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At Mahira’s residence

Later, mahira gets kainat dressed as a bride, and makes her sit at her place in the altar. Kainat asks her if sameer himself agreed for this. mahira tells her that sameer himself agreed and that it was just cold feet that men develop before marriage, but now he understands his responsibility towards her and their child. The priest ask for the groom to come in too. mahira asks latif to go and get him. Latif comes to sameer, who has his sehra on. she asks him to come down. He complies. He takes his place at the altar. Mahira shows kainat that sameer did come. kainat smiles, and then asks mahira if she is doing the right thing. Mahira says that she is. kainat asks why is she so scared then. Mahira says that this nervousness is normal and that everything shall be right. Seeing the groom with the sehra, mahira comes and tells him that the bank payment has been completed all the formalities, and he shall get the money once he marries. She begins to make the call, when he stops her, and takes off the sehra. She is shocked to find armaan in sameer’s place. latif and gazalla are shocked too. Mahira asks armaan whats he doing and where is sameer as he was to marry kainat, and the time is passing by, and that kainat is getting fidgety. Armaan tells her that he is safe. she asks him to get sameer here. he tells that he knows today is the wedding, and she should get ready too for their marriage, and reminds her that there are still 9 hours left for the marriage challenge. She gets angry and asks him t4o get off the high horse, and come to terms with the reality. She asks latif and gazalla to go and find sameer. He assures them that they wont find sameer. She asks what he did. he says that he bought sameer, and that the money with which she bought smaeer and got him to agree for the marriage, he gave him double the amount to refrain from doing so. She is shocked. He places the condition before her that if she wants to see kainat marrying sameer, then she would have to marry him first, as sameer would do what he asks him to do. She is outraged. 

At Mahira’s residence

Mahira clenchers her fists, listening to armaan’s proposal. He eyes this, and asks her not to even think about slapping him, as he shall reciprocate it with love, as that hurts more. She says that she as it is, cant expect anything else from her. He tells her that azad’s heart is getting hurt and passes a snide comment. She wishes that she would take out the heart, as he doesnt deserve it. he asks if she plans to murder him now. she says that she doesnt want to do it, as it wont make any difference. He tells her that it doesnt matter to her that his heart still screams for her only. She pushes him away, while he is amused. she asks him to call sameer hurriedly so that she can get kainat married. He asks if its because she wants to fulfill her duties towards azad’s family, so that she maybe deemed pious, as his kainat is in a delapidable state, and prtends how much he is concerned for kainat, and is sure that mahira cant be that selfish, and asks her to look at kainat and imagine the unborn child. Armaan tells mahira that if she doesnt comply to marriage, then she would witness the deaths of two people, her precious kainat and her unborn child too and she shall bear the responsibility of it. She says that he has no human side. He tells her that its his humanity that he is giving her a chance to marry him. He says that this way, both kainat and she herself can lead on happy lives. All are shocked as latif points out that kainat stands there listening to it all. They are shocked and outraged. mahria tells kainat that she shall get her marriage done. Armaan starts tick-tocking to tease mahira, saying that he shall rest till she comes and makes him wear the sehra for the marriage. he jokes about it while all are tensed. Armaan then comes to kainat and tells her that she neednt worry, as mahira would never let that happen to her, and she would definitely marry him. Kainat eyes her tensedly, while mahira is in a dilemma. he leaves from there, while mahira hugs kainat.

Later, mahira finds kainat crying profusely in her room, and thinks that she wont let anything happen to her, as come what may, she wont let the insult be tampererd. she hesitatingly approaches armaan’s door, when he comes from behind, and says that in a few hours, this room shall be hers too. She says that his problem is with her, then should they be including other people, especially kainat, as she is so stressed and suicidal already, and most importantly, she is pregnant, and they shouldnt involve her, as she is his step sister too, and if not for anything else, atleast for humanitarian sake. he eyes her amused and then comes close to her, while she retreats back reflexively. He pins her against the door, and comes close to her, and then rests his head on her shoulder, and agrees to her logic, asking her to agree to his condition then, so that they can have a double wedding. She begs him not to involve others. But he continues to flirt with her, enjoying her torment. She shoves him away, saying that she thought she would be able to ignite his humanitarian side, but she was mistaken and asks him to do whatever he wants and even more so, if thats capable, but she would get kainat and sameer married. he says that he too wishes the same, and then turns to go, but without taunting her with the tick-tocking yet again.

Kainat cries profusely in her room, while mahira sits beside her, tensed herself. Kainat asks her to let be, as destiny cant be changed and she shouldnt spoil her life due to her, and she shall go somewhere where people dont recognise her. Mahira tells her that she can do anything but not let him win at any cost. Kainat tells her that she cant win over him, as he knows how to take benefit of a situation. Mahira says that the most shrewd men do make a mistake, and they can reach sameer, somehow, and thatshe left him barely for 20 minutes, which isnt much to send armaan long distance from here, and comes to the conclusion that he has held sameer kept captive somewhere inside the house. She and kainat are tensed.

At Ehsaan’s residence

Having stayed awake the whole night, Khan Begum thinks frustratedly that imi didnt let her sleep, and she doses off. Ehsaan enters and then eyes her lovingly, and then taking off his specs, he kneels down to her face, and as a reflex, she pushes him away in sleep, while he is taken aback. as she realises what she has done, she apologises profusely feeling guilty, saying that she was having a bad nightmare, in which her old husband was trying to force himself on her, and that she didnt want him to do this, and then thinks that she actually deserves insult only. He asks her not to talk like this, as she taught him to love again and asks her to stop crying. Begum comments that her pain and troubles keep revisting, and she has intimacy issues, due to her husband’s brash behaviour, and clutches him tightly, making him promise that he shall never hate her. He says that he doesnt want to force himself, and asks her to take her time, as their relation isnt based on physical love, and asks her to stop crying, as they shall come close only when she wishes. She thanks her stars for having, gotten such a wonderful husband. As he hugs her, she smiles evilly.

Later when ehsaan’s mother asks begum to come along, for preparation of food, begum hesiates. Farida asks if everything is okay and she makes a tensed face.begum says that she didnt fulfill her sleep last night, hence is tired. She smirks and then tells her that she shall send tea for begum. she leaves. begum smiles and thinks that she wishes granny was like his mother, then it would have been easy to rule the house. But she is tensed as she sees ehsaan coming in with imi and granny. He asks about farida, and begum says that she is making food in the kitchen. He says that she should have helped her, and she would have felt nice. begum takes offense and asks if he thinks that she didnt try as she did, but his mother wont let her do the work at all, asking her to spend time with him and imi. He and granny hear tensedly. granny smiles and asks her to let be, as she knows her real intentions, and asks her to come to the kitchen with her then, and help her make food. begum is tensed but complies nevertheless. They leave for the kitchen. farida is happy to see Farida and says that its good that she came as when ehsaan eats by her hand, he would feel nice. Begum is about to move, when farida comes and tells her that till yesterday, people were incomplete but now they are happy, with her arrival. begum seeks their blessings and says that she hopes she fulfills her dreams about the house. granny eyes begum tensedly. Begum goes to the counter to make bread and butter, while granny eyes the taveez in her hand, which she stealthily keeps and then comes behind her, but begum sees it in the steel reflection and understands as to what granny is upto, and gets tensed. Begum has no option but to use her magic, and when she turns around, he rhand falls on farida who comes in between, and winces in pain, as she clutches at the hand thats affected. Begum meanwhile goes blind and gets tensed. Granny is shocked.
At Mahira’s residence

Mahira searches around with a torch, in the basement, in a storehouse, and thinks that she wont find sameer here. then she finds his shoes and decides that he is somewhere here. she hears his muffled screams and then turns around. She is shocked to find sameer, tied to a chair, and gagged too.asks him to relax as she shall set him free, but in return he shall have to promise that he shall marry kainat rightaway. She assures him that he shall get the money and also agrees to increase the amount to whatever he says. Armaan comes in saying that he wont, as he shall pay double the amount that she gives. She is shocked to see him. He says that he knew she shall land up here and find sameer, but he would do only what he so wishes, and asks her to accept defeat, and let go of her arrogance. He says that with her one yes, she would be happy, kainat and sameer would too, and he would be overjoyed. He says that its entirely on her whether she wants to help azad’s family or not. He turns and leaves.

At Mahira’s residence

latif and gazalla try to feed Kainat, while armaan comes, they all stand tensedly. he asks them to be cheerful as its a marriage venue. they eye him tensedly. He asks about others. latif asks him to ask straight about mahira. he does. Mahira comes and tells him that she has decided, and that he has won and she lost, and asks him to take the revenge of the slap, and have a hatred filled marriage, but she has a condition, that first kainat and sameer shall get married, after which they shall. he says that he knew that she would come around to it. he then eyes kainat and says that as she wishes, as she is his wife after all, and he cant ignore her statement, as he had told that she would marry him within 24 hours. he smirks at her.

Later, Armaan and sameer toast together their victory. Latif and gazalla get with the prepartions of the double wedding. Meanwhile, kainat comes down with mahira, and then takes her place at the altar. she is about to sit, when armaan stops her, while all are surprised. He gets up and comes to her and tells mahira that she is very smart, but there’s no guarantee, that she shall marry him, after kainat’s marriage. She says that she indeed is, and had he been half as smart, he would have understood too. She says that he should have known that not all people are like him, as some people do what they say. he says that he talks equally beautiful, but he needs guarantee and wont be swayed by words. mahira gets tensed and then goes from there. All wait tensedly. Mahira then comes back with the guarantee as azad’s pendant, saying that right now, she has no bigger guarantee than this right now. he accepts it and then takes it from her, while she eyes him tensedly. he then asks sameer to come along, and he complies. He takes his place at the altar while mahira sets kainat is place. The priest start with the ritual.

At Ehsaan’s residence

Ehsaan attends to farida’s sprain. Granny asks her to go and get the balm, while begum stands tensedly, having used her magic, and being completely blind. Begum awkwardly gets ahead and almost collides with the table, and then composes herself, while he is tensed for her. Granny continues to mutter that there’s some dark spirit engulfing the house, while begum hopes that it doesnt create an impact on them. just then, Imi comes and hands her the balm. She is relieved. Granny is surprised to see her trying to feel the hands, of farida to rub the balm, and is boggled. The movement is restored, and she comments that begum’s hands are miraculous. begum says that she merely massaged as there wasd a contraction. he thanks her profusely too, while begtum says that maybe granny doesnt like her, hence is referring to her, as the Kaala Saaya. He says that grann didnt mean that at all. granny smiles and complies too. she thinks that begum is much smarter than she presumed and decides to find another way. She asks farida to come along and rest, and takes imi too, leaving begum and ehsaan behind.

Meanwhile, granny comes and doesnt find ehsaan in the room, with begum’s mediacl file. She asks the servant. The servant replies that he just went out. granny thinks that before things get out of hand, and begum returns from mahira’s place, she has to show this to ehsaan. she rushes out. Granny comes out and finds ehsaan, suffocating for breath inside, and breathing heavily, while the car is locked from outside. As she looks around for ther keys, distraught and apalled, she finds begum standing on the other end, with the keys, smiling at her evilly. Begum asks granny if she thought she wouldnt know about her plans, and tells how she saw her looking at the file.
Khan Begum says that she wants her to give the X-ray files, but when granny flinches it away, she tells granny that his condition is debiliating and he might lose his life too. Granny is disturbed, distracted and apalled. Begum takes this instance to snatch the file, and then granny is shocked and then rushes to his car. begum throws the keys at her, and she hurriedly opens the door and gets him out. he comes back to normalcy, while begum leaves, and then burns down the file.

In the room, begum thinks that granny is crossing her limits and cant even use her magic frequently, as that renders her blind too. Begum says that if a person is dead, the problems die too, and decides to kill her. She then remembers killing a man at the altar, of the black magic, and one of the witch tells her that she cant do that, as its a small community, and crimes wont be hidden for long, and if anyone as much as gets to know of their existence, then their individuality is threatened. therefore, they dont kill people as such, and even if they get to know then they dont spare the Daayan who performed it and thretened their secrecy. She is frustrated that she cant even kill granny. Then begum thinks that even if she doesnt kill granny, then she can atleast out her from her senses.

At Mahira’s residence

As mahira gets dressed as the bride, by gazalla and latif’s help, armaan comes and taunts that she must have heard its difficult to join things, while breaking takes just a split second, just like she did to the sehra along with their relationship. He gives her the sehra, saying that he shall mend the relationship, but the sehra is her responsibility now. She takes it from him and asks him to get lost and wait for her, as she replies back curtly. he turns to them angrily and asks them to get her down in the next five minutes. he leaves. mahira watches tensedly.

Downstairs, mahira is brought dressed as a bride, while she carries the sehra in the arms. they all look up at her. She hands him the sehra tensedly, and he picks it. She then asks for the taveez as per the promise, but he looks on. he asks her not to hurry, as she can get married first. She resignedly takes her place, and the priest starts the rituals. The priest asks armaan the meher of this marriage. He decides a meher of 20 crores, the house and some of his properties. She says that she doesnt accept it at all. All are tensed. 

Armaan and Mahira at the wedding alter where the qazi asks armaan for the mehar and he offers 20 lack, this house and some of his properties which mahira denies, but to everybody's surprise she asks for half of his share i.e 250 crores. Armaan agrees to it but mahira asks him to think again to as if we get divorced then u will have to give me double of it and then u will be left with nothing, armaan says I don’t think again and again and I accept this. Qazi starts the ritual and asks armaan for his wish for this nikah and he agrees thrice and then qazi asks Mahira and she does the same.

Precap: Armaan tells her that if anyone has been befooled in this marriage, its her. She asks him to remember that this foolishness can cost him dearly then, as if she gets a divorce from him, he would be ruined. He asks her not to dream on about him ever taking a divorce from her, as it shall remain a dream only. he tells her that her slap is going to cost her terribly. Khan Begum puts something in armaans pocket and daadi is watching all this, he is doing black magic on him and hypnotizes him saying that u will go home and see the innocent face of mahira, armaan rpeats mahira will be waiting for me and he leaves.

I Do Air On Zee World From Mondays To Sundays  At 8pm

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