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Nidhi, Dhruv, Rupal, and Nishant challenge each other and bet money. Elders walk in and ask what is happening. Nishant says they are betting how soon Mrs Chaturvedi will create a drama, so he said 10 minutes and Dhruv said 15 minutes. Nidhi says 10-15 min are too long. Elders scold them. Tauji says Anu has pooja, so she may not create drama for 20 minutes and bets. Aparna scolds him not to encourage children. Malini and Adi walk in ready. Aparna says Malini is looking very pretty and gives Adi a gift to give it to Malini’s parents. Malini says Adi doesn’t like to give or receive gifts, so she will give it to her parents. Imlie enters. Her and Sundar’s nok jhok starts. Aparna stops her. Adi says Imlie serves Chaturvedis a lot, but Anu always insults her. Aparna warns him to respect elders. Adi orders Imlie not to touch Anu’s feet as she doesn’t deserve respect. Malini confronts him. He says already Anu insulted Imlie a lot, even now today she may. Aparna stops him. Malini thinks Adi would have discussed this issue with her alone, but he is insulting mom in front of the whole family instead; he never felt bad about mom’s words earlier. Tauji asks them to stop and attend pooja.

Adi, Malini and Imlie attend pooja at Anu’s house. Pandit ask Adi and Malini to extend their hands and pours holy water on them. Imlie smiles at Adi. Anu notice that. Daadi says she called Panditji from her village and he even does palmistry. Anu says she doesn’t believe in it. Malini says she wants to and asks Panditji to check her and Adi’s palms. Panditji checks their hands and says Adi will marry twice. Anu shuts him up and asks Daadi from where did she call this fraud. Imlie says its all superstition and giving her village parrot card readers’ example apologizes Panditji not to believe him. He says its okay, he doens't mind if they believe him or not. and leaves. Dadi thanks him for coming and says let us all have food. Servants inform Imlie that Anu ordered her to have food with servants. Imlie think Adi is already irked with Anu, so she doesn’t want to create any more issue; she walk away with servants. Malini asks where did Imlie go? Anu says she ordered special bhindi for her. Dev call Imlie. Anu changes topic. Adi fumes and walks away to search for Imlie. Malini follow him.
Imlie sits with servants on the floor and enjoys food. Adi walks to her. She says she sat here with her wish, so he shouldn’t create any issue. He sits on the floor and have food. Malini walks in and asks what is he doing. He ignores her and asks Imlie to sit with him and have food. Imlie says she is happy here and wants to have food with her friends, so he should go and have food with family. Malini sadly thank Imlie for explaining to Adi as he doesn’t listen to her this days and listens only to Imlie after she saved his life. Adi asks her to go and have food with whom she likes. Malini leaves. Adi asks Imlie to start eating and after finishing food thinks he gets Imlie insulted by Anu always, why Dev doesn’t confront Anu for insulting his daughter, he should talk to Dev about it. He walks to Dev and hears him apologizing to Mithi for not following father’s duties 19 years earlier and even now, he is weak and helpless and don’t know what is happening. Adi think if he questions Dev, there would be many questions more and he shouldn’t let anyone question Imlie. Malini walk to him and asks him to accompany her as she needs to talk to him something important. He accompany her and says he can not agree as even she knows what is happening here. She says she is not talking about today or Imlie, she wants to talk about her or else there would be more differences between them, he should tell if she made any mistake. He says she didn’t make any mistake, thinks she was always good and mature; he thought he loves her, but he just liked her and didn’t love her; if he had realized it earlier, he wouldn’t have married her and given her pain, now he can not tell her the truth and give her more pain. Malini requests to break his silence as she wants to know what went wrong between them, he used to call her Moon and is calling her Malini since a few days, he should fight with her but speak what is going on in his mind. She cry hugging him. He reciprocates. She says she just wants to be his moon.

Imlie enters suddenly and stands disheartened. Malini says she should have knocked and come in. Imlie says Anu sent her lassi, so she came here, but didn’t know she is not alone. Malini says its okay, she should knock next time before entering and asks why did she bring lassi instead of servants. Adi says Anu must have ordered her to work. Malini asks Imlie to tell them that she ordered her and asks not to enter her room without knocking. Imlie says she enters everyone’s room at home uninformed. Malini says she shouldn’t even at home and intrigue anyone’s privacy. Imlie apologizes to her and says she will not interfere between them or enter anyone’s room even unknowingly and walk away crying.
Imlie cry reminiscing Malini hugging Adi and think when she want them to be together, then why is she feeling bad. Dev walk to her. She apologize for entering his painting room uninformed. He says its her house and she can go wherever she wants to, if she is crying because of Anu? She says she is crying because of emotion sickness. He laugh. She says when she is feeling what she doesn’t want to, what should she do? Anu ask Malini not to ignore what is in her mind. Malini says Adi thinks she is over thinking. Anu says men can not express their feelings properly, but women shouldn’t hide their intuitions. Imlie tells Dev that she needs to hide truth or else it will ruin many lives. Dev says one shouldn’t be under pressure of truth and its better to reveal it; he says he is bearing pain his whole life after not revealing truth, so she shouldn’t go through same pain. Imlie think whether she should tell truth at this time. Malini tells Anu that she doesn’t want to do that. Anu says she has to to get out truth from Adi.

Adi search for Imlie and thinks she must be crying sitting somewhere in a corner, but how to explain that it was Malini’s truth and not his. Malini walk to him, and he says let us go home. She asks him to go as she will stay back at mom’s house tonight. He says as she wishes. She thinks he never stopped her from staying at mom’s place, but always asked when will she returned. Imlie walks to them. Adi says let us go home. Malini says Imlie will stay with her tonight. Imlie agrees. Adi insists she will not stay here, then says family doesn’t know about it, her books are at home anyways, and Tauji is waiting to teach her. Malini says even she can teach Imlie. Adi says she gave her books to Imlie. Imlie says she will inform Tauji that she will study from tomorrow. Adi insists and says he can not let her stay here as she is his responsibility. Malini asks if she is not his responsibility? He says of course she is and asks not to stretch the issue. Dev thinks Adi is right and even he can not guarantee Imlie won’t be insulted here. He asks Malini to stay back as he needs to chat with her. Malini agrees. Imlie asks when will she come. Malini says she doesn’t know. Adi takes Imlie along and opens car door for her and picks her stuck dupatta. Malini gets more sad noticing that. Anu says she wanted to show Adi’s growing concern for Imlie since long, but she was blindfolded. She says when a person doesn’t mind losing a person, he/she will not desire to keep that person with him/her. Malini stands teary eyed while Adi drives car away.

Adi stops car in signal. Imlie touches car controls. He stops her and says he will teach her later. She notices balloon vendor. He buys balloons. She asks if balloons are for her. He asks if she is a kid and asks her to sit silently while he keeps balloons in car’s dickie. He then stops car midway, buys flowers and gifts, and stopping car again says looks like tyre is punctured and asks her to go and get tyre stepny from dickie. She opens dickie and sees her drawn sketch of their wedding framed in between all bought gifts. He says she wanted this sketch not to get spoiled and ask her to sit. She sits, and he says he wanted to explain that his intimacy with Malini was not true as it was Malini’s truth and not his. She reminisces the incident. He says he knows she is hurt seeing him with Malini. She says she is not. He says he realized his love for her and she is his first wife and not his forced responsibility. She says she doesn’t want to give pain to Malini. He says even he doesn’t want to, but he realized that his 7-year love for Malini was not love at all and when he realized he loves Imlie instead, he wanted to inform Malini, but seeing her past reaction, he fears she will not bear that shock.

Malini tells Dadi that its takes 30 minutes to reach home, but its already 3 hours and Adi didn’t call her at all yet. Dadi asks her to call Adi then. Anu hearing that asks to call on landline and not Adi’s mobile. She does same. Nishant picks call followed by Aparna. She informs Aparna that Adi and Imlie left home 3 hours ago and didn’t even call her back, so she called home to find out if he reached. Aparna asks why didn’t she return with them. She says she stayed back as papa wants to speak to her. Aparna gets worried for Adi. She asks Aparna not to worry as Adi must have been stuck in traffic and disconnects call. Aparna pray to god for Adi and Imlie’s safety. Nishant asks her to stop worrying, he will inform her once Adi returns. Anu asks Malini if Adi reached home.

Precap: Adi applies sindhoor in Imlie’s forehead. Malini notices it and questions her. Malini sees her sindoor box missing. Adi applies sindhoor in Imlie’s hairline. Malini notices it.

Imlie Air On Star Life from Mondays to Sundays at 9pm 

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