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Bunty’s goons kidnap Aditya and bring him to Bunty’s hideout. Adi says Bunty is hiding, they should tell him that his news is already out and he can not escape. Goons trash him. He says a Hindustani journalist’s life can not be lost so easily. Goons ask who is coming to save him and continue trashing him. Imlie brings police to the kidnapping venue. Police question chat vendor who is shot, but he doesn’t say anything. Inspector says nobody is ready to give evidence. Imile says she will, but inspector ignores her and asks constable to shoo her away. She picks inspector’s gun and points at him. Inspector says she is a kid and will not do anything. Imlie points gun at herself and requests to listen to her. Inspector agrees. Imlie says journalist Aditya Tripathi is kidnapped for writing articles regarding bridge collapse. Inspector says he knows, what next. She informs Van’s number in which Adi was kidnapped. Inspector asks if she is sure. She says yes. He asks constables to track the van via CCTV cameras, they will nab the culprits soon. Imlie requests to take her along. Inspector agrees and says he will drop her down if he finds any danger and asks who is she to Aditya. She reminisces marrying him, but says she is his servant. He says being a servant she is so much worried than family members.
Malini knocks Aparna’s room door and says Adi said he would reach home in 10 minutes, but hasn’t yet. Family gathers, and Tauji asks not to worry as they will call him and find out where he is. Pankaj tries Adi’s number in vain. Dhruv says even editor doesn’t know where he is. Nidhi suggests to file police complaint. Tauji says police will not take missing complaint before 24 hours. Malini says she will inform Dev to seek his police friends’ help.

Goons continue to trash Adi. Adi frees himself and fights with goons bravely getting severely injured. Bunty return pointing gun at him says if he wanted to become a hero, he shouldn’t have come in Buntys’ way. Aide informs that contractor Tripath Singh is caught, so Bunty should escape from here soon. Bunty says not before finishing his task.

Malini calls Dev and informs that Adi’s story is printed, but he is missing since last night, so he should call his police friends and request for help. Anu starts yelling that Adi is a fool and is putting even Malini’s life in danger. He asks her to shut up and speaks to his friend over phone. Dhruv informs family that editor has spread Adi’s missing news. 

Bunty shoots, and Adi falls down. Imlie reaches with police and stands shocked. Police shoot Bunty instead and help Adi. Butti runs from there. Adi searches her. Imlie comes out and stands crying praying god to protect Adi. She hides seeing police bringing goons and then injured Adi. Inspector asks where is the girl who came with them. Adi ask what did Imlie do. Inspector says Imlie helped them. Adi thinks why did Imlie fall in this, she should have been at home. Police get Adi into jeep. Imlie notices him via mirror and walks away while jeep goes in opposite direction. Serial’s title track plays in the background.

Police get Adi treated and bring him home. Family rush to him worried and take him to room. Inspector informs how Imlie saved Adi. Tauji asks how can this happen as Imlie is at home. Rupal says she is not at home. Dhruv asks to go and check her room. Adi thinks how to tell them that he saw Imlie in goon’s den and is missing since morning. Sundar informs that Imlie is not in her room, he found a gold chain, and even her bag is missing. Pankaj requests inspector to search for Imlie. Adi reminisces Imlie informing him about going away from him. Imlie reaches bus stand and asks conductor about Pagdandiya bus. He says bus will come in 30 minutes. She thinks she will go away from Adi and his family and will not trouble them anymore.
Adi tells Malini that he doesn’t know what is happening with them, an accident with her a few days ago and now this accident. She asks him not to think much and rest. He hears Dhruv informing Pakaj that he searched for Imlie everywhere and didn’t find her and Pankaj says where did this girl go with her bag. He reminisces Imlie rescuing him from goons and then running away says he needs to search for Imlie. She says others are searching for her. He says he would have died if she hadn’t saved him, he knows where she must have gone. She asks where and she will also accompany him. He says bus stand. He, Malini, and Dhruv reach bus stand and search for Imlie showing her pic to everyone. Malini gets more tensed, calls Dev and informs that they are at bus stand and she is not yet found, what if people involved in bridge collapse case harm her. He asks her not to worry as he will use all his contacts to find Imlie. She asks him to call her if he finds Imlie’s clue. He agrees and disconnects call. Anu says he doesn’t like her rich friends, then why is he pleading with them to find a servant Imlie; Imlie must have escaped as she got bored of household work. Dev says Imlie will never do that as she considers Tripathi family as her family. Anu says he is absolutely right, Imlie was getting very close to Adi and his family and good she left, its better she stays away from Adi and Malini. He says shut up, if she can’t help, she shouldn’t taunt. She hopes Imlie doesn’t return in her daughter’s life again.

Adi and Malini continue to search for Imlie. He finds her in a bus and gets on it, but she hides under seat. He walks to her and asks to come along. She says she doesn’t want to stay with him. He asks what does she mean? She says just wanted a promise from him that he will not stop her when she leaves him, then why did he come. He says he never asked her to leave any time. She says he wished it and always feared their truth will be out someday; if he feels only he is hurt and in pain, even she is in pain and fears that she will speak her heart out. He says they will find some way, so she should return home. She says there is no use of it, she saved his life and cleared her debt by doing what he did for her, now their relationship has ended and he can go. He pleads. She says he should be happy that he is getting free from his responsibility; he always wanted her to go away from his life, then why did he come here. Passengers ask conductor to check what is happening. Adi reminisces Anu’s bitter words and his words that he wants her to study well, get independent, and marry someone else and leaves her bag. Bag falls down. Imlie acts as picking it and touches his feet. He walks out of bus looking at her. Malini walks to him and asks if he found Imlie. He says no. She says even she didn’t find her, where she must have gone. He sees Imlie’s bus going and thinks Imlie was right that why he was trying to stop her, he should be happy to free himself, then why he is not happy?

Adi drives car towards home reminiscing Imlie’s word. Malini says where must she have gone, Dhruv and Nishant are searching for her and hope they find her. She sees Adi engrasped in thoughts and asks if he fine? He nods yes. She says she will call papa. Adi continuing to remember Imlie’s words doesn’t notice a speed bus in opposite direction. Malini diverts steering on time and escapes accident, asks if he is fine and takes driver’s seat.

At home, Aparna asks Sundar to check Imlie’s room and asks if she left something, if he knows about her, etc. He says no. Tauji hopes she doesn’t get into trouble. Aparna says she must have gone on a mission in Pagdandiya style and will return soon. Sundar says she has left with all her belongings and will not return. Adi with Malini returns. Aparna asks Adi to call Imlie’s mother. Malini asks what will they tell Imlie’s mother, they can’t say that their daughter is missing. Adi thinks how to tell them that Imlie has gone back, why he is feeling bad when he wanted her to go.

Imlie looks at her sindhoor bottle and thinks she will not return to him and will remember him staying away from him. She apply sindhoor on her forehead reminiscing marrying him and holds mangalsutra. Conductor walks to her, and she asks her for Pagdandiya ticket. He asks 150 rs. She says its 50 rs. He says its not a cheap bus where she comes on its roof, she should give money or else get down. She says she doesn’t have money. He asks to give her mangalsutra then. She asks how can he ask mangalsutra from a married woman. He insists to give mangalsutra. She gets angry. Driver stops bus and says it broke down. Imlie thinks she hasn’t left Delhi yet and family may find her again.

Precap: Imlie tells driver that she can repair bus. Policemen search her. She hides her faced with dupatta. Adi reaches Pagdandiya and thinks he will return home only after taking her. She sees him and runs to him happily. A snake bites hi and he falls down.

Imlie Air On Star Life from Mondays to Sundays at 9pm 

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