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Khan Begum walk in on Ehsaan in the room, and pretends to be embarassed and flustered, giving an explanation that the water was not there in her bathroom, and she had no clue he is at home. He composes her and says its okay, as she can use his bathroom. she asks him to clothe himself first. She thinks since he is Armaan’s business partner, she has to be nice to him. He wears his shirt, and then turns around to confront her. She says she wish to say something, but is hesitating how to say it.He asks her to say it. She says she gave him so much, but people always find some fault with it, and she doesnt know who she is, and soon people would start questioning as to how is she staying here. She says those relations which dont have a name are sins. he tells her that crime is that which brings two people apart, and that which brings two strangers together in an unnamed relation, is called destiny. he says she might not know herself, but behind this heart, is a soul that cares for everyone and all. he says as far as he is concerned, there’s nothing much to say, as he has a business partner, and a mother to die for. She says their worlds are poles apart and they cant settle in this house, and what would people say and how can she stay without any identity. he is tensed, and then turns her around, saying he says that he has a way out. he asks her to marry him. she pretends to be shocked, while amused within, that this is exactly what she wanted, as he says that this shall solve their problem, and name their relationship too. she hug him tightly, while he smiles. 

At Begum’s and Ehsaan’s residence

Gazalla and Latif intentionally drag Mahira out of her room, while she is puzzled, as they rant about how she has done a miarcle on Armaan, and he is busy cooking in the kitchen to impress her. As she finds him in the kitchen working, she is shocked while Gazalla and Latif are amused. Mahira notices the cook book in his hand, and says they gave Azad’s recipe book to him. She gets furious. Mahira walks in and asks him to return her stuff, and says he doesnt have right to touch her stuff. He says he didnt come close to her. She points out towards the book, while he says it contains knowledge that everyone should know. He says till the time he doesnt become a good cook, and impress her so that she forgives him. She says he doesnt need it. He says he doesnt need to understand about her needs. But she is adamant, and he teases her saying he shall never give it. She struggles and snatches it, and he snatch it back. Mahira raises her hand to hit him, while he stops and wrenches her hand and turn her around, while working in the kitchen. he tells her amused that she has a tendency to slap, but he likes this intense hatred that she has for him, which he is sure one day would convert into love and when love crosses all barriers, it becomes devotion. he lets her go, and she begins to go out. She senses her dupatta stuck, and assumes that he did that. Without turning around to check, Mahira says she doesnt like such behaviour and asks him to let go. he hears this and looks down puzzled. he finds it stuck under the slab, and amusingly comes and stands in front of her. she is boggled and then fumingly looks back and takes off the dupatta and the book and storms off. he smiles at her, and says that he too see how long she doesnt come close to him.
While begum is getting dressed, Ehsaan places a necklacxe around her neck, as they eye each other longingly. 

Later, Armaan finds Azad and Mahira’s picture in the closet, and longingly eyes it, while Mahira comes and tensedly snatch the picture from him and walk out, puzzled and boggled. As he passes by Mahira’s room, he finds her crying. He goes into imaginary sequence of how he comforts her, and she falls in his arms. he is drawn back to reality when she eyes him curtly, while he continues to gaze at her. 

Begum and ehsaan’s love story blossoms too. 

Mahira and Armaan keep colliding into each other, when their mobiles fall from their hands, and they pick up the wrong ones and walk off. Mahira notices the wrong set, and goes back stealthily to exchange it, and when she turns around, she confronts him, and almost collapses in his arms, as he comforts her. 

Begum tears the pics of Ehsaan earlier with his first wife, and he doesnt mind, when he sees this and caresses her face, while she smiles evilly. He later places a ring in begum’s hand, marking their engagement and starting their new life together. 

While Armaan plays the mouth organ in solitude, she watches him from afar as she lights a lantern.

At Begum’s residence

Latif and Gazallla tease Armaan about his concern for Mahira, and says she has gone to search for work. He says she used to work somewhere as a newspaper columnist, and was quite famous. They say they threw her out, due to him. he is tensed and boggled. 

Later, Mahira comes and find the newspaper editor at her home, completely apologetic and having turned over a new leaf. She is shocked to see this change, as he requests her to take her new job, and that he has come to rectify his mistake, and has come to do that. she is overjoyed, as he says that he wants her back with her columns. she is highly amused and agrees to rejoin tomorrow. She ask him to stay and have some sweets but he eyes armaan, and caressing his cheek, he walk away tensedly. Mahira sees this and is boggled, and then calls the editor, and asks him if he knows this person. he remembers how armaan had stormed into the office and had slapped him hard, for having gotten her out of the job. But he doesnt say anything and walk out. she is boggled, that something is wrong. She gets a call, from the employee, congratulating her for her new job. mahira asks her how the editor knows about armaan? She tells her that Armaan is the new owner of the newspaper, thats why she got the job back. she is shocked. she goes to confront him, asking what does he think of himself. He is confused, while she asks him not to dare interefere in her professional life. He says it needs character and not right to do so. she maligns and taunts his character, as selfish people like him always have a motive. he says that he does have a motive, and thats to see her happy. she says he stripped her of all happiness and now wants to see her happy. she reminds him that its her life, and she can see how to amend it, and doesnt need anyone’s support. he says he knows she doesnt need support, but he wants to give her company, for the rest of her life. She is tensed as she turns around and faces him. She comes to him and asks him to dream on, as in dreams, people can trap the moon, but in reality they cant touch it, and thats the truth, that he shall never replace Azad in her life, and whatever he try, he shall never succeed. She turns and storms off, while he smiles. He says he has never left his dreams incomplete, and he shall finalize this too, and she shall say yes.

Armaan holds a press conference and says people can distance themselves from anyone, but not from dear ones. he says he has decided to stay here only, and this haveli is the glory of the city hence he wants to keep it as such. the reporters ask what caused this change of heart in a thorough businessman? Armaan clarify that it isnt a what, but a who. he says the person who brought this change is Mahira. All clap, while she stands stunned. He says Mahira doesnt want a resort here. he has shelved all his ideas to convert this into a resort hotel, ethnically themed, as mahira doesnt like that, and also informs that she is 50% shareholder in the property stakes, and from hereon, that shall happen which she wants. she is tensed and boggled as she hears this. he asks her to come and sit. She comply. the reporters ask how does she feel at having gotten her haveli back. before she can respond, he says its indeed a moment of happiness for them and in that honour, they have kept a party, which is fairy tale themed, as dreams arent always guaranteed to be fulfilled but shouldnt be stopped from seeing. She is tensed. he says that he is seeing a dream too, as he confronts Mahira who understands what he means.

Kainat is shocked as she conducts the pregnancy test and finds that she has tested positive. she is shocked as she collapses on the bed, completely distraught and shaken up. She calls up sameer, but the call doesnt go through. She sends a message saying that he cant turn his eyes away from her now, as she is going to be the mother of his child, and tonight in front of everyone at the party, he shall have to accept her and the child. she sends it. He gets the message, while he is philandering around with another girl. He says those people who betray are talking about trust, as begum betrayed Afreen, and tonight he shall have his revenge.

As mahira storms in her room, fuming and blabbering at her anger towards Armaan, she finds him sitting comfortably, giving her water to cool down. this infuriates her more, as she is boggled and shocked too. He comes to her, and she refuse to have the water. he drinks it himself. He then says he can do anything, but she wont be pleased, but he believes in trying and hoping and he shall continue doing so, and she should try too, as happiness doesnt come itself, and that maybe some fairy godmother wants to see her happy once again. he then gets her a dress that he got for her. he asks her to wear this dress tonight at the function, since she is the co-host. she takes it and throws it up his face. he still smiles, as he keeps it on the bed, saying tonight her life shall change forever. she is frustrated. He picks up her phone and leaves, locking her from outside. She screams to open the door. He leaves. She asks for her phone but gets frustrated when he doesnt respond. later, she cuts the dress off with scissors, and then says she ruined all off Armaan’s plans, and angrily says he will not decide what she wants and what she will wear. she says she isnt his slave, and takes her own decisions and decide what she will wear. She then rushes to the wardrobe and finds another similar dress with a scroll, from him that reads, those who have had pain in love dont appreciate the love laden gift too. It add that she might be cutting the gown. She is shocked at his presumption, and reads that he knew that she would do something like this, hence he took all of her clothes away, and left her no choice. He begs her to be his princess for today, as he understands her so nicely, and give up her anger. she stands resignedly and tears the scroll in frustration. she says this doesnt suit him, and decides to teach him a lesson at the party tonight.

Meanwhile, Armaan tells himself, while dressing up, that she wont be able to ignore his love for long, as she might be different, but she is a girl after all, whose love beats as Azad’s heart in his chest. He says when he fell to the heart, she too shall. he thinks in the party tonight, he shall declare his love for Mahira, and she shall have to accept his love in return.

At Ehsaan’s residence

Ehsaan’s mother is eyeing tarana’s pic, emotionally, when begum comes and stands behind her. she is shocked to see her as the lookalike. Ehsaan comes and clears the confusion saying that god has given them back their tarana. She eyes begum tensedly, while she too seems frazzled. boggled, his mother looks at him, while begum is worried and steals her eyes away. she comes to begum and then emotionally hugs her, while begum is shocked at this reaction. she thanks the lord for having brought their tarana back to them. he smiles. His mother says that blessings have turned the impossible into possible and that now antidepression medication stop from today. begum asks her not to worry as he is her responsibility now. he gives her a beautiful necklace set that he wants her to wear at the party. she says that she shall go if he wants her to, but before that, she wishes to talk to him. she whispers something in his ear, and he smiles hugging her. She thinks that she tried hard to get back her new powers, but now that she is starting this with ehsaan, she wants to start afresh. She says that armaan might hate her all she wants, but he would have to accept her in his life.

At Begum’s residence

The party begin Latif and Gazalla are gorging away on food. they find Kainat highly tensed, and assure her that Sameer will come soon, teasing her. She leaves from there upset. As armaan mingles with the guest, he search around for Mahira, but then finds Ehsaan teasing him that he is already looking for someone else. He has come with his mother, who both greet him, and then he welcomes them inside. They tease him that he might have gotten a need for happiness, just like Ehsaan has. Armaan is shocked to know this, and Ehsaan asks him to have patience and asks him to wait as she will come soon. Armaan wish he hopes Mahira comes down soon. instinctively, his eyes go up and he finds Mahira descending down the stairs, wearing what he had selected for her, while she eyes him furiously. he looks at her mesmerised.

At Begum’s residence

Armaan is mesemrised as he casts his eyes on Mahira, who eyes him angrily, wearing his dress, descending down the stairs. She comes and joins them, while Ahsaan and his mother tease him, that he has rightfully fallen in love, as anyone would. She comes and stands beside him, and then walks past angrily, while his eyes travel as to where she goes. She mingles with the guests. His mother teases Armaan that he isnt able to take his eyes away and that she is the reason of his happiness. 

Kainat smiles at Sameer, as he comes and then begins to approach her. she hastily rushes towards him, but is then shocked as she finds another girl with him, arm in arm. they both confront her while she is shocked, as he eyes her curtly. sameer is asked who is this, and whats she doing here? The girl reply that she is doing what a beautiful girl does with a young guy, and starts caressing him. he smiles, while Kainat is distraught. she wrenches her hand away from sameer’s face. She insults her, referring to her as one hand girl. Kainat reminds him that she is his fiancee and asks whats going on? He pretends to be shocked and asks if she isn't dreaming. She ask what is he saying, and what about what they did and what about the ring, and the promise of marriage? He asks her not to take that joke seriously, and asks why and how did she think that he would marry a handicapped girl like her. she is appalled and asks how can he say that. he push her away, and taunts that when she cant compose herself with one hand, how would she take care of him all life. She says she is going to be the mother of his child. He asks her not to give his name to someone else’s mistake. she asks how dare he speak like that. he callously comments that if she can consummate her marriage before wedding with one guy, she can do so with others too. Kainat is aghast. Just then, someone intervenes him, and Mahira comes with confrontation. Kainat rush to Mahira who composes her. Mahira asks Sameer how can he talk like this to a girl, as Kainat is his would be wife. Gazalla and Latif come hurriedly too. Mahira says when a girl truly loves someone, she can do anything, even give her life. She says she doesnt think he can understand, and hence its better he leaves right now, before creating any more drama in the party. He eyes her sternly and leaves. Kainat cry, while mahira assures that all would be right. Gazalla and Latif, rush after her, as Kainat runs inside. Armaan comes and asks Mahira why is she tensed. She reminds him not to stick his nose in her and her family’s affairs, as its her problem and not his, and she can handle them. She leaves while he eyes her tensedly. she says just because she wore his dress to the party, hence it doesnt mean he can ask her questions. she begins to go. Some ladies come and ask her to come to the game, thats being organised in her house and insistently take her away. he eyes her amused, as she is taken off.

I Do Air On Zee World From Mondays To Sundays  At 8pm

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