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Devika get a call and goes in corner, she takes call and its Varun, Varun says rani pari. Devika says where are you? tell me. Dakhs’ mom murmurs her drama started again, Devika asks Varun where he is? Varun says they were cutting my feet, he gets scared and cuts call, he runs from there. Devika says to Daksh that Varun is in trouble, someone was cutting his feet, we have to find him, Daksh says to priest that we will finish pooja later, he nods. Daksh leaves with Devika. Varun is hiding from goons in streets. Mansoor and his goons are searching for him. They see Varun and runs behind him but he hides again. Devika and Daksh are in car, Devika says I heard mandir bell behind Varun’s call, Daksh says there are many mandirs here, I have sent number to police, they will track it, we cant do anything, Devika says its my Varun, I will go and find him, Daksh says stop, lets go and find him.

Varun is running from goons but Mansoor comes infront of him. Varun runs away from him but gets hit by a car.

Daksh gets a call from inspector and says what? Devika asks what happened? Daksh drives away, Daksh and Devika comes to morgue. Devika says why we are here? Inspector says we found a body hit by truck, check and identify. Devika panics and says this is not Varun, this cant be. Daksh says just check it and we will leave. Inspector shows deadbody’s face.. Devika is stunned and turns away, she hugs Daksh and says this is not my Varun, I told you this cant be my Varun, she sobs. Daksh consoles her. Devika asks where is my varun? who took it? where is my Varun? Inspector says we had a doubt that this might be Varun so we called you, sorry.

Mansoor have caught Varun again. They bring to their den, Mansoor says we have to do something with him so he is useful for begging. Or we can sell his livers. Mansoor gets a call from Kesar. He takes call and says yes Kesar? Varun hears her name. Kesar asks Mansoor to kill him, he is danger for us, Mansoor tells her some plan, she smirks and ends call.

Daksh and Devika comes home. Devika is shattered, Daksh is supporting. Ashka says wow you forgot your sister after marriage? you left my pooja in middle? he says I am sorry. Ashka says you proved that you dont care about me, I fought with everyone for you but someone else is more important for you, she glares at Devika.

Ashka is crying and says to Daksh that you didnt care about my birthday. Daksh’s mom asks what relation Varun have with Devika? how could you do this with your sister Daksh? is Varun more important than her? you have hurt her for first time and I hope this is the last time. Daksh asks Dhani to take Devika to her room, Dhani takes her. Daksh says to his mom that devika is my wife, she hasnt accepted me so I am trying to win her heart. Devika stops and hears it. He says she married me for Varun and he is lost so she has right to find him but she still came to this pooja, you taught me to help others, Daksh says to Ashka that you are questioning me today? Devika looks on.
Daksh comes to his room, Devika says Varun wanted to go to Mumbai for acting, he thought to go there after marriage but this happened. Daksh asks if she is fine? Devika says I thought wrong about you, I thought wrong about Varun too, thank you, it was your sister’s birthday but even then you helped me, you had started his treatment then this wouldnt have happened. Daksh says I am trying to find him. Devika says its your duty, you married me to treat him, Daksh says I promise I will treat him once he is found.

In the morning, Devika brings breakfast for Daksh, he is surprised. devika asks if he got any lead? he shakes his head. Daksh gets a call.

Goons are putting kids in cans to smuggle them. Varun tries to fight them, Mansoor says you will be sent out too. He asks his goon to put him in box, we have to send him to Mumbai then we will do with him what we want. Kesar comes there. Varun sees her.

Inspector calls Daksh and says some Mansoor kidnapped Varun, he is godown, we are going there, Daksh and Devika leaves.
Kesar says to Mansoor that why didnt you finish him? do what you can fast. Mansoor says no one will recognize him once we are done with him. Goon comes there and says police is coming, goons run from there. Devika and Daksh comes to godown with police. Kesar hides. Devika sees Varun, she hugs him, Varun says I knew you would come to save me, dont leave me every again. Devika says never, she hugs him and cries. Mansoor comes there and points gun at Varun. Inspector asks him to leave him, Mansoor says this Varun brought police here, I wont spare him. Daksh holds Devika back. Devika tries to save Varun but Mansoor shoots her and runs from there.

Kesar comes home and thinks if Varun gets saved then he will tell everyone that I kidnapped him. Dhani comes to her and says police found out some Mansoor kidnapped Varun, they will not spare that man now and Varun will be found. Kesar drops her phone, Dhani sees Mansoor calling, she takes call. Mansoor says Kesar where have you get me stuck? this mental is danger for us, I will not spare him now, he ends call. Dhani is shocked and says Kesar maa what you did?

Devika is in car and shot, Daksh is driving her to hospital, he is tensed. Daksh calls Ashka and says Devika got shot.

Dhani asks Kesar why she did it? Kesar says my daughter was getting crazy for a mental so I had to do something to take him out of your life. Dhani says if anything happens to my Varun then it wont be nice. Daksh’s mom comes there, Kesar and Dhani comes there. Daksh’s mom says Devika got shot and she is in hospital. Dhani and Kesar runs from there.

Mansoor grabs Varun and asks him to stand still, he calls his goon and says we have to do everything fast, I cant roam around with this mental, I am bringing him there, we will have to do everything tonight.

Devika is lying in OT. Daksh looks at her from window sadly. He recalls marrying her, her looking at Devi’s pictures, their party moments.

Devika looks around her wardroom, she finds Varun’s sacred thread which she had tied on Varun before, she says it means Varun came here, he is in this hospital? are they doing operation on Varun? Devika asks nurse about Varun, he says I dont know. Devika goes to search Varun. Daksh sees her going and follows her.

Varun’s treatment has starting. Devika comes outside operations theater. She looks around from window and starts knocking on it. Doctor gets tensed and nods to his nurse. Nurse comes out and says you cant go inside. Daksh comes there. Devika says operation is going on here. Daksh asks nurse whose operation is going on? Doctor comes out, Daksh asks whose operation is going on? Doctor says its minor appendix operation and you approved it. Daksh looks at papers and sees his signature. Doctor says its just small surgery, let me do it. Mansoor is hiding there and thinks once this operation is complete then we will get our money. Doctor goes for operation. Devika says to Daksh that I saw Varun’s thread, I cant go inside but please go inside and see who is the patient, please you have swear on my love. Daksh looks on. Doctor says to nurses that we have to do this operation fast. They start cutting Varun’s stomach but Daksh comes there and is shocked to see its Varun. All are tensed to see him there. He shouts what is all this? Devika comes there and sees Varun bleeding, she screams. All run from there. Mansoor calls Kesar and says plan failed. Daksh calls security and asks to not let anyone go from hospital. Daksh and Devika takes Varun from there, Daksh says his blood lost a lot, we have to treat him, he takes him to OT. Doctor and Mansoor are trying to leave hospital but security says its Daksh’s order, nobody can leave the hospital. Inspector comes there and arrests doctor and Mansoor, Kesar comes there and is tensed. She sees Dhani sleeping in waiting area. Dhani wakes up, Kesar says Devika saved Varun. Dhani says I wont let you go off easily, I will get punishment for you, Kesar says I am sorry, she sits on her feet and says I did all that to protect your life, I thought you will destroy your life over a mental Varun or if he becomes fine then Devika will take him, you are my life, please forgive me.

I'm On The Edge Air On Zee World From Mondays To Sundays At 10pm

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