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Prakash informs Aditya that he saw Dadda/Satyakam dragging a city man into jungle. Adi gives his wallet to him to pay restaurant bill and rush with Satyakam’s men towards jungle asking him not to inform Imlie about it. Imlie returns from washroom and asks Prakash where did Adi go? He explains everything. She think people who had kidnapped Adi earlier must have come to trouble him again, but then is shocked to see Dev’s car there. Satyakam brutally trash Dev. Dev says he came for Imlie to fulfill his responsibility. Satyakam warns him not to dare talk about his responsibility after ransacking Imlie and Mithi for so many years.

Anu walk into Tripathi House. Taiji greets her and asks if Dev didn’t come. Anu says he has gone to Mumbai, so she came here alone as she is the only one who is worried for Malini. Aparna says why is she thinking so, Malini is even their daughter. Anu says if she was so worried about Malini, she would have called Adi here by now. Pankaj says they will question Adi when he return, but they can not interfere between Adi and Malini. Anu says if situation doesn’t improve, Adi and Malini should separate.

Adi with villagers reach jungle and think where will they find Satyakam in such a big jungle. Mithi joins them. Adi ask villagers to search for Satyakam individually and inform whoever find him first. Mithi takes Adi the other side. Satyakam points gun at Dev and says its better if he dies. Dev says he is right, he was almost dead when Imlie saved his life; he pleads to let him meet his daughter once and hug her, let her know that her father is there for her and she is not alone. Satyakam kicks him again and says he lost that right long ago. Imlie also search for Satyakam in jungle and prays Seeta Maiya for help. Satyakam is about to shoot Dev when Mithi push him away. Satyakam says he will not spare this city man today as he is waiting for him since 20 years. Mithi is shocked to see Dev and says she was also waiting for this man since 20 years and hoped he would return, he can not shoot this man as he is Imlie’s father. Adi reach there and is shocked to hear that. Dev apologize to her and says as soon as he found out about Imlie, he came here for her. Adi reminisces Imlie questioning about his location, Dev’s fondness for her, Daadi offering Imlie gold chain, Anu hating Imlie, and Dev supporting Imlie, etc., and think Imlie and Malini are sisters then.
Tauji tells Anu that he didn’t expect this from her. Taiji says they are middle class family and don’t end relationships so easily. Pankaj says when Adi return, they will talk to him. Anu says they will favor their son instead of their daugheter inlaw, if their son had listened to them, he would have been here; they valued a servant more than their daughter inlaw.

Satyakam tells Mithi that Dev is a liar, he married someone else and his children go to big school, she suffered her whole life because of him and he doesn’t even know what happened to Imlie. Dev ask what happened to his daughter. Satyakam reminisces Imlie’s wedding with Adi and says there is no time to explain as he will die anyways. Dev says he left one responsibility to follow one, he is not a bad father though and will take her responsibility. Satyakam warn him to stop his fake promises and says nobody can stops him from killing him and he is ready to go to jail. Mithi slaps him and he stands disheartened.

Tauji asks Anu not to drag Imlie in this. Anu says Imlie has already come between Adi and Malini. Pankaj asks not to wrongly allege as both Adi and Imlie are not like that. Anu ask then how is his son, he didn’t even call Malini once. Aparna says every couple fight and reconcile. Anu says according to Aparna, Dev and her relationship would be the best in the world, but she is wrong as they fight a lot and can’t even bear each other; she warn to not let Malini return to this house if Adi doesn’t respect Malini.

Mithi ask Satyakam if Dev was a betrayer, why would he return risking everything? Dev asks to call Imlie, let her decide after knowing he is her father. Adi think what will happen if Imlie finds out about it. Mithi tells Satyakam that the whole Pagdandiya knows that he is Imlie’s dadda first and then Pagdandiya’s, but truth is Dev is Imlie’s father and if his name is taken with Imlie’s name, it would be really good for Imlie, but Satyakam wants to take revenge and ruin Imlie’s future. Satyakam says his Imlie doesn’t need anyone’s support to succeed or else he would have adopted her like Prakash; Imlie needs support of a father who can help her grow and perform her kanyadan by sacrificing his love for her and he is ready for that. Dev says he knows what he means as he is also a daughter’s father and thanks him for taking care of Imlie. Satyakam warns him not to thank him or else even Mithi can not save him. He walk away. Adi feels proud of Satyakam that his thinking is bigger than anyone else’s thinking.
Imlie find Satyakam/Dadda and says she is searching for them since long, where is amma and Adi? She senses him emotional and asks if something happened. Satyakam reminisces Mithi telling that Dev is Imlie’s father and hug her emotionally. Imlie asks if he will not tell her what happened. He says he is not her father, but always considered her as his daughter and loved her more than Prakash; a daughter always has to fight in this world and even she should or else she will lose. Imlie ask whom did he take to jungle. He walks away telling her to take care of herself. Imlie feels nervous. Mithi ask Dev how does he know Imlie? Dev says these words don’t matter now, he just came to apologize to her for the problems she faced because of him for 20 years. She says she never cried before meeting him, everyone used to say that she doesn’t know how to cry, but she cried since he left and her kajal spread and became a blemish on her face. She continues that without Imlie’s mistake, she had to bear pain, her teacher asked her father’s name when she went to school and came home crying; Imlie became mature earlier than her age and hid her tears when she saw other children with their father; Dev should apologize to Imlie instead whose tears never flowed down.

Adi imagines himself in Dev’s position and Imlie in Mithi’s position and apologize to Mithi. Mithi says she was not alone as his gift was with her. He says he feels guilty for leaving her alone. She says she was busy loving him that she didn’t find time to hate him. Out of imagination, Adi think he will not let Imlie suffer like her mother and will not wait for 19 years to correct his mistake, god sent him here to give him what he came for. He sees Imlie reaching there and stops her. Adi asks what is she doing here, then looks at Dev and Mithi’s direction. Adi thinks she has to face truth today and bear the pain. He turns and finds Mithi and Dev not there. Imlie asks where is amma, why did Dadda go crying, whom did Dadda drag into jungle. Adi reminisces Dev requesting to call Imlie and says let us forget all this and go home.

Dev tells Mithi that he remembers her every day and when he met Imlie, he felt her as dear one and when he found out that Imlie is their daughter, he was eager to meet her and wants to take her back home. Mithi asks if his car is at the restaurant, she will drop him there and he should return to city. He ask why is she doing this. She says she doesn’t want Imlie to know that he is her father, so he should return home. Imlie tells Adi that she saw a car like Malini’s father and remembered him; whenever she sees Malini with her father, she hopes her father also loves her like that, but she doesn’t know who her father is; Malini’s father is really nice who took care of her like a father, etc. Adi thinks Dev can not reveal truth and even he can’t.

Dev with Mithi reach near his car and asks her why she doesn’t want him to meet Imlie. Mithi asks when he met her first, was he already married and had a daughter. He says yes. She says her daughter is very pure and true, how to inform her that her father is a liar; she found out only today that her relationship is illegal; she can live her life with this truth, but can not let Imlie suffer like her. Dev says Imlie will find out he is her father one day and he will give his name to her. She says Imle is only her daughter and she doesn’t want Imlie to find out truth and hate her father. Dev says he is worried for her and Imlie and asks what they need. She says all city people think they can buy anything with money, she doesn’t need his money; she will not trouble a man any more who stood with her always during her troubles, fulfilled Imlie’s father’s duties and always loved her like a father, etc. Dev asks if that man is Satyakam. She walks away. He stands disheartened.

Imlie tells Adi to go home while she search for Mithi. He says her amma is not a kid and can stay without her. She says its easy to stay without her, that is why he. He says he forced his decisions on her till now, but now want to take her with him; she wants to see him return happily to Delhi, she should accompany him. She says Malini is waiting for him and she can not stay with him forever as a servant.

Precap: Adi praises Imlie’s morales and qualities. Anu confronts Adi that Malini went unconscious in his absence, she wants to know where he had gone. Malini says she fears Adi is far away from her even being near, if they will clear the distance. Anu confronts Adi that Malini went unconscious in his absence, she wants to know where he had gone. Malini says she fears Adi is far away from her even being near, if they will clear the distance.

Imlie Air On Star Life from Mondays to Sundays at 9pm 

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