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Imlie continues speaking to Satyakam over phone and expresses her desire to study well and get a big officer. Satyakam says they both will make Pagdandiya’s name famous, her for her studies and him as rebel Satyakam. She says when she will become an officer, she will clear all his criminal charges. He blesses her and gives phone to Prakash. Prakash congratulates her and asks in which college she is getting her admission. She say City College. He says its a very good college. She says Malini teaches there. Prakash congratulates her and informs Satyakam and Mithi about Imlie going to City College. Satyakam says Adi had informed him about City College. Prakash thinks Imlie will clear all her hurdles and will win her bottles.

Adi while getting ready for office asks Malini to bring Imlie’s college admission form tonight. Malini says she knows he doesn’t like Imlie joining her college. He says when Imlie can come 2nd studying in a village school, college doesn’t matter to her and he is sure she will study well. Malini requests him to take her out in the evening. He says he is busy with work. She says they were spending more time together before marriage. He reminisces Imlie’s words to behave well with Malini and agrees. She gets happy and thinks she will not ask anything to him which will irk him again. He walks down where Imie greets him good morning. She replies and asks if she changed her hairstyle for getting admission in college. She says she is hiding her sindhoor hairline. He asks her to hide it. She says he gave her a gift and she will keep it hidden. Kids pass by and joke on her. She runs behind them. Adi holds her and says she is looking very beautiful. She feels nervous. He looks at her hairline and says they will face issues together and walks away, leaving her smiling.

Adi reaches office and asks colleague if sir didn’t come to office. Colleague informs that boss is busy in a meeting as a small village girl came 2nd in board exams. Adi thinks he should cover Imlie’s story. Boss asks Janendra to cover Imlie’s story. Adi walks in and says he will cover Imlie’s story. Baa sasy he already gave it to Janendra and anyways senior reporter is not needed to cover a small story. Adi says story may not need him, but he needs this story. Boss says he should cover big stories. Adi says this is big story for him. Boss excuses staff and asks Adi why is he getting adamant. Adi says only he understands Imlie’s journey and can write it better, so he had promised Imlie to interview her when she does something big. Boss reminds that he promised even Malini. Adi says he will not break anyone’s trust and whatever is happening with him now is out of his control, he should trust him and let him cover this story. Boss asks what if he doesn’t permit him. Adi says he will resign. Boss asks not to blackmail him as he knows this newspaper cannot lose him. Adi says he is his mentor and should trust him. Boss agrees. Janedra confronts boss for giving his story to Adi. Boss says he will give him another story or he can assist Adi. Janendra thinks Adi didn’t help him get out of Pagdandiya and is now snatching away his opportunity.

Dev with Daadi watches news highlight about Imlie’s interview and tells her that Imlie let behind all city students and schools. Daadi says Imlie made us proud and proved that color and place doesn’t matter. Dev feels sad that he is not a part of Imlie’s success. Daadi says he wasn’t part of Imlie’s past, but can be a part of her presence by becoming her well wisher if not father.
Malini happily gets ready for an outing with Adi and thinks they will clear their differences and rekindle their romance. Imlie walks in and says she is looking pretty like a heroine. Malini says she wants just Adi to look at him, they will go out, chat a lot, and romance like before; she is excited and nervous. Imlie thinks Malini says happy after so many days, she is not feeling jealous of her. Malini asks what is she thinking. Imlie applies her kala tika/black dot. Adi returns. Malini says she is ready. He says he cannot go out with her in the evening as he got important work. She asks what is it. He says Imlie is famous now after coming 2nd in state and everyone is waiting for a press conference with her, so he is taking her interview from Bhaskar Times. Imlie says he should go out with Malini. Adi insists. Imlie says someone else from his office can cover the story. Adi insists that only he will take her interview and asks her to get ready. Malini confronts him they had to go on a date and some junior reporter can cover Imlie’s interview as she came 2nd and not first. He says its important and gives her a long explanation that Imlie’s world is different where girls are not let to study further and are considered a 2nd class citizen; there is no one better than Imlie in this world, so only he can interview her. Malini asks why is he explaining it in detail, even she wants Imlie’s story to be out, she is questioning why is he not taking her out when he promised her; they would have spent time together after so much happened between them, but he is more worried for Imlie. Adi says Imlie would get alone without him, he is sure she would confidently face problems, but cannot do it alone and he wants to assure her that he is always with her.

Imlie walks to her room and asks Seetya Maiya that why should Malini didi get sad because of her. Malini walks in and asks why is she getting sad because of her; there is no happiness written in their fate; Imlie is getting today more than she deserves and she instead is losing what she has. Imlie feels sad. Malini says Imlie deserves happiness, etc., and gives her sari to wear during interview. Imlie denies. Malini insists to keep it as her name is written on it.

Imlie gets ready in Malini’s gifted sari for press conference. Tripathi family mimicking as reporters throng her and insist for a selfie with her. Imlie asks them to stop or else she will cry in happiness. Taiji says she is looking pretty in sari. Nidhi asks if Sundar gave this sari to her. Imlie says Malini gave it. Adi asks what was the need for it. Malini says if not her, her sari will go with Imlie; Imlie is looking very beautiful in it. Family suggests her to converse with reports calmly and don’t fight with them. They reminisce all the earlier incidents. Imlie asks them to stop. Aparna asks them not to make her more nervous and asks her to give answers properly. She tries to touch her hair, Imlie stops her and says she did Aaliya’s hairstyle. They all laugh.

Adi takes Imlie to press conference venue and seeing her nervous asks reason. Imlie says reporters imagine her village via her and they shouldn’t blame her village if she does any mistake, so he should encourage her and fill confident in her. He calms her down and walks towards stage. Reporters seeing him discuss why such a big reporter came to take such a small interview. Janendra says he knows why he has come here, but will not inform them. Adi sits in front row and sends Imlie on stage. Reporter asks why did he come to such a small place. Adi says its his wish, no work is small or big for him and thought this girl would be become a big officer soon. Host sends Imlie near mic. Reporters ask if she is happy with her results, how is she feeling. She in her village English says she is pheeling good and will pheel more good if they talk in english, they should raise their hand if they have a question.
Adi raises his hand and asks where does she get an inspiration from to face so many tough situations. She says she is not alone and has Seeta Maiya with her to support her and gives credit to Adi indirectly. Rupal watching interview on TV praises that their Imlie is answering so confidently. Nidhi chants way to go Imlie. Dev with Daadi also watches interview on tab. Imlie says they shouldn’t consider her as poor, she is very wealthy with so many relationships around her, some relationships are unique without a name and are very precious, reminiscing Adi’s love for her, and says she knows she is not alone. Family smiles hearing that. She then says she wants to request them that if they find someone like her who is unable to change her fate herself, they should support them. Another reporter asks if she is scolded by family for watching TV. She says she doesn’t even have radio at home, she has only her amma in family who worked hard to teach her; she used to read her lesson before sleep and amma used to fall asleep listening to them; its bad that a daughter follows mother’s fate.

Adi gets Mithi’s call. He goes aside and says she called at the right time as reporters are interviewing Imlie and she is answering them well. Mithi emotionally says everyone wanted her to abort Imlie, but she went ahead and gave birth to her and then realized her voice is a music to her and rest of the world’s voice noise. She continues speaking emotionally. He informs that he saw everything when Satyakam brought painter to jungle and he knows everything. She gets more emotional and asks not to consider her wrong. He says he is not and even he took a lot of time to realize what is right and what is wrong, says he will return to press conference now and disconnects call.

Reporter asks Imlie what she wants to change in her life if she can. She reminisces Adi and Malini’s wedding and feels nervous. Tripathi family thinks why she is acting too nervous. Imlie stammers, her sindhoor hairline is exposed due to gush of air. Tripathi family notices it. Malini says Imlie forgot to remove her Seeta Maiya sindhoor. Aparna asks what will answer reporters now. Reporters asks Imlie if she is married and who is her husband? Imlie nervously says she is suhagan/married. Tripathi family thinks what is she saying. Imlie looks at Adi.

Precap: Malini confronts Adi why he is hiding things from her and trying to avoid her often, why did he marry her if he is so committed to other hidden things. Imlie hears their conversation.  Malini sees Imlie wearing Adi’s watch and questions her. Adi says she didn’t have phone or watch to check time, so he gave it to her. He asks her to sit behind in car. She asks him to go to his job while she drives Imlie to college. Adi says he already informed his office that he would be late as he has some important work. She says he already that there are some important works apart from his job and asks Imlie to sit behind as she is sitting in her place.

Imlie Air On Star Life from Mondays to Sundays at 9pm 

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