets teary eyed and emotional. Azad watchges her from a distance, as he remembers how she had seen the real and genuine, soft side to him. She turns around, thinking that she shall leave this house forever, and just then, azad hides so that she doesnt see him. mahira remembers her bitter sweet moments with azad, and gets teary eyed. Azad finds mahira with her bags packed and loading them in an auto, ready to take off from the house. He is distressed and sad that she is going. Nevertheless, he thinks that mahira shall have to rightfully go very far away from him. She gets in the auto and drives off. He thinks that his life is going away and ironically he cant even stop her. he says that he shall have to hide his love, hosoever immense it might be for mahira, from everyone, his family, friends and even himself, so that she can live peacefully and safely. he says that his heart says that whatever happened to her, happened due to him. he remembers her turning to stone. He thinks that they arent a compatible couple, as being with him, would only mean ruins for that person, and he cant bear that for her. he gets emotional and teary eyed.

On the road

While passing by in her car, kainat stops as she finds the guy who saved her the other day, at a tea stall. she gets down and greets him. he is pleased and then introduces her to his friends. they insultingly comment on her handicapped hand, and she is embarrased while he is tensed. she says that she is getting late and turns to go. he asks her to stop. he then reprimands them all and asks them to apologise for what they said. she says that she doesnt need it, as what they said is true. he says that it might have been the truth, but there’s a way of saying it, and it isnt how they did. he asks them to apologise. His friend asks if he would fight with them over this girl. he says that this is the reason he is explaining this to them. they apologise and hastily leave. she comes to him and asks why did he need to do this. he says that they were insulting her, and how could he have remained silent. she eyes him overwhelmingly.

In the auto, mahira notices that the driver has taken a wrong turn, and isnt going on the right path. he doesnt say anything, but stops when she finally orders him to. he unloads her stuff and drives off. she is left stranded on a lonely road wondering what to do now, as she doesnt realise where she is. mahira turns around to find herself at gunpoint, byt masked goons. she is boggled and taken aback. a van arrives. they push her in a van which then drives off. mahira is shocked and scared.

At Undisclosed location

An unconscious mahira meanwhile lies down on a hospital bed, with the spotlights on her. A lady comes in with wearing surgical gloves. Razia and khan begum eye her, and think that she is finally in their trap. Khan begum says she doesnt even know whats going to happen to her. razia says that mahira shall need a makeover so that she can work as a pawn in the form of weapon for them, for their mission. As razia and khan begum eye her tensedly, for the work to begin, Mahira begs to allow to be gone, as she is literally blind, without her glasses. She then sees them both, and asks them to let her go. they continue staring at her. When she continues to scream and plead and beg to be allowed to go, an assistant type lady slaps a tape across her mouth, to prevent her from making a noise. mahira is apalled. They eye her with a vicious idea.

At Khan begum’s residence

Meanwhile, azad instinctively feels that mahira is in some danger, and get tensed and restless. But wards off his concerns and goes inside. he keeps assuring himself that nothing is wrong with mahira, as she is away from him, who poses the greatest threat to her. but then is tensed, that mahira seems to be in some danger, and thats why he is so restless. he says that love teaches fear, and that wherever mahira is, she must be safe. he tries that same person’s number, and asks if mahira reached shimla. He denies and says that he was about to call, as mahira’s number is switched off too. He asked why didnt he call him then. azad gets disturbed and says that he wanted info of every second of mahira’s whereabouts. he cance4ls the call, and then tries mahira’s number, and finds it switched off. he presumes that she is definitely in some kind of danger. he walks out. amad notices this amusedly.

Precap: Razia tells khan begum that once all is sorted out, they should start playing their bet, as its an easy win for them from thereon, after the marriage. Khan begum thinks that they should start with the preparations soon, as she cant afford to wait any longer, as she starts getting impatient. they are both startled as they turn to look at the door, and find azad standing there, eyeing them sternly. Azad comes and asks khan begum how can she do this. Khan begum is tensed as she is cornered.

I Do Air On Zee World From Mondays To Sundays  At 8pm

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