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Kainaat is let free for an hour on condition that she has to be back with the dolls otherwise he will kill Lateef and Khala..

KB is worried about Kainaat and her chamchas and Amaad about his abbu..

KB and Razia have kept Anand Kumar captive.

KB tells Amaad to touch a dupatta as some ritual.The idea of the ritual is that he would protect his wife life long…Before Amaad could touch Mahira trips and falls making the dupatta also fly.Azaad comes to hold both dupatta and Mahira…I wonder why none other than Azaad could get hold of Mahira and dupatta when Amaad, KB and Razia were standing closer to Mahira..No Azaad who was standing quite far had to run and catch..Anyways jokes apart..Khamoshiyaan song was played for trip and fall and I must say these two talk through eyes..

Amaad tells Azaad that it doesnt matter that he had caught the dupatta, at night it would be Amaad who would be removing it..Sick lines..Amaad ..thinks Mahira as his property…

KB scolds Azaad for having touched the dupatta.Azaad thinks about Amaad’s words and behaviour…and Azaad tells KB that Allah never lets anything bad to happen and it is Allah ‘s will and that he wants to get married to Mahira..

Amaad is ready for nikaah.The venue is somewhere else.Razia congratulates him.Amaad asks for his family.Razia tells they are with Azaad and they are convincing him and bringing him..Amaad is happy hearing that Azaad is in pain..

Azaad also gets ready for the nikaah.He is confused whether he is doing right or not..

At Khan begum’s residence

Khan begum assures that he isnt doing anything wrong, as this shall be the culmination of their love. he asks what about amad and how would they handle him. she says that amad has gone crazy over possessing mahira, aqnd wont listen to anything she says, as he already considers her his enemy. She says thats why she has sent kainat and anand kumar to make him understand, while they begin with the proceedings here. She says that everyone will understand in the end, why this had to happen. he says that those who think dont matter as what matters is mahira accepts him or not.

As he sits at the nikah venue, and khan begum brings mahira, with her ghunghat hiding her face, he remembers his first meeting with her and everything that happened since then. mahira is in tears inside the ghunghat, lamenting at her fate, that she has to forcibly marry the person who doesnt love her and infact dislikes her the most. She is distraught. Azad asks khan begum if this is right, as whenever anyone has come close to him, that person has only got pain and wonders if thats mahira’s fate too. she wonders if he says no now, then she would be finished. she then calms him down saying that he should believe in destiny, as they met and fell in love, and that staying away from mahira, he is torturing himseld and her too, and that whatever has happened till today, shall not happen again with him. She tells him that their destinies shall intertwine and then a new fate which is bful for both fo them shall be formed. he listens intently. she is irritated thinking that she has to convince him this much, but is releived that he agreed. azad thinks that he doesnt know if mahira is happy with this marriage or not, but knows that he is doing this for her only, and is still unsure that he is doing the right thing for mahira or not. the priest asks him to go and don the sehra for the nikha to begin. he complies. Azad thinks that he is doing this for mahira’s love and after the marriage, he hopes everything turns out good and hopes that mahira can live a peaceful life with him.

At Undisclosed location

In captivity, anad kumar thinks that he made the biggest mistake of his life, by marrying khan begum and getting her in the house, as she has done nothing but spoil and ruin his life. He says that he cant believe what she is capable of, and how she plans to ruin the life of her own son. He resolves that he wont let his house be ruined, and shall do anything it takes for that. he tries to untangle his ropes and is finally able to se himself free. he starts running on the road and finally arrives near his residence. he thinks that by now, they all would have left, and hence decides that he needs to alert amad instead. Just then, a boy carrying saira and bano’s dolls walks past him and goes in. Meanwhile, anand kumar takes the lift from a truck driver, asking him to hurry to Hotel Kohinoor, and thinks that he has very less time and shall have to hurry up. He asks the driver to hasten up.

On the road

Kainat thinks that if she doesnt find the dolls in the next 15 minutes, then gazalla and latif’s life shall end, and saira, bano and sameer’s life shall be in danger. she prays to the lord to help her search and then finds a clue in the ground, where she had last spotted the dolls. she follows the trail, assuming that she has to go back to the house, as thats maybe where the dolls are for her to retrieve.
At Undisclosed Location

Gazalla and latif pray for their safety and hope that kainat finds the dolls in time so that the bomb doesnt go off, and they dont lose their lives. they are scared and shocked.

At Khan begum’s residence

Kainat arrives in the house, and thinks that she has reached a dead end and that the dolls have to be here. Khan begum spots her and wonders whats she doing here as if she sees azad then her whole plan is ruined. The butler distracts her for a moment and when she looks back she finds kainat gone. she is terrified.

Kainat meanwhile spots the kid playing with the dolls by the poolside. despite her telling him not to throw them, he plunges them in the pool. kainat is distraught and thinks that she shall have to save it somehow. She gets in the water and with great difficult, and one hand, she grabs both the dolls. Then she starts gasping for breath as she isnt able to see or breathe and starts to scream for help.

AtAmad’s marriage venue

Amad meanwhile feels bitter that his own family treats him like this, and that noone has bothered to show up at his nikah as they are more bothered for azad’s pain. the priest asks him where is the bride. He wonders whether mahira has gone back on her word or not, and is frustrated with her mood swings. He thinks that he shall finish mahira’s tantrums today. just then, he finds khan begum coming in with the bride in ghunghat as he isnt able to see her face. he remembers his half finished business with her, and leeringly looks at her. he sarcastically welcomes mahira, thinking that now he shall have his ultimate win, as he shall marry azad’s true love and fulfill his true love and that his true love is to torture Azad, and once they are married, he would torture her in front of azad, and then he shall be in pain. he calls razia, and then when he asks her, where’s everyone, she says that they are all busy handling azad so that he doesnt create a problem in his marriage. He says that azad’s dislike desnt matter and that he has to come. razia says that she doesnt want the brothers to fight. She says that she has told them to take care of azad while they get him married to mahira. he thinks that after marriage, he wouldnt like torturing her, but has to, to be able to torture azad. razia is in a hurry to get things done. she then calls khan begum and gives her the update, and khan begum is boggled whether all this shall work. razia says that this bet shall help them win, as everything has turned out in their favour now.

Finally the marriage rituals begin. The priest asks amad if he accepts the marriage. Just then, anand kumar comes and asks him to stop, as a fraud is being done with him, since this girl isnt mahira. Razia is tensed while all others are shocked. Amad is boggled. Razia asks what nonsense. Amad is asked by anand to see the face if he doesnt believe him. he gets up to do so. razia tells him that his father is lying, as he has suddenly developed love for azad and he wants him to delay the marriage for azad to come and barge in. Anand kumar says that she is lying. She reprimands him that he starteds acting in real life too. She asks him to think why is he making a big fool out of his son’s marriage. Anand kumar says that today in front of everyone, he shall expose razia’s lies. He moves past her and then raises the ghunghat, to reveal the bride’s face and is shocked to find that its mahira.
At Amad’s marriage venue

Anand kumar wonders how is this possible. razia taunts if he has done enough drama. he tries to tell amad that there’s something going on. Amad asks him to shut up, as he did do the role of a father but for azad and tried to delay his own marriage. He askss him to leave before he forgets his manners. Anand is distraught, while razia is tensed. he thinks that if amad is marrying mahira, then who is azad marrying, and thinks that razia is much more conniving that he estimated. he thinks that he shall haver to save azad and shall have to reach the home very soon. he leaves. razia calls and tells khan begum that he is headed towards home. Khan begum asks why didnt she stop him, and she says that now its her responsibility. Khan begum tells about kainat being in the house, and how she cant find her. she says that this marriage cant stop. Khan begum thinks that if kainat saw everything she would know it all. She is surprised and shocked to see something, and hides behind the pillar as anand kumar makes his entry. She stealthily picks up a vase, and hits him on the head before he can react while he struggles to grasp free. She gets him inside thre room, while he swerves his arm and oushes khan begum and she hits her head on the pillar. she says that she bore years of torture, but she never said a word, but now he is coming in the way of her mission, and she wont allow that. he takes this time to hide behind the pillar. just then, razia comers and khan begum tells her that he is hiding somewhere and she cant find kainat too. razia asks her not to worry and then screams for anand urf nasir. She asks khan begum to go and look for kainat while she holds the fort here. anand through the maze, sees azad who goes to the room, to put on the sehra. he wonders that if mahira is there, then who is here for azad. he wonders how badly he is trapped in such people that he cant even think of saving his sons. he is about to step out, when razia comes and stops him. razia asks him to remember her love and hatred for him. she then asks him to see her talent. She closes her eyes and starts muttering, and he tries to walk past, he isnt able to due to her black magic. just then, the peer baba comes and immediately the effect of the black magic wears off, and he again gets movement in his legs. he is relieved and thanks the lord, and them too, while razia rushes away from there. Anand kumar comes and enters the venue and stands in front of the bride. He raises her ghunghat and finds mahira sitting there, seeing whom he is shocked, while she is boggled, as she stands upto face him. he asks how can she be here as she was marrying amd, and wonders how can she be at two different places, and asks how she came here so fast, and asks if there’s anything that she wishes to tell her. She thinks that she wants to say the truth, but that would endanger the life of her brother. he says that he knows she is doing this forcefully, and has accepted her marriage to azad. She is shocked to hear this. She asks where is azad. He sauys that he went the other way. she rushes there, while he goes after her. But just then, khan begum douses him with anaesthesia laden hankey. mahira walks ahead, without realising.

Meanwhile azad walks in the corridor, and finds kainat drowning in the pool, and dives in to save her. He eyes her and the dolls, and asks whats happening. She rushes out saying that she shall explain later. Azad is tensed. his friend comes and asks him to come as the priest is calling him. he complies. Mahira looks in azad’s room but doesnt find him anywhere and finds that masir is missing too. She comes back to the ikah venue. mahira eyes that begum is coming her way. mahira asks begum where’s nasir. she tensedly replies that he is not well and is hence resting in the room. she says that she wishes to know who is she marrying. khan begum asks her not to make any drama, or else she shall kill her siblings and shuts her up and asks her to sit down. She compleis resignedly. just then, azad comes with the sehra, along with his friend, and khan begum smiles. he comes and takes his place opposite mahira, who is boggled to see the groom, wondering if its azad or amad. khan begum finds her trying to know the groom’s identity and then drapes her ghunghat back on her again to avoid her from seeing. mahira sits frustratedly. While razia and khan begum watch, the priest comes and asks mahira as well as Azad about their acceptance for each other’s hands in marriage. Both are extremely tensed and worried. razia is asked by khan begum as to how they shall stop mahira from hearing azad’s name as the groom. She closes her eyes and then starts doing some chants, that cause pain and sensation in mahira’s ears due to which she is unable to hear the groom’s name, when the priest asks her for her consent. she wonders who is she marrying, as she is unable to understand. the pause leads azad to think that mahira is unhappy with the marriage. Khan begum pinches her and asks if she wants to see her brother alive. the priest asks for the final time, and she says yes to the marriage, tearfully, while azad smiles. meanwhile, amad’s bride too at the same time accepts the marriage. In both the venues, the priest commences the marriage, and then says that they are husband and wife now, and asks them to take the blessings of the elders. Its revealed that the bride amad married is jhanjariya, whose hand is completely decayed.

At Undisclosed location

kainat arrives just in time for a minute for the bomb to go off. she asks them to open the door, but they are unable to, as they are tied. she tries but isnt able to. she is distraught and apalled wondering what to do.

At Khan begum’s residence

Amad progresses towards his room, thinking that mahira may have resisted him the other day and azad stopped him too but he says that he shall have his husbandly rights on her and noone shall stop him. He eyes azad walking in the corridor. they both confront each other. he asks azad how is he. amad says that its destiny that he too married the same day his younger brother did, and the only difference is that the girl he wanted to marry is waiting for his younger brother in the room, as he plans to have his wedding night with her. Azad desnt flinch. he asks how is he is such a sad and quiet mood. Azad keeps smiling, while amad says that even if he didnt get the girl of his dreams, he did get a girl, and then teases that if he needs any tips, he can call him. He leaves.

Mahira sits sullenly, lamenting at the twist her life and destiny have taken, as she sits in the room, for her wedding night. Uncontrollable tears stream down her cheeks. mahira finds her husband entering in and saves her face from being seen, in tears. she says that she wishes to speak to him, and that their marriage is done, and after marriage, a husband has all rights on a wife, but rights are given by happiness, not out of helplessness. she says that she cant tell him the reason, but can say that she married out of big helplessness, and that she didnt consent for this marriage, as she doesnt love him, and loves azad instead, as he is her life, and due to him, her heart beats. She says that she was forcefully married to him and she cant give her heart to anyone else. then she turns to look at him. She is shocked to see who she sees.

Precap: As amad gets cozy and tries to get intimate with his bride, who surprisingly responds seductively too. but just when he leans in to kiss her, she stabs him with a knife in his stomach. He is boggled as he collapses on the floor wincing in pain. Then its revealed that the girl is actually jhanjhariya, whose face is revealed for the first time.

I Do Air On Zee World From Mondays To Sundays  At 8pm

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