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Nishant brings pizza for family. Family gets excited seeing pizza. Imlie walks away sadly. Sundar try to pick pizza. Pankaj stops him and reminds him about his fasting. Sundar says it was in the morning and he broke it. Malini asks where did Imlie go? Aparna says she must have taken kadhi chawal to her room. Malini says she will take pizza for her.

Imlie eats kadhi chawal thinking Adi made it for her. Malini walks in and asks not to eat spicy kadhi chawal. Imlie says she likes spicy food and finishes it. Malini thinks why Imlie wants to have a food which nobody wants to, gives her pizza and leaves. Imlie drinks water unable to bear spicies and thinks she cleared her test like Seeta maiya. Adi offers her honey and feeds it. She says she wanted to have food which he made with Tauji and Pankaj. Adi says she wants to spoil her health with it as its full of chillies. She says her amma taught her to value emotions and asks him to go as she needs to sleep. He says she has exam result in the morning and munches pizza. She wishes him good night. He reply and leaves.

The next morning, Adi wakes up to check Imlie’s results. Malini asks why did he wake up so early? He says he is checking Imlie’s results and looks tensed. Malini asks if results are not good, if Imlie failed? Imlie pray to god that she didn’t sleep the whole night waiting for results; she wants to fulfill her amma and dadda’s dreams after passing exam and if she fails, their trust on her will vanish, so god should make pass her.

In Pagdandiya, Satyakam asks Prakash if he brought sweets to celebrate Imlie’s results. Dulari asks what if Imlie fails? Satyakam says Imlie doesn’t need any result as she is the best. Mithi walk in and says Imlie will make her dadda proud. Satyakam says he doesn’t mind if Imlie calls her dadda or baba, he always considered her as daughter and will be happy for her always. She says even she will accompany him to meet Imlie. He agrees. Dulari thinks she doesn’t mind if Imlie passes or fails, she just needs sweets.

Imlie opens door hearing door bell. Dev walks in and nervously asks about her results, he came here as Malini said she would feel good, etc. They walk in and see family standing nervously around Adi and asking him to reveal Imlie’s result. Adi stands sadly. Nidhi tell Imlie its okay if she didn’t clear this time. Imlie cry. Malini asks Adi to stop acting and informs that she got 97.8% marks and came 2nd in the whole state. Family rejoices and congratulates Imlie. Nishant says they will enjoy real party now. Dev cry emotionally. Malini consoles him. Imlie asks if he is feeling bad for her as she doesn’t have her father’s name with her, she has her amma, dadda, and others who care for her a lot and he shouldn’t feel bad, etc. Everyone laugh hearing that.
In the kitchen, Sundar prepares jalebis while Aparna, Rupal, and Nidhi help him. Imlie taunts and yells at him as usual. Rupal jokes that Imlie is famous now after coming 2nd in the whole state, etc. Imlie reacts. Sundar asks Imlie to get sugar for him and walking with her gifts her pen with a long emotional speech that he told her that they both are servants of this house, but her story starts where his story ends, she should succeed in life, etc. Imlie thinks everyone are happy with her results and doing something for her, but Adi didn’t even congratulate her; she would have felt good if he had just told that she did good.

Adi signals Imlie to follow him. Rupal asks Imlie to show her jalebi preparing skills. She prepares jalebis and in lieu of picking something silently leaves kitchen, hides seeing Tauji getting out of his room, and reach Adi with great difficulty. Adi apply sindhoor in her hairline.

Aditya apply sindhoor in Imlie’s hairline from Malini’s sindhoor bottle. He tells her that their marriage was in their fate and they can not deny their fate; whenever she needs help, he is always there for her. He hands over sindhoor bottle and says he gave her a right on him today and asks if she will give him a right on her. She says she already gave it and if someone sees them like this, they will find out the truth. He says truth will be out some day, so they should go and inform everyone right now. She says she can not give pain to Malini. Malini returns to her room and gets worried seeing her sindhoor bottle missing. Imlie continues expressing her concern for Malini. Adi asks her not to worry about it, give her time to think and let fate handle rest. She cover her head with veil and walks away holding sindhoor bottle.
Satyakam force feeds sweets to Imlie’s teacher for teaching Imlie and making her come 2nd in the whole state. Teacher says Imlie is very talented. Satyakam says she is right and serves sweet to students. Mithi says Satyakam is looking very happy today and asks Prakash to call Imlie’s in-laws as she wants to thank them for supporting Imlie. Prakash thinks if he calls them, Imlie’s victory will turn into sorrows for Mithi. Satyakam also insists him to call Imlie’s in-laws. He doesn’t and says he missed number. Mithi insists. He walks away saying he will search if he has noted it down somewhere.

Imlie rushes towards her room thinking of cleaning sindhoor from her hairline before someone watches it. She clashes with Malini. Malini seeing sindhoor bottle asks why is she having it and why she has applied sindhoor in her hairline. Aparna and Taiji walk in and asks if she applied sindhoor again, if this is also a ritual for her. Imlie says she prayed Seeta Maiya and applied it. Family gets convinced. Adi feels guilty that Imlie has to lie because of him. They disperse.

Villagers identify Mithi as topper Imlie’s mother and congratulate her. She cries emotionally hearing that. Satyakam asks why is she crying now. Mithi says 19 years ago, same people questioned her character and alleged her daughter as illegitimate child, but same villagers are praising Imlie; village has really changed.

Imlie serves breakfast to everyone. Pankaj says her mother must be happy hearing about her exam results. Imlie starts her jokergiri and blabbers how her dadda must be forcefeeding sweets to everyone. Adi starts nok jhok with her. Tauji says he should be praised for teaching Imlie. Aparna says she should be for oil massaging her scalp. Taiji says Malini should be praised for bringing her books. Dev asks which college will Imlie join. Tauji says Malini’s college is one of top 10 colleges. Malini says Adi doesn’t want Imlie to join her college. Adi says he wants best for Imlie and not 1 of top colleges. Dev says Malini’s college is top class and thinks it would be good if her both daughters are together. Adi argues that let Imlie take her down decision as its her future. Imlie says she will join Malini’s college.

After sometime, Imlie calls Mithi and chats with her. Mithi asks her to say sorry to her in-laws for their support. Imlie says its thank you and not sorry, etc. Satyakam takes receiver and congratulates her. Dev passes by and hears their conversation. Imlie asks if he will not ask why didn’t she come first. He says she came first in whole Pagdandiya. She gives credit of her success to him and says he is more than her father and even her father wouldn’t have taken care of her like he did. Dev feels sad hearing that and thinks if he had supported Mithi from before, Imlie would have praised him instead.

Precap: Malini confronts Adi that he promised to accompany her. He says he needs to cover Imlie’s story. She asks why only he has to cover it. During interview, Imlie’s hairline is shown. Reporters ask if she is married. Imlie agrees. Tripathi family is shocked to know that.

Imlie Air On Star Life from Mondays to Sundays at 9pm 

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