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Malini pleads Adi to remember when he spoke to her with love and touched her last time. He doesn’t reciprocate. She asks why is he rejecting her. He pushes her away and says he is not rejecting her, he gave her 7 years. Imlie hearing their conversation drops breakfast tray. Adi hearing sound rushes to her and scolds her for working even after his warning. Malini also rushes to her and asks why is she crying, if she is hurt. Imlie says how to tell where she is hurt and says she got hand sprain. Malini goes to get balm for her. Adi scolds Imlie to fill her college application form herself and become self-reliant. She says she will bring another breakfast. He says he doesn’t want to have breakfast. She walks away. He thinks he doesn’t want to betray anyone.

Imlie gets ready for college. Family helps her with bag and praise her hair style. Tauji checks form and asks Nishant to finish all formalities properly. Nishant says he already saw formalities online. Taiji asks to feed Imlie something on the way. Pankaj asks to bring her book list. Imlie says she is not a kid and they need not worry. They all wish her all the best. She thinks why didn’t Adi come to wish her yet while he wanted to drop her to college earlier and sees him watching her from a distance. Nishant drives car away. In the evening, Adi returns home from office and asks Imlie admission formalities went well. She nods yes. He asks why is she not talking to him and why didn’t she wait for him to take her for admission. She says he shouldn’t bother when it already happened. He says he knows she felt jealous seeing him with Malini, but he didn’t even touch Malini; she should be assured that he loves only her and not Malini and if she understands his words. She says she can and thinks she needs to stay away from him and Malini. He asks her to tell if she trusts him. She walks away saying as he says. Aparna walks to him and asks what is he doing on terrace, if he is searching Malini. He nervously nods yes. She says Malini is in her room.

Devi shows new phone which he bought for Imlie and says his daughter will go to college with new phone. He finds box empty and asks servant. Servant gives him broken phone and says Anu madam broke it and asked to give it to him. Dev feels sad that he cannot gift a phone to his daughter. Daadi asks him to pray that Imlie grows so big that she doesn’t need anyone’s help.

During dinner, Tauji asks Imlie how was her first day in college. Malini says principal personally greeted Imlie. Imlie blabbers as usual. Nishant describes how she went mad seeing college library. Adi gets jealous seeing their conversation and asks Imlie to serve him bhindi. Imlie asks Sundar to serve him and walks away to kitchen. Adi acting as getting boss’ call and says he will come in 2 minutes. Malini and family insist to have food first, but he walks away. Imlie reminiscing Malini’s warning to knock her room door first and then enter and thinks she shouldn’t interfere between Adi and Malini. Adi enters saying even god cannot help her if she ignores her feelings for him. She asks him to go. He says he is also tensed like she is. She says she cannot betray Malini. He says she is stuck at the same place. Nishant walks in to call Imlie and seeing Adi asks what is he doing here. They both nervously say let us go and have dinner. Nishant doubts that there is something going on between them and questions Adi. Adi changes the topic and walks away.

In Pagdandiya, Mithi’s friend Bindiya asks her about Satyakam and Imlie. Mithi says Imlie is studying well and will become a big officer. Bindiya hopes so.

Malini in the morning checks Adi’s forehead. He asks her not to. She says he was changing positions whole night and is having fever, if something is bothering her. He says no. She says she will stay back and take care of him. He asks her to go to her work. She offers him medicine. He says he doesn’t take medicine and let him rest. She asks him to take medicine when needed and leaves. He thinks he didn’t know love would give so much pain, he needs to set things right. Malini informs Aparna that Adi is having fever and doesn’t want to have medicine, he scolded her when got concerned and asked him to go to her work. Taiji says Adi is very arrogant. Malini asks Aparna to give Adi medicine and leaves greeting bye to Imlie. Imlie walks to Adi’s room and stands out concerned for him. She steps in, but seeing Adi looking at her backs off. Adi thinks everyone came except Imlie, doesn’t Imlie really want to meet him. Imlie prepares herbal decoction/kadha for Adi. Aparna says Adi will never have it. Imlie asks Sundar to go and give kadha to Adi. Sundar asks her to give it herself. Aparna also insists saying nobody will dare enter tiger’s den and will not scold her. Imlie walks towards Adi’s room holding kadha.

Imlie walks to Adi with kadha/herbal decoction. He says he doesn’t want to have it and shouts at her not to trouble him. She says as he wishes. He says his wish doesn’t matter to anyone, he has given application in office to shift to Mumbai, but the right solution is to inform Malini everything which she will not let him do; he cannot see her suffer and cannot suffer himself, so he will shift to Mumbai. She cannot go away from Malini. He says he also cannot hide truth from Malini. She says she wants him to be with Malini as even after doing right thing in life, she cannot sleep peacefully. He says that’s because her decision is wrong. She says she cannot give pain to Malini and requests him repeatedly to have kadha. He sips and says its very bitter, so he will not have it. She says its not bitter than his words. He sips some more and takes medicine from her hands. Malini returns and says finally he took medicine. He asks why did she come so early. She says she thought her husband needs her, but good someone is taking care of him. She asks how is he now. He says he is fine. She says medicine will cure anyone and asks why didn’t he take medicine in the morning. He says he didn’t feel then. She angrily asks Imlie why is she still standing here, she should also learn manners along with studies not to interfere between couples. Imlie nervously says sorry. Adi hopes she doesn’t speak so rudely to her students as her behavior reminds him of Delhi high society ladies.

Mithi performs pooja for Imlie. Inebriated Prakash walks in. Mithi says she prepared ladus for him. He says how couldn’t he come when she kept pooja for Imlie. Mithi says she prayed for Imlie’s studies and her husband’s support whole life. Prakash laughs. Mithi realizes he is inebriated and scolds him. He says he drank to forget something. She insists to tell what is bothering him. He asks to think about her daughter and SIL and not bother about him. She makes him sit and says she knows he doesn’t like Adi, but Adi is a good man. He says Adi is a betrayer. She insists to tell if Imlie is fine. He reveals that Adi has 2 wives and he kept the woman he loved at home as wife and not Imlie.
Malini feels guilty for speaking rudely with Imlie and prays god that since childhood she saw her parents fighting, so she married her best friend thinking they will trust each other and be together forever; everything was fine till 7 years, but now Adi doesn’t even want to talk to her properly; the way she misbehaved with Adi and Imlie, there is not difference between her and her mother; how is mom at fault and how is she at fault; if she continues having a doubt like her mom, she cannot love her husband; she wants to spend life with Adi, her marriage will not be like her parents’, she will also change if Adi has changed and will fight for her love and marriage. She continues pouring her heart out.

Prakash tells Mithi that he cannot see Imlie in pain and didn’t want to inform her about it. She pushes him away and confronts god that she didn’t listen to a mother’s plea and cries pouring her heart out. At home, Imlie gets ready for college and practices how to introduce herself to teachers and students and how she will confront raggers in college. Tripathi family seeing her drama laugh that she is so funny. Aparna says practicing is good. Imlie says she is nervous as she is going to city’s one of best college. Tauji says et us practice and teaches Imlie how to behave in college. Adi walks down and informs that he is going to office and will drop Imlie to college on the way. Dhruv offers his car keys. Adi walks out asking Imlie to come out soon as they are getting late. Family wishes her all the best. Adi scolds Imlie that she is getting late, makes her sit in front seat next to him and offers his watch to check time. She says its his watch and she will feel like sharing his time with her.
Malini walks to them and seeing Imlie wearing Adi’s watch questions her. Adi says he gave her to check time and asks Malini why did she get ready so early while she has classes in the afternoon. Malini says its Imlie’s first day at college and she thought of helping her, so she will drive car to college while he can go to his work. He says he already informed that he will be late at work as he has important work. She says its good that he realized that there is something important that his work. Adi thinks why Malini is behaving different today and asks Malini to come and sit. Malini walks to Imlie and says she is sitting in her seat. Imlie apologizes and sit in back seat. Malini sits next to Adi and thinks she tried her best to garner Adi’s attention and is ready to be inspired by mom for that. They reach college. Adi asks Imlie to call him if she needs anything. Mallini says why will she call him when she is there for her. Adi says he will leave now. Imlie drops her bag and Malini helps her pick it. She notices sindhoor in Imlie’s hairline and asks why did she apply it again today. Imlie nervously says she feels god’s blessings with her when she applies it. Malini says she need not worry as students come her eand she should clean it before any student jokes on her. Imlie hesitates. Malini insists. Adi says let her keep it if she wants to. Malini forcefully cleans Imlie’s hairline irking Adi and walks in. Imlie takes out sindhoor bottle from her bag and applies it back on her hairline.

Precap: Malini confronts Imlie and asks her to apply even her sindhoor and display it openly. Aparna asks Adi to tell what happened between him and Malini. She says she should have asked long ago and will tell her whole truth. Imlie walks to them tensed.

Imlie Air On Star Life from Mondays to Sundays at 9pm 

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  1. Thank you for the update. Adi"s personal life is a big mess. He should inform Malini on time.
