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Aparna imagines Imlie and cries missing her. She gets more sad missing Malini. Pankaj asks what happened. Aparna says she is missing children and hopes something wrong will happen. Pankaj consoles her saying just like birds even children will fly away and will return home soon, she performed her duty of a mother and a MIL and shouldn’t feel sad.

Mithi tells Satyakam that she got happy seeing Adi staying back with Imlie. Satyakam says she is right. Prakash says its Adi’s duty and she need not praise him. Dulari enters and yells that Adi doesn’t love Imlie and they both are just acting, their lamp will blow off as god will not support them. Satyakam warns her, but when she yells at Mith, he raises hand. Mithi stops her and after a long confrontation says lamp will never blow off. Dulari decides to blow it off.

Adi feels drowsy while protecting lamp with Imlie. Imlie asks him to go and rest at home. He says panditji informed to support his wife and he is staying here for her. Their discussion continues. He asks her to return to Delhi with him. She says will not return to Delhi and they can’t think logically always, she thinks trust and belief is everything, she trusts on this mannat and god and believes lamp will protect him from danger; he called her his wife and that matters to her the most; he should return to Malini and fulfill his promise; she doesn’t need anything from him, etc., and goes to get water asking him to protect the lamp as its a symbol of their relationship. Dulari watches them hiding.

Malini holding his and Adi’s wedding reminisces Pankaj and Aparna’s advice on relationship and thinks papa is right that she has also good memories along with bad with this wedding. Adi on the other side thinks he doesn’t believe in mannat and should have same feeling for Imlie like before. He shields lamp and goes to search Imlie. Dulari silently flips off lamp and hides. Adi notices lamp thread on floor and picks it in his hand. Imlie notices Dulari hiding and Adi protecting lamp thread in his hand. Imlie requests Adi to drop off thread as there is no logic in it. Adi says he is just protecting her trust. She pleads him again to drop the thread and think if Adi is doing it for her and brings another lamp. Malini notices wedding photo frame catching fire due to candle nearby and tries to set off fire with her bare hands. Daadi and Mithi rush to her and stop her saying photo is completely burnt and cannot be saved. Malini asks who will decide that its irrepairable, she cannot let it burn completely. Anu realizing her fear thinks she will not leave her in pain and will have to speak to Adi’s family. Imlie applies mud on Adi’s wound. He says it will get injected. She says it will protect his wound and goes to protect lamp. Adi sits thinking why he is so worried about Imlie. Malini continues crying and tells Dadi that she could save photo. Daadi says Malini is right that things can be bought again and not relationships, so they need to protect relationships.
The next morning, Dulari wakes up and panics seeing lamps under her feet. She shouts for help. Imlie asks what was he doing in temple last night. Dulari acts as crying. Imlie says she will not fall for her fake tears and says because of her, Adi’s hand is severely burnt. Dulari yells at her and calls Imlie for help. Imlie rushes to Dulari. Imlie informs what Dulari did last night. Adi enters and says she should respect Dulari’s age and not trouble her. Mithi informs Imlie that her lamp lit for long and it means their relationship will be very long. Imlie gets happy hearing that.

Adi helps Mithi pick lamps from floor. Prakash enters and informs Adi that he had gone to book restaunt for dinner, but its closed and will open tomorrow, so Adi can return to Delhi peacefully and not worry about here. Adi says he knows his responsibilities and to fulfill it. Mithi says he can take them for dinner next time. He says he will go to Delhi after hosting dinner tomorrow and hopes someone’s plan is not spoilt because of his plan change. He asks Mithi to take care of Imlie’s studies. Mithi says Prakash will teach Imlie as he studied in city’s biggest college. Prakash says he is BA pass and is qualified to teach Imlie. Mithi noticing Adi’s expressions thinks he doesn’t like Prakash. Imlie enters and takes Prakash along to teacher’s house. Adi feels jealous.

Anu tells Dadi that she knows Malini is hiding her problem from her. Dadi says she need not worry as when children grow up, they prefer to discuss their issues with siblings and friends than parents. Anu says Malini would have discussed her problem with Dev, but he is not here and she doubts if he went somewhere else than Mumbai, she knows Malini doesn’t like her. Dadi asks why would Malini come here then and says even if children grow, they return to mother in trouble, so she should speak to Malini calmly and listen to her. Malini hearing their conversation thinks she troubled her in-laws and now mom is tensed because of her, she cannot defend Adi now she knows he is wrong and mom is right this time.

Adi gets more jealous seeing Imlie playing with Prakash. Mithi asks her to feed Adi first as he didn’t have anything since morning. Imlie asks why didn’t she give him food. Mithi asks Adi to have food at least now. Adi says he is not hungry and she should feed Imlie and Prakash instead. Mithi sensing the situation takes Prakash away asking Imlie to serve Adi food. Imlie offers Adi food, but he angrily walks away shouting at her that he is not hungry. Imlie thinks why he is scolding him. Adi thinks why he is feeling jealous of Prakash and thinks why didn’t he feel jealous of Malini’s friends. He reminisces Malini informing him about going on a trip with her friends and asking if he is not jealous if she goes with male friends and why he is not possessive. He says he doesn’t mind as he trusts her. Malini insists him to get jealous, but he doesn’t.
Imlie walks to Adi and asks if he has any problem. He asks her not to act and marry Prakash as they are childhood friends and she will not gain anything from his and her relationship as there is nothing left between them, etc. Imlie with teary eyes says he would have ignored her and wouldn’t have held burning lamp thread in his bare hands. He says she is mistaken. She says he always misbehaves with her whenever he gets closer to her thinking about his loyalty towards Malini; he insulted her by talking about her second marriage and takes god’s oath that she never did wrong with anyone and followed all her relationships loyally; he can do whatever he wants, but for her, only he is her husband. Adi stands confused. Dulari hearing their conversation walks to Adi says she knew from before that their relationship was fake and she will inform whole village. Adi tries to stop her and thinks villagers will hurt Imlie if they find out truth. He searches Imlie and rushes out searching her. Dulari gathers villagers and provokes them that Adi is ransacking Imlie. Adi searches Imlie.

Imlie thinks she should concentrate on her studies. She notices Dulari provoking villagers and asks if she is inebriated. Dulari asks if her husband didn’t tell her to marry orphan Prakash. Mithi asks if she is in her senses. Dulari continues shouting. Prakash asks her not to create drama. Dulari slaps him. Mithi asks Imlie to tell that Dulari is lying. Imlie asks why they ask same question repeatedly and doubt her and Adi’s relationship; like any other couple, even they fought and others shouldn’t interfere. Dulari says she is lying. A lady says even she fights with her husband, but her husband never asks her to marry someone else, she should tell if Adi is ransacking her. Adi enters and says Imlie is his wife and he will not tolerate if anyone insults her; he married Imlie under pressure, but he likes living with her and if someone troubles Imlie, he will not spare them; he will always be with Imlie and Nani is lying. A man says Adi is right and they shouldn’t hear Dulari. Prakash asks everyone to go home. Imlie asks everyone to stop and asks why did they believe Adi and not her and pours her heart out. She says why didn’t they listen to her and forced her to marry Adi; she went to city and proudly told everyone that she is from Pagdandiya, but today she hates them and calling herself from Pagdandiya.

Precap: Adi kneels down and says he insulted her many times and she should forgive him for asking her to marry someone else. Imlie wearing Adi’s clothes says she cannot go with him. He laughs seeing her dress.

Imlie Air On Star Life from Mondays to Sundays at 9pm 

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