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Editor tells Aditya that he is happy to grant him 2 days’ leave and asks where is he going. Adi says he just wants to get out of Delhi. Editor suggests him to take Malini to Dehradun or Shimla as they need to relax after recent events. Adi says he is not going with Malini. Boss asks where he wants to go alone. Adi says there is no problem, he wants to meet his friend alone and leaves from there. 

Imlie studies in her house when Mithi gives her snacks and asks if studies are very difficult. Imlie says its difficult, but Seeta Maiya will help her. She reads lesson. Mithi says her in-laws can teach her, but not her. She says she asked her school teacher to teach her as she has exam in 2 days. Mithi asks why did she come here. Imlie asks if she doesn’t remember her. Mithi says she remember her a lot, but can not spoil her studies, so she should return in 2 days. Imlie asks what if Adi doesn’t love her?
Adi packs his bags. Aparna asks where is he going. He says he is going out for 2-3 days. Pankaj scold him that he hasn’t recovered yet and should rest and spend time with Malini. Tauji says his life is still in danger. Adi says he is safe. Taiji asks where is he going. Aparna asks Malini where is he going. Malini says she would have informed if she knows, but Adi didn’t find it important for her to know where he is going. Aparna asks Adi why is he doing this to Malini. Malini says let him go away from them in lieu of work, she would have given him personal space without hesitation if he had asked. Pankaj stops her.

Mithi asks Imlie if Adi will come to take her back. Imlie says she doesn’t know and will see when time comes, she wants to study now. Mithi asks if Adi loves her or not. Satyakaam enters and says let Imlie study now. Mithi asks him not to interfere and repeats her question. Imlie asks if she didn’t see Adi’s love for her when she was shot, asks can she study now. Satyakam says she can and leaves.

Pankaj asks Adi if there is a rift between him and Malini. Adi says there is no rift. Malini says she knows him well and cares for him, but he doesn’t care for her and gets angry when she tries to speak to him. Adi says he is not getting angry and is just telling. She asks where is he going out of Delhi and what work he has, she never opposed his work and always supported him thinking he would support her when she needs it. He says he is going away from her to solve these problems. Family insists Adi to tell where he is going as Malini has right to know. Adi lies that he is going to Jamshedpur to cover workers’ strike. Pankaj asks if he is hiding it as there is a risk there. Adi says once he returns from there, they will find a better son and a better husband and walks away apologizing, leaving Malini in tears. Aparna thinks what is happening between her children.

Mithi asks Prakash what he would like to have. Dulari yells that she is already feeding Imlie and wants to feed an orphan. Mithi is says Prakash is Satyakam’s adopted son. Dulari yells whole Pagdandiya and surrounding village people consider Satyakam as dear one, will she feed them all; Prakash is not Satyakam’s blood and not even his sweat. Imlie says then Dulari is also not their blood; she never pampered them and always troubles them. Mithi asks to behave with amma. Dulari yells that she wen to city and didn’t send her a penny, she is tired of carrying mother and daughter’s responsibility. Imlie says Mithi is taking her and Dularis’ responsibility alone and continues arguing with her. Dulari yells that she took care of Imlie for 18 years and continuing to take care of Mithi Dulari even now. Imlie says she will take Mithi with her once her studies complete. Dulari asks if she will take Mithi to her sasural. Mithi shouts not to take her sasural’s name, then says she will find some other place for Mithi as she cannot stay in her sasural. Dulari walks away. Mithi says she spoke a lot in anger, she is married now and shouldn’t discuss about it in front of Adi.
After sometimes, Imlie meets her friends and asks Prakash to join them. Friend asks if jijaji told her I love you anytime. She reminisces the incident and says he told it many times. Another friend asks what she does with jijaji. She reminisces Adi romancing Malini and showing her movie no a screen in their room and describes it as her story. Prakash walks away feeling jealous. Friends insist her to continue. Imlie thinks why she is missing Adi. Friend asks why did jijaji let her go alone if he loves her so much. Another friend says he will come behind her in next bus. Adi traveling in bus thinks he Imlie may send him back or may inform truth to Satyakam and villagers, she may not and if she does, he would be in trouble again; why he is going to Pagdandiya if there is so much risk. Friend asks Imlie what will she do if jijaji comes suddenly and says I love you. Imlie reminisces Adi venting out anger on her and thinks he will never come here. Adi gets out of bus thinking how Imlie would react and requests biker to drop him till Pagdandiya. Biker asks him to drive himself as he is tired driving for 4 huors. Friends say they are jealous of Imlie and hope their fate is also like her. She says it shouldn’t be. They ask why she is getting angry. She walks ahead hoping Adi doesn’t come here and forgets her. Adi clashes her bike with her cycle and they both fall and look at each other’s face. Friends help Imlie get up and she continues looking at Adi.

Aditya crashes his bike to Imlie’s cycle. They both fall. Imlie’s friends help her and scold Adi. Adi asks if she is fine. Imlie asks friends if she is dreaming. Friends says they knew jijaji can not live without her and came behind her, they walk away leaving Imlie with Adi. Imlie asks why did he come here? He asks why did she come here without informing anyone? She says she she didn’t want to trouble him. She says she loves his family and troubled them by not informing even them. She asks if he came from Delhi to Pagdandiya just to inform how angry they are on her and nothing else. He thinks how to tell her why he came here. She asks if he didn’t come to Pagandiya for some other reason. He says it shouldn’t bother her. She says she moved away from his way long ago and now its his turn to move aside and let her go. He holds her hand but then lets her go. Satyakam reaches and asks Adi how did he get forehead injury. He says he is fine. Satyakam asks when did he come, why didn’t Imlie inform that he is coming. Imlie says Adi has come for some work. Satyakam asks Adi to come home and then go after relaxing a bit. Imlie says he will go directly to lodge and Satyakam shouldn’t force him. Adi says he will accompany him. Imlie tells him that he doesn’t have to come forcefully with her. He says he is not and continues. She walks in front and he follows her.

Malini misses Aditya and looks at their wedding pic. Anu calls her and asks why did Adi leave in a short notice. Malini news doesn’t give any notice. Anu says he must have gone behind naukrani/Imlie. Malini says she doesn’t want to hear about it. Anu says she is just concerned for her. Malini says they got problems after 7 years and she is trying to deal with it, so Anu shouldn’t try to spill her venom of doubt in their lives. Anu asks if she agrees that there were no problems between them for 7 years and they started after Imlie entered their lives. Malini says he doesn’t want to hear all this. Anu says she should sit calmly and evaluate the whole situation, then she will realize that Imlie is trying to interfere in their lives; she is always with her and is concerned for her. Malini disconnects call.

Satyakam reaches Mithi’s house and asks her to come and see that Jamai babu has come. Dulari yells hearing that. Mithi excitedly greets Adi and asks him to sit, asks what happened to him. He says a minor accident and asks how is she. She says she is fine and brings water for him, says she told Imlie that he would come, she wants to ask where he wants to stay. Imlie says lodge as he would be comfortable there. He says he is comfortable here.

Sundar sees Tripathi family sad without Imlie and offers them tea and snacks to cheer them up. He gives sugarless tea to Tinkle. Taiji suprised asks if he knows about it. He says Imlie had informed him. Tinkle excitedly asks if he spoke to Imlie and when is she coming. He stands silently. Tinkle says Imlie will not return again. Taiji asks him to take back all snacks. Malini stops him and cheers them up saying one who loves them will return to them for sure, and if they don’t, they should realize that their togetherness was till that moment.

Satyakam introduces Prakash to him as his son. Dulari yells that Satyakam adopted an orphan boy. Satyakam warns him to stop. Prakash says Immlie is his childhood friend. Adi says Imlie didn’t discuss about him till now. Prakash says they will know each other soon. Dulari checks Adi’s bags and asks if he didn’t bring any gifts as daughter brings gifts from maika, he should have brought laddus if not jewelry and clothes.
Satyakam takes her aside. Mithi asks not to feel bad about Dulari’s words as she is sharp tongued. Adi says he knows.

Aparna asks Malini to sit with them. Pankaj asks if Adi reached Jamshedpur. Malini says she didn’t speak to him as she kept her phone off and he will call them instead. Tauji suggests her not to stop talking to Adi. She says Adi should be ready to talk, he was hesitating to reply her, this never happened till now and she never stopped him from going anywhere. Aparna says Adi is lucky to marry Malini. Malini says she is lucky to have them to speak her heart out or else she would be in more pain. Pankaj asks her not to worry as Adi will call her soon.

Dev tells Daadi that he has to go as there is no other choice. Anu asks if they saw their favorite servant’s act, Tripathi’s pampered her a lot, so she left home uninformed; Daadi gave her gold chain to let her escape with it. Daadi says Imlie left that chain at Tripathi’s. Dev says everyone are not kind like Imlie and are cruel like Anu. Anu shouts how dare she is. Dev gets a call and asks to book tickets. She asks where is he going. He says Mumbai for exhibition. He asks how can he go out suddenly after servant left. He says she can think whatever she wants to and walks away.

Malini cries reminisces Adi’s rude behavior with her. Nishant walks to her and asks if she is fine. He wipes tears. He says its not allowed to cry in this house. Malini says she is absolutely fine. He says his experience says something is not right. She says Taiji informed her about his and Pallavi’s love, if he loved her so much, then why did he leave her. He says she wanted to be with family and he wanted to go abroad, so he broke up with her. She says her knew her since long, then why did he change his decision suddenly. He says sometimes situations, relationships, and even people change. Malini reminisces Adi’s changed and rude behavior.

Imlie studies at home. Mithi hopes Imlie and Adi’s togetherness should be intact forever, Adi loves her and hence came behind her. Imlie says let her study. Mithi asks why she is studying instead of being with Adi. Imlie asks not to disturb. Mithi says she told came here to perform pooja for Adi, then why she is acting mad. Imlie thinks if Adi came here lying Malini for her, why did he do that.

Precap: Snake bites Adi and he falls down. Imlie cries seeing that. Dulari checks Adi’s pulse and says he cannot be saved. Malini feels Adi is in danger.

Imlie Air On Star Life from Mondays to Sundays at 9pm 

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