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At Meeting Venue

While begum addresses the meeting, thanking them for their support and admiration, and that she would just want to say, that if a nation has to progress, then the centre point is to educate the kids of the nation and then give them a good upbringing. just then, a car arrives and the same guy who saved begum came, while she talks about how beautiful children are, and how she has spent her life taking care of needy and lesser fortunate children. 

Meanwhile, Armaan is driving on the road, shaken by Khan begum’s betrayal, and Afreen’s stinging words. 

Everyone clap as Khan Begun finish her speech. meanwhile, her admirer watch her from afar, trying to get a glimpse of her, as she mingles with the crowd, unable to take his eyes off her. he tries to get to her, but misses her by some seconds. He tries to search around and then asks women about begum, but doesnt get a fixed answer. Khan Begum comes out, and finds armaan on the porch. she asks him what happened, and is immediately concerned for mahira. she asks him why isnt he responding. Armaan holds out the opened locket to her, and asks begum that she knew everything but still didnt tell him, this time too. she is shocked while he remembers that she had addressed him as mother, and how he was traumatised since childhood. begum hesitatingly asks for a chance to explain. she says that she was about to explain, and tell him everything but couldnt. he shoves her hand away, and asks what. he asks what was this helplessness, that made her reject him yet again, twice this time around. he says that a mother cant stop her feelings in front of her children, then how could she, and that she didnt even tell that the heart beating inside his, is his brother, and asks what stopped her from calling him son. she says that she knew if she told him, then he would detest and hate her. He says that he always has seen hatred in front of evereyone, and that she had left for him to die, and she would never understand what its like to be in an orhpahange. he says that he used to convince himself, that his parents must have had some helplessness, but when they finally meet, they would hug him dearly, and says that he never knew how he would react when he met them, but today, after having met her, he knows very well. he gest inside his car, while she asks for a chance, but he says curtly that once she left him and kept him out of her life, and today he does the same to her, in a reciprocative manner, and he throws her out of his life, and his house too. he drive soff, while she rushes after him, but he doesnt stop. she collapses on the floor, while he drives off, tearfully overwhelmed with emotions, without realising that she has fallen unconscious. that same fellow who had saved her earlier comes and sweeps her in his arms, unable to resists looking at her lovingly.

At Begum’s residence

Amidst lightning and thunder, Armaan comes in a total inebriated state, hurt and wounded, while Afreen wait for him, with malice and lust in her eyes, she comes to him and pretentiously, ask whats he done. He sways around and then collapses beside the centre table, while she caters to him and his wound, and says he cant punish himself for others mistake. he is fully drunk and out of control. He gets up and tries to go ahead, but then says that when dreams break, then noone is at fault, but the eyes, who did the crime of having seen them, and that he didnt have much in his life, but a hope, that a day would come when he sees his mother, but today his dreams were shattered, as he knew the reality of his life that the person who brought him in this world, doesnt love him, his own mother. Later, in front of afreen, he collapses on the floor, totally traumatised and grieved by his mother’s indifference. She asks him to compose himself, as she caresses his face, while he seeks solace in her arms. She holds him close to her, and while he cries, she evill thinks that finally she got what she wanted to do all along, and now noone can come between him and her, and that who could have come arent in their senses. She thinks that the romantic feeling that could have saved mahira, shall only save her now, and armaan shall be hers, and then she shall be the most powerful Daayan. she consoles him dearly. He then suddenly realises something and leaves from there, swaying and disbalanced, while she eyes him going. she thinks that it was fantastic, that the lord is supporting Daayan himself, and that he cant leave her now, in this thunderous night, and he shall have to come in her arms.

At The guy’s residence

Khan Begum in her sleep, is haunted by her son’s indifferenbce towards her, and gets up startled. She finds herself in an unknown place and remembers that she had gone unconscious. her head starts aching badly when that guy comes in. He says that he didnt want to startle her, and asks whats she feeling. she asks how she landed here. he explains everything. He tries to get her info from her, while she is too boggled and shaken up. She tries to remember her number and name, and doesnt realise who is she and whats she doing here. he is tensd too to hear this.
At: Begum’s residence

Armaan comes drunk, when he finds his mother’s pic, and remembers how he used to miss the love of a mother, when other kids had it. he asks her why she did this, and why and how could she steal all childhood from him, and ruined his life and when he needed her the most, she was never there, and asks why she did so. he throws the wine bottle at her pic and breaks it. he eyes the pic with disgust and then breaks it on the floor, as it shatters. Afreen stands dressed in front of armaan, tensed and concerned. She holds him and makes him face her. he eyes her tearfully.

At Begum’s residence

While armaan hurts his hand, afreen rushes to him, asking whats he doing. afreen tells him that with the departure of one person, life doesnt end. She says that life always gives a reason to live on, and its beautiful. Afreen tries to get intimate and casual with him, as she says that life would open up for him, and he just needs to extend his hand once. She tells him that now she is there with him, and when pain becomes unbearable, the person should find solace in another. She says that she wont let him feel pain now anymore. He clutches her hand while she makes him sit down, and then kisses his forehead where he is wounded, and continuing the trail of lips down his face. He finally gives in, being out of his senses. They lie down, with her leaning on top to him. Meanwhile, miraculously in her room, mahira’s hand starts having movement and she starts moving, in her semi-conscious state still. before afreen can kiss him on the lips, she suddenly feels the urge to puke, and rushes to the washroom. He is boggled. Later she wonders whats happening to her, as what she wanted was happening, then how could this happen, right at the minute when she was about to seal the deal. she is furious and in a rage, and again starts to puke. Then she suddenly realises that she is experiencing pregnancy related symptoms, and clutche4s at her belly, wondering how is this possible, as she hasnt consummated with armaan yet but then remembers her night with azad. She is shocked and frustrated thinking that this cant be.

Meanwhile, from his room, armaan hollers for latif, but noone responds or answers. he puts on a shirt and then passes by mahira’s room yet again, and is unable to glance at her. he sits by her bedside, and remembers that he had placed her hand under the covers then how is it out now. He wonders how is this possible, and if there’s anything really miraculous, that can save her, and remembers the peer baba’s prophecy. He caresses her, and then wonders whats happening to him, when he is close to her, as for a second it felt like, he had no sorrows in his life. He wonders why did he feel like she was his own, and he is drawn to her due to his heart. he says that sciences cant prove this, but if it isnt the heart, then whats drawing him to her. he remembers the peer baba asking him to believe in the lord, when things get confusing. he gets up and leaves the room. Then afreen enters and eyes mahira venomously, as she has a candle lit in her hands. She asks mahira if she is happy now, but she doesnt know afreen yet. she says that some games are meant to be incomplete like this one is destined to be. she says that when dreams shatter, the eyes are ablaze, and this dream, sha had seen for a thousand years, and in a moment, everything got destroyed, due to her dfead husband and mother in law, as they both betrayed her. she says that th child who is within her, could have been within mahira too, and that everything is ruined and over now. She tells mahira that afreen never accepts defeat, and if she cant win, then she shall not let her win either. She says that she shall have to leave this game incomplete and then eyes the candle.
At the Meeting Venue

While the fellow asks her to calm down, begum is frantic and berserk, that she doesnt know whats going on, and doesnt remember or know anything and where is she right now. he asks her to sit down, while composing her. she wonders what she shall do and where shall she go, as she cant understand anything. he places a comforting hand on her shoulders, thinking that the lord has everything predesigned for a motive, and maybe this is his signal as he wanted tara back in his life, and the lord actually granted him that wish. begum meanwhile thinks that, a woman’s tears can melt any heart. she thinks that till the time mahira and armaan dont come closer, and till she doesnt back to her house, she needs a place to lie, and this is the best. She smiles evilly.

later, begum remembers the way armaan behaved with her and is tensed. she thinks that even if noone is by her side, destiny always favours her, and for some days, this place isnt a bad deal to live in. She eyes the house around, and finds the guy getting dressed in front of the mirror, bare torsoed. She thinks that this guy is interesting, and leers evilly. Just then, she finds him with his son, cajoling and caressing him. She understands that he has a son too, Ehsaan and gets frustrated. Ehsaan comes in introducing his son to her. Imtiaz smiles at her and is then surprised. He comes and gets a formal introduction with the children. She then asks about his mother. ehsaan says that she died during childbirth. She apologises and hugs Imtiaz. Ehsaan sees this, and is relieved that he wanted this all along, that imtiaz feels the love of a mother, and today he feels so. meanwhile, begum is irritated that the father-son duo shall start with their emotional drama soon. then he asks imtiaz to get to bed, as they have to visit armaan uncle tomorrow. begum is concerned hearing armaan’s name as the uncle. imtiaz kisses them both goodnight and then leaves. Ehsaan tells her that tomorrow he wishes to make her meet someone really speacil, his best friend, and also his business partner. she complies. he gets to messaging, to armaan, that he shouldnt keep himself too busy as he wants him to meet someone really special. He smiles at her.

At Begum’s residence

In the kitchen, while armaan gets water, he hollers at Latif to get candles. latif comes and tries to shamelessly flirt with him, while he goes past. he walks past, while afreen goes behind him. he then finds mahira’s room in flame. As the entire room, burns into flames, latif, gazalla and armaan are appalled to see this. he tries to get in, they both stop him, sayingt they shall call for the fire brigade. But he dives in nevertheless, undaunted by the fear of fire, and rushes in to save mahira. they are all shocked, while he tries to find something to wrap her in, to get her out safely. he then picks her up, and carries her in his arms, and comes out, while her duappata is burning, and his leg too. then they both dive right inside the swimming pool, with her, to douse the fire. he then picks her out, dripping wet, while latif and gazalla shocked.

At Begum’s residence

Mahira lies on the bed, with smoke engulfing around her, coming from a side, and immediately armaan wakes up with a startle, as he was dreaming of Mahira dying, whereas actually she is lying unconscious in front of him. he hurriedly comes by her side, and checks for her breath and then puts her ear close to her heart, to hear it beating, as their past moments come by her. He says this is ridiculous, and even if her husband’s heart beats inside him, that doesnt make them related by any relation whatsoever. Just then, gazalla comes in, and hesitatingly says she came to see mahira, if she is okay, and when she checks her forehead, she is surprised to find that mahira is burning with fever. he checks himself, by placing his palm on her forehead, and is reminded of his moments with her, and then she pulls him out of his trance, asking if he is okay. he says he is, and then hurriedly asks her to get the doctor. gazalla leaves. he eyes mahira tensedly.

Meanwhile, afreen talks to her brother, who asks if she is sure and she says she is, that azad is the father of her child, and that everything is ruined now, along with her 100 years dream, for a mere fatal night, and that her motive was the reason she got close to Azad, and today that itself destroyed all her plans. she says that now she cant get close to armaan even if she wants to. he asks what shall she do now. she says she has to plan something big, and that takes time, and hence she would only wait. She says she is going right now, but soon she shall be back with vengeance, and a plan to succeed in her motive, and instructs that till the time she doesnt, no one else should come close to him. he says he wont let anyone close to Armaan. she says Mahira has been put in such slow, deep slumber that she shall die slowly.

Precap: As armaan is busy working on the laptop, mahira comes and says he merely needs the sign on the papers. He gets her the papers. She says that she was right, and that its better that she signs the papers instead of suffering with his disgusting behaviour. She takes the papers and gets to signing them. he tears the papers, and says that he actually thinks that he is so shameless, that to get her signature on these papers, he would stoop as low as to play with her emotions. she is tensed and speechless.

I Do Air On Zee World From Mondays To Sundays  At 8pm

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