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Mahira is brought downstairs by kainat and the guests ask begum to start the ceremony. the ritual begins and all start complimenting her on her beauty. She starts callously commenting. afreen shows the least interest for the ceremony and disrespects the elders, and they start talking. she takes off the ghunghat asking them to look once and for all. they are all shocked and taunt khan begum that she has found the most disrespectful of the bahus. khan begum tries to salvage while she is irritated and then puts the ghunghat back on, but she doesnt comply. mahira tells her that it would be nice if she doesnt interfere in what she wants or doesnt want. She says that she wont stand these stupid rituals as she is a modern girl, and doesnt believe in such orthodox rituals, and she cant show off at all. She says that its better she goes off to her room. She starts walking, while khan begum and all are shocked and outraged. As she gets up, she deliberately takes off the lower end of the lehenga, and reveals that she is wearing shimmy lingerie underneath her long ghunghat, amused at what impression it would cast about mahira to the guests. All are shocked. mahira’s family is mortified, while the guests are ostracised, and start taunting. afreen thinks that she has made this ritual very unique and has completely tainted her forever. They tell begum that mahira made a drama of their respect. gazalla tries to help her wear it, but she dons it away. mahira says that they are doing drama and asks them to get lost. They comment as to how ill mannered and shameless girl this is. mahira asks how do they know what kind of a girl azad wants, and asks if their advice was seked. She asks them to understand that begum’s son loves her and likes her in these clothes. Khan begum eyes the blue hand, and understands that its afreen and its her trap, as mahira cant do this and wonders where is the true mahira. She turns to gazalla and tells her everything. Gazalla leaves from there hurriedly and goes to the room, where on the other side, sameer has mahira’s body in his arms to dispose her off. Finally she opens the door, and calls out for mahira, but doesnt find that he has hidden mahira in the bathroom. as she is about to move out, sameer meanwhile takes the real mahira and bundles her up and carries her out of the room. gazalla instinctively turns around and then follows sameer, not having seen him yet. he places her inside a room, and on the floor, and the bracelet that caused her unconscious state falls off. he then locks the room and leaves. gazalla reaches there scared of begum, and thinks that she definitely heard someone’s voice. she tries on the doorknob, and wonders why is it locked, and rushes down to tell begum. inside the room, mahira wakes up from her unconscious state, and then sees the bracelet. She is startled and tries to open the door, but isnt able to. she is frustrated and then finds a window, and then makes a big rope of the sheets.

Downstairs, mahira aka afreen keeps insulting the guests that she has a hot body and is hence flaunting it, unlike them. the guests ask begum if they have been called to be insulted and asks her to reprimand this girl. begum says that they are right and this shameless girl cant be their bahu, as she has tainted the name of this house and this family, and shall definitely be punished for this. she comes upto mahira. Khan begum raises her hand to slap her, but mahira stops her hand by holding it midway, shocking everyone. Khan begum is furious. she says that she hasnt married the rules and regulations of this house, but azad, and hence begum cant punish her for this. she says that if she feels she has made a mistake and needs to be punished, then only azad can do so. she says that she married azad and came here and if he tells her to go, then only she shall gladly go. begum turns to the guests and apologises on the girl’s behalf, and asks them to come and have food. they resignedly comply.

In the kitchen, gazalla tries to talk about anand kumar’s locked room to latif, and latif says begum keeps anad inside so that he isnt disturbed as he isnt keeping well. gazsalla says that she knows as begum told her. she says that she is doing the work. latif thinks that begum told her everything about anand’s murder, and then gives the key saying that she too shall go with her, when gazalla asks for the keys. they rush to open the lock, while mahira inside is alert and before she can snoop and find out anand kumar’s dead body in the suitcase, she dives out the window.

At the dining table, afreen continues to insult the guests that they are so hungry for food, and didnt even remember that they were planning to go. She sits callously on the lap of another guests. She says that since the function is in her name, she should eat first. she tastes the food. she then insults begum too at the third grade food and starts throwing the plate away in disgust. the guests arent able to bear any longer, while begum says that she shall get another food served. the guests ask her to handle the house first, and then guests, and that they shall come only when her son throws this girl out of the house, disrespecting her. begum is apalled, while mahira is amused. Khan begum throws her plate of food away, and then reprimands mahira for having behaved this way and disrespected them completely in front of guests. She asks what shall begum do now. Afreen asks if she shall get azad and ask him to throw her out. khan begum asks that this is exactly what she wants, addressing her as Afreen. she says that she knows what she is doing and asks her not to be oversmart. mahira aka afreen is shocked and then asks why does she feel so, and then asks her to understand where is mahira. she asks if she shall call azad now to save her, as one day or the other, she has to go, and hollers her to get azad. khan begum is tensed. But she eyes the actual mahira coming in, and gets alert.

At Khan begum’s residence

Khan begum tries top keep afreen engaged and asks if she really thinks that she can play this gamer and call azad as per her wishes, and that evil should try her hand playing with more evil, as when she presents the good side of mahira, to her, she would be defeated. afreen aka mahira is set to thinking. mahira meanwhile walks inside the drawing room. mahira walks up to the dining table, and when afreen dressed as mahira, turns around, mahira slaps her tight across the face and she is in a rage as she comes to her actual form. Afreen goes on and tries to her but khan begum holds and wrenches her hand. She then tries to slap khan begum but mahira stops her. mahira tells her that khan begum is her mother in law, and she wont ahve anyone ever disrespecting or insulting her, and that afreen shall regret it is she does things like this. Afreen angrily says that she shall regret it now. They both grasp her both hads, and she tries to struggle free. khan begum slaps again. mahira asks if she never thought hAfreen says that she cant do anything, as she is a mere mortal in front of her, and wont be able to do anything, and asks if she didnt see what she did to the guests today, nor would the guests come till she is thrown out. she says that she has all plans to capture azad, as mahira herself shall go to azad but mahira shall be helpless. Mahira says that face changing doesnt ensure anything, as she wont get her husband’s immense love, and as far as azad is concerned, he shall find that she isnt mahira in a minute. mahira says that if she prides her and her dark forces, then she challenges her to do anything that she can to get azad, but she shall fail. afreen says that she prides her love and she shall break this ego of hers, as azad shall be with her, and mahira wont be able to do anything, thats her challenge. she walks off from there. khan begum and mahira are tensed. Begum asks mahira to ensure that only her love wins, but they cant ignore the magnitude of her evil forces. mahira asks her not to bother, as those who are blessed by the lord and true love, they always win. begum says that she should go to azad right now and asks her to be cautious. mahira leaves.
Meanwhile, begum asks Latif an gazalla to open the suitcase. they find anad’s body completely stiff. She asks them to take it out and get it in the car. they put him in the back seat, while she arranges his muffler, and then applies makeup, to make it seem like he is alive. Gazalla is asked to start the car. she complies and drives off.

At Khan begum’s residence and on the road

In his room, azad thinks that before afreen tries to harm mahira, he shall have to send her to a safe place. mahira comes in with tea, and asks him to have it. he turns around and says that he doesnt need it. In doing so his hand accidentally collides with the tray and ithe cups fall on the ground, shattering to pieces. She finds him tensed and asks if he is angry with her. He asks her to stay away from him, as his company can only bring storms in her life. She says that together their love can brave any storm. he says that afreen is evil and can even take her life. mahira says that if she could, she would have taken it, and she doesnt want her life, but her defeat, and assures him that their love shall not be defeated as they are too strong. just then, he gets a call. On the road, Khan begum calls azad and tells him that she is taking anand kumar to the hospital for his checkup. he gets tensed. She says that he neednt worry as gazalla and latif are there with her. She tells him that sameer and his family are coming to see kainat, and he and mahira should attend to all the preparations. she cancels the call. he tells this to mahira. she asks him not to bother, as she shall handle everything as the ideal bahu. She gives him a suit and then asks him to get ready while she gets kainat and the other arrangements ready. She leaves. he wonders how would he be able to save her from the evil spirits and that he doesnt deserve her love.

On the road

While driving, the car comes to an abrupt halt, as they find police inspection ahead. they are scared as to how to get past it, as the police scrutinise through every car. Begum applies more makeup to make him seem alive. Then when her turn comes, they hide their nervousness, and then say that they are going to the hospital. as the police fixates his eyes on anand, begum is tensed if he knows. but he turns out just to be an ardent fan wanting an autograph. khan begum makes an excuse that he has suffered aparalysis and a heart attack, and hence needs to be rushed to the hospital. the police apologises and hurriedly lets them through. they drive off, relieved.

At Begum’s residence

In her room, kainat is drssed up by mahira, who teases her, and then goes onto make speacil arrangements for lunch for sameer, when she enquires from kainat that his favourite dish is Chicken Biryani. mahira promises ot make it for him. kainat thanks her for everything, while she says that she is happy that she can perform her duties towards the family. She asks her to be ready while she goes looks after the kitchen. kainat smiles. mahira leaves. she geos to her room, and eyeing azad’s suit, she says that azad is very cute and babbles about her and his relation, and how he is like a hard coconut. as she turns around, she finds afreen confronting her. She gets tensed. mahira asks how shameless she is, that she dares to come to this room, after such insults. she says that she feels that mahira doesnt fully understand the extend of her powers. mahira says that she wont be able to part her and azad. Afreen evilly eyes her ring and takes mahira’s shape, much to her shock. she says that tonight she shall make azad believe that she is his wife, she says that she shall consummate their relationship tonight, and that she has no idea about her strengths. she says that she shall keep such good care of her and kainat that he shall be happy, and he shall himself start loving her, and she wont be able to do anything. Mahira is shocked. mahira aka afreen closes her eyes to cast some black magic, and mahira is thwarted away towards the wall, as if pinned by some unnatural force. when she regains herself, she finds afreen gone. As she tries to open the door, she finds it locked, and screams hard to open the door. meanwhile, afreen outside, pours some liquid on the door, and asks her to scream as much as she wants, as due to this liquid, she and her screams wont reach outside the door. mahira aka afreen says that when azad sees this, she shall win a place in his heart. she then leaves. meanwhile mahira keeps screaming for help.

downstairs, while serving drinks to everyone, sameer sees afreen’s blue hand and understands that its her disguised as mahira. kainat says that she shall serve. she serves drinks to his parents, and mahria smiles. they confirm the relation. all smile. They head towards the dining table.

In her room, the actual mahira meanwhile is able to come out of the door, breaking it. She geos to the dining area. mahira notices them having dinner. she tries to go, but then thinks that she cant create any drama in front of sameer and his parents as that might create the wrong impression. Afreen aka mahira says that they should hurriedly pick up the date for the wedding,. taling about husband wife relationship being the best. She places her hand on azad and he is slightly boggled at the presence of people and she engaging in public display of affection. just then, a peer baba comes to their place and afreen is tensed as she sees him. others are thrilled though. kainat comes to him and says that its good he came as its a special day. She gets him inside to bless everyone, while afreen aka mahira is tensed. the actual mahira smiles, and prays that the peer baba has come, and the lord should do a miracle that the devil’s identity is exposed. After everyone has taken the holy smoke, afreen is scared that her true face might be exposed due to the smoke. but helplessly, she too begins to take the smoke. mahira is shocked as afreen tries to ward off the smoke, being highly uncomfortable, and her shape shifting becoming uncertain as the silver cutlery starts reflecting her true face intermittently. Mahira thanks the lord for having shown the perfect way to expose afreen now in front of azad and the family. 

At Khan begum’s residence

Afreen aka mahira asks the servant to go and give the peer baba food and send them off. They comply. mahira thinks that camphor smoke can get rid of ghosts and spirits, and decides to try this. Meanwhile, Afreen asks kainat that once married to sameer, she shall forget about her, but not to worry, as she shall be taken care by azad, and places her hand on him, again trying to get physical proximity. Azad is at discomfort. In the kitchen, the servants go to find something in the kitchen. as they leave, mahira puts some camphor cakes in the foor. the servants return and place the food back at the dining table. When the smoke starts emanating, afreen realises that its camphor powder. mahira watches thie from behind a pillar. Afreen winces and lowers her head, and hides her face so as not to be seen. She is shocked to find her face reverting back, in the silverware. She thinks that before someone sees her like this, she shall have to hide her face, and puts it in the chocolate cake. All are shocked. Azad gives her the hankey to wipe her face, but she denies and says that she shall go to the washroom. she rushes from there. all are tensed and boggled. Mahira watches determinedly.

Afreen aka mahira washes off the black stains on her face, in the basin, and when her true face comes up, afreen is in a rage, that mahira has messed with the wrong person and that she shall ruin her, as mahira shall have to pay for this. She says that she wont let mahira win and before she turns the table, she shall have to go out. She tries to open the door of the bathroom, but finds it locked from the outside. outside, mahira taunts her and says that people often underestimate their enemy, and thats exactly what she is a victim to today. afreen swears that mahira has crossed the line and now noone shall be able to save her from her ire. She is furious as she gives one hard kick to the door, and it buckles and falls apart.
At Undisclosed location

Begum gets gazalla and latif to dig up a grave and put anand kumar inside it, and then seal it back. they are oblivious that someone is filming this all from a distance, hiding behind the bushes. They get back in the car. khan begum watches someone behind them from the rearview mirror. She looks out, but doesnt see anyone. She gets in and asks gazalla if they saw anyone. they deny. she looks again but doesnt find anyone. she is boggled, while they deny seeing anyone. She asks them to hurry and drive off. gazalla complies. the man watches. begum wonders who could be it. Her phone rings in the car, and she finds that its Anand kumar. they are shocked. She asks where was his phone. gazalla says that they put it in his kurta. She is angry and asks where is this coming from. they are scared and start banetring. Begum says that someone is playing them, and they have to return back and check, if the dead body contains the phone or not, by digging the grave back. they are shocked but silently comply. Khan begum has to dig it back herself, since gazalla and latif make up excuses of being scared and tired. Finally, she digs up enough to see his body, and then pulls out the dead body yet again. She then checks his kurta for his phone and inds it there only. She wonders how is it possible. latif says that maybe someone took out the sim and is bothering them and they can check by dialling it. They dial and find that its rining. they are all shocked and scared, that maybe its the ghost after all. begum, in frustration and anger, breaks and tramples over the phone. she vents out her anger at his dead body saying that all her life, she tortured him, but now she wont be scared of him aty all, and that she didnt want to kill him, but had to since he stood in the way of her goal. they hear footsteps and are alarmed. they rush out of the fields but find noone. gazalla says that there might be other graves here too. They leave hurriedly.

I Do Air On Zee World From Mondays To Sundays  At 8pm

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