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At Begum’s residence

Latif and gazalla are gorging on food, when they find mahira coming in with armaan, holding him by the side. She takes him up to his room, while they are shocked to see such concern. She helps him get up the stairs. They are amused to see them both like this. They discuss that within a month, they shall get married. She helps him at every passing stair, while he is boggled at her over concern. She makes the bed for him and helps him lie down. she then comes back to give him his meds. mahira gives armaan medicines on time. he complies and then asks how she knows the schedule of his medicines. She says that when someone cares for someone for the whole night, they get to know the meds routine and asks him to rest. she turns to go, but he stops her, and turns her around, holding her hand. He asks what if he demands for care more than one night. she is puzzled and boggled. They eye each other tensedly. She says that she cant take life’s big decisions hastily, and says that she needs time to think. He asks her to take all the time she needs, but her heart has already made its mind. She is tensed to hear this. he says that only the mind needs to be convinced now and asks her to think clear. She clenches her fists in tension, while he demands for an answer by the evening. she leaves without saying a word, while he eyes her lovingly, saying that her eyes have already given the answer, and now she needs to listen from the mouth, that she accepts his love.

Mahira meanwhile passes by kainat’s room, andd notices the untouched food, and kainat in tension, and walks in. She asks whats the matter. kainat hides the pic she was seeing. Kainat says that she isnt hungry. mahira asks if all is okay. Mahira asks how can she after what he did. Kainat says that she loves him truly, and nothing is wrong. Mahira asks how is she sure if love is true, as loneliness can often be mistaken by a person as true love. kainat vehemently denies, and says that she has a trick that ensures who is the true love and asks her to close her eyes. Mahira complies, boggled still. kainat places her hand on her heart and then asks mahira to think about that person, who she loves the most, who is most important in her life, and who ensures that she is never in pain or trouble, and who loves her immensely and she would see that person’s face. Mahria tries to make her way through the haze and finally finds armaan’s face with his arms stretched out. she is shocked, and opens her eyes, and rushes out, tensed and worried. Kainat is tensed. She comes to the closet and eyes her pic with azad, remembering her moments with him, tears flowing down her cheeks. she then remembers seeing armaan and his profound love for her, and is distraught with the dilemma she is placed in. She says that she never had anyone else’s thought in her mind, and she doesnt have a clue as to why armaan is seeping in her heart. She takes out the suitcase and packs all of her stuff, and also takes off azad’s ring and the pic and the pic and places them in the suitcase, along with other stuff, and packs it back.

At Ehsaan’s residence

Begum is very hungry in the house, and hollers for the servant. granny comes and talks to her indirectly, and says that she has given holiday to the servants, and asks her to make something special for all of them, as they are bored of eating normal stuff. Imtiaz and his granny come and are excited too. begum reluctantly agrees and leaves. Granny eyes her.

Begum is frustrated as she is working in the kitchen, and things keep messing up. Ehsaan comes and takes off the kneaded flour in her cheek, and tells her that tarana didnt know cooking at all. begum says that granny said otherwise. He says that she used to make nicely, but because he used to do it for her. They romantically get to preparing food, while she is amused. He tries to get intimate with her too, while she learns from him. He leans in close to kiss her, while they are interrupted by imtiaz who comes in saying that he is hungry. Granny comes in asking to make a chutney of garlic too. she frightens at the name of garlic, and gets into a fainting spell, while granny gets into bogglement, as to the fact that her doubt was right. Granny thinks that she was right. She remembers how she had seen Khan Begum’s medical reports, containing the dagger’s x-ray going through the heart, and how she is a witch, who apart from holy things also has an allergy from other stuff, such as garlic and rose petals. She refuses to think that and decides that she wont let her spoil ehsaan’s life, and that now she shall teach her a lesson and expose her completely.

At Begum’s residence

Armaan waits for long, and thinks that mahira wont come so soon, as he isnt that fortunate. just then, mahira comes to him, and stands beside him. he says that he is waiting for her reply, and asks her not to betray him. But she instead talks about the Venus, that decides their love life. when he asks if she truly believes so, she elaborates on the concept of energy being in the stars, and that love is the strongest energy that binds everything in the universe, and smiles. He eyes her lovingly. he then pulls mahira to himself, and says that his love has questioned her, and asks if she loves him too.
At Begum’s residence

Mahira is tensed as Armaan demands for a reply, as he says he just wishes to ask if she is his, and if she wishes to be his for the rest of her life? He says he cant wait for the rest of his life, and needs to know her answer, and then she finally hesitatingly fumbles, and then is about to speak, as gazalla comes in rushing telling them that some people have come to protest angrily. Armaan and Mahira comes down and find people protesting in their houses and are concerned. He asks whats the matter. They show him the newspaper, which deals with a suspicious woman in his life. He is tensed to read this. they point out that a widow and a stranger cant live under the same roof, as its a carnal sin. Armaan says Mahira is the owner of the house, with him. They say this is a sin, and isnt acceptable, and they cant hide in the garb of joint ownership, and tell him that he might be huge in stature, but not above their religion. She stands in front of everyone, as they have a problem with her, then why are they punishing him,. They taunt and ask whats her relation with this man, since she has come forward, and if she doesnt have a reply, then she should leave the town. She is speechless, as he comes ahead. he holds her hand in front of everyone, and says that he loves mahira, and very soon shall marry her too. the guys are taken aback as they are silenced. gazalla is surprised too. He then turns to her and asks if she accepts the marriage. she is stunned and speechless, and laves from there, without a word and with teary eyes. He tells them that they shall get the invitation for marriage and asks them to leave. they comply resignedly.

In her room, mahira is tensed, as she eyes herself in the mirror, remembering armaan standing up for her, and his proposal to her. she says that she cant understand anything and if this is right, and how can she act in haste towards this big step. he comes and stands behind her, and she is surprised to see him in the mirror. He says that it isnt in haste, but at the right time. he holds her, and then turns her around to face him, saying that her silence is killing him, and asks her to respond, or he has to act more to prove his life. She says yes. He asks what. she says that her reply is yes, and that she accepts his hand in marriage. he is shocked and stunned for a minute and then is overwhelmed that she has consented and hugs her, while she smiles. He asks when, and she responds that they can anytime. he asks fi they can marry tomorrow. She asks if it isnt too early. he says that tomorrow is lucky, as its the blue star’s night, and if she believes in stars, then he has to, and says that from this day forth, all of her troubles, pains are hers, and every happiness of his is hers. he then says that he has to excuse himself for wedding prepartions. he says that he shall leave himself. She is tensed as he leaves. He goes out and hollers for latif and gazalla, and asks them to hire the best wedding decorator in town, as the one he proposed, has consented and that mahira shall marry him, and that too tomorrow. They are shocked and ecstatic to hear this. mahira comes out smiling, while they tease her. Armaan is amused. begum comes in and hears this and is pleasantly surprised too. Mahira smiles. begum says that she is very happy, and informs of her and Ehsaan’s marriage. They are both overjoyed and hug each other. Armaan watches tensedly.
A peer baba’s residence

The priest sees begum’s medical file, that granny shows him. he is shocked and comments that she isnt normal, but a very powerful evil spirit. He says that she has hypnotised her grandson. granny begs him to give a way out, as she isnt able to understand anything. He says that there is a way, and asks her to have faith in the power of the lord, and then gives her a Dupatta, worth 5000, and when she wears it, her true colours shall be exposed. she is boggled. He says that this isnt normal cloth, as touching this pious cloth, her reality shall be exposed. She pays the money and takes it. She thinks that begum might have captivated ehsaan, but she knows how to deal with her, and expose her too.

At Ehsaan’s residence

Granny comes back with the dupatta and finds begum from back, arranging clothes in the wardrobe, and hurriedly places the dupatta on the woman. A girl turns around asking whats she doing, and why is she giving this dupatta on her. Granny fumbles, when begum says, coming from behind, that she must have brought it for her. granny fumbles and stutters and then leaves. The girl arranges the dupatta and places it on the bed, and leaves too. Begum wonders why is granny so tensed, and what is she upto, and why did she get this dupatta. the girl leaves too. begum eyes the dupatta, and then touches it, and is taken aback, as she feels a huge jolt. Just then, granny comes in saying that she forgot the dupatta, takes it and leaves, but before that, she turns back and finds begum tensed, and then asks her what happened, and if she is okay. begum complies. granny leaves. begum eyes her hand, thinking that granny is upto her secret, and that she must have definitely brought this dupatta to expose her, and that she shall cut her down to size, as she shall get married to ehsaan, so that she can use him to attain her motive and she wont let granny succeed in hers.

At Isolated building

Begum meanwhile is busy practising some black ritual with other allies in a dark corner. One of them tells that they are all witches. she says that tonight, is the moon night, that shines very bright in the sky, and that such a night is very powerful for them. Begum looks at the sky and says that it isnt visible. She says that the moon shall come out, but the fact that it hasnt means that today is eclipse, and that is much better news for them. begum thinks that this means, when she gets married tonight, she shall revive all her powers back. Marrying in a night like this, she says that she shall get her powers back, and she shall have to ensure her consummation with ehsaan, in this eclipsed night only. She is determined.

At Begum’s residence

While gazalla and latif are busy preparing and decking the house for the marriage, they are amused as they find mahira coming down, dressed like a bride, for the haldi ritual. Just then, they find ehsaan, his mother and granny coming in and rush to greet them. they ask where is begum. granny is surprised to know she isnt here, as she wasnt at home too, and thought that she must have been here. Granny is concerned as to where she is. gazalla and latif ask her to call and find out. Granny says that she did but she isnt picking the phone. mahira comments tensedly, as to where can begum without telling anyone, on this special day. granny thinks that she too waits with anticipation for this day, so that she can expose her, but god knows where and why is she hiding.

The haldi ceremony begins with all of them putting haldi on her, as there’s merrriment all around. granny is tensed about begum though. Ehsaan tells armaan that they have shared everything, but cant have the same wedding, and then says that begum was feeling awkward. he says that he knows that this is the reason begum didnt come. armaan asks him not to let anyone interfere with their friendship and hug. they take leave saying that they need to prepare for the wedding celebrations too. kainat asks mahria to go and freshen up too. she complies. Mahira is walking in the corridor, when she collides into a person and apologises profusely. but when she sees the face of the person, she is boggled and confused. the person is flustered too and hurriedly grabs his stuff and descends down the stairs. Mahira finds that its the same person who was protesting against them yesterday, and is shocked as to how armaan can hire a person like this and wonders if anyone even knew that he is in the house, and wonders if he is conspiring. 

At Ehsaan’s residence

Granny gives the dupatta to ehsaan’s mother, and asks her to drape it on begum. She is overwhelmed with happiness. Ehsaan’s mother thanks granny for having given her blessings to this relation. she leaves. granny thinks that she has to save her grandson’s happiness from the Daayan. granny comes from behind too, as ehsaan’s mother comes to drape the dupatta around her. begum is immediately tensed. his mother says that she shall help her drape it. begum complies, and nothing happens to her, as she touches the dupatta, which shocks granny totally. His mother says that she is looking supremely beautiful, while begum says that she shall always rever this dupatta. Granny is confused. After his mother leaves, begum grabs hold of granny, from, her hiding, and turns her around to confront her. begum tells granny that she is old now, and if she actually thought, she would expose her in front of everyone. she opens a box, and shows the remnants of the real dupatta, which is completely burnt. she tells granny that this one, which she is wearing, is false. She asks granny to stop messing with her. Granny says that she knows she is a devil, and she has solid evidence that shows the dagger through her heart and that she shall expose her tonight at any cost. Granny tries to go, but begum gags and hlds her and drags her underneath the sofa, with tape across her mouth, and then loads her onto the food tray. She tells granny that she is atleast double her age. begum asks her not to dare cross roads with her. granny is apalled.

At Begum’s residence

Latif and gazlla hover around Armaan, and compliment him on his looks. He doesnt find Mahira, and tells them that he shall go and get her. As he gets to searching for Mahira, he finds a room open, and someone inside the totally dark room. He knocks from behind, and Mahira, who is inside is startled. She turns around and in the light of the torch, he finds her, and asks whats she doing here. They compose themselves, and she switches on the lights, to show her surprise, that she wanted him to enjoy, a fully decorated romantically set room. He likes it and is happy. he says that it isnt more beautiful than her. They both leave as the priest has arrived.

As armaan sits, all wait for mahira to come down. he asks gazalla where is she. she says that she shall get her. he is tensed. In her room, mahira is dressing, but think there’s something wrong, and before things get wrong, she shall have to see this, and finds a video. But suddenly she seems something that shocks her. she shuts it, as gazalla comes immediately asking her to come. gazalla asks if she saw the video. Mahira says that she did. gazalla says that it was meant to be a surprise for her. She drapes the dupatta and then comes down with gazalla, as he eyes her mesmerised. 

Precap: As the marriage rituals begin, the priest asks for armaan’s consent. which he readily gives. The priest then turns to mahira and asks her too, while she eyes armaan tensedly, from the other side of the purdah. he repeats and asks again, as they all wait for the response. Armaan tells mahira that within 24 hours, she shall herself make him wear the sehra, and in front of everyone, accept his hand in marriage, with her total free will and if it doesnt happen, then he would do whatever is needed to prove, even change his name. An angry mahira says that the world may go topsy turvy but she wont marry him.

I Do Air On Zee World From Mondays To Sundays  At 8pm

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