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Adi follows Imlie. Imlie asks him to leave. She asks why should she listen to him, he showed his right in front of villagers, but she will not listen to his lie. He holds her and asks what if he is not lying. She says it is also not truth and asks him to go. He kneels down in front of her and says he respects her decision, apologizes to her for insulting her and asking her to marry someone else. Imlie walks away even then and he follows her. She says enough now, he should leave as he will return to Delhi tomorrow. He request her to return to Delhi with him. She says she will stay in hostel even if she comes to Delhi. He says she should return to his house. She says she cannot wear sindhoor and mangalsutra there. He thinks it doesn’t matter to him and says he will not go until she forgives him. She asks what kind of forgiveness, he should ask his heart and spare her. He asks if she really wants him to go? She says yes and walks away.

Daadi prepares malpua for Malini. Malini says she doesn’t feel like having it. Daadi asks reason. Anu asks if she thinks she is having an affair and didn’t call her since 2 days for the same reason. Malini scolds her that she doubted papa before and now doubting Adi, husband and wife fight, but Anu is exaggerating the issue. Anu tells Daadi that she will go to Tripathi’s and confront them as she cannot let her daughter cry for their son.

Adi continues to follow Imlie. Imlie asks him again to leave. He says he will really leave if she says once more. She says bye bye. He thinks he cannot think of leaving her now. Imlie noticing him missing thinks if he really left, she is fine alone anyways. Mithi expresses her concern for Imlie and Adi’s relationship. Saktyakam says now Adi cleared everything, then why she is worried. A villager informs him that Imlie left Pagdandiya and even Adi is not with her. Mithi gets more concerned. A few goons trouble Imlie and misbehave with her. Adi enters and beats them severely warning not to dare misbehave with his wife. Imlie drags him away and goons escape. She sits crying. Adi asks if she is fine, he is with her. She asks till when. Rain starts and they run for shelter. Mithi gets more concerned for Imlie seeing rain. Satyakam says Adi is with her and even god, so she need not worry.
Adi and Imlie reach a house and tell old couple that he and his wife had come out and got stuck in rain. Lady gives them clothes to change. Imlie walks to him after changing her sari. Adi is mesmerized with her beauty and stammers. Imlie says he stays in Delhi and she is from Pagdandiya. Old man ask wife to bring food for them. Lady bring food and tells Imlie that her husband loves her a lot and if they eat together in same place, their love will increase further. Old man says they can sleep in this room and walk away. Imlie says she will sleep on the floor and says she considered rain as her best friend, but it is her biggest enemy and remind of the night because of which they were forcefully married. He apologize to her again. She says it's not about apology, if even then he feels happy with her forgiveness, she will; this drama went on for long and will end from tomorrow and he doesn’t have to follow fake rituals and support her like husband. Adi says he was not acting as her husband. She ask what difference does it make. He says it matters a lot, he felt weird without her presence in his room, so he came here to take her back and followed all the rituals by heart; he just want to see her happy and only she is the one who knows about him so much, she knows how he is bonded in relationships; he was divided between right and wrong till now and now its about love and hatred and he is losing from both sides; he couldn’t become a good husband to neither her nor Malini. He continues pouring out his heart and says if he meets her or not, she should remember that he will remember her always and she made a place in his heart. She promises and gets closer to him. He holds her hand hug her. She reciprocate.

Imlie reach hotel and asks Mithi and Satyakam why didn’t they get into hotel. Mithi is shocked to see Imlie in pant shirt. Hotel manager yells that one more baffoon came and yells to get out of there as their many generations can not pay the bill. Imlie confronts him that they are farmers and labor and don’t take anything for free. Manager continues insulting her and she warns that she will complain against him for racial discrimination. Manager push her away. Adi holds her on time and angrily holds manager’s collar. Manager says it is illegal. Adi says even what he did with villagers is illegal and gives a long speech on farmers’ sacrifice. He tells manager that he has booked a table and orders to set a big table for his family. Villagers happily walk in and sit on chairs. Adi pulls chair for Imlie. Bindiya shows it to Mithi and says jamai babu loves Imlie a lot.

Dev heads towards Pagdandiya thinking how will Imlie react when she find out that he is her father and what will Mithi say? He thinks he just needs their forgiveness even if they read bad.

Villagers try to eat with fork seeing other customers. Adi notice that eats with his hand. Bindiya asks why is he eating with his hand. He says he doesn’t feel like having food until he eats with hand. Mithi asks Satyakam why didn’t Prakash come yet? Satyakam goes aside to call him and Mithi walk along. Adi asks what are they doing for so long? Dulari comments they always go together and don’t know what they do. Imlie mimics her and frightens her. Satyakam calls Prakash. Mithi says Adi may not like Prakash as he is jealous of him and feels Prakash loves Imlie. Satyakam says he didn’t realize Prakash’s love for Imlie earlier or else he would have gotten him married to Imlie. She ask why is he saying that. He says even he is suffering and she is also suffering. She asks him to stop. He says they both would have been happy if he had expressed his love for her on time and city monster/Dev wouldn’t have interfered between them.
Dev stop car at hotel. Adi walks out searching for Mithi and Imlie. Someone kindap Dev. Adi finds Mithi and asks where are Satyakam and Prakash. She wipes her tears and says they must be coming. He asks if manager insulted her again? She says no, she is happy seeing Imlie happy with him and pours her heart out that she doesn’t want Imlie to live an insulting life and hence makes sure Imlie is educated, she is thankful to him for accepting Imlie even after so much happened. Adi ask her not thank him and call him Adi instead of jamai babu. She ask him to call her amma. Adi reminisces Anu warning him dare to not call her mummy ji. Adi get more emotional.

Aparna informs family that Anu must be coming any time to confront them regarding Adi’s behavior towards Malini. Tauji feel disappointed with Adi. Aparna says she asked Malini to return home and hopes she does. Pankaj also gets angry on Adi. Nishant asks them not to get angry on Adi as he trusts his brother. Door bell rings. Aparna says Anu must have come.

Villager get confused seeing finger bowl and asks Imlie to tell what it is as she must have gone to restaurant in city many times. Imlie nervously says she knows and its for digestion. They squeeze lemon in water and are about to drink when Adi stop them. They say they are having lemon water for digestion like city people as Imlie taught them. Dulari asks if Imlie lied to them? Adi says Imlie is right and drinks lemon juice with them winking at Imlie. Bindiya asks where are Mithi and Satyakam. He says they are coming, he just spoke to Amma. Imlie gets more impressed. Mithi search for Satyakam and asks security guard if he saw Satayakam. Guard says no. She hopes Satyakam doesn’t do any mistake in anger.

Satyakam drags Dev to jungle. Dev says he is doing a mistake as he is not from here. Satyakam says he did mistake years ago. Dev says he came here to meet his family and offers him money. Satyakam asks if he wants to meet Mithi or Imlie? Dev asks how does he know them? Satyakam angrily strangulates him saying city men like him make mistakes for their pleasure and live innocent girls pregnant alone. Dev remembers seeing Satyakam with Mithi and think he is Mithi’s friend. Satyakam drag him into jungle. Prakash passes by and notice them thinks Dadda must be dragging a police informer, he should go and inform his team. He reach restaurant and informs Satyakam’s men. Adi accompany them.

Precap: Mithi stops Satyakam from harming Dev. Satyakam says he will not spare Dev and tries to shoot him. She slaps him and says he cannot kill Dev as Dev is Imlie’s father. Adi hears that. Dev tells Mithi that Imlie has a sister and he came here because of her in-laws. Adi thinks the truth he was hiding till now will be out.

Imlie Air On Star Life from Mondays to Sundays at 9pm 

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