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Later, Samir is busy reading a novel, when his phone rings and its Kainat. he cancels the call and gets up to go, when he is shocked to see Kainat standing in front of him. He watches tensedly, she asks him why is he ignoring her, as she has been trying to contact him and meet him, but he doesnt want to. he doesnt say a word, and begins to go out, but she stops him. she says she wants to know the answer as to what did she do so gravely wrong, that he isnt even talking. He says he has made the mistake, as people who love come closer, unlike them, who are growing apart. He says he doesnt think she loves him. she asks him why does he think so. He says that she shoves him away everytime he tries coming close to her. she says that he is misunderstanding her, as she loves him dearly, since he is the person who made her realise that true love exists, as hse senses true love in his eyes. he asks why cant she then see what he feels for her, and asks why does she stay away from him, and if she is afraid of him. she denies and says that she feels safe in his armd, and that she isnt scared of anyone. She hugs him. His hand evilly goes onto graze her naked back, as he undoes the tiestring of her kurta, in the back. Startled, immediately she jerks himself away. he says that this is what he knows, that she doesnt trust him. he gets to leave, but she stops him, and then says that she trusts him more than herself, and if this is the evidence of her love, then so be it, saying so, she takes off her dupatta. He is shocked, but amused within. naked in bed, he caresses her face, as they lie under the blanket, kissing her numerously, he gets up and begins to go, but she holds him back, and then kisses him, consummating their relation finally. As he lies spent and exhausted in deep sleep, a tear trickles down her face.

When the doctor examines mahira, he tells armaan that her condition is worsening, that before too. Gazalla asks if she would survive. He hburriedly asks the doctor to do something. The doctor says that there’s no chance, and she should be immediately shifted to the hospital. Armaan asks him to do whatever it takes, but save mahira. The doctor tells the nurse to get a stretcher, while latif tells the doctor, that begum isnt here and without her permission, they cant allow him to take mahira to the hospital. the doctor tries to make them understand he is doing this for her, and he himself would like the patient to spend her last days with their family, but all arent that lucky. gazalla too tries to argue, to stop her being taken away. despite their protests, armaan gets her on the stretcher to be taken away.

At Ehsaan’s residence

Khan Begum think that destiny is over favourable to her, first Ahil, then Anand Kumar, and now Ahsaan, someone who is always there to hold her hand, and like the extravagant house. She is startled by the sudden shattering of the glass, as a servant is shocked to see her, thinking that it's Tarana, Ehsaan EX wife. She is boggled. Other servants come in and are equally startled, and then say this cant be her, as they themselves buried her. Ehsaan comes in and Khan Begum says they are talking about some Tarana. He says that its her. she is confused. He then explains the confusion, with her and his first wife. she is boggled. he says just like him, they too got confused. he tells them that she is their guest, and they should give the same love that they gave Tarana to her. The servants are overjoyed, and go to prepare a feast for her. She is irritated thinking of their over sweet nature. he then points out how happy she has made everyone, by her arrival. she changes the topic, and asks about other residents. He says his mother and granny stay here with him, and right now, his mother has gone somewhere and granny on haj. he ask her to make herself feel at home here. She think she has no qualms in doing so, and this is definitely better than the outhouse. She thank him for his extended hospitality, but she knows her limits, and she is okay in the guest house. He ask her not to mind, as he wants her to stay inside, but thought it would be uncomfortable and awkward for her, hence didnt bring it up. she says he is right, and that….and then trails off, feigning to get dizzy, and he composes her, while she requests him to take her to the outhouse. He says he can't let her stay in the outhouse, in this condition, and goes to show her the room. she smiles evilly thinking this is one helpless chap, and maybe he is too mannered hence became stupid.

Later, as Khan Begum eyes her room, she evilly think she is so used to luxury, that she can't stay without it now. she decides that now she shall think in peace, about her next plan of action. She think destiny has tested her enough, and now she wont let destiny win another bout, and that any how she has to make Armaan and Mahira one. She wonder how to make it happen. Just then, Imtiaz comes in all excited and happy. She gets frustrated seeing him. he starts playing with her, while she is irritated. she makes a happy face, and then picks him up, and in a bid to play with him, she decides to throw him out of the window. but she is shocked when she finds Ehsaan’s reflection in the doorway, through the window’s mirror. She composes herself, and then plays to get his good will. He however thinks its nice to see them both playing. She starts playing, while he think the lord gives too, when he takes away. he says that this isnt tarana but nothing less than her too. She meanwhile thinks irritably, that she cant even stay in peace for a couple of minutes too for this irritable boy and it would be better if his father keeps him away from her, or else she might just strangulate him herself.

At Begum’s residence

Armaan gets Mahira in an ambulance and decides to get her admitted to the hospital. they get her inside on the stretcher and then drive off. he started getting restless. He remembers what the doctor said that Azad’s heart beats inside him, and the peer baba’s prophecy, and all of his moments with her. he gets tensed. he then rushes after the ambulance to stop it, shouting her name, while latif and gazalla are boggled. the ambulance stops. due to the sudden jerk, as he opens the door, the stretcher tumbles, and she falls right on him, and they fall on the ground, with her atop him. Their hearts finally meet. She is then disgusted and composes herself, full of anger. he try to speak, so as to clear the misunderstanding, but she hurriedly slaps him tight across his face, shocking them all, including him. He eye her agitatedly. 

At Begum’s residence

Armaan is shocked after Mahira slaps him, while others are stunned too. she says what she thought till now as wrong, as he thought of him as a lowlife human, but today she knows he isnt even a human. She says even humans have some humanity, but he is worse than even animals. she goes and storms inside the house. he is shocked, and thinks even in hatred, the heart beats so strong, its difficult to hate her, and doesnt know what to do.
Inside, Latif and Gazalla instigate her against armaan as to how he threw begum out of the house. mahira asks them not to worry as she would search for Khan begum from anywhere and she wont spare Armaan, as he has underestimated her so far. As mahira eyes the burnt room, she hollers for gazalla and latif, and asks them what caused this fire. they tell her that he saved her like a hero. she is shocked to know this. She remembers his intense hatred, and think it cant just turn to sympathy suddenly, for a change of heart, or for turning over a new leaf. she think it must be due to Azad’s heart, thats changing him, but thats not possible, as he is beyond salvation now. she is determined to find out his true motive. he finds a rose petal laden direction paved out for her, to walk on, leading somewhere. in her anger, she disrupts the path with a kick of her leg. Then she finds a sorry written in diyas, and rose petals, and is boggled. Armaan comes and confronts her, saying he knwos she hates him, but its justifiable, after what he did. he says wounds dont heal in a day, and he has done lots of wrongs with her, and he isnt asking her to forget everything, but asks her to trust that hatred wont solve anything. He says according to her, he might have been a terrible person, but he himself couldnt stop himself from saving her. he says he doesnt know whats going on, and why his heart went so helpless to save her, but whatever he did, he is happy that he heard his heart and not his mind, and begs for a chance to be forgiven, if not forgiveness right away. She says she just wishes to say that if his heart beats today, its due to her Azad, and somewhere he is responsible for his death and whatever he might do, she shall never be able to forgive him. She takes water and doses the diyas alighting sorry for her and walks away. He thinks hatred is the first step of love, and just like his heart drew him to her, in the same way, the same heart shall also draw her heart to him.

Later, in their room, Kainat tells sameer that they made a huge mistake, and therelation that they consummated is a sin for the world. he gets her sentimental, asking her to look in the eye, and tell if what they did is wrong. he kisses her face, and she closes his eyes. he takes off her earring. she opens her eyes and is boggled to find him on the knees, saying that he had never understood love, but seeing her first time, he knew that love happens at the first sight, and now he wants to fill her life with happiness, and proposes her for marriage. she is overjoyed and she extends her hand and he dons the ring in her finger. She then takes the other earing from her hand, and tries to put it in, but it doesnt go in the ring finger, but in the small one. She hugs him, while he eyes the wrongly placed ring in his hand evilly.

Mahira spots a rose, and think this is another one of armaan’s weak plots to get her to forgive him, and become cordial. She frustratedly asks where was the sympathy when he was pulling the bulldozer, and thinks since that couldnt break her spirit, he is trying the emotional way now, and thinks this is another of his tricks and knows the reason behind it. She pulls out a bunch of papers from the wardrobe.

At Ehsaan’s residence

Khan Begum thinks that armaan may have turned his back to her, but she cant turn her back to destiny, and thinks that she has to act fast. but she wonders what to do, as she doesnt even have money. she eyes a crystal ball kept in the showcase, and takes it out. Imtiaz calls out to her, and she is startled and throws it on the floor in disgust. He is scaredhe rushes to go and tell her, while she stops him, saying that he wont tell him anything, as if he does, then she would get his father to disappear just like his mother. He is scared and complies. he sees ehsaan and rushes to him. his father asks if he isnt bothering her. He is scared and says that he was merely playing. Imtiaz is sent inside by ehsaan and says that now his son has found a new buddy for his happiness. begum thinks that her happiness is incomplete with the presence of this child, and decides to do something about it.

Later, begum threatens the child, that if he wants him and his father to stay happy, then he should do exactly what she says. he agrees happily. he says that since they are friends, then what shall they play. She asks him to wait right here, as she shall be back in sometime. She then gets some rope from the cabinet, thinking that she shall tie him today at all cost. But before she can, she finds that armaan, his uncle is calling. she is shocked and asks who is he, and why is he calling him. She gets to know that armaan is ehsaan’s best friend, and his business partner too. he leaves to give the phone to his father, while she is amused thinking that she landed in the right place, accidentally.
At Begum’s residence

As armaan is busy working on the laptop, mahira comes and says he merely needs her signature on the papers. She says he cant pass off in this new disguise of sympathy and good will, and says she knows his real motive. she says she sued to hate him, but now she is disgusted by him and despises him. She gets him the papers. She asks if he really wants to pull off, that due to azad’s heart beating inside him, he has feelings for her. She says she was right, and that its better that she signs the papers instead of suffering with his disgusting behaviour. he tries to clarify, but then she continues on her rant as to how she has not mistaken him to be a wrong person, and if he is that good willed, then he should just get ahead with telling whats in his mind. he goes to the wardrobe and then pulls out property papers. she says that she was right that he wanted her to sign the papers, then why all this drama and charade. She takes the papers and gets to signing them. he stops her and tears the papers, gives them to her hands and says he actually thinks that he is so shameless, that to get her signature on these papers, he would stoop as low as to play with her emotions. she is tensed and speechless. he says he is helpless from the heart, but not so much so, that he can bow down in front of his character. he says he can live with her hatred. he asks if she really thinks that there is no other way for him to get her to sign the papers. he says that she knows that he is the owner of the house and can have them thrown out, but he didnt do this, nor does he want it. he says if he wants anything, its just forgiveness, for everything that has ever hurt her, and asks if he is asking for too much. he says he gave her verdict and now its her decision, he shall heartily accept it. he storms out. she eyes him tensedly, while remembering his words.

At Begum’s and ehsaan’s residence

Mahira walks out tensedly and collides into kainat, who is super elated and amused. she is happy to hear about her engagement ring, and mahira teases her immensely. she is happy to see kainat engaged to sameer, while she blushes. She says that she should congratulate mahira, as armaan risked everything to save his life. mahira gets tensed and says that its very difficult for her to believe that the man who hates her saved her life. kainat points out that love-hate is weird, as love wins over hatred, but mahira rubbishes it off, saying that he can only hate, not love. Kainat reminds that he has azad’s heart that beats for her, and maybe his love won over his hatred, and that she knows very well the power of true love, and how things which are impossible happen. kainat tries to make her understand, and get back to her writing column so that she can start feeling like herself again, while she is tensed.

Later, Kainat continues to try sameer’s call, but he pretends as if the voice isnt going through, meanwhile he takes out the sim and throws it in the wastebasket. He says that now the fun starts, to see how she is tortured.

Later, latif tells begum about kainat’s engagement to sameer, who is super happy, and then asks about mahira. gazalla says that she is super fine, and armaan is crazy for her. She is boggled. Latif and gazalla says that he is mad for her desperately, but mahira isnt paying any attention. begum is tensed to hear this, and says that mahira shall fall prey to the matters of the heart. she then comes across a business magazine, conatining armaan’s pic with ehsaan. She tells them that she shall see soon, as she too shall need an explosion. they wish her well. she walks in on ehsaan in the room, and pretends to be embarassed and flustered, giving an explantion that the water was not there in her bathroom, and she had no clue he is at home. He composes her and says that its okay, as she can use his bathroom. she asks him to clothe himself first. She thinks that since he is armaan’s business partner, she has to be nice to him. He wears his shirt, and then turns around to confront her. She says that she wishes to say something, but is hesitating how to say iut. he asks her to tell it. she says that she gave him so much, but people always find some fault with it, and she doesnt know who she is, and soon people would start questioning as to how is she staying here. She says that those relations which dont have a name are sins. he tells her that crime is that which brings two people apart, and that which brings two strangers together in an unnamed relation, is destiny. he says that she might not know herself, but behind this heart, is a soul that cares for everyone and all. he says that as far as he is concerned, there’s nothing much to tell, as he has a business partner, and a mother to die for. she says that their worlds are poles apart and they cant settle in this house, and what would people say and how can she stay without any identity. he is tensed, and then turns her around, saying he says that he has a way out. he asks her to marry him. she pretends to be shocked, while amused within, that this is exactly what she wanted, as he says that this shall solve their problem, and name their relationship too. she hugs him tight, while he smiles.

At Awaaz’s office

Mahira try to chit-chat with the newspaper employees, but they are highly indifferent to her. She is boggled, while she then goes to the manager, who is also cold and rude to her. He asks who is she? she is confused. he holds out certain letters, and she is puzzled as she goes through them. she reads one and finds that its from dissatisfied and disgruntled readers, who are unhappy that she left them suddenly and stopped writing to them. Mahira says its her personal life, and she had issues, but now she is back. He says they have all seen how much they mean to her. he says he loves his readers and he cant afford to lose them at any cost and asks her to leave. she gets up tensed and then turns to leave, when she finds all the employees having gathered behind the glasses to see whats going on. She is dejected as she walks out.

I Do Air On Zee World From Mondays To Sundays  At 8pm

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