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Imlie sees police searching for her and thinks if Adi sent them. She then thinks Adi wants her to go away from his life, so Tauji and others must have sent police to find her. Conductor seeing her hiding says she didn’t pay for ticket yet and bus will not move if she sits inside. Imlie yells that it will not move even if she stands outside. She walks to driver and insists to repair the bus. He scolds her not to waste his time and to sit silently. She says she will repair bus as she drove bicycle and tractor in her childhood. He asks if she is a mechanic to repair bus. She asks if he knows about gastrointestinal tract, respiratory system, etc., and says she can repair it even if she doesn’t know parts’ name. He moves aside. She sees constable walking towards her showing her photo to passengers and hides covers her face with veil. Constable notices her and asks her to come down. She repairs bus and asks driver to start it. He starts it and drives bus happily. Conductor apologize to her. She thinks how can she stay away from Adi her whole life and pray to god to help her.

Malini sees Adi lying sadly on bed and walks to him. He turns his back towards her and thinks everyone know that Imlie is missing but don’t know that she left home because of him. Imlie thinks Adi shouldn’t blame himself for her leaving home. Adi thinks Imlie saved him many times by risking her life, but he couldn’t even thank her; he thought she is his responsibility, but looks like she has taken oath to protect his life. Imlie thinks their fate has united since they met. Adi thinks since he met her, he is divided between right and wrong and love and responsibility; he wanted her to go, but why his problems are not going away. She think she will not trouble him from hereon and will go far way from his life.

In village, Satyakam sees Mithi not yet ready for Shiv pooja and asks her to get ready soon. Mithi says she used to go for pooja with Imlie every year, but this year doesn’t want to alone. He says he will accompany her. She says she can’t. He says Imlie must be performing Shiv pooja with her in-laws, he will inform her if she doesn’t accompany him for pooja. She asks not to do that or else she will complain to Prakash against him. He asks not to do that. She asks if he got any news about Prakash? He says her son Prakash is coming home today and he will take her to him. She goes to get ready.

Imlie reach Pagdandiya and thinks she needs to hide truth from her family and villagers till she can; she will stay with amma, cycle, and goat Chuari from hereon. She then sees Shiv pooja celebration in temple and thinks of visiting temple before going home.

At Tripathi House, Sundar asks family not to worry as he prayed to Seeta maiya for Imlie’s safety. Malini walks to family. Aparna asks if Adi is fine, how is his leg. Malini says he left for office. Family gets tensed, and Nishant asks why did she let him out in injured condition. Malini says they know how Adi gets irritated for simple reason, he is acting irritated since yesterday and hence she thought he would feel good at office. Pankaj says she did right and says he thinks Imlie must have gone to Pagdandiya. Rupal asks how will they find out as they don’t have Imlie’s mother’s number? Malini says they should visit Pagdandiya and enquire about Imlie. Aparna says its a good idea. Dhruv says 2-3 people among them can go there and he will book tickets. Malini says Adi will take them to Imlie’s house, so she will pack even Adi’s bags.

Adi in office remembers Imlie. Editor sees him and asks what is he doing at the office? Adi says work. Editor says he should rest at home as he almost got admitted in hospital yesterday, even Imlie is missing, so he should go home. Adi says without Imlie, he feels suffocating at home and thinks it is better if he would have died yesterday. He says his concern for Imlie is valid as Imlie is very innocent and cute and gets into anyone’s heart easily, so its not weird if he is worried for her. Adi thinks if jhalli really created a place in his heart?

Imlie window shops mela and looks at flowers, earring rings, etc. Satyakam and Mithi reach mela. Mithi reminisces earlier incident seeing women dancing. Her friend Bindiya asks her to join them. She says she is not in the mood. Dulari says its suprising and taunts Satyakam to hold her hand and make her dance as they are seen together these days. Bindiya suggest to her to light a lamp for Imlie under a tree. Mithi agrees. Imlie gets happy seeing Satyakam and Bindiya and calls him. Satyakam gets happy seeing her. She runs and hugs her. Dulari thinks why did she return, something is wrong. Satyakam asks how is she. She says she is fine and asks where is amma. He says she is lighting lamp for her. Mithi lights lamp and pray to god to let her meet her daughter. Satyakam says god will not listen to her. She turns and asks why is that so. He says god heard her prayer already. Mithi gets happy seeing Imlie and hugs her.
Dev without having food try to work on his painting. Daadi walks to him and asks why didn’t he finish his food yet. He says he is feeling guilty and should have informed Imlie that she has a father and a sister beforehand, else she wouldn’t have left home like this. Daadi asks him to speak slowly as Anu may hear him. He says what is left between him and Anu now? Daadi says Malini’s in-laws will find out about it, they cannot ruin one daughter’s life for another daughter. Anu walks in and says Mr. Durrani has called to find out why didn’t he send painting yet. Dev informs Durrani that he couldn’t complete file as he has problems in family and he can not complete it even in 2 weeks. Durrani threatens not to take painting from him. He shouts he doesn’t care if he doesn’t buy his painting and will return his commission. Anu asks if he is crazy to reject Durrani. Dev shouts not to teach him his job. She says whatever he is today is because of her and her papa. Dev says whatever happens in this world is not because of her and her papa, he is successful because of his hard work. She says he has left his food and shouting at his wife for a servant. Daadi says everyone who are linked with Imlie are worried for her. Anu says they must not be planning to visit Pagdandiya. He says she heard him then, she can not stop him from going to Pagdandiya. She says even she will accompany him to Pagdandiya.

Imlie returns to her home. Mithi and Satyakam bring her favorite snacks excitedly and shower their love on her. She says they are treating her like a VIP, she is Mithi’s daughter and not a guest. Mithi says she can stay here the way she wants, but shouldn’t tell that she is a guest. Dulari yells its good if she is a guest, but if her family has kicked her out, then she is a problem for them. Satyakam asks her to stop spitting bitter words. Dulari asks truth is bitter and asks to ask their daughter why she has come. Satyakam says she is alive because of Imlie, else he would have killed her when his daughter was shot because of her. She says she will be quiet, but what will he do when he finds out that his journalist damad/SIL and his family kicked Imlie out of the house? Satyakam warn her that if there is a tear in Imlie’s eyes, he will shed her blood and will not spare her or anyone who does that. Dulari gets afraid. Mithi asks Imlie why did she come suddenly. Imlie says she came here running without informing family. They are shocked to hear that. She says she had a bad dream where she saw Adi shouting, then she got motion sickness and got afraid, so she came here to pray to god. Satyakam says she studied science and shouldn’t believe in superstition. Mithi says when there is a trouble, prayers work and not science. Mithi says they all will pray for jamai babu/Adi. Satyakam asks why did she come here witout informing her in-laws. Dulari says she knew it before, but nobody trusts her. Mithi asks why did she do this? Satyakam asks her to call her in-laws and inform them that she reached Pagdandiya. Dulari says something is wrong.
Family packs their bags to travel to Pagdandiya. Adi returns home and asks what is happening. Family says they are going to Pagdandiya to search for Imlie. Adi says they need not go anywhere and argues with family. Imlie calls landline. Adi picks receiver and says nobody will go to Pagdandiya. Imlie speaks and asks if she can speak to Tauji. Tauji takes receiver and asks where is she and why did she go without informing anyone, they are all tensed. She says she came to Pagdandiya. He asks how can she go without informing? Rupal takes call next and says they are all tensed, how can she do this to them. Imlie criesd hearing that, but control herself. Dhruv speaks next followed by others and scold her. Imlie says she was remembering Amma, so she came home; Aparna should forgive her like always. Aparna says she will not forgive her until she returns and asks when is she coming back? Imlie asks to take care of them all and disconnects call. Malini asks if Imlie is fine. Rupal asks if Imlie gave a phone number, what did she say, etc. Nidhi says they at least know that Imlie is safe in her village with her mother. Malini goes to inform Dev.

Adi opens laptop and thinks everyone is worried for Imlie, why they need her, editor’s words can not be true and reminisces them. Malini walks to him and asks if he is fine, what is he doing with closed laptop. He says he doesn’t know and he is not worried about Imlie. She says she was worried for Imlie, how can she go without informing them, etc. He says anyone can do whatever they want, she need not become a professor here as everyone are adults here and control their lives, why is she bother, he doesn’t care if someone goes and even she shouldn’t. Malini stands shocked. Adi thinks what Imlie thinks of herself, she forcefully entered his life and became part of his family, she is controlling him and his family now and he didn’t give her that right. Pankaj walks to him and says he knows recent days are tough on him and he also knows that he does his work loyally and is not afraid of anyone, not even goons who were about to kill him, then what happened suddenly that he is behaving like this, he can not speak to his wife like this, what did she do to him? He says Malini didn’t do anything and she is not the reason for his anger. Malini cries and tells Aparna that Adi vents out the whole world’s anger on her without telling what is bothering him. Aparna says Adi does same, they are habituated to it, but he cannot misbehave with her. Malini says its not a question of today, but since a few days a lot has changed between them, earlier they used to understand each other without explanation, but now he fights with her for silly reasons without explaining his problem. Adi tells Pankaj same. Aparna says they used to spend time alone before marriage, so she should take Adi away alone for a few days and spend time with him, all their problems will be gone in seconds. Pankaj suggests Adi to face his problems first as he will be entangled in himself and will not understand other relationships.

Imlie cries sitting outside her house. Satyakam‘s son enters. She excitedly hugs him and says she was sensing his presence since morning. He says he didn’t inform baba yet, then how did she find out that he came. She says she doesn’t call him Pari just like that and can identify his arrival since childhood. Their nok jhok starts. He gives her rose and earrings which she was looking at in mela and thanks him. She then says its difficult to study away from home and family, does he remember them. He says he remembers them a lot, but especially one person. She says they all don’t have time to think about him. He ask why she calls him Pari instead of Prakash. She says Parkash. Their nok jhok starts again. He says she will not change, Baba told him about her marriage and wouldn’t have let it happen if he was present here. She says she knows.

Precap: Adi reaches Pagdandiya to take back Imlie and extends his hand. Imlie runs towards him, a snake bites him and he falls down unconscious.

Imlie Air On Star Life from Mondays to Sundays at 9pm 

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