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Imlie’s classmate think of ragging her. Imlie enters class room. One classmate says principal will take lecture himself and they need to be careful as principal will kick them out of college even if they make a small mistake. Imlie reminisces hitting principal and then apologizing. Another classmate says they should hope that they are not kicked out of college. Imlie worried asks why should they be expelled. Another classmate says Imlie has come far from village for studies, so she is worried. Another classmate says they should help Imlie correct her language. Imlie says she made a mistake yesterday and doesn’t want to repeat it, so she will offer flower to principal. One suggests her to offer flower by kneeling down. Imlie says this is weird. One says let principal get angry on her. Imlie says she doesn’t want to bear principal’s wrath, so they should help her. Principal comes, and all student hurriedly take their seat. He starts class. Imlie nervously walks to him and kneeling down in a proposing position offers him flower. Principal asks what does she think she is doing, is it funny. She apologize to him. He says she didn’t expect it from her and walks away. Imlie slips and falls rushing behind him. All students laugh. She warns them to shut up and leaves class.

Malini thanks her colleague over phone to cover her lecture. Nishant walks in. She asks him to sit and asks if he wants tea, coffee, or snacks. He says he is fine and just came to talk to her. She says if he came to take her back, she will not. He says he should consider her as a friend and not BIL and discuss his problem with her as Adi didn’t while he used to never hide his problems with him. She says he never hid his problems even from her before, but don’t know how things changed suddenly; now she thinks their relationship was good in the past and there is nothing left in their marriage now. 

Dev meets Tripathis and says his daughter returned home for the second time and he wants to know what really happened. Nishant tells Malini they should speak. Malini asks why don’t everyone question Adi instead of her, he is hiding something and doesn’t want to discuss it with her or anyone. He says he wants to discuss one thing and nervously asks if she thinks there is someone else in Aditya’s life? She walks aback and says she doesn’t want to get this doubt in her mind, her mom always warned her, but she wants this doubt to be false.

Pankaj tells Dev that his concern is valid, soon they will clear Adi and Malini’s differences and will bring Malini home soon. Daadi asks how as she sees only Malini compromising and not Adi, they are not questioning Adi at all. Adi walks in and greeting Daadi asks how is Malini. She says he can ask it to Malini over phone. He says its Malini’s decision to take a break for a few days. Dev asks why they need break when they didn’t in 7 years, what happened between them. Adi says its his and Malini’s problem, why have they set up a conference here. Pankaj warns him to behave. Aparna says if he had spoken to Malini and cleared this difference, then they wouldn’t have set up this conference. Dev says since Malini chose Adi, he supported them; Anu insulted him and he apologized Adi on Anu’s behalf; he cannot see Malini’s pain and Adi is the only reason for her pain; he says Malini loves him immensely and he should value her. Adi thinks he values Malini a lot as she also gave her 7 years for this relationship, he wants to tell truth to Malini, but something or other stops him. Dev says Malini doesn’t deserve Adi’s silence. Adi says he knows and needs 2 days to sort things out.
Nishant returns thome. Aparna asks what did Malini say. He says Malini denied to come as Adi didnt even call her once. He asks Adi what problem he has, why didn’t he speak to bhabhi. Taiji says Adi is habituated to trouble them. Tauji says why he is behaving like this. Aparna says Malini doesn’t have problem with family as she has mingled with them well, problem is between Adi and Malini. Pankaj says don’t know what problem Adi has. Tauji says Malini went home crying, don’t know what is going in Adi’s mind. Imlie hearing their conversation apologizes Adi in her mind. Adi says he is getting late for office. Tauji stop him and says he never advised him till now as he thought he is more mature than other kids, was he wrong? Pankaj says marriage is not a joke and its his duty to keep Malini happy. Aparna says when he fulfilled his responsibilities till now, then what happened suddenly? Adi asks if they all want to hear the truth, even he want to reveal it; first truth is he is at mistake and not Malini, he is unable to follow his responsibilities towards Malini as he carried someone else’s responsibility before that. Aparna asks whose responsibility? He says Imlie’s, Imlie is his first wife and not Malini. Family is shocked to hear that. Adi continues that he married Imlie and they should listen to him before reacting, he wanted to explain to Aparna that day that he was forcefully married to Imlie in Pagdandiya at gunpoint without their wish; he realized after 7 years that he doesn’t love Malini and wants to give Imlie her right as he loves Imlie instead. Aparna angrily calls Imlie. Imlie walks to them. Tauji says he let her inside house without knowing who she is, fed and taught her, even then she betrayed them. Adi try to interfere. Pankaj warns him to shut up. Tauji says they considered her as their daughter, but didn’t know she was dreaming to become their bahu. Imlie says its not true. Nidhi warns her to stop justifying herself, they should have realized long ago when Imlie tried to make relationships with them, they loved her so much and she betrayed them. Adi says its not Imlie’s mistake. Taiji asks how can she think she can be their bahu? Imlie says she doesn’t want to. Aparna asks why she wants to ruin Adi’s life, they gave her place in their house and life, and she proved that people like her can not be trusted. Adi says he didn’t want to reveal the truth to them for the same reason, what happened to them. Aparna collapses. Family rushes to her. Imlie rushes next. Pankaj push her away and warn her not to dare touch Aparna, she betrayed them for their blind trust on her, Anu was right regarding her. Tauji says they can not tolerate this betrayer and orders her to get out of their house. Adi says there is no need for that. Rupali asks Tauji to listen to Imlie once. Nidhi says papa is doing right. Tauji orders Imlie again to get out of this house. Imlie gets out of her imagination and pray to Seeta Maiya that she doesn’t want this bad dream to be real as she needs this family.

Aparna asks Aditya why is Malini angry with him. He says its his and Malini’s problem and until he informs Malini and sorts out issue with her, he can not inform them anything. Aparna says this house is also Malini’s and if Malini doesn’t return home, she will do whatever he is doing to Malini to him. Taiji asks not to say that. Aparna walks away saying Adi is doing whatever he wants, but she can not let that happen. Adi calls her to come back. Pankaj warns Adi that he will not let him do whatever he is doing to Malini to his mother as he can not see his wife in pain, this is his warning and not suggestion. Nishant tells Adi that he is doing wrong with Malini without seeing her condition. Dhruv asks Adi to speak to Malini once. Aditya (with same expressionless face for all emotions) says if he goes and informs Malini what he wants to, she will not come home at all. He walks away ignoring them. Nishant thinks what he wants to say that Malini will not return home and reminisces Imlie and Adi’s growing proximity.

Dev and Daadi return home. Malini asks why did they go to Adi’s house. They say they want to sort things out. Malini says Adi lied since Imlie saved his life and then he left somewhere lying that he went to Jamshedpur, reminiscing enquiring Adi’s boss. Dev asks why did Adi lie, if she didn’t question him. She says she tried her best to question him, but he always gets angry with her. Daadi asks if his misbehavior only with her or others also. She reminisces Adi being happy when he is only around Imlie and thinks he was always tensed except when he was around Imlie and further reminisces Adi obeying Imlie and having medicines. she sits down shattered. Dev asks what happened, Daadi says she just asked when she was happy with Adi last time. Malini says Adi is happy even now and problems between her and Adi started since Imlie entered their life. Dev is shocked to hear that. Malini says she realized her answers finally that Adi cares for Imlie and not her and be happy with Imlie and not her. Dev says this is because of Anu’s brainwashing. Malini says maa was always right and even she can see it now. She walks away shocked thinking Adi is ignoring and doing injustice to her because of Imlie.
Daadi tells Dev that situation has gone out of control. Dev says he wanted his both daughters stay under same roof happily, but Anu’s brainwashing has sown a seed of doubt in Malini’s mind. Daadi says Adi is not completely wrong. He says its his mistake that he didn’t stand up for Mithi and Imlie before, else Anu wouldn’t have spent life with bitterness and Malini wouldn’t have tought wrong.

During breakfast, Rupali tells Tauji and Pankaj that she prepared their favorite dish. They say they are full. She then asks Nishant to check it. He says even he doesn’t want to. She says she will show it then and shows news paper. Tauji asks if she cooked news paper. She shows Imlie’s photo in newspaper and says there is full page article regarding Imlie. Taiji with Aparna joins them and says if things were normal at home, they would have celebrated. Rupali asks if other’s sorrows are more important than Imlie’s happiness, if they had done same with her, Malini has just gone to her parent’s house after a fight and they are giving so much importance to her. Aparna warns her not to say that. Nishant says they should celebrate with cool dude/Imlie and inform her about this news as she must not be knowing about it. Pankaj reads article and informs that Adi wrote this article. He continues reading it in detail. Family rejoices hearing that. Landline rings. Aparna picks hone and smilingly says she will come for sure. She informs family that minister wants to present award for 3 topper students, so Imlie is invited. Rupali gets excited that Imlie will receive an award.

They show article to Imlie and congratulate her that a whole page article is printed in her name. She thanks him and asks if they spoke to Malini, when will she return home. Adi enters and says tonight, he will speak to Malini tonight and orders her to concentrate on her celebration as it is not her problem, the whole country will congratulate and praise her, she should thank Seeta Maiya that her dadda and amma’s dream has come true and she has brightened Pagdandiya’s name in the whole world, etc. Imlie smiles. Pankaj says kid smiled at last. Nishant asks if she will take them for award function. Aparna says they are all invited and Imlie should call her amma as she will be happy seeing her receiving award. Adi says maa is right. Imlie thinks what is Adi saying, already there are many problems and she doesn’t want to increase them by calling her amma here. She says she will not call amma here as she has her whole fmaily here. They get happy hearing that.

Malini reads article in detail and thinks Adi wrote it so beautifully, even she knows Imlie, but according to Adi, Imlie is perfect and she is not; if Imlie is light, she is darkness; she is lost in darkness. She picks her and Adi’s photo and says Adi can touch his happiness; if darkness leaves, light enters. She keeps Adi and Imlie’s photo together and says Adi removed her from his heart, she just needs his love, he is not bothered about her at all.

Precap: Imlie goes to meet Malini and is shocked to see her already attempted suicide by cutting her wrist and shouts Malini didi…  Imlie gives her blood to Malini while she is being operated. Malini’s condition deteriorates.

Imlie Air On Star Life from Mondays to Sundays at 9pm 

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