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At the mansion, Azad is under Afreens trance and walks upto her. Afreen says they will become one tonight. I will give you all the happiness in the world. She leads Azad into the bedroom but he pulls her back. He is about to kiss her but Afreen stops him and says every work has a place, lets go to the bedroom. Azad says first you gotta do something for me. Afreen asks what. Azad says cook for me and then feed me. Afreen agrees. She kisses him on the cheek.

Khan Begum is rushing to meet the boy with 7 fingers when an old friend stops her in the way but she says in a rush, talk later. By the time Khan Begum goes up to the boy he is missing. She looks around for him but the auctioneer says the boy send this necklace as gift to you. Khan Begum thanks her. She reads the note with the necklace which reads that world knows a womans love for diamonds, but i don't like to lose. Don't like to see you sad so this gift may brighten your mood. Its signed A. Khan Begum is emotional and breaks down. She says .. MY SON!!

At Khan begum’s residence

Azad comes and finds afreen in his room. he is tensed. she captivates him by the black magic of her ring, and then tells him that he wants to give him every happiness that a woman can to a man. He says that he shall be pleased when she pleases him and thats by cooking for him. she agrees. he then says that he too shall assist her in that. mahira sees this and is shocked, and understands that he must be captivated definitely or else he cant be nice to afreen. mahira comes in saying that he needs to be with her and not afreen, as she is his wife, and afreen is merely trapping him. Azad pushes her away asking her to leave him alone, as he belongs only to afreen. Afreen eyes mahira with sadistic pleasure. mahira tries to convince him that afreen has trapped him in some way through her black magic, and that as promised she would always be by his side, and not let anything part them away. She asks him to come with her for god’s sake and leave afreen. But he pushes her away. They leave while mahira stands defeated as she eyes the clock and its nearing nine, and she remembers afreen’s challenge.

In the kitchen, afreen and Azad get romantically intimate while mahira watches helplessly, as Azad begins with his consummation with afreen, as they hug each other. suddenly afreen notices that the ring isnt there, and tells him that she shall come rightaway. he asks whats so imp that she wants to leave him alone. Azad presents her the ring, and asks if this was the one, as he takes it out from the pocket. He asks her if this is the one. He throws the ring to mahira who stands at the opposite end of the corridor and she catches it. afreen is shocked, and then gets angry. she orders azad to go and get the ring back. she says that he would do what she says as he is trapped by her. but he just smiles, and then signals mahira something, who smiles at them and then throws the ring away in the fireplace. afreen rushes to the area as she finds the ring burning. She understands that it was both their trap, and asks how dare they take the ring. He remembers how he took the ring when they were kneading dough together in the kitchen. she asks how is this possible that he defied her magic. he tells her that those who love truely cant be captivated. He then shows her the taveez that mahira had given him. Mahira tells her that she had told her that good always wins over the evil. Mahira then grabs hold of her and turns her around, and cuts off her braid. Afreen is shocked. Mahgira then holds her by the hair, and drags her by the corridor, as she remembers all of afreen’s torments. She throws her out on the ground, and her braid at her, while she walks back in, with azad standing behind her, confronting afreen, as she lies on the ground. mahira tells that if a daayan’s braid is cut off, and then she is taken out backfoot, out of the house, then she can never enter back in the house again. she asks if she now believes that evil cant win over the good. they together shut the door on her face, while she eyes them with venomous rage.

On the road

Khan Begum stands outside, as she reminisces her son with overwhelming emotions. She then finds the same car, that she saw her son in earlier, and rushes to it, but is stopped by security guards. Begum says that its paramount for her to meet the owner of the big, black car. the guards say that she cant meet him. She asks where can she meet him. he ignores her. just then, he finds a troop of people coming in with the same guy, Armaan, while he signs off some papers and then sits in the car. she hears the name and desperately tries to catch a look of the person, but he gets in the car and drives off. She thinks that she couldnt meet her own son and is distraught. A person comes and says that she has been trying to meet him, and says that he too was trying for a long time and finally got the chance. She asks if he can tell anything about him. He tells that the guy has business all around the world and many houses. He says that he has just come here for big business, and that he is searching for a big haveli, but he is busy. she asks if there is any way she can meet him. he says that he meets only for professional reasons, but every saturday he goes for the mazaar where he pays his respects, and adfds that if she is lucky enough, then she shall get to meet him. she thanks him profusely overwhelmed with emotions, for this info. She thinks that tomorrow, being saturday, she shall meet her son at any cost.

At Khan Begum’s residence

Inide the haveli, mahira tells him that she had told him that they and their love shall win, and afreen went out due to this taveez, and the blue moon night is one day away, and they can finally consummate their love tomorrow. he says that the taveez kept him safe, but he is not sure that it shall be able to get him rid of the devilish demons inside him. she says that even a normal person cant get rid of the daayan, but the impossible happened, and hence he should start believing in miracles. She says that this dream shall also come true. he says that some dreams arent destined to be true. he says that she too is a dream like that. she comes to him and asks why is he saying so. he says that he loves her and she is like that moon that he can watch from afar. She asks him to keep her in his heart always. He holds her hand and eyes her lovingly. He says that his heart shall stay in her love, even after his death. he says that his heart was, is and shall always be hers. She hugs him and he hugs her back, as they both smile. he thinks that tomorrow is the blue moon night, but he feels that something is still missing and that their love cant be culminated and shall have to face a lot more serious problems now. he says that his heart is hers, but the same heart is in doubt, that tomorrow night, something else shall turn up to threaten their love and that their love story isnt complete yet.

The next morning, mahira wakes up and comes in the room, to find azad still asleep, and eyes him lovingly. she thinks that tonight shall bring a new dawn into their lives. she says that she has only wished for true love and the lord shall have to grant that. She pulls the drapes on him. she says that she cant start this new beginning without bowing to the lord’s bounty and decides to visit the maaar.

In the dargah

Khan Begum wanders through the dargah, while she overhears people talking about armaan’s humanitarian nature, and how its very difficult to meet him. She thinks that she wont be able to get past the security guards, and meet him hence she has to come up with a new plan. she decides to sit with the beggars dressed as one. just then, its announced that armaan’s car has arrived. She gets alert and tensed, as the car draws in and is thronged by security guards, amidst whom, armaan steps out. He starts distributing 1000 rupess notes amongst the needy and the poor, while begum stands back in line waiting to catch a glimpse of him. the beggars bless him as they receive the money. finally khan begum confronts him. he eyes her tensedly, taking off his glasses, as she takes off the veil of the burqa. he gives her a note too, and prays that the lord relieves all of her pains. she eyes him and their ironic situation. then he walks past, and begins to move ahead with his guards. She is overwhelmed to have finally seen him and she calls out his name emotionally overwhelmed. He stops surprised and then turns around, but just before that, mahira walks past between begum and armaan and begum sees her and she turns away, lest mahira sees her. Armaan turns just then but is unable to see who called out to him. She however wonders underneath the buraq as to whats mahira doing here. She turns around to find armaan walking away yet again, but accidentally collides into a lady, and falls on the ground. mahira rushes to help her. she is frustrated that she couldnt meet her son due to mahira. She composes herself and walks off hastily. mahira is tensed and walks in.

Inside, mahira prays to the lord that her father used to tell her of the miracles of love, and today she was witness to one too. On the opposite end of the mazaar, armaan sits, just like asad and zoya’s first meeting, as they both ardently pray to the lord. she finally gets up, and he too and they start walking, obliviously moving closer to each other. mahira walks past armaan, her dupatta grazing past his face. armaan is mesmerised and overwhelmed as he eyes her, unable to take his eyes off her. He wonders why his heart felt that someone close to him went by him. mahira comes to the wishing area, where people tie knots and wish for. she prays that she hopes she meets her true love finally, and that she leaves herself to him, and that whatever he wishes for, she shall accept, as her destiny is in the lord’s hands now. just then, from the opposite end, armaan too comes and ties a knot beside mahira’s knot, and eyes her face as she prays, mesmerised yet again.

Outside, begum hovers around armaan’s car and asks the guards if she can talk to him for a minute as its important. but the guard wards him off. She continues to pester but in vain. she thinks that guards wont let her meet and wonders what to do. She takes out her purse and places it on the pedestal of the car and then wards off, hiding as armaan comes in and is about to step in, when he notices the purse kept and picks it up, and looks around. he then goes through the details of the purse, and finds an address, and she thinks that now she would meet him, as he would come to her house for returning the purse.
As he sits in the car, he is doing his business dealings, wherein he is very harsh and straightforward on the phone, as to how he wishes people to be on their toes. he suddenly asks the driver to put the car to a halt. They stop outside an orphanage. he remembers how he was abused in childhood here, by people, who cursed him for being an orphan, making an easy target of him. just then, a beggar comes asking for money, and remembers him as the child who the tailor had adopted. He is shocked but denies this and drives off, but he continues to say that he is the same sam. Armaan is tensed and worried. Armaan thinks that for some people, their birthplace and their childhood is their worst nightmare. He says that had his grandmother not forced him to come here, he never would have even thought of it.

At Begum’s residence

mahira decorates the whole house, with the intention of seeing the blue moon soon, so that with the onset of the special moon, the onset of her love story too is wonderful. gazalla and latif happily chat and banter while mahira is amused. She gets up and asks them to get Channi and rice pudding. they comply. mahira thinks that she should get ready too for this special occassion.

With much love and care, mahira gets ready but hears the sound of afreen’s anklets and gets alert. but they stop, and she gets back to work. she then hears a female laughing and gets unsettled. She looks around the room but sees noone. she comes out but doesnt find anyone, both sides and is about to go in the room, when she hears a devilish and demonic female laughter. as she turns around, she finds afreen guffawing at her, saying that the game isnt over yet. mahira is shocked and tensed. then the apparition vanishes. she is stunned and surprised, as the words resonate in her ears. she wonders who is this possible, and if its her hallucination or actually her, as she threw her out herself. She is distracted as other women come and take her along with them. She again epresses her concern to kainat who asks how is this possible. begum hears this and asks why is she tensed. mahira tells that she feels she saw afreen. begum says that its her hallucination, as the devil cant come inside, till she is called back three times. kainat asks her not to worry as she can never come. begum tells her that today her love story shall culminate and asks her to go to azxad. she complies. Afreen notices them from the balcony, thinking that she is for real and not a hallucination. she says that she is back, and now she cant even think at all, who called her back in, as the blue moon night shall be the night of mahira’s ruins.
At Khan Begum’s residence

Merriment and festivities begin in the haveli, while mahira reminisces her moments with azad, as sshe gets mehendi applied on her arms. she eyss afreen mingling through the crowd, and is shocked. she screams out her name, but noone sees her, and she is tensed. kainat assures her and that she isnt here and asks for the celebrations to continue. When the cone ends, afreen draped in a veil, comes and places a tray of cones where mahira is getting mehendi applied. afreen thinsk that all of mahria’s dreams for this night, shall be ruined by her, and she shall see what is the effect of mehendi on her hand. she leaves. While mahira gets mehendi applied by the ladies, she notices blood gushing out of the cone. she is shocked and points this to kainat who is shocked too and asks the lady who gave her this cone.

Meanwhile, begum anxiously awaits armaan’s arrival, while she remembers how she had planted the purse so that armaan comes here. A lady comes and asks mahira to drink this pure water before moon comes out, as she holds out a glass. she is about to take it and is boggled, when suddenly the glass slips. The lady comments that its severely ominous. Begum comes and says that noghint wrong shall happen as its just an accident. kainat composes her. the lady blesses mahira that all of her wishes shall be blessed by the lord. mahira smiles. kainat comes and assures that all shall be right. mahira thinks that whatever is happening isnt right, and hopes that nothing comes in the way of her meeting azad today. She says that the taveez has always kept azad safe and hopefully tonight it shall relieve him of his devilish shackles.

Meanwhile, azad is in his room, waiting for the blue moon too, remembering the taveez, and mahira’s faith in it. The door opens and afreen walks in, with a veil across the mouth. she thinks that she shall not let mahira snatch him from her, as he belongs to her only. she comes in while azad looks out the window. She picks up his shirt-piece and shows it to him, without revealing her face, and he assumes that its the tailor that begum had called for him. She takes his measurements, while he doesnt realise that its afreen. While measuring the arm, she intentionally stealthily takes out the scissors and cuts off the thread containing the taveez and leaves, while the taveez barely hangs by the thread. Azad turns around and the thread falls off. begum comes in and asks him to finish his food, as there are people waiting down for him. he says that since mahira hasnt eaten, hence he shall not eat too. begum smiles and says that people get everything but not true love and that they are lucky to have found each other and she is happy for them. he smiles and says that mahira explained to her what true love is, and he shall never make her sad. she asks him to hurry up, as all are awaiting him. She says that tonight shall be his new start. he asks her to go while he just comes. she leaves. he starts getting nauseatic and with a headache, as afreen approacehs him. Afreen sprays some powder at him and he starts getting dizzy and finally collapses on the ground. Azad turns around and sees afreen and is shocked. she locks the door, while he eyes her stunned, and unable to respond. She gets onto seducing him to consummate their relation. azad is boggled, while she thinks that noone can stop him from being trapped. mahira’s sound resonates in his ears, saying that he cant allow anyone else to come in between them and that he needs to come to her, and he removes himself from her embrace. he gets ahead in the dizzy state and tries to open the door, while afreen watches.

Precap: While mahira gets mehendi applied by the ladies, she notices blood gushing out of the cone. she is shocked and points this to kainat who is shocked too and asks the lady who gave her this cone. Later, Armaan comes inside the haveli. begum sees him and is tensed. Afreen lies naked in the bed with azad under covers and laments that mahira maybe the wife, but it was her, a daayan who consummated the relation with azad, and that now a daayan has established a relation with a vampire, and there is nothing that mahira could do. Downstairs, mahira is enraged at armaan. mahira asks whats he doing here and if he even realises what just happened and what he did, as this is the blue moon night and he is supposed to see her true love, her husband through it and instead she saw him. Armaan says that it isnt his fault and but hers and her channi’s. mahira gets angry and slaps him. he is shocked.

I Do Air On Zee World From Mondays To Sundays  At 8pm

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