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Devika looks around her wardroom, she finds Varun’s sacred thread which she had tied on Varun before, she says it means Varun came here, he is in this hospital? are they doing operation on Varun? Devika asks nurse about Varun, he says I dont know. Devika goes to search for Varun. Daksh sees her going and follows her.

Varun’s treatment has started. Devika comes outside operations theater. She looks around from window and starts knocking on it. Doctor gets tensed and nods to his nurse. Nurse comes out and says you cant go inside. Daksh comes there. Devika says operation is going on here. Daksh asks nurse whose operation is going on? Doctor comes out, Daksh asks whose operation is going on? Doctor says its minor appendix operation and you approved it. Daksh looks at papers and sees his signature. Doctor says its just small surgery, let me do it. Mansoor is hiding there and thinks once this operation is complete then we will get our money. Doctor goes for operation. Devika says to Daksh I saw Varun’s thread, I cant go inside but please go inside and see who is the patient, please you have swear on my love. Daksh looks on.

Doctor says to nurses we have to do this operation fast. They start cutting Varun’s stomach but Daksh comes there and is shocked to see its Varun. All are tensed to see him there. He shouts what is all this? Devika comes there and sees Varun bleeding, she screams. All run from there. Mansoor calls Kesar and says plan failed. Daksh calls security and asks to not let anyone go from hospital. Daksh and Devika takes Varun from there, Daksh says his blood lost a lot, we have to treat him, he takes him to OT. Doctor and Mansoor are trying to leave hospital but security says its Daksh’s order, nobody can leave the hospital. Inspector comes there and arrests doctor and Mansoor, Kesar comes there and is tensed. She sees Dhani sleeping in waiting area. Dhani wakes up, Kesar says Devika saved Varun. Dhani says I wont let you go off easily, I will get you punish, Kesar says I am sorry, she sits on her feet and says I did all that to protect your life, I thought you will destroy your life over a mental Varun or if he becomes fine then Devika will take him, you are my life, please forgive me.
Daksh comes to Devika and says Varun is critical, we need blood for him, Devika says take my blood, Daksh says your blood is not matching, I have called Varun’s mom. Varun’s mom comes there and says my blood group doesnt match with Varun, its different. Daksh says I have to arrange for it. He calls blood bank and tries to arrange for it. But some woman comes there and says take my blood, all look on. Varun’s mom thinks if they get to know who she is then my 30 years work will be destroyed. Daksh takes the woman to Varun. Devika says to Varun’s mom Varun always does nice things for others thats why a stranger is ready to help him but this is all my fault. Dhani comes there and says no its not your fault, these kidnappers can kidnap anyone, its good Kesar saw Varun and tried to stop the operation but they locked her in a room and you saved Varun. Devika says to Kesar I dont know how to thank you, you saved my Varun yesterday, she hugs her and says Varun will be fine.. if anything happens to Varun then I wont be able to live.
Devika looks at Varun from window. He is unconscious. Devika says one woman helped Varun, gave him blood and left, she asks Varun’s mom if she knows who she was? They take out Varun from ward-room, Daksh says we are taking him for operation, Devika says you will fulfill your promise? you will save my Varun right? she begs him to save Varun, she cries and says dont let anything happen to my Varun, he is my life, Daksh looks on and leaves from there.

Daksh starts Varun’s treatment. Devika is praying for Varun in mandir, she is holding a burning diya in her hands.
Saksh comes to Devika after operation and says Varun’s operation was successful, Devika smiles.

Devika and Varun are talking in house. Daksh comes there. He glares at them. Varun is fine now, he says were waiting for you, I have come to take Devika, Devika holds Varun’s hand and says Varun is fine now, he is my love so I will go with him. Daksh says but she is going against her promise, I gave her a condition, Varun says you cant make someone love you by force, we love each other, we have promised to live births together, nobody is going to separate me from her, he takes Devika from there. Daksh is broken and cries… this all turns out of be Daksh’s dream and he is still in OT treating Varun, he thinks what if Devika actually do it? Nurse says patient pulse is going low. Daksh starts treating him. All are tensed outside OT> Dhani is worried. Operation ends. Daksh comes to Devika who is still holding diya in her hands. Daksh says Varun’s treatment was successful, Devika smiles and turns to leave but she recalls how she promised Daksh that when Varun becomes fine then she will give Daksh the right of being her husband. Devika falls down, Devika says to Daksh that you fulfilled your promise, I will become your wife fully, but I just want to see Varun for once, I will see him as your wife, can I see him? Daksh sadly looks at her and gives her some papers. Devika reads them and is stunned. Devika says these are divorce papers, Daksh says I have understood that I cant come inbetween you and Varun, I cant force anyone to love me, you love Varun, I will remain your friend for life. Devika says I dont know how to help you. Daksh says I just want you to accept these divorce papers and accept your house back. Devika says I dont want any home, I will live with my Varun. Daksh says I took this house because I wanted you but you should be with Varun. Devika says then make it in Varun’s name, Daksh says I will do it, he asks her to go to her love. Devika runs from there.

Devika runs to Varun’s room kaun tujhe yun pyaar karega plays. Devika smiles seeing Varun lying on bed. Devika touches Varun’s face, he wakes up and smiles at her. Varun’s head hurts, Devika hugs him and smiles but Varun is tensed, he is about to hug her back but pushes her away. Devika is stunned, Varun says what are you doing? who are you? why I am in hospital? who are you? do you know me? Devika is stunned. Devika says you dont know me? he says no. Devika is broken hearing it. She rushes to get doctor. Doctor comes there and asks Varun to keep sitting. Dhani comes there and asks Varun how he is? Varun says who are you? Varun’s mom comes there and asks how he is? Varun says mom I am fine. Devika asks doctor why he is not recognizing me but her mom? Doctor asks Varun what was the last thing he remembers? Varun says there was an audition and year is 2017, all are stunned.

Precap: Devika is injured after an accident. Voiceover says if Varun and Devika’s love story will remain incomplete or will Vaidika help them to come closer? Varun is shown getting closer to Dhani and Maasa

I'm On The Edge Air On Zee World From Mondays To Sundays At 10pm

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