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Aditya continues his emotional chat with Imlie and says if he doesn’t give pain to Malini’s heart, he can not live in peace. Imlie says he shouldn’t give pain to Malini’s heart. Adi says he has to if they both need to live peacefully and asks if she wants him to stay with Malini instead of her, if she doesn’t love him? She nods she doesn’t. He says then she wouldn’t have saved him and made their wedding sketch. She says she never wants to give pain to Malini. He says he can not stay happily with Malini, so let us finish tea and continue the drama.

Nishant opens door hearing door bell and seeing Adi and Imlie asks why they are late. Adi sends Imlie in and asks how does he know they are late? Nishant says bhabhi called and informed that he left 3 hours ago, he asks why is he troubling Malini, lying to her and whole family, and what is going in his life that he doesn’t want to discuss about it even with him? Adi says some things can not be reversed and same thing happened between him and Pallavi. Nishant says nothing happened between him and Pallavi, he is not talking about his past but Adi’s present and future as god makes jodis and whatever Adi is doing is wrong. Adi says he is supporting a person whom god selected for him and walk away.

Anu fumes on Malini that she is still supporting Adi who is with a maid since 3 hours. Daadi ask her to stop as parents should lessen children’s problems. Malini says Adi is stuck in traffic and she will question him once she reach home. Anu says even she is waiting for answers from Dev since 20 years and walks away fuming. Malini asks Daadi if she should follow Anu’s advice? Dadi reminds her about childhood incidents where she used to take her own decisions and says Anu didn’t like Adi from the beginning and was against her marriage, now Malini herself should take her decision like before. Malini says she doesn’t know as Adi is not same like before, he lied to her that he went to Jamshedpur and instead went somewhere else, he didn’t like her going to his office, etc., and she has many questions in her mind and Adi doesn’t want to even speak to her properly. Daadi says she doesn’t know what is going on in Adi’s mind, but she feels they should take their relationship ahead and think of expanding their family. Malini says she can not think of a baby in this situation. Daadi says parents forget their differences and concentrate on baby, so even they should.

Prakash takes Mithi to Satyakam. Satyakam asks why did he come here and asks him to go back if he doesn’t have any work with him. Mithi requests to forgive and talk to her. He asks why should her? She asks if he will not hear about Imlie? He, reminiscing Mithi slapping him and warning that Dev is Imlie’s father and only he has right to think about her, he says why should he bother about someone else’s daughter and asks her to leave. She continues pleading to forgive hier and return home or else she will inform Imlie. He asks her to inform the whole truth to Imlie first and asks Prakash to take her away from here and never bring her here again.

Back at Tripathi's House, Rupal cry singing Tere Bina Zindagi Se koi Shikwa To nahi…song and plays sitar. Family walks to her. Imlie cry hearing her song while Adi stands in his room. After she finish singing, family clap for her and Nishant says he was missing her songs. Taiji asks Rupal if she is fine? Nidhi says Rupal will cry now. Taiji says she will not let her cry and will prepare her favorite halwa. Tauji says he will bring her toffees. Dhruv and Nishant reminisce their childhood incidents and cheer her up. Once family leaves, Rupal sees Imlie crying and asks what happened. Imlie says she gets emotional hearing her song. Rupal thinks why she cry as if even she is in pain. Imlie thinks their pain is same, they get alone when their husband leaves them, then thinks even Malini must be feeling same and pray to god to control her emotion sickness.
Power goes off. Nidhi lights candles and asks Imlie to go and keep one in Adi’s room. Imlie resists, but Nidhi gives her candle and leaves. Imlie thinks she can not go into Adi’s room alone and asks Sundar to keep candle in Adi’s room. Sundar says she is not his boss to obey her orders and ask her to do her job herself. Imlie walks into Adi’s room and seeing Adi holding his head jokes and try to leave. He holds her hand and asks what if he gets afraid in the dark. He asks if she is calling Pagdandiya’s trouble near her. He gets intimate and says he is calling her and makes her sit on the bed. She sits shyingly. He asks why did she cry hearing Rupal’s song. She says he is like a sun to her which fills light every morning and sets at night, she lived her whole life with him when she spent 3 days with him in Pagdandiya and doesn’t want to hold him back. He asks if he should drown in ocean. She says sun doesn’t drown and rises again. He holds her hand and says his mother, dadda, and whole village would be proud of her. Malini return home.

Malini returns to Trapathi House and seeing lights off switches on mobile torch. Adi makes Imlie sit next to him and asks about her exam. She says she feels tensed thinking about it. He holds her hand and ask her not to think about what is not in her hands and think about his amma and dadda. She shivers with his feeling. She says she is shivering even now. Malini walks towards her room thinking Adi’s problems are not bigger than her over for him, so he has to discuss his problems with her. Nidhi sees her and says she should have been here yesterday itself. Imlie nervously tells Adi that she is feeling hot and needs water. He goes to brings water for her and asks not to think much as everything will be alright. Imlie leaves. Malini says everything will be alright. Adi notice her thinks Imlie must have left before Malini entered. Imlie walks thinking why she feels so good with Adi’s touch, if she is having emotion sickness. Nidhi seeing her says she gave candles to keep in Adi’s room, so Imlie’s help is not needed. Imlie feels sad hearing that.
Adi confronts Malini for calling landline. Malini says she was worried for him, so she called landline. He says calling landline must not be her idea. She says what could she do when she is confused, so she took mom’s advice and insists him to speak to her and clear what is in his mind. He says let us talk tomorrow and sleeps ignoring her. She thinks she needs to clear all the differences somehow.

Imlie pray to god with loud bell disturbing Tauji and the whole family. Rupal informs Taiji and Aparna that Imlie’s exam results are at 4 a.m., so she is praying loudly and not letting anyone sleep. the whole family gathers. Imlie’s drama continue, she asks everyone to pray for her eesults. Tauji says some dumb person must have taught her, so she is not confident. Adi hopes Imlie gets good marks as he taught her. Imlie blames Tauji’s teaching and says if she gets less marks, he would be responsible. Everyone laugh hearing her and ask to continue her pooja. Nishant asks not to chant loudly. Imlie agrees and her drama continues with loud bell and shank. Family support her while Adi clicks her pics. Malini walks to him and asks to join them. He asks to go and enjoy family drama. She thinks he didn’t show any pic.

After pooja, Taiji says let us have food and asks Imlie’s favorite food. Imlie says kadhi chawal. Tauji says he and Pankaj are expert in preparing kadhi chawal and asks children how was kadhi chawal 15 years ago. They start joking how spicy it was. Adi says he wil hlep Pankaj and Tauji in the kitchen. Tauji says he doens’t need anyone’s help and walks into kitchen with Pankaj and Adi. Family drama continues.

Satyakam returns to Mithi and Prakash to receive Imlie’s exam results. Mithi says she will go alone. Satyakam says he will be supporting Imlie always. Mithi says Imlie could study because of his support. Satyakam gives credit to Adi.

Adi with Tauji and Pankaj serves kadhi chawal to family. Aparna says its too spicy. Pankaj and Tauji blame Adi and ask him to do reporting and not cooking. Adi apologizes and says he must have made a mistake.

Precap: Malini finds he sindhoor box mixing. Adi applies sindhoor in Imlie’s hairline. Malini sees Imlie’s hairline and asks who applied sindhoor to her. Malini finds sidhoor in Imlie’s hairline and quesgtions about it. Aparna and Taiji join her.

Imlie Air On Star Life from Mondays to Sundays at 9pm 

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