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Imlie tells family that she will do household work from hereon and not let Sundar do that. Adi says she will not work, then tells family that she has to study for her entrance exam. Imlie says she will not let Sundar take her place as this is her house. Nidhi says of course and takes her in. Anu warns Malini to at least now not ignore what she is seeing. Malini asks what is she ignoring. Anu says Adi left house without informing anyone to bring Imlie, she wanted just a bit of sindhoor from him which he didn’t, he is ignoring her repeatedly since Imlie came in their lives and doesn’t even speak to her, so she should be alert. Malini thinks she cannot ignore Maa’s warning for the first time, Adi doesn’t even speak to her and behaves so well with Imlie instead, if he is indebted to Imlie for saving his life or if there is some other reason.

Adi sees family pampering Imlie and thinks not only him but also there are so many people who were missing Imlie; he can understand Dev’s situation, but what he did with Malini is betrayal; even he realized only now that he loves Imlie and realized that he was feeling comfortable with Malini just like a friend; Dev is betraying Anu, Mithi, Malini, and Imlie, but he will not betray anyone as he will inform Malini everything as she loves him like he loves Imlie. Imlie continues her jokergiri and greets each stuff at home. Rupal says she is talking to stuff as if they are humans. Imlie says when she left home, she never thought she would return, so she is feeling attached to each stuff of the house. Aparna says she just said this is her house and has right on each stuff. Imlie thinks she can’t express her right on anything and call her maa, she doesn’t want to be a problem to Malini, etc. Malini notices Adi’s weird behavior. Sundar scolds Imlie that she talked to each stuff and spoilt floor with her holi colored footprints, if she is bahu/DIL of this house to leave her footprints. Anu get angry seeing foot prints and throws water on them saying there is a difference between marriage’s alta/red color and cheap holi color and it washed away so easily. Imlie gets sad hearing that.

Mithi meets Prakash and asks why didn’t he meet her even after returning 2 days ago, if he left Imlie to her home safely and if he met her in-laws. He thinks how to lie to her that Adi is already married and betrayed Imlie and Imlie is just a servant there. Mithi says she is not her mother, but brought him up and can understand he is lying, what is it. He thinks Imlie shouldn’t have hidden truth from her mother.
Imlie prepares her bed in store room. Adi walks to her and says this is not her place and hopes he would have taken her to his room. She says whether on bed or floor, one should get peaceful sleep, so he need not worry about her and go and sleep. He stands there acting as looking at books and chats with her. She asks him to go. He asks if she is not getting sleep, even he is not. She asks to stop acting like a kid and go. He says she is right and will meet her in the morning. She says good night. He says she was pulling his legs and runs around him. She runs into kitchen. Malini walks to kitchen and seeing Adi says what is he doing here and why is he short of breath. Imlie hides under dining table. Adi says he saw a rat and came behind it and takes her away forcefully. Imlie thinks how to control her emotions for Adi?

Imlie starts cleaning house in the morning. Aparna and Taiji prepare breakfast discussing everything is back to normal now. Tauji listening to song on tape recorder gets disturbed with mixer sound and asks Taiji to prepare him tea. Children ask to pack their lunch box. Imlie says she will bring their lunch box. Nishant asks milk and says he will prepare it himself. Dhruv asks to prepare him snacks. Imlie serves Nishant milk. Tauji continuously ask Taiji to bring tea and biscuits for him. Imlie makes Taiji and Aparna wear multiple hands and brings them. Tauji and Dhruv asks why they are wearing multiple fake hands, if there is fancy dress competition. Imlie says she wants them to realize that Tauji and Aparna have only 2 hands and they can not fulfill everyone’s demands at once. She gives them a long speech about how women work 24 x 7 tirelessly, etc. Adi thinks she herself works tirelessly and is fighting for Taiji and maa’s rights, she addresses problems which they don’t notice.

Imlie makes Taiji and Aparna wear multiple hands and ask Taiji, Dhruv, and tell Nishant that women have only 2 hands and they can not do multiple tasks at once. They apologize to Taiji and Aparna and promise notto let them complain. Malini says Imlie is right, they all should work on Sunday and let Taiji and maa rest. They all agree. Aparna and Taiji thank Imlie. Adi wishes good morning to Imlie. She replies and brings milk for Malini. Malini resists saying she doesn’t like its taste. Adi asks Imlie to drink instead as she likes it and have soaked almonds with them. Imlie says she brought it for Malini. He insists her and shows his concern. Imlie thinks Adi is concerned for her. Malini thinks he never showed so much concern for her and he is acting as if he will lose something if Imlie doesn’t agree.
Daadi plans pooja at home and invite Malini and Adi’s family home. Dev says they will have lunch after that. Anu taunts that Adi will get one more assignment before that. Dev says he will go and invite Tripathis as she creates issue whenever she visits them. He tells Daadi that he will invite even Imlie. Anu says he should invite even Sundar and asks why he is so concerned about a servant. He asks what problem she has with that kid. She says he is too concerned about a maid and even Tripathis are more concerned for a maid than their bahu Malini. He says Imlie is more cultured than her, etc. She fumes that he used to compare Malini with a maid and now is comparing even her. Daadi asks them to stop fighting as she thought of a pooja for Malini’s sake and doesn’t want any issues.

Taiji and Aparna asks Imlie to help them fix Adi and Malini’s wedding pic on wall. She feels sad noticing their pic. She then walks to Twinkle and takes a paper from her. Aparna informs Taiji that Anu and Dev are coming here to invite them for pooja. Taiji says she is feeling headache and Aparna says she is having leg sprain, laughs and says they can not give excuses but have to go and see Anu and Dev fighting. Taiji says they will send Adi and Malini instead. Malini joins them followed by Adi. She informs Adi that her parents are coming to invite them for pooja. He leaves rudely leaving her sad again.

Imlie draws sketch of her and Adi’s wedding. Adi walks to her and asks what is she doing. She says its a surprise. He insists to see it and runs behind her. Dev and Anu reach there. Family greets them. Adi acts as going away and snatch sketch. Imlie resists and snatches it back. Taiji calls Adi and he walks away. She hides sketch in the sketchbook and hides it under her potli. Adi meets Dev and Anu. Rupal tells Dev that Twinkle wants to show her drawing to him. He agrees. Twinkle runs to get sketchbook from Imlie’s room. Imlie greets Dev and Anu and touches their feet. Anu backs and shoos her away. Adi comments that Imlie is respecting elders, but they don’t deserve it. Anu comments. He reply back. Aparna asks him to shut up and takes them in.

Twinkle takes sketch book from Imlie’s room and shows her sketches to Dev. Imle gets tensed that Dev will see her sketch and prays Seeta Maiya for help. Just when Dev is about to check her sketch, Sunny snatches sketchbook and runs away. Tia runs behind her and sketch falls in corridor. Anu tells Tripathi family that maa/Daadi have invited them for pooja. Tauji says everyone has some work, so Adi and Malnii will visit them. Dev agrees. Sketch get stuck on Sundar’s shoes. Anu asks what is stuck on his shoes. He apologizes and try to pull it off when Imlie snatches it. Adi takes it from her. Tauji asks which paper is it. He says waste paper and he will throw it away. Malini says she will throw it away and throws it in dustbin. Dev ask Imlie if she will come with Adi and Malini. Adi says she will not come as he doesn’t want her to be insulted again, reminiscing the precious incident. Malini says she asked mom to apologize and mom did. He says what is the guarantee that Anu will not insult her again. Dev requests Imlie again for Daadi’s sake. Adi thinks Dev did wrong with Mithi and Imlie, but he can not stop him from meeting Imlie; so he says Imlie will come with them. Anu says great, Imlie can work with other servants. Malini asks why should she? Adi says Imlie will be a guest and not servant or else she will not come there. Dev says he is inviting Imlie like a daughter. Adi think he knows, but if something wrong happens with Imlie tomorrow, he will not keep quiet. Anu think she will see how will Dev give her daughter’s place to a maid.

Precap: Panditji checks Adi’s palm and says he will marry twice. Adi tells Imlie that he cannot live with a lie as he, Malini, and she cannot live in peace; he has to inform truth to Malini and break her heart; asks if she wants him to forget her and live with Malini.

Imlie Air On Star Life from Mondays to Sundays at 9pm 

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