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At Khan begum’s residence

As mahira comes scared and tensed with khan begum and kainat, amad teases azad who eyes him angrily, that she is his wife, and it isnt nice for him to stare at his brother’s wife with longing eyes. He sys that he shall make mahira his, right in front of his eyes, and they they shall consummate their relationship, as is normal for a husband and wife. azad is furious. mhira comes with kainat, khan begum and razia. Amad goes on one knee and then presents the ring to mahira, while she eyes him, as he asks if she accepts his hand in marriage. Azad eyes her angrily. mahira eyes khan begum tensedly, not knowing what to answer. she eyes azad helplessly, remembering his confession of love and then khan begum’s blackmail. With much problem, after giving a long cursory glance at azad, she finally complies to the proposal and accepts it, as amad says that he shall give his whole life to her. She is sad and azad is distraught, as she extends her hand for him to don the ring. kainat, khan begum and razia are happy, while amad is amused as he places the ring in her finger. azad stands apalled, as all clap and celebrate it. Amad kisses her hand, and she is extremely at discomfort. Kainat hugs mahira in glee, and says that earlier she was just a friend, but now is her bhabhi, and she is very happy. khan begum tells mahira that she knew she would say yes, and is about to hug her, when mahira stops her. razia and khan begum are angry and tensed. Amad goes to azxad and says that he finally deposited his love on mahira’s finger, and says that his brother is getting married and won he congratulate. Azad leaves angrily.

Later, in their room, Razia congratulates khan begum, while she fumes at mahira’s behaviour towards her. razia asks her to let be and tells khan begum that once all is sorted out, they should start playing their bet, as its an easy win for them from thereon, after the marriage. Khan begum thinks that they should start with the preparations soon, as she cant afford to wait any longer, as she starts getting impatient. they are both startled as they turn to look at the door, and find azad standing there, eyeing them sternly. he says that he wishes to speak to her. razia leaves. Azad comes and asks khan begum how can she do this and agree to the marriage, as amad isnt marrying for mahira’s love but due to his hatred. Khan begum is tensed as she is cornered. She pretends to be boggled and asks why would amad do this. azad says that he loves….and then stops. Khan begum says that amad has done the right thing, as mahira is a right girl, and she shall get amad on the right track. sghe asks him not to do anything,t hat might set back this wedding, and asks whats so wrong if amad wants to marry mahira. she says that whatever she is doing is for his benefit, and one day he shall understand. He stands tensedly. She eyes him worried and then leaves. Azad wonders how to explain mahira why is amad doing this.

In the outhouse, Mahira wonders why is khan begum doing this, and says that she cant be a puppet in her hands, and has to search for her brother at any cost, before the marriage. She angrily eyes the ring and tries to take it off, but just then, gazalla and latif come in with gifts, but she asks them to leave. they start ogling about her good luck and fortune, that she landed such a handsome prince. they talk in merriment, while she is furious. mahira is about to leave, when khan begum comes in asking where is she going in such a hurry as she should be the one in hurry, for the marriage. she asks her to select the clothes soon, as she wants her bahu to be so perfect and bful at the marriage. mahira thinks that she has to search for her brother anyhow. she esxcuses herself to use the washroom. she leaves. when she doesnt return for a long time, khan begum gets tensed and goes to check on her. While mahira is freshening up in the bathroom, she is very tensed about her brother, when she hears a knock, as she remembers about her brother and her talking through the doors, in childhood, only with knock and how they understood each other. She deduces that her brother has to be in the near area only. she obliviously gives a hard tap to the bottle against the basin, and it creates a ripple and sound. On the other end of the washroom, is an isolated cellar, beautifully hidden from the other end, in which her brother is trapped, who too idenitified the knock system of communication that he used to have with his sister. he too starts trying to make a noise with the chair he is trapped to. Mahira notices this but isnt able to locate the source. she is about to resignedly when she hears her brother’s voice calling out to her. A shocked and tensed mahira deduces that her brother is in this house itself. She deduces from his knocks, that he is trapped in a dark room. khan begum comes and asks why is she taking so long and asks her not to worry as she didnt run away. she comes out. khan begum leaves. mahira thinks that he is trapped in some dark room, and she has to reach somehow to that room. She says that she is very suffocated in this room and can they go outside to finish selecting the jewellery. but they say no as its against khan begum’s orders. mahira pretends to fall unconscious due to the suffocation and they are tensed, and rush to khan begum to report. after they leave, she gets up instantly, and then rushes out.

In the lawns, azad comes to meet amad furiously, while he is amused. They confront each other. Amad asks if azad is accidentally going to mahira’s place, and he says that its none of his business. Amad says that it is, as he is the husband and shall decide who his wife speaks to. he asks if he is angry and reminds that he was similarly angry when he snatched afreen from him, and now he shall give the same pain of seeing his love in someone else’s arms, by being with mahira, and says that mahira is his, and he wont stand anyone disturbing her. azad is about to reprimand him, when kainat comes and asks azad to hurry along with her to start with the wedding arrangements. Amad teases him to go on so that he can himself have some last minute romances with his wife. azad leaves angrily with kainat.

In the house, mahira tensedly rushes upm the stairs, and then stops when she finds azad confronting her, blocking her way. they eye each other awkwardly, and she tries to walk past. but he stops her, and asks what does he want. he asks her not to take decisions on a whim and arrogance. He asks her to agree to him. Azad tells mahira that she is making a huge mistake by agreeing to the marriage. she says that she can decide for herself and he neednt bother, and asks him to stay away from her, her life and her decisions. She begins to go but he holds her hand and begs her to listen to him as a friend atleast, and just speak it out with him. She says that she cant talk to him right now, as she has an emergency. he says that he wont let go, till she agrees that she shall refuse fr the marriage. She asks whats his problem and asks why cant he understand that she doesnt wish to speak to him. Just then, her eyes fall on an open door, behind which she sees her brother in the dark room. She asks him to let go, and when she looks back, she doesnt find her brother. 
At Khan begum’s residence

When mahira goes inside the dark room, she doesnt find her brother, but the chair, and razia having awkwardly held her hand in thin air, as if gaging an invisible person. she deduces the things together and is shocked to know that razia has made him invisible to her, even though he stands right in front of her. meanwhile, razia has gagged her brother so he is unablek to make any noise. mahira tries to get ahead to be able to touch and feel him atleast, if not see, but razia asks her to stay back, if she wants him to be alive. mahira is distraught, and asks how can she do this, as this is beyond her imagination. razia taunts her and says that her hands are on his throat, and if she acts smart, she would strangle him and kill him. Meanwhile, azad keeps banging on the door, begging her to open the door, saying that he apologises for having hurt her, and asks why is she punishing herself for him, by marrying amad. Razia asks her to go right now and tell azad not to come in. she also asks mahira to tell him that she wont deny for the marriage, or else she shall kill her brother. mahira is distraught. Azad is about to break in, when mahira opens the door. he asks if she is okay, as he thought she was crying. she composes her face and asks how her emotions can bother her, and that her decision is final and nothing can change it, and definitely not him. She says that he doesnt know why she is doing this, as he wouldnt be here at all, questioning her decisions of her life. She says that she would go and die if he pesters her anymore. She asks if he wants her to die, and if he doesnt, then he should leave her alone. They turn around to find amad, who has come with the wedding car, that he intentionally presents to azad. mahira is distraught, while azad is furious, as amad says that their marriage is tomorrow. he carersses mahira’s face saying that he is getting the biggest happiness of his life. Azad crushes the card in his hands, in anger unable to see their proximity. mahira is tensed.

The whole house is being decorated for the wedding when razia and khan begum discuss that all shall be fine, as this is her bet and it shall play according to her. razia says that she doesnt understand one thing, that she made a magic circle around her brother, but she still managed to see through it, and surprisingly found the place too. She says that she rushed right to the place, where her brother was there. they are boggled. latif comes and says that she generally doesnt bitch about someone, but then blurts that she saw azad and mahira together, and they had held hands, while mahira was trying to free her hands from his grasp. they are tensed to hear this. She is dismissed off. khan begum says that due to the holding of hands, she could see her brother. razia says that if relations are close, then the biggest of powers fail, and she feels that there’s some strong relation between azad and mahira, that they ignored. Khan begum says that by marriage, they shall have to break the relation, as she cant afford to lose at any cost.

In his room, Azad eyes the card distraughtedly that he cant see his love belonging to someone else from tomorrow onwards. he remembers his moments with her. he remembers mahira’s rude behaviour and aamad’s teasings. in the outhouse, mahira too sees the card and thinks that she had her brother so close, and yet couldnt see him. She remembers her moments with azad.

Merriment and festivities begin, as the rituals begin. mahira is brought by khan begum and razia, while all are dancing. mahira stops, hesitating for a minute. Khan begum asks mahira not to stop and continue cheerfully and silently with all the rituals or else she shall never see her siblings again. mahira says that she needs to meet her brother and sisters or else she wont participate in any ritual at all. They are shocked to hear this. khan begums ays that she isnt in a position to make demands, as she shall kill her siblings. mahira tells her that she wont do this, and asks her to make her meet them, for once, after which she shall comply to what she asks. Khan begum says that if she does so, then she shall run away from here. kainat and others ask mahira to come along, amnd khan begum composes her face and then caresses mahira’s face pretending to be sweet asking her to participate in the functions. As she dances, amad eyes her leeringly, and thinks that if a girl like mahira can be so hot, then anything can happen, as he only wanted to spite azad but got a jackpot in mahira now. While dancing, mahira remembers khan begum’s threats. She prays to the lord to show her a way and protect her brother anyhow.

In kainat’s room, Gazalla and kainat come across a gift packed for kainat, and open it hurriedly. They find that its a dress, and gazalla says that since noone has opened it, they can take it. A fight ensues as to who shall wear it, and ultimately end up tearing it. they are scared and leave from there.
Meanwhile, azad has flashes of mahira trapped somewhere, screaming for his help. he is shocked and boggled and wonders why does it feel like mahira is in a problem and wants to say something to him. he begins to go ahead, but finds khan begum in the way. Khan begum asks him why isnt he ready yet as the gift ceremony shall start soon, and asks him to go get ready soon as his gift is ready. he expresses his concern and what he just saw to khan begum and she is tensed. She asks why is he saying so, and if mahira said anything. he says that he didnt, but he keeps feeling instinctively that she is trapped, and reminds her hwo his tears revived her back to life. he says that he doesnt understand but there’s something amiss. razia overhears this and is tensed, thinking that only tears of true love could have saved her, and this means that azad is THE ONE for mahira. She says that azad is who god has chosen to be mahira’s soulmate. Khan begum asks azad not to overthink as mahira is the bahu of this house, and they shall face problems for her, before it falls on her, and asks him to go and get ready. he complies and leaves. razia comes and tells her that she had told her so. khan begum says that even without her saying, azad can feel her pain. Razia says that when azad comes close to mahira, problems go away, and that they have been let down once, and before its too late, they have to deal with it. razia tells her that mahira can marry only that person who is truely meant for her, and thats azad as he is her soulmate destined to be with her, a unique love, different from others, as when they marry, the child that they sire shall have to be sacrificed to the lord of the devils, so that she gets her powers back, and thats their only way out. She tells her that mahira wont be able to marry anyone else. she tells her that if that person is azad instead of amad, then she shall have to marry azad only. khan begum is shocked.

At Khan begum’s residence

Razia tells her to get mahira married to azad, her true love, as their child’s sacrifice holds the key to bringing back her evil powers. They are then set to an idea to find out if mahira is a noble soul, who will sire a noble child. She is shocked. later when the rituals are to be done, Kainat goes missing, and khan begum is terribly tensed. razia asks her not to bother on that, as she might have just gone for shopping, being happy and not necessarily in tension, and she has many other problems to take care of. Sher asks khan begum to take care of the rituals, while she is concerned that kainat never goes without telling her anything. While azad watches helplessly and distraughtedly, the rituals begin with mahira. Khan begum asks amad to come ahead and present the heirloom jewellery to mahira. he eyes azad evilly and presents it to mahira. she asks him to help her wear it. Azad thinks that she is making a big mistake. Mahira desperately thinks that she is is grave problem and doesnt want to marry. he helps her wear it, while azad watches helplessly, as he grazes his hand across mahira’s neck, discomforting both mahira as well as azad. anand kumar asks about kainat and razia says that she must have gone shopping. Then he and khan begum present their own jewellery to mahira, who wears it non-chalantly. Then, khan begum asks azad to help mahira, amad’s would be wife wear the jewellery on her hands. he complies, while both he and mahira watch each other helplessly. amad watches amused evilly. just then, razia comes with green water which is laced with black magic, thinking that this shall determine that mahira is a noble soul. Stealthily, pretending as if by accident, razia drops the green water on mahira’s hand, and azad caressingly wipes it off her hand, both remembering their last confrontation. Razia apologises for her carelessness. mahira takes away her hand remembering his insults. azad too retreats back. razia again drops it stealthily, and mahira’s hands immediately starts burning. As it falls on the mattress where she was sitting, it burns the cushion and turns black. Amad immediately rushes to mahira’s help, as she asks raziua what was in the glass. amad hastily rushes away with her to get it medically treated.

Precap: In his room, amad tries to physically get intimate with mahria, despite her dssent and while she tries to get him off, he keeps forcing himself on her, while she desperately tries to get out of his grasp, as he tears her clothes off. Just then, azad comes in and is furious with anger, seeing amad doing that,while mahira gets the chance to compose hesrelf, distraught and completely shaken up.

I Do Air On Zee World From Mondays To Sundays  At 8pm

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