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Meanwhile, begum anxiously awaits armaan’s arrival, while she remembers how she had planted the purse so that armaan comes here. A lady comes and asks mahira to drink this pure water before moon comes out, as she holds out a glass. she is about to take it and is boggled, when suddenly the glass slips. The lady comments that its severely ominous. Begum comes and says that noghint wrong shall happen as its just an accident. kainat composes her. the lady blesses mahira that all of her wishes shall be blessed by the lord. mahira smiles. kainat comes and assures that all shall be right. mahira thinks that whatever is happening isnt right, and hopes that nothing comes in the way of her meeting azad today. She says that the taveez has always kept azad safe and hopefully tonight it shall relieve him of his devilish shackles.

Meanwhile, Azad is in his room, waiting for the blue moon too, remembering the taveez, and mahira’s faith in it. The door opens and afreen walks in, with a veil across the mouth. she thinks that she shall not let mahira snatch him from her, as he belongs to her only. she comes in while azad looks out the window. She picks up his shirt-piece and shows it to him, without revealing her face, and he assumes that its the tailor that begum had called for him. She takes his measurements, while he doesnt realise that its afreen. While measuring the arm, she intentionally stealthily takes out the scissors and cuts off the thread containing the taveez and leaves, while the taveez barely hangs by the thread. Azad turns around and the thread falls off. begum comes in and asks him to finish his food, as there are people waiting down for him. he says that since mahira hasnt eaten, hence he shall not eat too. begum smiles and says that people get everything but not true love and that they are lucky to have found each other and she is happy for them. he smiles and says that mahira explained to her what true love is, and he shall never make her sad. she asks him to hurry up, as all are awaiting him. She says that tonight shall be his new start. he asks her to go while he just comes. she leaves. he starts getting nauseate and with a headache, as afreen approach him. Afreen sprays some powder at him and he starts getting dizzy and finally collapses on the ground. Azad turns around and sees afreen and is shocked. she locks the door, while he eyes her stunned, and unable to respond. She gets onto seducing him to consummate their relation. azad is boggled, while she thinks that noone can stop him from being trapped. mahira’s sound resonates in his ears, saying that he cant allow anyone else to come in between them and that he needs to come to her, and he removes himself from her embrace. he gets ahead in the dizzy state and tries to open the door, while afreen watches.

At the Confectioners

Armaan gets some cookies and other delights packed, and then is walking out on the road when she finds a rich guy scolding two children for them having tainted his expensive car. the person starts reprimanding the children and armaan steps in. he is harsh and ruthless to the children, and armaan gets tensed seeing this. Armaan remembers his own plight in childhood and gets angry. Armaan signs a cheque of 60 lakhs and asks him to purchase two new cars. the man asks what would he do with the car. The takes an iron rod and smashes his car while all are shocked. Armaan signs another five lakhs and the guy is boggled and asks whats this for. Armaan slaps him and says that its for this, and asks him not to misbehave with any other child in the future. he walks off while all are surprised. Armaan then goes through the files and tells his employess, even after they did the unachievable task, that he doesnt like to hear no and they should keep that in mind. he then shows an employee the wallet and asks him to return it at the said address. he sees the address, and tells that this is the same place which the owner declined to sell to him. armaan says that he doesnt like to hear no, and that he shall himself take the wallet. he is determined.

At Begum’s residence

Mahira is getting restless, that something bad shall happen and that she needs to go and check on azad. but as she gets up, the ladies insistently and teasing her, make her wait there. As they wait for the moon to come out, mahira thinks that she needs to go to azad. but the ladies stop her and say that she needs to be here for the rituals and azad shall soon come. mahira prays to the lord, that no power should stop her true love from coming to her. Just then, Armaan comes inside the haveli and asks about the owner of the haveli, and is directed upstairs. he leaves. just then, begum comes in there, and says that she felt that her son came but there’s no one here. the ladies ask mahira to get her channi ready as the moon is about to comer, so that they can see their true love’s face. mahira closes her eyes and prays that she has left her destiny in the hands of the lord, and wishes for him to make her meet her true love and make her forever his. Just then, she hears an I AM SORRY. She is overjoyed that azad is here and then turns around happily. but when she opens her eyes, she finds armaan at the opposite end of the channi, where she had to see azad. She is distraught and shocked. 

At Khan Begum’s residence

Mahira is enraged at Armaan. mahira asks who is he and how dare he is standing here in place of her husband and asks whats he doing here and if he even realizes what just happened, as it was an important moment for her and her husband as they had to make a fresh start and asks what he did, as this is the blue moon night and he is supposed to see her true love, her husband through it and instead she saw him. Armaan angril takes the channi and throws it in the pool. he is about to walk off, when she holds him back, surprising him. She asks how dare he do that. he says that it isnt his fault and but hers and her channi’s, and that she should thank the lord that he threw only the channi. mahira gets angry and slaps him. he is shocked. he then retreats her into corner, and then blocks her with his hands, making it impossible for him to move. she asks if he is trying to scare her. he tells her that no one slaps her, and that he had no intention of coming in front of her, and he didnt even know her, and that its her fault that she couldnt recognize her own husband. mahira stands tensed. he says that if her husband didnt bother to show up here for her, its because the bad mannered girl like her deserves that, as instead of being her husband, any man would rather prefer to die. she is shocked and asks him not to say so even angrily, as said things do come true. she says that she wishes for her husband’s long life, and he can shut his mouth, if he cant say better and asks if he feels this is a joke, and curses him that god willing, he never gets true love and neither can he get nor shall he understand true love, when it comes to him.
Meanwhile, as azad tries to go out, afreen again holds him back and then drives him towards the bed, while he too walks in a haze. They get in bed. Later, Afreen lies naked in the bed with azad under covers and laments that mahira maybe the wife, but it was her, a daayan who consummated the relation with azad, and that now a daayan has established a relation with a vampire, and there is nothing that mahira could do. She says that in the age long fight of love with evil, again evil won and now when she bears azad’s child she shall be the true devil, as she gets the maximum powers, which she has always wanted.

Later, when begum walks through the hallway, she finds afreen coming towards her, smiling victoriously, and is boggled. afreen comes and thanks her for letting her in, so that she could consummate her relationship with azad, which she successfully did. Begum is boggled. She remembers how when afreen was thrown out, she had see her on the main door, and asked her 3 times to get in, when afreen had intentionally made her say it thrice, pretending not to be able to hear the first time around. Afreen gets back in, and begum eyes her tensedly. afren then reminds this to begum,. and tells that she herself got the dayan back in, and now once she is in, its impossible for her to be thrown out. She asks begum if she understood her power, or come to her use, or help her regain her powers. afreen tells that old powers shall return, but hers and not begum’s, and hence she should already start serving her, as when azad’s child comes, she shall be the ruler of the world with the best devilish powers. To her surprise, begum starts guffawing. afreen is shocked. begum explains that azad isnt first child of hers, and that she can regain her powers only by the first child of the first child. And that her having a child with azad means nothing. afreen refuses to believe, when begum tells her that she intentionally got her inside, so that she could distance mahira and azad, so that mahira could sire for her a child with her first son. she says that afreen was just a pawn that she used for her intent, as she isnt that stupid, that she actually thought begum got her inside falling into her trap. Afreen asks who is this son, and she says that its a seven fingered boy, who shall now help her get her powers back. afreen is shocked, while begum turns around and begins to leave. afreen gets angry and turns towards begum going away and then eyes a dagger and is about to plunge it in begum, with her black magic, when azad steps in between accidentally, and gets stabbed. Afreen is stunned. begum turns around in shock and is appalled to find azad like this, when his wounds dont recover, and afreen pulls out the dagger back again and he winces yet again. afreen leaves from there. begum’s scream alert mahira, and she rushes towards the stairs. she is shocked to find azad, unconscious in a pool of blood. She is distraught and appalled, as she nudges azad to open her eyes but in vain. the screen freezes on her distraught face.
Mahira looks at the moon and turns to look thru the channi and is shocked to see Armaan instead of Azad standing in front of her. She slaps Armaan. Armaan pins her to the wall and says a manner-less girl like you whose husband isnt near her, is understandable. Coz its better he dies than living with you.

Right then Azad shown collapsing after being stabbed by Afreen. Sanam-2 is shocked and calls out to Azad. Mahira hears and rushes to check. Mahira tries to shake Azad to consciousness as well. Mahira asks Sanam-2 who did this. Armaan comes over and checks Azad’s pulse. Gazala-Latif-Kaynat come over as well. All are in shock and worried for Azad. Armaan suggests to rush Azad to hosp. Armaan and Mahira bring Azad to the car and put him inside. Armaan is about to enter the car when Mahira tells him to leave saying she doesnt need his help. Armaan doesnt join them. Armaan recollects his rude words to Mahira.

Afreen sees Armaan and realizes he is Sanam-2’s son. She follows him & hits him by her car thinking if she din win,Sanam-2 wont win either. Armaan’s falls on road, his head bleeding. Passerby check on him. Sanam-2 senses something being wrong & spots Afreen who winks at her. She drives off. Mahira asks Sanam-2 to rush as Azad is sinking. Khan Begun checks on an injured Armaan. Azad-Armaan both rushed to hosp. Mahira prays for her true love’s safety. She remembers Peer Baba telling her that she is a chosen one & Allah will test her the most. She begs for her true love’s safety. Sanam-2 tries to check on her son’s heath. Says their blood group is rare. They need blood. Sanam-2’s blood is given to both Azad-Armaan. Sanam-2 wonders how all this happened.

Precap: Azad’s bing wheeled out. Mahira screams. Armaan’s body being wheeled out as well. In the haveli mahira sees armaan and tells begum that this is the man who carries azad’s heart. she is disgusted and pushes armaan away, asking him to get out of the house straightaway. Armaan tells her to beware, as he wrenches her hand and twists her around, as where she is speaking like this right now, is his house. she is shocked. he says that he doesnt like this kind of drama in the house and hence she needs to get out. begum and mahira are shocked.

I Do Air On Zee World From Mondays To Sundays  At 8pm

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