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Aditya tells Imlie that if she wants him to return to Delhi, she should spend today with him. She says he needs to return home as Malini is waiting for him. He says she should also accompany him. She says she will have to stay as servant with him again. He says he made a mistake and why she wants to punish him for his mistake, she can taunt him repeatedly but not stay away from him. She asks if he remembers her each word. He says yes and his family kept her at home like a daughter, so she should return for them at least. She says she will be called a servant and that would be only her identity. He says she will build her own identity; she fight with anyone who confronts her and fights with anyone for her right, even him and society, etc., and is about to express his love for her when she stops him and says its Malini’s right and she will not let anything wrong happening with Malini. She walks away. Adi thinks Imlie has first right on him and when she is ready to sacrifice for him, even he has think about her and take her to Delhi at any cost.

Next morning, Imlie prepares rotis for Adi while he is asleep and reminisces Adi’s concern for her. Mithi returns home. Imlie asks where was she whole night. Mithi says she was at Bindiya’s house and sees roti burning. Imlie picks roti with bare hands and says its for Adi. Mithi asks why is she preparing dry roti. Imlie says Adi likes her dry rotis and she told to give dear ones something when they go away to let them remember them and return back. Mithi reminisces Dev and says some people don’t return, but Adi will remember her for her rotis and will return to her. Imlie thinks she doesn’t want Adi to remember her and stops preparing rotis. Adi wakes up. Mithi asks to serve him roti. She says se didn’t prepare them. Mithi asks her to drop Adi to bus station and feeds sweet curd to Adi. He touches her feet and leaves with Imlie.
While waiting for, Adi asks Imlie to study well, don’t go near Dulari as she will create any problem again, and take care of amma/Mithi. Imlie asks if he called her amma as amma. He says he would call her according to relationship and not by name. Bus comes. Imlie asks him to take Seetha Maiya’s idol, which his family gifted her, back as it will remind her of his family and she doesn’t want to remember them. He holds her face and asks her to make he ramma and dadda pride, etc., and gets into bus asking her to take care of herself. Imlie stands crying. Adi thinks he feels he was safe with her and he is happy only with her. He imagines Imlie telling that he is not remembering but her fat roti and reminds him of their first journey from Pagdandiya on bus roof after marriage. He asks why didn’t she give him roti as he saw her preparing them. He then realizes it was his imagination.

Dev returns home and thinks Mithi did right by not accepting him back as he lost her trust by ransacking her and her daughter. Security guard asks if he should take luggage inside. He says guard can take it home for his children. Guard thanks him. Anu inside home tells Daadi that she is unable to explain Mithi. Dev walks to them. Anu asks how is he. He says he is fine. She asks if his Mumbai exhibition wasn’t good. He asks how is Malini. She says emotional and weak like him as she hasn’t had food since her husband left. He asks Daadi what is Anu telling. Daadi says Malini is disturbed and he should go and speak to her. Dev leaves. Anu says unfortunately Malini got her father’s heart and mother’s fate, Adi is doing with Malini same Dev did with her; she doesn’t want bitterness in her daughter’s heart which will not let her live in peace, she will prove Malini that Adi is not right for her.

Adi returns home. Family notices him but ignores. Adi asks Tinkle and Sunny if they are doing homework, he has brought gifts for them. Rupal scolds and takes them in. Adi then walks to Tauji and Tauji who ignore him and walk away. Even Pankaj and Dhruv ignore him and walk away. He then walks to Nishant who also ignores him. Aparna gets happy seeing him, but ignores and asks everyone to come and have food. Adi asks if she will also ignore him. Aparna walks away with Nishanth. Adi thinks family doesn’t know truth, even then they are angry on him, how will they and Malini react if they find out truth.
Aditya returns to his room and search for Malini. He ask Sundar about Malini. Sundar says she went to her parent’s house with all her stuff. Adi sits sadly. Aparna enters saying if he is feeling bad when someone left uninformed; she ask how much will he lie, Malini and them were all so worried for him, Malini even went to his office; she knows he went somewhere else and not Jamshedpur and lied to everyone. Adi bends his head. Aparna says he insulted Malini and gave her pain, it proves that she is not a good mother and didn’t give him good upbringing.

Dev knocks Malini’s room door. Malini stands up and falls down unconscious. Dev senses it, breaks door open, rushes to her worried and calls Daadi and Anu. They also rush to her worried.

Imlie think of Adi that he must have reached Delhi by now and met Malini, thinks god gave her so much happiness, etc., then thinks she should stop thinking of Adi and study. She pronounces words wrongly and remembers Adi scolding her and teaching them right. She try pronouncing wrong and imagines Adi entering and correcting her. He asks why she purposefully pronounce it wrongly? She asks why did he go. He says she should have stopped him, etc. Out of imagination, Imlie apologize to Seeta Maiya for thinking about Adi as only Malini has that right on him, she prays to give her complete right on Adi in next life, etc.

Malini open her eyes. Anu scolds her for troubling herself and ruining her health. Daadi asks why is she scolding Malini. Anu says because Malini is not blaming her husband for her bad health and is trying to sacrifice her life for a man who doesn’t even care about her; Tripathi’s are not even worried for her and are supporting their son instead. Malini says they care for her. Anu ask then why didn’t they come here, they have right to worry for their son, but she can not worry for her daughter and will not let her go back to Tripathis. Daadi says if Malini wants to return to Adi, they can not stop her. Anu says Malini is crying for a man who didn’t even come to see her. Dev stop her and says let us have a family vacation and go to Missouri bungalow. Malini says she doesn’t want to as Adi may come anytime and she doesn’t want to repeat a mistake which Adi did. Anu walk away fuming. Malini thinks what if Adi doesn’t return to her at all?

Adi’s boss calls him and says his phone got connected after 4 days. Adi says he was busy in personal work. Boss asks if Pagdandiya is his personal work, he knows he was forcefully married to Imlie there. Adi asks if he informed Malini about it? Boss says he lied to Malini, he is proud of Adi’s professional life and is ashamed of his personal life, how can he betray Malini and ruin her life? Adi says even his and Imlie’s lives are ruined and he is trying to correct his mistake. Boss says looks like he chose his path, he shouldn’t do injustice to Malini though. Adi thinks his feelings for Imlie is true, he doesn’t want to betray Malini, but fate betrayed Imlie twice, etc.

Mithi with Prakash walk to Imlie and seeing her sad says she must be remembering Adi. She offers her jalebi and ask her to cheer up. Imlie says she is not sad as she has her, Prakash, Chuari, and many more and cry. Mithi asks her to call Adi if she is missing him and goes to bring his number. Prakash asks Imlie if she doesn’t remember her husband’s number. Imlie tells number. Mithi says she remembers it by heart. Imlie remembers Adi writing his number on her hand and making her remember it. Mithi asks her to call Adi and gives phone.

Adi reach Maliini’s house and asks Anu how is she? Anu asks what does he need. He says he came to, just then gets Imlie’s call. Anu says his attention is divert even before taking Malini’s name. Adi disconnects call and says he wants to meet Malini. Anu says Malini is lying weak on the bed. Adi rush towards Malini’s room.

Imlie informs Mithi that Adi must be busy at work and didn’t pick call. She think he doesn’t work at this time, then why didn’t he pick her call. Prakash confronts her, asks about her and Adi’s relationship, and says he knows Adi had a girlfriend before he married Imlie, what happened to her? Imlie nervously says Adi never troubled her. Prakash says what did Adi give to her. Imlie says he gave her a lot, a respect in the society, dream, etc.. He asks if she is worried that Adi went to someone else? She says he is talking rubbish.

Precap: Malini calls Prakash and says she got a call from this number. He ask who is she. She says she is Malini, Aditya Tripathi’s wife. He drops phone in shock. Prakash tells Imlie that he feels Malini wasn’t lying. Imlie accepts that Malini is Adi’s wife. Prakash tells Imlie that he feels Malini wasn’t lying. Imlie accepts that Malini is Adi’s wife.

Imlie Air On Star Life from Mondays to Sundays at 9pm 

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